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NeoGAF PlayStation Trophy Thread | December 2015 - 100ft Robot Trophy Hunting


Sure, if we accept that there is no monthly leaderboard this first time, there's no real need to parse the chart or the log. But the problem is, if you forget to run it or cannot run it for some reason, we lose two months of monthly leaderboards. In that sense, it's not very robust. But, admittedly, better than having no data.
I was actually thinking about doing the last couple of months manually. I will have to see how much time it takes, but it would get us a baseline. If we skip a month, there is no problem, we'd just get a combined score for the two months together. But I plan to set up some Dropbox to share the code so if I'm not here, someone can always pick it up. (Unless of course someone can make a better script)

I guess, if the update frequency really is determined by how often a user gets a trophy, rather than some combination of trophy frequency and profile views or other factors.
The tool would at least ensure that the page gets a profile view.


I suppose if you're worried about the numbers being inaccurate due to people relying on PSNProfiles to autoupdate their profile at the start of each month, you could always set the parser to collect the data from the previous month a few days into the start of the current month as a sort of grace period for people to update their profiles or for PSNProfiles to auto update.


Trophy hunting stuff:

I haven't really felt motivated to trophy hunt lately. I'm not sure if it's just a lack of enthusiasm or what, but I've mostly just been playing Spelunky and Rainbow Six: Siege. I only need a few more trophies for the Rainbow Six platinum, most of which are related to Terrorist Hunt mode and Situations; the trophy for completing 200 matches of the Defend mode is going to suck.

I also picked up Rock Band 4 which is a lot of fun and something I want to platinum. Shame the game doesn't support online multilplayer like Rock Band 2, otherwise I could team up with some of you guys for the band trophies :p.


For reference sake, I have looked into the stats page, this is how it looks like to get the data on Platinum Trophies. That is one value per date since someone has been registered, there will be an extra value tomorrow. This is a shortened code by the way so I don't spam up the topic.


I got my initial solution running, takes a good two minutes which is very little to what I expected. cappie88 has an amazing round 150.000 points at the moment. And I'm in the top 30 for our community, never realized that. And it means I have ten days to calculate the missing months and do some preparations. But first, DAY OF THE TENTACLE.

 * TrophyCount is a simple program loops an Excel to calculate the monthly NeoGAF Trophy Rankings.
 * It reads the PSNProfiles website, where it picks up the Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum counts.
 * It then uses the official Trophy values to transform this into a total Trophy value for a person.
 * It writes this information into the TrophyCount Excel that then is used to calculate the difference.

 * TrophyCount uses the supplementary API JSOUP which can be used to analyze a website code, and the 
 * supplementary API JXL which can be used to read and write from Excel documents.

import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Date;

import org.jsoup.Jsoup;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Document;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Element;
import org.jsoup.select.Elements;

import jxl.Cell;
import jxl.Sheet;
import jxl.Workbook;
import jxl.read.biff.BiffException;

import jxl.write.Label;
import jxl.write.Number;
import jxl.write.WritableSheet;
import jxl.write.WritableWorkbook;
import jxl.write.WriteException;

 * TrophyCount is the singular class that is used within the program. It creates a single object
 * which fullfills all the necessary work.

public class TrophyCount {

	 * Simple method to start the run. It simply calls the following method, which actually reads
	 * the Excel. It can be used to give information on the run.
	public static void main(String[] args) 
		System.out.println(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()) + " - The program has launched!");
		System.out.println(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()) + " - The program has shut down!");
	 * Complex method to launch the Excel, after which it loops through all used lines to retrieve the
	 * PlayStation Network Id, launch the GetTrophyCount method, writes down the result.
	private static void UpdateExcel()
			Workbook trophyExcel = Workbook.getWorkbook(new File("TrophyCount.xls"));
			Sheet trophySheet = trophyExcel.getSheet("2016");
		    WritableWorkbook trophyExcelCopy = Workbook.createWorkbook(new File("TrophyCountCopy.xls"));
		    WritableSheet trophySheetCopy = trophyExcelCopy.createSheet("Trophy", 0);			
			for(Integer rowCounter = 1; rowCounter < trophySheet.getRows(); rowCounter++)
				Cell nameCell = trophySheet.getCell(0,rowCounter);
				String userName = nameCell.getContents();
				Integer trophyResult = GetTrophyCount(userName);		    

			    Label trophyLabel = new Label(0,rowCounter,userName);
			    Number trophyNumber = new Number(1,rowCounter,trophyResult);
		catch (BiffException e) 
		catch (IOException e) 
		catch (WriteException e) 
	 * Complex method to lookup the Trophy value for a specific person. It searches the Bronze, 
	 * Silver, Gold, Platinum tags on the page to calculate the value.
	private static int GetTrophyCount(String userName)
		String website = "http://psnprofiles.com/" + userName;
		Elements websiteElements;
		Integer trophyResult = 0;
		Integer bronzeTrophy = 0;		
		Integer silverTrophy = 0;
		Integer goldTrophy = 0;
		Integer platinumTrophy = 0;
			Document websitePage = Jsoup.connect(website).get();

			websiteElements = websitePage.getElementsByClass("bronze");

			for(Element websiteElement : websiteElements)
				String bronzeTrophyCount = websiteElement.getElementsByClass("typo-top").text();
				bronzeTrophy = Integer.parseInt(bronzeTrophyCount.replaceAll(",","")) * 15;
			websiteElements = websitePage.getElementsByClass("silver");

			for(Element websiteElement : websiteElements)
				String silverTrophyCount = websiteElement.getElementsByClass("typo-top").text();
				silverTrophy = Integer.parseInt(silverTrophyCount.replaceAll(",","")) * 30;
			websiteElements = websitePage.getElementsByClass("gold");

			for(Element websiteElement : websiteElements)
				String goldTrophyCount = websiteElement.getElementsByClass("typo-top").text();
				goldTrophy = Integer.parseInt(goldTrophyCount.replaceAll(",","")) * 90;
			websiteElements = websitePage.getElementsByClass("platinum");

			for(Element websiteElement : websiteElements)
				String platinumTrophyCount = websiteElement.getElementsByClass("typo-top").text();
				platinumTrophy = Integer.parseInt(platinumTrophyCount.replaceAll(",","")) * 180;
		catch (IOException e) 
        trophyResult = bronzeTrophy + silverTrophy + goldTrophy + platinumTrophy;
		return trophyResult;



I was actually thinking about doing the last couple of months manually.

DON'T... I have 90% of this data already, and I've got it calculating in excel also.

I've just been double checking to make sure I have setup the damn thing correctly and who I have missed, etc..

I suppose if you're worried about the numbers being inaccurate due to people relying on PSNProfiles to autoupdate their profile at the start of each month, you could always set the parser to collect the data from the previous month a few days into the start of the current month as a sort of grace period for people to update their profiles or for PSNProfiles to auto update.

I have been thinking about this also, I think the 'leaderboard' should work in a month in the past, so in April the Feb results are posted, it gives everyone that chance to make sure they "update" their profile.

Or (as want to try and get the community more active), whoever is in control of the results, at the end of month, when 20, 30 or 50 members update their profile (confrimed via PM to the OP), the stats are run then. A winner for the month is obtained with the stats available, but hypothetically someone who made not have got around to updating their profile make be a post-results leader for the month.

Or possible late joiners can see how their historical data stacks up, etc...


DON'T... I have 90% of this data already, and I've got it calculating in excel also.

I've just been double checking to make sure I have setup the damn thing correctly and who I have missed, etc..
PErfect. did you have it integrated with OPs results for 2015? It will be great if you can do the full rankings automatically.
And I certainly enjoyed getting to know Java again. :)


One thing I have noted, is that alot of the results I am getting are slight different or "off" I am putting that down to when the data was initially pulled or last updated.

eg: In one month the bulk of the winners points were actually attributed to a different month type stuff...

anyway... here for some testing...

2015 : Overall Top 10

+ - + ----- ----- ----- -----  +
|Pos|                    Total |
+ - + ----- ----- ----- -----  +
|  1|          ckleow [104,055]|
|  2|Dragonslayer_023 [ 91,590]|
|  3|          coisou [ 79,710]|
|  4|    TimodusSnake [ 68,130]|
|  5|     LiquidSolid [ 67,695]|
|  6|          Stanng [ 63,990]|
|  7|   Alo0oy_Alo0oy [ 63,870]|
|  8|          neohwa [ 63,300]|
|  9| MaverickHunterX [ 62,010]|
| 10|         DarkLs1 [ 60,405]|
+ - + ----- ----- ----- -----  +

EDIT - Updated the data...

EDIT - Updated the data... 2x


I have the feeling OP worked in the same way I did: comparisons at the time of the run. He wouldn't be able to get negative point totals otherwise.
if you have my data for 2016, I can compare.


