Sorry that's just the shitty spreadsheet messing up. Thankfully after this last month I can get a new one up and running. Also this reminds me I still need to sort the trophy cards...
Minecraft PlayStation Vita Edition was my 41st platinum and my third one this month. Finally platinum'd all versions of Minecraft, but I'm debating whether or not I want to get the PS3 version to 100%.
My completion percentage is now 38.62%. I plan to finish up PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale (PS3), Resistance 3 and Godzilla (PS4) next, but I don't think those will be enough to propel me to 40% by the end of the year. Hopefully I can at least hit 39%.
Anyone here have PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royal? I need the Friendly Competition trophy but no one I know plays it anymore.
Did it take long in gameplay hours? I'm thinking about starting it up.
All-Stars is one of my favorite games of the last generation- I keep meaning to reinstall it on my Vita for a second Platinum at it, and I think I'm missing that trophy there as well.
That is a bit disappointing as one of the trophy Guides seemed to imply it would be less than ten. So that is one for next year.Yeah, one of the trophies requires that you play for 100 in-game days, which is ~33 hours. Every other trophy can be done quite easily, the only ones that could take some time are the End trophies, but those can be easily boosted if you find/know someone who has a world with those finished.
Cool, let me know if you do reinstall it!
Anyone here have PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royal? I need the Friendly Competition trophy but no one I know plays it anymore.
That is a bit disappointing as one of the trophy Guides seemed to imply it would be less than ten. So that is one for next year.
I've still got it installed and need the multiplayer trophies. Add me on PSN: PrisonMikeScott
I'm on the Vita version so it is appreciated. PSTrophies grouped them all together in one forum, so it is hard to see what applies to which version.Sorry, I totally forgot the PS3 version of Minecraft doesn't have that trophy in the core list, I thought you were asking about the Vita version. The PS3 version is a smaller list with lots of golds, but all of the other trophies from the PSV and PS4 lists got added as DLC, including the 33 hour trophy. In other words, the platinum for the PS3 version is doable in ten hours, but you likely won't get 100%.
Plat #37 - Tales from the Borderlands
Also recently hit 4K trophies.
Haha still in use but it's being put down at the end of January. It's gotten so bad now that there's so many people and so many months to track but I know it inside out now so it's not too bad. Thank you for making it.
Minecraft Story Mode is so bad but the trophies are so good.
Just finished black ops 3 on realistic solo. Jesus. That last mission was tough.
That's wild! I've been working through on Hardened and am having a few rough patches so far, Realistic must have been nuts!
I'm also playing Persona 4: Dancing All Night, and that game is a blast. Plus it's handing out trophies like crazy!
Done with story of wolfenstein, but those challenges will be trouble. I don't think I have enough enemies in the second one.
That is a relief to hear. But there were only 32 in my walkthroughs for it, while the video's show 47 enemies. Going to try again tomorrow, today was time to start Sly 3.There is plenty. The second one is the hardest. Just make sure you get headshots and quickly.