2015 : Monthly Top 10

+ - + ----- ----- ----- -----  + ----- ----- ----- ----- + ----- ----- ----- ----- + ----- ----- ----- ----- + ----- ----- ----- ----- + ----- ----- ----- ----- +
|Pos|                      Jan |                     Feb |                     Mar |                     Apr |                     May |                     Jun |
+ - + ----- ----- ----- -----  + ----- ----- ----- ----- + ----- ----- ----- ----- + ----- ----- ----- ----- + ----- ----- ----- ----- + ----- ----- ----- ----- +
|  1|      LiquidSolid [15,225]|     LiquidSolid [ 9,060]|          Sez_06 [14,130]|Dragonslayer_023 [11,070]|     phoenix9447 [11,415]|          coisou [13,185]|
|  2|     DarkParodius [ 7,740]|Dragonslayer_023 [ 7,560]|Dragonslayer_023 [ 9,960]|           JoniP [10,455]|          ckleow [ 9,150]|          Dthomp [ 8,325]|
|  3|        Returners [ 7,740]|          coisou [ 7,140]|          Stanng [ 7,980]|          ckleow [10,245]|   LordCastamere [ 8,895]|   Alo0oy_Alo0oy [ 7,935]|
|  4| Dragonslayer_023 [ 7,185]|    TimodusSnake [ 6,915]|          coisou [ 7,440]|          Stanng [10,035]|    brickarts295 [ 8,565]|   IceDoesntHelp [ 7,065]|
|  5|           neohwa [ 7,170]|        Vagabone [ 6,900]|   LordCastamere [ 7,155]|          lancem [ 6,780]|         DarkLs1 [ 8,490]|          ckleow [ 6,810]|
|  6|    LordCastamere [ 6,990]|     FallenGrace [ 6,855]|     LiquidSolid [ 6,990]|       Alexein88 [ 6,090]| PapasitoPenguin [ 7,680]|         DarkLs1 [ 6,780]|
|  7|     TimodusSnake [ 6,990]|         poodude [ 6,390]|      kevinlever [ 6,510]|    replicant-uk [ 5,640]|          Stanng [ 7,320]|    Gizmo_Monkey [ 6,690]|
|  8|     DeMarco_1975 [ 6,450]|          Dthomp [ 6,210]|      peanut0423 [ 6,270]|      Mullet2000 [ 5,595]|   timothyonfire [ 7,155]|         NewDust [ 6,405]|
|  9|           Gorger [ 5,910]|   IceDoesntHelp [ 6,135]|       Returners [ 6,120]|          neohwa [ 5,580]|       Papu_kweh [ 6,225]|     ragnorak251 [ 6,255]|
| 10|           coisou [ 5,520]|         NewDust [ 6,105]|    TimodusSnake [ 6,075]|    TimodusSnake [ 5,325]|          coisou [ 5,850]| PapasitoPenguin [ 6,135]|
+ - + ----- ----- ----- -----  + ----- ----- ----- ----- + ----- ----- ----- ----- + ----- ----- ----- ----- + ----- ----- ----- ----- + ----- ----- ----- ----- +
|Pos|                      Jul |                     Aug |                     Sep |                     Oct |                     Nov |                     Dec |
+ - + ----- ----- ----- -----  + ----- ----- ----- ----- + ----- ----- ----- ----- + ----- ----- ----- ----- + ----- ----- ----- ----- + ----- ----- ----- ----- +
|  1|           Sez_06 [18,240]|haveabloodmuffin [20,805]|   Alo0oy_Alo0oy [14,160]|       Ski-Skate [16,125]|       Ski-Skate [13,365]| MaverickHunterX [16,725]|
|  2|  MaverickHunterX [10,035]|          ckleow [16,860]|Dragonslayer_023 [ 8,640]|          coisou [12,705]|          ckleow [ 8,955]|          ckleow [13,725]|
|  3|           ckleow [ 9,840]|          Sez_06 [15,975]|          coisou [ 7,590]|    TimodusSnake [10,395]|        Footos22 [ 6,885]|       Ski-Skate [10,755]|
|  4|         Vagabone [ 9,645]|   IceDoesntHelp [14,250]|          ckleow [ 7,515]|      freman8183 [ 8,445]|    snow_hawk_88 [ 6,885]|Dragonslayer_023 [ 9,435]|
|  5|        Alexein88 [ 9,435]|   Alo0oy_Alo0oy [11,970]|     DisturbedPT [ 7,065]|     LiquidSolid [ 8,010]|     DisturbedPT [ 6,810]|        libregkd [ 8,580]|
|  6|        Papu_kweh [ 8,820]|         Filip-I [ 8,895]| MaverickHunterX [ 6,495]|haveabloodmuffin [ 7,650]|Dragonslayer_023 [ 6,690]|           JoniP [ 7,995]|
|  7|           lancem [ 8,745]|   llll-Dan-llll [ 8,865]|            BHK3 [ 6,165]|    DarkParodius [ 7,410]|    TimodusSnake [ 5,895]|       Andrefpvs [ 7,320]|
|  8|     Gizmo_Monkey [ 8,115]|    TimodusSnake [ 7,920]|       Alexein88 [ 5,505]|          ckleow [ 7,260]|     mcstevens88 [ 5,445]|     BoxManLocke [ 6,600]|
|  9|           neohwa [ 7,725]|     StevePharma [ 7,620]|      freman8183 [ 5,340]|          Stanng [ 7,140]|          neohwa [ 5,325]|          neohwa [ 6,420]|
| 10|    Alo0oy_Alo0oy [ 6,855]|        Creamium [ 7,290]|          neohwa [ 4,980]|           Klart [ 7,080]|        cappie88 [ 5,310]|haveabloodmuffin [ 6,255]|
+ - + ----- ----- ----- -----  + ----- ----- ----- ----- + ----- ----- ----- ----- + ----- ----- ----- ----- + ----- ----- ----- ----- + ----- ----- ----- ----- +

Adding the links fucks up the formatting something terrible...

EDIT - Updated the data...

EDIT - Updated the data... x2


2015 : Monthly Top 10
Adding the links fucks up the formatting something terrible...

I do see some strange stuff. I'm looking at the PSNProfile stats page, and I'm doing first day of month to last day of month comparisons, which do mean I might miss a couple of points each month in the following quick calculation.
- I should be at 7530 points for December, which would put me in the top 3.
- I would be number 2 in April with 10.455 points.
- I would only have 3480 points in May, a lot less than the 9,075 you have me there.


2015 : Everything (A-K)

+ ----- ----- ----- +               -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +
|PSN ID             |   Total {Ave} [Rank] | Jan [Rank] | Feb [Rank] | Mar [Rank] | Apr [Rank] | May [Rank] | Jun [Rank] | Jul [Rank] | Aug [Rank] | Sep [Rank] | Oct [Rank] | Nov [Rank] | Dec [Rank] |
+ ----- ----- ----- +               -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +
|Aerocrane          |  2,565 {   214} [214]|   495 [166]|   375 [182]| 1,155 [155]|     0 [205]|     0 [204]|   270 [172]|     0 [206]|    15 [207]|     0 [208]|     0 [213]|     0 [213]|   255 [180]|
|AkuMifune          | 15,480 { 1,290} [137]|   240 [189]|   735 [160]| 2,400 [078]| 1,815 [079]| 1,110 [113]|   810 [133]| 2,205 [082]| 2,445 [077]|   525 [149]|   720 [151]|    90 [209]| 2,385 [068]|
|Alexein88          | 44,730 { 3,728} [025]| 2,250 [081]| 2,265 [084]| 1,185 [151]| 6,090 [006]| 3,615 [031]| 2,535 [037]| 9,435 [005]| 4,470 [029]| 5,505 [008]| 2,130 [077]| 2,685 [049]| 2,565 [062]|
|almighty-slayer    | 16,935 { 1,411} [121]| 1,380 [112]| 1,605 [109]| 3,945 [028]| 1,785 [084]|   240 [185]|   480 [158]| 1,140 [139]| 2,595 [068]|   720 [128]| 1,875 [086]|   600 [146]|   570 [161]|
|Alo0oy_Alo0oy      | 63,870 { 5,323} [007]| 1,305 [118]| 3,375 [046]| 1,995 [103]| 4,905 [012]| 5,475 [013]| 7,935 [003]| 6,855 [010]|11,970 [005]|14,160 [001]| 3,645 [041]| 1,185 [115]| 1,065 [135]|
|AlphaTwo           |  3,540 {   295} [210]|    75 [204]|    30 [208]|   780 [176]|   150 [197]|   195 [191]|    45 [202]|   225 [190]|    15 [207]|    30 [204]|   540 [160]|   285 [188]| 1,170 [123]|
|Amazingu           | 23,535 { 1,961} [090]| 3,750 [032]| 4,785 [028]| 2,850 [057]|   420 [174]|   585 [147]| 1,290 [096]|   885 [151]| 3,435 [048]| 1,560 [068]|   765 [148]| 1,140 [117]| 2,070 [079]|
|Amazins3354        |  7,305 {   609} [191]|    45 [205]|   150 [200]|   630 [185]|   780 [136]|    90 [199]|   330 [164]| 1,215 [132]|    90 [201]|    30 [204]|    15 [212]|   390 [176]| 3,540 [039]|
|AmnesiacWanderer   | 11,040 {   920} [160]| 2,445 [070]| 1,515 [110]| 2,205 [092]|   435 [173]|   120 [197]|     0 [205]|     0 [206]|     0 [210]|     0 [208]| 2,775 [055]| 1,230 [110]|   315 [174]|
|Andrefpvs          | 18,060 { 1,505} [113]| 1,110 [134]|   885 [148]| 1,290 [145]| 1,245 [112]|   150 [196]| 1,245 [099]|   675 [166]|   540 [172]| 1,845 [057]|   105 [204]| 1,650 [091]| 7,320 [007]|
|AST2008            | 28,770 { 2,398} [065]| 1,890 [093]| 2,835 [065]| 2,055 [099]|   780 [136]| 1,170 [108]| 2,205 [054]| 2,685 [067]| 4,200 [033]| 1,230 [089]| 3,030 [050]| 3,825 [024]| 2,865 [058]|
|atomiksuperinsan   | 12,270 { 1,023} [157]| 1,260 [120]| 1,380 [120]| 2,190 [093]|   180 [194]|   510 [156]|   930 [121]|   435 [177]| 2,220 [083]|   510 [151]|   810 [146]|   540 [156]| 1,305 [120]|
|awesomeness5821    |  6,885 {   574} [194]|   150 [194]|    60 [206]|   840 [172]|   690 [145]|   705 [135]| 1,140 [104]|   735 [163]|   390 [184]|   390 [169]|   825 [144]|   765 [138]|   195 [191]|
|Balphon            | 28,335 { 2,361} [074]| 2,610 [062]| 2,190 [087]| 2,550 [070]| 2,130 [060]| 2,025 [072]| 1,830 [072]| 1,740 [105]| 2,985 [061]| 2,040 [050]| 3,975 [035]| 2,340 [061]| 1,920 [088]|
|BaraSailey         | 28,605 { 2,384} [068]| 2,370 [075]| 3,315 [048]| 3,465 [038]| 2,070 [063]| 1,980 [075]| 1,155 [102]|   825 [155]| 2,820 [065]| 1,470 [077]| 3,795 [037]| 1,515 [096]| 3,825 [035]|
|BerserkPT          | 17,385 { 1,449} [116]| 4,200 [024]| 4,170 [035]| 2,325 [083]| 1,110 [118]|   315 [176]| 1,140 [104]|   765 [159]|   780 [152]|    90 [200]| 2,130 [077]|   195 [199]|   165 [195]|
|BHK3               | 17,175 { 1,431} [118]|    30 [207]|     0 [212]|     0 [214]| 2,025 [065]| 2,535 [052]|   195 [185]|     0 [206]| 1,140 [124]| 6,165 [007]| 3,375 [045]| 1,710 [089]|     0 [210]|
|big-_-_-_-boss69   | 31,605 { 2,634} [059]| 2,325 [078]| 4,890 [025]| 1,980 [105]| 1,980 [070]| 3,600 [032]| 2,070 [060]| 1,350 [124]| 1,710 [099]|   510 [151]| 2,790 [054]| 2,550 [054]| 5,850 [015]|
|bigdaddygamebot    | 13,665 { 1,139} [147]|   435 [173]|   795 [156]| 2,985 [052]| 1,395 [104]|   810 [128]|   495 [156]| 1,080 [142]|   690 [160]| 1,185 [093]|   465 [165]| 2,370 [059]|   960 [139]|
|BoxManLocke        | 35,910 { 2,993} [042]| 3,075 [050]| 3,225 [052]| 1,725 [124]| 3,165 [031]| 2,460 [057]| 2,100 [059]| 3,735 [035]| 4,965 [025]| 1,275 [087]| 1,470 [109]| 2,115 [069]| 6,600 [008]|
|brickarts295       | 40,575 { 3,381} [031]|   420 [175]| 1,905 [096]| 4,365 [022]| 1,365 [107]| 8,565 [004]| 4,455 [017]| 4,485 [024]| 1,590 [103]| 2,460 [038]| 4,845 [031]| 4,095 [019]| 2,025 [083]|
|Broadbandit        | 16,230 { 1,353} [126]| 1,125 [130]| 2,400 [077]| 3,465 [038]| 2,250 [056]|   915 [122]| 1,125 [107]| 2,475 [075]|   120 [200]|   180 [197]|    60 [207]|   435 [168]| 1,680 [100]|
|Bromic_LaMonte     | 14,895 { 1,241} [141]| 1,335 [116]|   120 [202]| 1,635 [127]|   285 [183]|     0 [204]|   120 [195]| 1,455 [118]| 3,810 [038]| 1,230 [089]| 1,395 [113]| 1,665 [090]| 1,845 [093]|
|bucyou55           |  9,285 {   774} [178]|   345 [181]|   345 [185]| 1,800 [118]| 1,605 [090]|   465 [161]|   330 [164]|   435 [177]| 1,095 [132]|   480 [157]| 1,605 [097]|   555 [154]|   225 [184]|
|cammy84            |  9,885 {   824} [172]| 1,920 [091]|   690 [166]| 1,305 [143]|   570 [161]|   330 [173]|   960 [119]|   855 [152]|   825 [148]|   240 [189]|   510 [162]|   360 [179]| 1,320 [118]|
|cappie88           | 37,665 { 3,139} [039]| 4,065 [027]| 3,105 [058]| 5,325 [012]| 2,865 [037]| 3,270 [038]| 1,740 [075]| 2,205 [082]| 3,030 [058]| 2,070 [048]| 2,685 [060]| 5,310 [010]| 1,995 [085]|
|CaptQasiel         |  3,585 {   299} [208]|   285 [186]|   390 [180]|   540 [190]|   450 [170]|   180 [193]|     0 [205]|   225 [190]|   165 [194]|    30 [204]|   150 [199]|   885 [129]|   285 [177]|
|cbTang             | 10,080 {   840} [168]| 5,100 [014]|   720 [161]| 2,700 [063]|   240 [187]|     0 [204]|     0 [205]|     0 [206]|    45 [205]|   645 [134]|   330 [179]|   300 [186]|     0 [210]|
|CedricKnave        |  9,015 {   751} [182]|    45 [205]|     0 [212]| 1,320 [142]|   990 [124]|   480 [158]|   225 [178]| 2,580 [070]| 2,115 [084]|   645 [134]|   255 [184]|   150 [201]|   210 [189]|
|Cilllah            | 10,815 {   901} [164]| 1,695 [097]|   855 [153]| 1,455 [136]|   855 [128]|   960 [120]| 1,095 [109]|   270 [187]| 1,020 [136]|   255 [185]|   240 [186]|   600 [146]| 1,515 [110]|
|ckleow             |104,055 { 8,671} [001]| 4,485 [017]| 5,670 [016]| 3,540 [035]|10,245 [003]| 9,150 [002]| 6,810 [005]| 9,840 [003]|16,860 [002]| 7,515 [004]| 7,260 [008]| 8,955 [002]|13,725 [002]|
|CoffeeKillquest    | 30,465 { 2,539} [062]| 4,305 [022]| 2,175 [089]| 4,620 [020]| 3,135 [032]| 3,945 [027]| 3,180 [024]| 1,215 [132]| 1,260 [118]| 1,125 [100]| 2,370 [072]| 1,980 [078]| 1,155 [125]|
|coisou             | 79,710 { 6,643} [003]| 5,520 [010]| 7,140 [003]| 7,440 [004]| 3,345 [026]| 5,850 [010]|13,185 [001]| 5,415 [020]| 3,585 [044]| 7,590 [003]|12,705 [002]| 4,035 [020]| 3,900 [034]|
|consor8            |  9,780 {   815} [174]|   420 [175]| 1,140 [134]|   945 [165]|   345 [176]|   285 [179]| 1,080 [110]|   570 [170]| 2,565 [072]|   795 [125]|   990 [134]|   465 [162]|   180 [193]|
|cool_trainer       |  6,990 {   583} [192]|   450 [170]|   300 [191]| 1,965 [108]|   270 [184]|     0 [204]|   315 [167]|    30 [203]| 1,290 [116]|   585 [145]|     0 [213]|   255 [191]| 1,530 [109]|
|crblahblah         | 14,580 { 1,215} [142]|     0 [210]| 1,095 [137]| 3,690 [030]|   480 [169]| 2,100 [068]|   930 [121]| 1,875 [096]|   690 [160]|   255 [185]|   825 [144]|   465 [162]| 2,175 [075]|
|Creamium           | 21,975 { 1,831} [097]|   150 [194]| 2,475 [076]|    45 [210]|   825 [131]|     0 [204]| 1,965 [063]| 2,955 [057]| 7,290 [010]| 1,785 [060]| 4,005 [034]|   480 [160]|     0 [210]|
|Crotin             |  9,180 {   765} [181]| 2,175 [086]|   405 [179]| 1,635 [127]|   750 [143]|   330 [173]|   480 [158]| 1,860 [097]|   405 [182]|    45 [202]|   780 [147]|   285 [188]|    30 [207]|
|crp108             | 18,600 { 1,550} [107]| 3,600 [036]| 4,335 [032]| 3,855 [029]| 1,815 [079]| 1,125 [109]| 2,175 [057]|    90 [199]|   510 [175]|   210 [192]|   420 [170]|     0 [213]|   465 [165]|
|Da_Sloane_Ranger   | 12,330 { 1,028} [156]|   630 [158]|   645 [169]| 1,995 [103]|   345 [176]|   765 [131]|   600 [148]| 2,160 [086]| 1,995 [091]| 1,650 [065]|   225 [189]|   870 [130]|   450 [166]|
|Dangerblade        |  3,285 {   274} [212]|    30 [207]|   225 [194]|   150 [203]|     0 [205]|     0 [204]|   840 [127]| 1,860 [097]|   150 [197]|     0 [208]|     0 [213]|     0 [213]|    30 [207]|
|Daniel_Gonzz       | 26,835 { 2,236} [077]| 2,700 [057]| 1,680 [103]| 2,280 [085]| 1,710 [086]| 1,710 [085]| 1,650 [081]|   540 [171]| 2,850 [064]| 3,675 [017]| 2,640 [062]|   690 [144]| 4,710 [022]|
|DarkLs1            | 60,405 { 5,034} [010]| 4,185 [025]| 5,460 [019]| 4,335 [024]| 2,040 [064]| 8,490 [005]| 6,780 [006]| 5,700 [016]| 4,215 [032]| 4,710 [011]| 5,280 [025]| 3,840 [022]| 5,370 [020]|
|DarkParodius       | 52,140 { 4,345} [016]| 7,740 [002]| 3,150 [057]| 3,090 [050]| 2,670 [041]| 4,050 [026]| 2,685 [032]| 3,945 [031]| 6,690 [014]| 2,940 [031]| 7,410 [007]| 5,310 [010]| 2,460 [064]|
|deathrowinmate66   | 28,350 { 2,363} [073]| 1,665 [098]| 2,235 [085]| 4,245 [025]| 1,860 [077]| 3,225 [040]|   675 [141]| 1,155 [138]| 2,550 [073]|   945 [117]| 1,500 [107]| 2,640 [051]| 5,655 [017]|
|Delusi             |  9,945 {   829} [169]|   180 [191]|   420 [178]|   780 [176]|   585 [160]|   480 [158]| 2,070 [060]| 2,535 [072]|   675 [163]|   600 [143]|   375 [174]|   570 [152]|   675 [155]|
|DeMacabre          | 25,215 { 2,101} [082]| 2,670 [059]| 1,185 [133]| 2,760 [059]| 3,180 [030]| 3,075 [044]|   990 [113]| 2,190 [084]| 3,660 [043]| 1,170 [096]|   675 [155]| 2,340 [061]| 1,320 [118]|
|DeMarco_1975       | 35,415 { 2,951} [044]| 6,450 [008]| 4,515 [030]|   960 [164]| 1,980 [070]| 2,475 [055]|   600 [148]| 3,390 [047]| 3,570 [045]| 1,500 [073]| 5,070 [028]| 2,835 [044]| 2,070 [079]|
|DesmaBR            | 24,285 { 2,024} [085]|   810 [149]| 1,500 [111]| 1,920 [111]| 1,965 [073]| 1,095 [114]| 2,880 [028]|   315 [185]| 1,350 [113]| 4,305 [014]| 2,685 [060]| 1,995 [076]| 3,465 [041]|
|Dingotech-US       | 29,160 { 2,430} [064]| 2,100 [087]| 1,785 [098]|   390 [197]| 2,610 [043]| 3,165 [041]| 2,265 [052]| 5,610 [017]| 2,520 [075]|   810 [124]|   945 [138]| 1,095 [120]| 5,865 [014]|
|DisturbedPT        | 23,310 { 5,828} [091]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            | 7,065 [005]| 3,525 [043]| 6,810 [005]| 5,910 [013]|
|Doomburrito7       | 32,400 { 2,700} [055]| 2,475 [066]| 1,425 [118]| 3,990 [026]| 3,840 [019]| 4,830 [017]| 2,115 [058]| 1,305 [125]| 1,140 [124]| 2,415 [039]| 2,475 [069]| 3,285 [033]| 3,105 [049]|
|Dragonslayer_023   | 91,590 { 7,633} [002]| 7,185 [004]| 7,560 [002]| 9,960 [002]|11,070 [001]| 5,520 [012]| 5,190 [014]| 6,855 [010]| 7,215 [011]| 8,640 [002]| 6,270 [013]| 6,690 [006]| 9,435 [004]|
|Drayco90           | 21,225 { 1,769} [098]| 1,020 [140]|   720 [161]| 1,680 [126]| 2,340 [052]| 3,525 [036]| 1,440 [090]|   975 [148]| 2,250 [082]| 1,815 [059]| 1,515 [106]| 1,575 [093]| 2,370 [071]|
|DryvBy             | 28,065 { 2,339} [076]| 2,310 [079]| 5,415 [020]| 5,070 [015]| 2,430 [050]| 1,320 [100]|   675 [141]| 2,295 [080]| 3,405 [049]|   645 [134]|   885 [140]| 1,980 [078]| 1,635 [101]|
|Dthomp             | 49,560 { 4,130} [018]| 3,750 [032]| 6,210 [008]| 2,085 [096]| 1,800 [083]| 4,845 [016]| 8,325 [002]| 2,805 [062]| 3,165 [054]| 2,340 [040]| 5,820 [017]| 2,370 [059]| 6,045 [012]|
|EggBok             | 22,620 { 1,885} [094]| 4,380 [020]| 2,580 [072]| 4,740 [018]| 2,790 [039]|   630 [141]|    90 [200]|   765 [159]| 2,025 [087]|   360 [177]| 2,850 [052]| 1,365 [104]|    45 [206]|
|eloxx              | 24,345 { 2,029} [084]| 2,460 [068]| 4,815 [026]| 1,545 [133]| 1,890 [076]|   765 [131]|   540 [153]|   150 [194]| 3,135 [055]| 3,000 [030]| 3,555 [042]| 1,605 [092]|   885 [142]|
|F1nal              | 28,380 { 2,365} [071]| 1,410 [111]| 1,425 [118]| 2,325 [083]| 3,540 [023]| 3,135 [042]| 3,810 [021]| 1,650 [113]| 1,785 [096]| 1,020 [111]| 2,190 [076]| 3,630 [027]| 2,460 [064]|
|falconxcrunner09   | 16,905 { 1,409} [122]|   840 [147]|   360 [183]|   195 [202]|   450 [170]| 1,065 [118]|   990 [113]| 2,160 [086]| 3,390 [050]| 1,905 [054]|   975 [135]| 2,625 [052]| 1,950 [087]|
|FallenGrace        | 39,210 { 3,268} [034]| 2,940 [054]| 6,855 [006]| 3,660 [032]| 3,780 [020]| 2,835 [047]| 1,710 [076]| 5,535 [018]|   975 [138]| 1,695 [064]| 4,065 [033]| 2,175 [067]| 2,985 [056]|
|Filip-I            | 32,250 { 2,688} [056]| 3,240 [043]| 3,570 [042]| 1,980 [105]| 1,740 [085]| 1,260 [102]| 2,280 [050]| 2,535 [072]| 8,895 [006]| 1,425 [079]| 1,770 [090]|   855 [134]| 2,700 [061]|
|Firestorm_ZERO     | 18,630 { 1,553} [106]|   570 [164]| 1,215 [132]| 1,785 [119]|   330 [181]|   300 [177]|   930 [121]| 3,090 [054]| 4,245 [031]| 2,655 [035]| 1,215 [124]| 1,065 [123]| 1,230 [122]|
|foolishoptimist    |  9,600 {   800} [176]| 1,560 [105]|   345 [185]|   465 [195]|   645 [151]|   525 [153]|   585 [150]| 1,845 [099]|   975 [138]|    15 [207]| 1,350 [115]|   870 [130]|   420 [168]|
|Footos22           | 42,870 { 3,573} [029]| 4,395 [019]| 3,450 [045]| 2,580 [069]| 2,235 [057]| 4,890 [015]| 2,670 [034]| 5,385 [021]| 3,450 [046]| 1,140 [098]| 2,235 [075]| 6,885 [003]| 3,555 [038]|
|free7palestine     |  6,120 {   510} [198]| 1,545 [108]| 1,140 [134]|   930 [167]|   525 [164]|   345 [171]|   825 [129]|   735 [163]|    75 [202]|     0 [208]|     0 [213]|     0 [213]|     0 [210]|
|freman8183         | 36,255 { 3,021} [040]| 1,320 [117]|    15 [209]|    45 [210]|     0 [205]| 1,680 [087]| 2,490 [040]| 3,585 [037]| 6,180 [019]| 5,340 [009]| 8,445 [004]| 2,895 [042]| 4,260 [027]|
|Galtian            | 18,300 { 1,525} [109]|   600 [161]|   705 [164]|   885 [169]|   540 [163]|   960 [120]| 2,700 [031]| 3,825 [033]| 2,010 [090]|   450 [162]| 3,060 [049]|   435 [168]| 2,130 [077]|
|genbatzu           |  6,810 {   568} [195]|     0 [210]|   885 [148]| 2,025 [101]| 1,050 [122]|    60 [201]|   150 [190]|     0 [206]|   675 [163]|   390 [169]|   345 [176]|    90 [209]| 1,140 [127]|
|gillettjoe         | 34,215 { 2,851} [048]| 3,690 [035]| 2,370 [078]| 4,350 [023]| 1,935 [074]| 1,905 [077]| 4,725 [015]| 2,745 [066]| 2,025 [087]|   825 [123]| 5,460 [023]| 1,140 [117]| 3,045 [052]|
|Gizmo_Monkey       | 49,350 { 4,113} [019]| 2,625 [061]| 5,550 [018]| 3,480 [036]| 2,610 [043]| 2,115 [067]| 6,690 [007]| 8,115 [008]| 4,065 [034]| 3,300 [024]| 4,080 [032]| 2,250 [063]| 4,470 [024]|
|Goonboy            | 44,880 { 3,740} [024]| 3,990 [029]| 1,335 [122]| 3,195 [045]| 4,455 [014]| 4,590 [018]| 2,280 [050]| 3,675 [036]| 3,000 [060]| 1,380 [082]| 6,270 [013]| 4,980 [015]| 5,730 [016]|
|Gorger             | 41,880 { 3,490} [030]| 5,910 [009]| 3,990 [037]| 2,910 [054]| 3,870 [018]| 1,875 [078]| 1,770 [074]| 3,435 [046]| 6,915 [012]| 3,660 [018]| 3,240 [047]| 1,470 [099]| 2,835 [059]|
|GothPunk           | 14,100 { 1,175} [144]| 1,245 [121]| 3,105 [058]| 1,515 [135]| 1,365 [107]| 2,400 [059]|   510 [154]| 1,215 [132]|   345 [185]|   285 [183]|   465 [165]|   555 [154]| 1,095 [131]|
|gotstrangepowers   | 44,385 { 3,699} [026]| 3,060 [051]| 6,015 [012]| 3,960 [027]| 3,435 [025]| 4,275 [022]| 4,140 [019]| 2,790 [063]| 6,390 [017]| 1,035 [108]| 2,130 [077]| 3,180 [036]| 3,975 [032]|
|graffiX_13         | 24,825 { 2,069} [083]| 1,080 [135]| 5,235 [021]| 2,430 [074]| 2,505 [049]| 4,170 [024]| 2,355 [045]| 1,200 [135]|   750 [155]|   465 [158]|   405 [172]| 2,460 [056]| 1,770 [096]|
|Grandben           | 15,030 { 1,253} [140]|   120 [197]| 1,095 [137]| 1,830 [115]|   615 [155]| 2,355 [061]| 1,710 [076]| 1,770 [104]| 1,530 [109]|   255 [185]|   690 [153]| 2,400 [058]|   660 [156]|
|Grieves1           |  7,830 {   653} [187]|   450 [170]| 1,050 [141]|   990 [162]|   495 [167]|   390 [166]|   510 [154]| 1,125 [140]| 1,155 [123]|   420 [165]|   225 [189]|   225 [195]|   795 [146]|
|Gskyace            | 22,950 { 1,913} [093]|   465 [168]| 1,470 [115]| 2,685 [064]|   960 [126]| 1,095 [114]|   105 [198]|   375 [180]| 2,070 [085]| 2,325 [041]| 6,750 [011]| 3,630 [027]| 1,020 [136]|
|GuerrillaDawg      | 13,035 { 1,086} [152]| 3,120 [047]| 2,355 [079]| 1,905 [112]|   645 [151]|   285 [179]|   210 [181]| 1,380 [121]|   495 [176]|   330 [178]|   540 [160]| 1,515 [096]|   255 [180]|
|haadim             | 23,940 { 1,995} [087]| 2,550 [063]| 3,225 [052]| 2,070 [097]| 4,065 [016]| 1,500 [092]| 1,185 [100]|   195 [192]| 1,215 [119]| 1,650 [065]| 1,605 [097]| 2,115 [069]| 2,565 [062]|
|hanmik             |  9,900 {   825} [170]| 1,275 [119]|   630 [170]| 1,215 [149]|   525 [164]|   825 [125]|   975 [117]|    45 [202]|   870 [146]| 1,050 [106]| 1,260 [120]|   435 [168]|   795 [146]|
|haveabloodmuffin   | 58,260 { 4,855} [012]| 3,720 [034]| 3,330 [047]| 2,775 [058]|   225 [188]|   675 [139]|   960 [119]| 3,330 [050]|20,805 [001]| 3,780 [016]| 7,650 [006]| 4,755 [017]| 6,255 [010]|
|hersheyfan         | 36,195 { 3,016} [041]| 3,795 [031]| 4,515 [030]| 3,015 [051]| 3,195 [029]| 1,740 [084]| 1,980 [062]| 3,480 [041]| 4,560 [027]| 1,845 [057]| 3,660 [040]| 2,790 [046]| 1,620 [103]|
|humbleboy13        | 15,900 { 1,325} [133]| 1,230 [124]|   525 [173]| 1,335 [140]| 1,815 [079]|   630 [141]|   660 [143]| 3,450 [045]| 1,050 [134]|   510 [151]|   120 [201]| 1,800 [085]| 2,775 [060]|
|I3rand0            | 28,230 { 2,353} [075]| 3,060 [051]| 1,755 [099]| 2,400 [078]| 1,440 [102]| 2,280 [063]| 2,730 [030]| 3,270 [051]| 4,050 [035]| 2,205 [045]| 1,770 [090]|   135 [204]| 3,135 [048]|
|IceDoesntHelp      | 44,970 { 3,748} [023]| 2,835 [055]| 6,135 [009]| 1,365 [138]| 1,620 [088]| 1,215 [105]| 7,065 [004]| 4,290 [025]|14,250 [004]|   600 [143]| 2,715 [058]| 1,410 [101]| 1,470 [111]|
|IkonMeKnivet       | 17,295 { 1,441} [117]| 2,265 [080]| 2,520 [074]| 1,875 [113]| 1,860 [077]|   720 [134]|   840 [127]|     0 [206]| 1,170 [122]|   705 [130]|   960 [137]|   945 [126]| 3,435 [042]|
|Inoa_Kai           | 18,435 { 1,536} [108]| 1,185 [126]|   855 [153]| 1,185 [151]| 1,905 [075]| 2,235 [064]|   195 [185]| 1,800 [101]|   690 [160]| 1,890 [056]| 1,560 [103]| 3,840 [022]| 1,095 [131]|
|JellySoupForever   | 22,170 { 1,848} [096]|   465 [168]|   885 [148]|   555 [187]| 2,160 [058]| 1,440 [094]| 3,075 [026]| 1,710 [107]| 1,770 [097]| 4,260 [015]|    30 [208]| 1,725 [088]| 4,095 [030]|
|JFDoom             | 23,880 { 1,990} [088]| 2,385 [073]| 1,755 [099]| 2,640 [065]| 1,590 [091]| 1,095 [114]| 1,590 [084]| 3,465 [043]| 1,590 [103]|   660 [132]| 1,470 [109]| 1,995 [076]| 3,645 [036]|
|jimflox            |  8,850 {   738} [183]| 1,350 [114]| 1,050 [141]|   315 [199]|   840 [129]|   165 [195]|   270 [172]| 2,145 [089]|   645 [166]|   465 [158]|   600 [159]|   420 [173]|   585 [160]|
|JoniP              | 33,840 { 2,820} [050]|     0 [210]|   795 [156]|   945 [165]|10,455 [002]| 3,570 [034]| 1,035 [111]| 3,510 [040]| 2,055 [086]| 1,980 [052]|   180 [195]| 1,320 [108]| 7,995 [006]|
|jonno394           | 13,545 { 1,129} [149]|   735 [154]| 2,130 [093]| 1,755 [120]|   660 [147]|   750 [133]| 2,505 [039]|   120 [195]|   810 [149]| 1,155 [097]| 1,725 [094]|   900 [127]|   300 [176]|
|k0wb0y-b33b0p      | 12,855 { 1,071} [154]|   990 [141]| 3,270 [051]| 1,755 [120]|   795 [134]|   600 [145]|   615 [147]| 1,035 [145]| 1,575 [105]| 1,110 [102]|   165 [197]|   330 [182]|   615 [158]|
|Kaji_AU            |  1,395 {   116} [218]|     0 [210]|     0 [212]|     0 [214]|     0 [205]|   300 [177]|     0 [205]|     0 [206]|     0 [210]|   255 [185]|    30 [208]|   540 [156]|   270 [179]|
|kamineko_kitteh    |  8,775 {   731} [184]| 1,755 [095]| 1,275 [126]|   810 [173]|   600 [158]|   705 [135]|   825 [129]|   705 [165]|   675 [163]|    90 [200]|   375 [174]|   750 [139]|   210 [189]|
|KelticNight        |  3,555 {   296} [209]|   780 [152]|   240 [193]|   690 [180]|   165 [196]|   210 [188]|   135 [192]|   345 [182]|   330 [187]|   195 [194]|   120 [201]|   240 [193]|   105 [201]|
|kevinlever         | 38,280 { 3,190} [036]| 2,070 [090]| 3,225 [052]| 6,510 [007]| 4,125 [015]| 2,445 [058]| 1,635 [083]| 5,490 [019]| 3,780 [039]|   705 [130]| 5,100 [027]| 1,365 [104]| 1,830 [094]|
|kgtrep             | 18,090 { 1,508} [112]| 4,260 [023]|   315 [188]| 2,250 [086]| 2,010 [067]| 1,125 [109]| 2,385 [043]| 1,500 [115]| 1,680 [100]|   390 [169]|   120 [201]|   465 [162]| 1,590 [105]|
|Khaos_Knight       |  5,955 {   496} [200]| 1,425 [110]|   210 [195]|   405 [196]|   255 [186]|   360 [169]|   270 [172]|   255 [188]| 1,065 [133]|   390 [169]|   345 [176]|   585 [150]|   390 [170]|
|Killer__EgO        | 16,035 { 1,336} [131]| 1,245 [121]| 1,035 [143]| 2,760 [059]| 1,425 [103]| 1,695 [086]|   795 [135]| 2,835 [060]| 1,440 [112]|   390 [169]| 1,440 [112]|   330 [182]|   645 [157]|
|Kingwingin         | 10,995 {   916} [162]| 4,110 [026]|   570 [171]| 1,170 [154]| 1,260 [110]|   195 [191]|   210 [181]|   165 [193]|   330 [187]|     0 [208]|     0 [213]|   975 [125]| 2,010 [084]|
|Klart              | 35,325 { 2,944} [045]| 2,250 [081]| 2,355 [079]| 2,340 [082]| 3,345 [026]| 2,100 [068]| 1,260 [097]| 3,525 [038]| 3,240 [052]| 3,495 [020]| 7,080 [010]| 2,175 [067]| 2,160 [076]|
|KylieDog           | 24,270 { 2,023} [086]| 1,350 [114]| 2,280 [083]| 1,185 [151]| 1,185 [116]| 3,000 [045]| 1,965 [063]| 1,440 [119]| 1,905 [094]| 2,685 [034]| 1,095 [131]| 1,215 [112]| 4,965 [021]|

EDIT - Updated the data...

EDIT - Updated the data... x2


2015 : Everything (L-Z)

+ ----- ----- ----- +               -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +
|PSN ID             |   Total {Ave} [Rank] | Jan [Rank] | Feb [Rank] | Mar [Rank] | Apr [Rank] | May [Rank] | Jun [Rank] | Jul [Rank] | Aug [Rank] | Sep [Rank] | Oct [Rank] | Nov [Rank] | Dec [Rank] |
+ ----- ----- ----- +               -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +
|lancem             | 52,530 { 4,378} [014]| 4,020 [028]| 4,725 [029]| 4,905 [017]| 6,780 [005]| 5,070 [014]| 4,575 [016]| 8,745 [007]| 4,365 [030]| 2,880 [033]| 1,920 [085]| 3,000 [040]| 1,545 [108]|
|lateralus1082      |  9,900 {   825} [170]| 1,065 [136]| 1,485 [113]| 2,235 [088]| 1,620 [088]|   615 [143]|   435 [161]|   615 [169]|   465 [179]|   465 [158]|   870 [142]|    30 [211]|     0 [210]|
|LaughingBanana     |  6,915 {   576} [193]| 1,605 [100]|   180 [199]| 1,815 [116]|   780 [136]|   465 [161]|   300 [168]|   345 [182]|    15 [207]|   630 [139]|    30 [208]|   570 [152]|   180 [193]|
|le7Samurai         |  8,115 {   676} [186]| 3,105 [048]| 1,470 [115]|   705 [179]|   810 [132]|     0 [204]|    15 [203]|     0 [206]|     0 [210]|     0 [208]|   225 [189]|   225 [195]| 1,560 [107]|
|libregkd           | 39,210 { 3,268} [034]| 2,460 [068]| 3,180 [055]| 2,250 [086]|   495 [167]| 4,140 [025]| 2,970 [027]| 2,880 [059]| 2,985 [061]| 3,180 [027]| 3,330 [046]| 2,760 [047]| 8,580 [005]|
|licbone73          | 19,995 { 1,666} [102]| 1,560 [105]| 1,635 [107]| 1,845 [114]| 1,485 [101]|   990 [119]| 1,875 [067]| 2,835 [060]| 1,305 [114]|   945 [117]| 1,980 [083]| 1,485 [098]| 2,055 [081]|
|LiquidDom          | 19,125 { 1,594} [103]|   105 [200]| 2,880 [062]| 2,595 [068]|   615 [155]|   420 [163]| 1,860 [069]| 2,790 [063]| 2,025 [087]| 1,200 [091]| 2,505 [068]| 1,410 [101]|   720 [151]|
|LiquidSolid        | 67,695 { 5,641} [005]|15,225 [001]| 9,060 [001]| 6,990 [006]| 2,610 [043]| 1,125 [109]| 2,670 [034]| 6,255 [014]| 3,825 [037]| 2,175 [046]| 8,010 [005]| 4,305 [018]| 5,445 [019]|
|llll-Dan-llll      | 45,825 { 3,819} [021]| 1,590 [102]| 2,535 [073]| 3,255 [043]| 5,265 [011]| 3,675 [030]| 2,355 [045]| 4,155 [028]| 8,865 [007]| 2,940 [031]| 5,115 [026]| 3,060 [037]| 3,015 [055]|
|LordCastamere      | 52,860 { 4,405} [013]| 6,990 [006]| 4,815 [026]| 7,155 [005]| 4,035 [017]| 8,895 [003]| 2,670 [034]| 2,460 [076]| 3,300 [051]| 2,070 [048]| 5,460 [023]| 3,030 [039]| 1,980 [086]|
|LordofPwn          | 15,555 { 1,296} [136]|    90 [203]|   525 [173]| 2,475 [072]| 3,495 [024]| 1,830 [081]|   240 [177]| 1,710 [107]|   855 [147]|   540 [146]|   345 [176]|   255 [191]| 3,195 [045]|
|LSB123             | 16,395 { 1,366} [123]|   765 [153]| 2,790 [066]| 3,180 [047]|   630 [154]| 1,515 [091]|   810 [133]| 1,365 [123]|   885 [144]| 1,200 [091]| 1,650 [095]|   345 [181]| 1,260 [121]|
|LtLedhead          | 20,325 { 1,694} [100]| 3,390 [040]| 2,235 [085]| 2,730 [062]|   675 [146]| 1,410 [096]|   915 [125]| 1,905 [095]| 1,935 [093]|   645 [134]| 1,575 [101]| 2,055 [073]|   855 [143]|
|Lucianman101       |  7,830 {   653} [187]|   885 [144]|   435 [175]|   135 [205]|   660 [147]|   285 [179]|   795 [135]|   840 [154]|   420 [181]|   240 [189]|   390 [173]|   510 [159]| 2,235 [073]|
|m1tch91            | 28,590 { 2,383} [069]| 4,350 [021]| 3,825 [038]| 4,470 [021]| 2,775 [040]| 2,790 [048]| 1,965 [063]| 1,050 [144]| 3,450 [046]| 1,725 [063]|   450 [168]|   585 [150]| 1,155 [125]|
|Makikou72          |  6,360 {   530} [197]|   450 [170]|   120 [202]|    60 [209]| 1,110 [118]|     0 [204]|    90 [200]| 2,460 [076]|   495 [176]|   135 [198]| 1,170 [125]|   105 [208]|   165 [195]|
|Makoto-Hikami      | 13,710 { 1,143} [146]| 1,035 [139]| 1,290 [125]| 1,230 [148]|   570 [161]|    15 [203]|   120 [195]| 1,665 [111]| 1,575 [105]| 3,660 [018]| 1,485 [108]|   840 [135]|   225 [184]|
|Mangamaniac71      | 15,180 { 1,265} [139]|   585 [162]|   435 [175]|   795 [174]| 1,995 [068]| 1,185 [107]| 1,920 [066]| 2,040 [094]|   765 [154]| 1,005 [114]| 1,770 [090]| 1,980 [078]|   705 [152]|
|manzoman96         |  3,480 {   290} [211]|   840 [147]|    60 [206]|    90 [207]|     0 [205]|   285 [179]|   210 [181]|    15 [205]|   165 [194]|   300 [182]|   285 [183]|   135 [204]| 1,095 [131]|
|Marcin             |  9,780 {   815} [174]|   705 [155]| 1,095 [137]| 1,005 [160]|   525 [164]|   615 [143]|   255 [175]| 1,695 [110]| 1,110 [130]|   315 [180]|   510 [162]|   600 [146]| 1,350 [116]|
|Markitron          | 10,830 {   903} [163]| 1,050 [138]| 1,635 [107]|   795 [174]|   840 [129]|   420 [163]|   855 [126]| 1,185 [136]|   255 [190]| 1,035 [108]| 1,395 [113]|   870 [130]|   495 [163]|
|MaverickHunterX    | 62,010 { 5,168} [009]| 3,360 [041]| 3,660 [040]| 3,645 [033]| 2,880 [036]|     0 [204]| 5,430 [012]|10,035 [002]| 6,840 [013]| 6,495 [006]| 2,340 [073]|   600 [146]|16,725 [001]|
|MaxSanson          | 35,820 { 2,985} [043]| 3,585 [037]| 5,070 [022]| 4,725 [019]| 3,555 [022]| 2,475 [055]| 2,490 [040]| 3,225 [052]| 2,595 [068]| 1,080 [104]| 2,400 [071]| 2,745 [048]| 1,875 [090]|
|Mchardy23          | 33,720 { 2,810} [051]| 1,125 [130]| 3,810 [039]| 3,360 [040]| 2,595 [046]|   915 [122]| 2,235 [053]| 3,360 [049]| 6,510 [016]|   435 [164]| 5,700 [020]| 3,345 [032]|   330 [173]|
|mcstevens88        | 12,960 { 1,080} [153]|   225 [190]|   345 [185]| 2,070 [097]|   645 [151]|     0 [204]|     0 [205]|     0 [206]|     0 [210]|     0 [208]| 1,080 [132]| 5,445 [008]| 3,150 [047]|
|meistaheinz        | 26,595 { 2,216} [079]| 1,635 [099]| 1,695 [102]| 2,415 [076]| 2,160 [058]| 2,070 [070]| 2,340 [048]| 3,045 [055]| 3,135 [055]| 1,575 [067]| 1,470 [109]| 1,545 [094]| 3,510 [040]|
|meltsi             | 26,445 { 2,204} [080]| 3,165 [045]| 3,180 [055]| 2,235 [088]| 2,130 [060]| 2,010 [073]| 1,470 [087]| 2,775 [065]| 2,595 [068]| 1,050 [106]| 2,085 [080]| 1,860 [084]| 1,890 [089]|
|MiracleTrail       | 18,180 { 1,515} [111]|   255 [187]| 1,755 [099]| 3,480 [036]|   225 [188]|   540 [149]| 4,185 [018]| 6,045 [015]|   780 [152]|   375 [175]|    75 [206]|   465 [162]|     0 [210]|
|mob_skater         |                      |     0 [210]|     0 [212]|     0 [214]|     0 [205]|     0 [204]|     0 [205]|     0 [206]|     0 [210]|     0 [208]|     0 [213]|     0 [213]|     0 [210]|
|MrNelson92         |  4,920 {   410} [206]|   120 [197]|   150 [200]|   555 [187]|   180 [194]|   555 [148]|   195 [185]|   285 [186]|    60 [204]|   420 [165]| 1,245 [122]|   870 [130]|   285 [177]|
|Mr-Stephen         | 19,035 { 1,586} [105]|   315 [184]| 4,185 [033]| 3,255 [043]| 2,115 [062]| 1,605 [090]|   735 [139]| 2,070 [091]| 2,385 [078]| 1,020 [111]|   180 [195]|   435 [168]|   735 [149]|
|Mullet2000         | 31,995 { 2,666} [057]| 2,370 [075]| 3,075 [060]| 5,265 [014]| 5,595 [008]| 4,305 [021]|   330 [164]| 3,465 [043]| 1,635 [101]|   660 [132]| 1,275 [119]| 3,045 [038]|   975 [138]|
|neohwa             | 63,300 { 5,275} [008]| 7,170 [005]| 4,980 [023]| 3,345 [041]| 5,580 [009]| 5,550 [011]| 5,280 [013]| 7,725 [009]| 3,990 [036]| 4,980 [010]| 2,955 [051]| 5,325 [009]| 6,420 [009]|
|NeonDelta          |  9,210 {   768} [180]|   705 [155]| 1,005 [145]|   105 [206]|    30 [201]|   540 [149]| 1,680 [079]|   675 [166]|   630 [168]|   510 [151]| 1,230 [123]| 1,875 [083]|   225 [184]|
|NeoRausch          |  6,720 {   560} [196]|   390 [178]|   690 [166]|   555 [187]|   210 [191]|   480 [158]|   105 [198]| 1,380 [121]|   435 [180]|   270 [184]|   315 [181]| 1,740 [087]|   150 [197]|
|Netguy503          | 31,875 { 2,656} [058]| 3,825 [030]| 2,730 [067]| 1,815 [116]| 1,560 [093]| 3,795 [028]| 1,185 [100]| 2,070 [091]| 1,185 [121]|   525 [149]| 5,040 [029]| 5,175 [013]| 2,970 [057]|
|NewDust            | 48,165 { 4,014} [020]| 2,100 [087]| 6,105 [010]| 3,165 [048]| 2,370 [051]| 4,455 [019]| 6,405 [008]| 3,765 [034]| 6,660 [015]| 3,285 [025]| 5,655 [021]| 1,095 [120]| 3,105 [049]|
|newrome            | 17,100 { 1,425} [119]|   375 [180]|   705 [164]|   645 [183]|   660 [147]| 2,970 [046]| 1,650 [081]| 2,445 [078]| 1,050 [134]|   855 [120]|   330 [179]| 3,210 [035]| 2,205 [074]|
|ocesc68            | 11,475 {   956} [159]| 2,520 [064]|    15 [209]| 1,275 [146]|   345 [176]|   510 [156]|     0 [205]| 1,185 [136]|    75 [202]|   855 [120]| 2,640 [062]| 1,950 [082]|   105 [201]|
|oggob              | 26,730 { 2,228} [078]| 2,475 [066]| 2,850 [064]| 3,585 [034]| 2,550 [047]| 1,785 [083]| 2,535 [037]| 2,610 [069]| 2,580 [071]| 1,020 [111]| 1,065 [133]| 1,290 [109]| 2,385 [068]|
|oldyella           | 16,035 { 1,336} [131]|   915 [142]|   690 [166]|   255 [201]|   780 [136]|   915 [122]|   285 [170]|   825 [155]| 4,860 [026]| 1,350 [083]| 1,965 [084]| 2,025 [074]| 1,170 [123]|
|ortiz344           |  9,870 {   823} [173]|     0 [210]| 1,260 [130]| 1,980 [105]|     0 [205]|   105 [198]|   825 [129]| 1,305 [125]| 3,015 [059]|   615 [141]|   690 [153]|    15 [212]|    60 [204]|
|Osahi_be           |  9,405 {   784} [177]|   390 [178]| 1,140 [134]| 1,260 [147]|   420 [174]|   225 [186]| 1,305 [095]|   765 [159]|   945 [141]|   645 [134]| 1,545 [105]|   450 [167]|   315 [174]|
|Palette_Swap       | 34,320 { 2,860} [047]| 2,985 [053]| 2,325 [082]| 5,055 [016]| 2,820 [038]| 1,365 [097]| 2,430 [042]| 4,215 [027]| 1,995 [091]|   855 [120]| 6,030 [015]| 3,285 [033]|   960 [139]|
|PapasitoPenguin    | 45,060 { 3,755} [022]| 2,415 [072]| 3,555 [044]| 1,590 [130]| 1,065 [121]| 7,680 [006]| 6,135 [010]| 2,355 [079]| 6,300 [018]| 3,345 [022]| 6,390 [012]| 1,035 [124]| 3,195 [045]|
|Papu_kweh          | 43,725 { 3,644} [028]| 2,805 [056]| 1,680 [103]| 1,755 [120]| 2,025 [065]| 6,225 [009]| 5,715 [011]| 8,820 [006]| 2,520 [075]| 3,345 [022]| 1,740 [093]| 3,690 [025]| 3,405 [043]|
|peanut0423         | 31,170 { 2,598} [061]| 4,620 [016]| 2,865 [063]| 6,270 [008]| 1,530 [094]| 1,125 [109]| 2,190 [056]| 2,940 [058]| 2,955 [063]| 1,740 [061]| 2,025 [081]| 1,200 [113]| 1,710 [099]|
|Pestilence11       | 16,185 { 1,349} [128]| 1,125 [130]| 2,655 [069]| 2,430 [074]| 1,530 [094]| 2,010 [073]| 1,860 [069]| 1,710 [107]|   600 [170]|   330 [178]| 1,260 [120]|   330 [182]|   345 [172]|
|phoenix9447        | 39,720 { 3,310} [033]| 2,190 [085]| 4,185 [033]| 2,640 [065]| 1,260 [110]|11,415 [001]| 1,395 [092]| 2,535 [072]| 6,105 [020]| 1,470 [077]| 2,025 [081]| 2,070 [071]| 2,430 [066]|
|POEman553          | 31,530 { 2,628} [060]| 3,105 [048]| 3,285 [049]| 2,895 [056]| 2,280 [055]| 3,690 [029]| 2,790 [029]| 1,815 [100]| 2,385 [078]| 1,500 [073]| 2,745 [056]| 2,670 [050]| 2,370 [071]|
|poodude            | 29,985 { 2,499} [063]| 1,140 [128]| 6,390 [007]| 3,120 [049]| 2,325 [054]| 1,935 [076]| 1,665 [080]| 3,045 [055]| 1,140 [124]|   720 [128]| 1,305 [118]| 2,550 [054]| 4,650 [023]|
|PrimeRib           | 13,380 { 1,115} [150]|   915 [142]|   720 [161]|   855 [171]| 1,230 [113]|   525 [153]|   495 [156]| 1,785 [103]|   345 [185]| 1,560 [068]| 3,480 [044]|   645 [145]|   825 [144]|
|quicksilverd1      | 14,295 { 1,191} [143]| 1,575 [103]|   885 [148]| 1,005 [160]|   765 [141]| 1,230 [104]|   390 [162]|   450 [176]|   810 [149]| 2,010 [051]| 2,280 [074]| 1,785 [086]| 1,110 [128]|
|RAD27-D            | 28,410 { 2,368} [070]| 2,235 [084]| 2,595 [071]| 2,925 [053]| 1,530 [094]| 2,700 [050]|   975 [117]| 3,525 [038]| 2,535 [074]| 2,520 [037]| 2,820 [053]| 3,540 [029]|   510 [162]|
|radekn             | 19,095 { 1,591} [104]| 1,065 [136]| 1,095 [137]| 2,415 [076]| 1,590 [091]| 1,335 [099]| 1,710 [076]| 4,155 [028]|   915 [143]| 1,740 [061]|   765 [148]| 2,220 [064]|    90 [203]|
|ragnorak251        | 23,220 { 1,935} [092]| 2,700 [057]| 2,670 [068]| 2,025 [101]| 1,515 [098]| 1,500 [092]| 6,255 [009]| 1,470 [117]|   150 [197]|   540 [146]|   435 [169]| 2,205 [066]| 1,755 [097]|
|RedshirtRig        |  8,325 {   694} [185]|   810 [149]| 1,335 [122]| 1,395 [137]|   780 [136]|   390 [166]|   570 [151]|   375 [180]|   705 [158]|   225 [191]| 1,110 [129]|   405 [175]|   225 [184]|
|Reign_Of_Rain      | 16,050 { 1,338} [130]|   855 [146]| 2,175 [089]| 2,235 [088]| 1,650 [087]|   375 [168]| 1,260 [097]| 1,515 [114]|   750 [155]| 1,290 [085]|   975 [135]| 1,980 [078]|   990 [137]|
|ReNeGaDe124        | 15,375 { 1,281} [138]|   480 [167]| 6,075 [011]| 3,195 [045]| 1,185 [116]|   795 [130]|   165 [189]| 1,290 [127]|   240 [191]|   420 [165]|    30 [208]| 1,140 [117]|   360 [171]|
|replicant-uk       | 21,060 { 1,755} [099]|   105 [200]| 2,160 [091]| 1,695 [125]| 5,640 [007]|    90 [199]|   360 [163]| 1,440 [119]| 1,305 [114]| 1,530 [071]| 2,520 [067]| 2,880 [043]| 1,335 [117]|
|Returners          | 33,960 { 2,830} [049]| 7,740 [002]| 2,145 [092]| 6,120 [009]| 4,605 [013]| 3,600 [032]| 1,815 [073]| 2,055 [093]|   645 [166]|   450 [162]| 1,155 [126]| 1,230 [110]| 2,400 [067]|
|RIOGA6             | 17,595 { 1,466} [114]|   435 [173]| 2,100 [094]|   495 [193]|   660 [147]| 2,385 [060]|   210 [181]|   765 [159]| 3,240 [052]| 1,515 [072]| 2,625 [064]| 1,545 [094]| 1,620 [103]|
|Rosur              | 10,275 {   856} [167]|   615 [160]| 1,665 [105]|   915 [168]|   345 [176]|   225 [186]|     0 [205]|   405 [179]|   705 [158]|   375 [175]| 1,830 [088]|   135 [204]| 3,060 [051]|
|Rtbeoh             | 28,380 { 2,365} [071]| 1,815 [094]| 1,275 [126]| 1,620 [129]|   930 [127]| 2,655 [051]| 2,205 [054]| 6,345 [013]| 4,995 [024]| 1,110 [102]| 2,565 [065]|   480 [160]| 2,385 [068]|
|RyJonJinn          |  1,725 {   144} [217]|     0 [210]|    15 [209]|   525 [191]|     0 [205]|     0 [204]|   135 [192]|    30 [203]|   135 [199]|   195 [194]|   135 [200]|   420 [173]|   135 [198]|
|S1_Winged_Angel    | 13,755 { 1,146} [145]| 2,100 [087]| 1,650 [106]|   690 [180]| 1,500 [100]|   825 [125]|   135 [192]|   960 [149]| 1,110 [130]| 1,185 [093]|   660 [157]| 1,350 [106]| 1,590 [105]|
|Saivania           | 18,225 { 1,519} [110]| 1,605 [100]| 1,320 [124]| 1,545 [133]|   600 [158]| 1,635 [089]| 1,500 [086]| 2,190 [084]| 1,275 [117]|   390 [169]|   855 [143]| 3,495 [030]| 1,815 [095]|
|ScarletMyst        |  6,075 {   506} [199]|   120 [197]|   765 [159]| 1,215 [149]|   300 [182]|   270 [183]|   150 [190]|    75 [200]|   525 [173]| 1,080 [104]|   675 [155]|   900 [127]|     0 [210]|
|Sez_06             | 59,385 { 4,949} [011]|     0 [210]|     0 [212]|14,130 [001]| 3,270 [028]| 2,505 [053]|   225 [178]|18,240 [001]|15,975 [003]| 2,235 [043]|   210 [193]| 2,595 [053]|     0 [210]|
|Shinjiru           | 13,590 { 1,133} [148]|   540 [165]|   840 [155]| 1,560 [131]|   705 [144]|   540 [149]|   285 [170]| 1,290 [127]| 1,725 [098]| 1,395 [081]|   765 [148]| 2,070 [071]| 1,875 [090]|
|SirSmokesAlot69    |  2,490 {   208} [215]|   300 [185]|   570 [171]|   270 [200]|     0 [205]|    30 [202]|   225 [178]|   510 [172]|     0 [210]|   120 [199]|    90 [205]|   180 [200]|   195 [191]|
|SirUltimos         | 10,575 {   881} [166]| 1,125 [130]|   210 [195]|   495 [193]|   225 [188]| 2,145 [066]|     0 [205]|   510 [172]|   480 [178]| 1,320 [084]| 1,590 [100]|   750 [139]| 1,725 [098]|
|SJay1994           | 28,665 { 2,389} [066]| 1,560 [105]| 1,920 [095]| 2,640 [065]| 1,815 [079]| 2,760 [049]| 2,310 [049]| 1,230 [131]| 3,780 [039]| 1,560 [068]| 3,765 [038]| 1,395 [103]| 3,930 [033]|
|Ski-Skate          | 40,245 {13,415} [032]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |16,125 [001]|13,365 [001]|10,755 [003]|
|Slashkice          | 32,625 { 2,719} [054]| 5,175 [012]| 4,005 [036]| 5,325 [012]| 3,570 [021]| 1,860 [079]| 1,455 [088]| 2,160 [086]|   615 [169]| 1,125 [100]| 1,560 [103]| 1,335 [107]| 4,440 [025]|
|smalltroubl        | 15,600 { 1,300} [135]| 1,140 [128]| 1,365 [121]| 1,335 [140]| 1,230 [113]| 2,310 [062]|   990 [113]| 3,165 [053]|   945 [141]|   990 [116]|   930 [139]|   375 [177]|   825 [144]|
|Smokey_Nice        |  2,745 {   229} [213]|    15 [209]|    90 [205]|   360 [198]|     0 [205]|     0 [204]|     0 [205]|   900 [150]|   165 [194]|   495 [156]|   240 [186]|   240 [193]|   240 [183]|
|snow_hawk_88       | 51,885 { 4,324} [017]| 4,965 [015]| 5,865 [014]| 2,145 [094]| 3,135 [032]| 4,380 [020]| 4,095 [020]| 4,230 [026]| 6,090 [021]| 3,375 [021]| 3,690 [039]| 6,885 [003]| 3,030 [054]|
|sohail4321         | 16,200 { 1,350} [127]|   885 [144]| 2,340 [081]| 1,935 [110]| 1,395 [104]| 1,320 [100]|   720 [140]| 1,800 [101]| 1,455 [111]| 1,260 [088]| 1,860 [087]|   750 [139]|   480 [164]|
|SomaXD             | 16,365 { 1,364} [124]| 1,920 [091]| 3,285 [049]| 1,305 [143]| 1,110 [118]| 1,440 [094]|   570 [151]| 1,035 [145]| 1,530 [109]| 2,220 [044]| 1,125 [127]|   375 [177]|   450 [166]|
|somethingatt       | 16,185 { 1,349} [128]| 1,245 [121]| 1,485 [113]| 2,100 [095]|   765 [141]|   810 [128]| 1,035 [111]| 1,290 [127]| 2,625 [067]| 1,140 [098]| 2,700 [059]|   300 [186]|   690 [153]|
|Spedfrom           |  5,895 {   491} [201]| 1,200 [125]|   195 [197]|   150 [203]|    75 [200]|   210 [188]| 1,140 [104]| 1,095 [141]|   195 [193]|   210 [192]|   225 [189]|   465 [162]|   735 [149]|
|Spycarnegy         |  3,855 {   321} [207]|   330 [183]|   360 [183]|    30 [212]|    15 [202]|   600 [145]|   660 [143]|   510 [172]|   405 [182]|   195 [194]|   165 [197]|   360 [179]|   225 [184]|
|Stanng             | 63,990 { 5,333} [006]| 4,485 [017]| 6,000 [013]| 7,980 [003]|10,035 [004]| 7,320 [007]| 3,345 [023]| 6,435 [012]| 4,545 [028]| 2,160 [047]| 7,140 [009]| 3,435 [031]| 1,110 [128]|
|Starky27           | 32,925 { 2,744} [053]| 2,520 [064]| 4,920 [024]| 2,355 [081]| 1,305 [109]| 2,055 [071]| 2,355 [045]| 1,725 [106]| 3,765 [041]| 1,965 [053]| 5,805 [018]|   840 [135]| 3,315 [044]|
|Steroyd            | 11,010 {   918} [161]|   150 [194]| 1,275 [126]| 1,050 [157]| 1,515 [098]| 1,260 [102]|   795 [135]| 1,500 [115]|   960 [140]| 1,005 [114]|   255 [184]|   315 [185]|   930 [141]|
|StevePharma        | 37,725 { 3,144} [037]| 1,710 [096]| 3,570 [042]| 2,505 [071]| 2,940 [035]|   540 [149]| 1,155 [102]| 3,855 [032]| 7,620 [009]| 2,325 [041]| 5,715 [019]| 5,190 [012]|   600 [159]|
|StingX2            | 23,715 { 1,976} [089]|   630 [158]| 1,440 [117]| 3,315 [042]| 2,340 [052]| 3,240 [039]| 1,350 [094]|   855 [152]| 1,140 [124]|   945 [117]| 5,595 [022]| 1,440 [100]| 1,425 [114]|
|Storm-Iz-SiK       | 25,695 { 2,141} [081]| 1,155 [127]| 5,640 [017]| 2,910 [054]|   210 [191]| 3,555 [035]| 1,455 [088]| 3,480 [041]| 1,215 [119]| 4,545 [012]|   630 [158]|   150 [201]|   750 [148]|
|superjona97        | 20,295 { 1,691} [101]| 2,640 [060]| 1,500 [111]| 1,020 [159]| 1,980 [070]|   645 [140]| 1,110 [108]| 3,375 [048]| 1,815 [095]| 1,185 [093]| 2,415 [070]| 1,155 [116]| 1,455 [112]|
|tahsin_sutcuoglu   |  5,115 {   426} [204]|   585 [162]|   435 [175]|   720 [178]|     0 [205]|   270 [183]|   465 [160]| 1,065 [143]|   570 [171]|   630 [139]|   315 [181]|     0 [213]|    60 [204]|
|Telminator-2       | 22,500 { 1,875} [095]| 2,385 [073]| 2,505 [075]| 2,475 [072]|   810 [132]| 1,680 [087]|   990 [113]|   990 [147]| 2,310 [081]| 1,500 [073]| 2,535 [066]| 2,460 [056]| 1,860 [092]|
|TheBkMogul         |  7,620 {   635} [189]| 1,515 [109]| 1,275 [126]| 1,035 [158]|   615 [155]|   825 [125]|   825 [129]|    75 [200]|    45 [205]|    45 [202]|   240 [186]|   435 [168]|   690 [153]|
|TheWrenchNinja     | 12,240 { 1,020} [158]|   180 [191]|     0 [212]|    15 [213]| 1,200 [115]|   405 [165]|   195 [185]|   330 [184]| 2,385 [078]|   615 [141]| 1,110 [129]|   225 [195]| 5,580 [018]|
|TimodusSnake       | 68,130 { 5,678} [004]| 6,990 [006]| 6,915 [004]| 6,075 [010]| 5,325 [010]| 3,120 [043]| 3,435 [022]| 5,175 [022]| 7,920 [008]| 3,270 [026]|10,395 [003]| 5,895 [007]| 3,615 [037]|
|timothyonfire      | 44,385 { 3,699} [026]| 5,190 [011]| 2,655 [069]| 2,055 [099]| 3,105 [034]| 7,155 [008]| 1,860 [069]| 2,295 [080]| 6,075 [022]| 3,180 [027]| 1,830 [088]| 2,910 [041]| 6,075 [011]|
|TMC2k1             | 16,335 { 1,361} [125]|   810 [149]|   780 [158]| 1,365 [138]|   150 [197]| 1,845 [080]| 1,425 [091]| 2,550 [071]| 1,005 [137]|   405 [168]|   885 [140]| 1,080 [122]| 4,035 [031]|
|TNH47              | 33,150 { 2,763} [052]| 3,495 [039]| 2,940 [061]| 1,560 [131]| 1,395 [104]| 4,260 [023]| 1,560 [085]| 2,100 [090]| 2,640 [066]| 2,550 [036]| 3,915 [036]| 3,690 [025]| 3,045 [052]|
|Tobinishi          | 12,360 { 1,030} [155]| 3,150 [046]| 1,260 [130]| 2,370 [080]|   975 [125]|   525 [153]|   300 [168]|   825 [155]|   795 [151]| 1,500 [073]|   420 [170]|   120 [207]|   120 [200]|
|UnlovedJew         | 37,695 { 3,141} [038]| 1,365 [113]| 3,600 [041]| 1,740 [123]|   795 [134]| 3,345 [037]| 1,875 [067]| 3,975 [030]| 1,545 [108]| 4,530 [013]| 5,865 [016]| 4,890 [016]| 4,170 [028]|
|VaDe-_-            |  7,365 {   614} [190]|   255 [187]|   315 [188]|     0 [214]|     0 [205]| 1,200 [106]|     0 [205]|     0 [206]|     0 [210]| 1,410 [080]| 1,320 [116]|   750 [139]| 2,115 [078]|
|Vagabone           | 52,380 { 4,365} [015]| 5,130 [013]| 6,900 [005]| 5,880 [011]| 2,520 [048]| 2,490 [054]| 2,685 [032]| 9,645 [004]| 3,720 [042]| 1,290 [085]| 5,010 [030]| 2,805 [045]| 4,305 [026]|
|WeTeHa             | 28,665 { 2,389} [066]| 2,370 [075]| 5,730 [015]| 2,220 [091]|   270 [184]|   705 [135]| 3,165 [025]| 4,905 [023]|   525 [173]|     0 [208]|   705 [152]| 3,915 [021]| 4,155 [029]|
|WindDancerReborn   | 10,725 {   894} [165]|   180 [191]|   120 [202]|   870 [170]|    15 [202]|   360 [169]|    15 [203]|   495 [175]|   315 [189]| 1,905 [054]| 3,120 [048]| 2,220 [064]| 1,110 [128]|
|Wo33er             |  5,040 {   420} [205]|   405 [177]|   255 [192]|   510 [192]|   450 [170]|   330 [173]|   660 [143]|   255 [188]|   750 [155]|   780 [126]|   480 [164]|   150 [201]|    15 [209]|
|xarab4lyfex        |  5,745 {   479} [202]|   345 [181]|   195 [197]|   645 [183]|   345 [176]|   180 [193]|   255 [175]|   105 [197]| 1,125 [129]|   750 [127]| 1,125 [127]|   540 [156]|   135 [198]|
|XFreaktionX        |  9,225 {   769} [179]| 2,250 [081]|   390 [180]|   570 [186]|    15 [202]|   690 [138]|   120 [195]|   120 [195]|   225 [192]|     0 [208]| 2,730 [057]|   735 [143]| 1,380 [115]|
|xLiKx              | 16,950 { 1,413} [120]|   675 [157]|   975 [146]| 1,140 [156]| 2,640 [042]| 1,365 [097]|   630 [146]| 1,275 [130]| 3,090 [057]| 1,035 [108]|   465 [165]| 2,025 [074]| 1,635 [101]|
|xMETATRONx         | 15,630 { 1,303} [134]| 3,300 [042]| 1,020 [144]| 2,760 [059]| 1,020 [123]| 1,815 [082]|   750 [138]|   660 [168]| 1,140 [124]|   315 [180]|   195 [194]| 1,200 [113]| 1,455 [112]|
|zebaz08            |  1,965 {   164} [216]| 1,575 [103]|   315 [188]|    75 [208]|     0 [205]|     0 [204]|     0 [205]|     0 [206]|     0 [210]|     0 [208]|     0 [213]|     0 [213]|     0 [210]|
|Zerokoolpsx        |  5,685 {   474} [203]|   105 [200]|   885 [148]|   990 [162]|   195 [193]|   210 [188]|     0 [205]|   105 [197]|   885 [144]|   465 [158]| 1,320 [116]|   270 [190]|   255 [180]|
|zeroskater18       | 13,275 { 1,106} [151]| 2,445 [070]| 1,860 [097]|   675 [182]|    90 [199]|   345 [171]|   930 [121]| 2,655 [068]| 1,575 [105]|   510 [151]| 1,575 [101]|   210 [198]|   405 [169]|
|Zieghardt          | 34,425 { 2,869} [046]| 3,585 [037]| 2,190 [087]| 3,690 [030]| 1,995 [068]| 2,160 [065]| 2,385 [043]| 1,665 [111]| 5,865 [023]| 3,060 [029]| 1,650 [095]| 5,100 [014]| 1,080 [134]|
|zoyosjd            | 17,550 { 1,463} [115]| 3,210 [044]|   960 [147]| 1,965 [108]| 1,530 [094]| 1,080 [117]| 1,380 [093]|   795 [158]| 1,635 [101]|   540 [146]| 1,605 [097]|   795 [137]| 2,055 [081]|

EDIT - Updated the data...

EDIT - Updated the data... x2


I do see some strange stuff. I'm looking at the PSNProfile stats page, and I'm doing first day of month to last day of month comparisons, which do mean I might miss a couple of points each month in the following quick calculation.
- I should be at 7530 points for December, which would put me in the top 3.
- I would be number 2 in April with 10.455 points.
- I would only have 3480 points in May, a lot less than the 9,075 you have me there.

Found the problem, I'm forward counting... at the beginning of the new month, I'm minusing the old total, but keep that figure with the later date...

This will be an easy fix...


You have my stats way wrong.

I had 15,555 points on 628 trophies for 2015. your stats were about 4K off...

I just updated then... I can see the 628 Trophies, as that is what I have now also, but the point total is wrong on your side.

Date (B, S, G, P)
1/01/2015 (1,427, 303, 91, 15)
1/01/2016 (1,868, 445, 129, 22)

B = 441 * 15 = 6615
S = 142 * 30 = 4260
G = 38 * 60 = 2280
P = 7 * 90 = 630
Tot = 628 @ = 13785


2016 : Overall Top 10

+ - + ----- ----- ----- ----- +
|Pos|                   Total |
+ - + ----- ----- ----- ----- +
|  1| MaverickHunterX [25,185]|
|  2|          haadim [19,935]|
|  3|Dragonslayer_023 [19,095]|
|  4|       Papu_kweh [15,060]|
|  5|          neohwa [13,020]|
|  6|          ckleow [12,495]|
|  7|           JoniP [12,210]|
|  8|big-_-_-_-boss69 [12,150]|
|  9|         DarkLs1 [12,105]|
| 10|haveabloodmuffin [11,865]|
+ - + ----- ----- ----- ----- +

2016 : Monthly Top 10
+ - + ----- ----- ----- ----- + ----- ----- ----- ----- +
|Pos|                     Jan |                     Feb |
+ - + ----- ----- ----- ----- + ----- ----- ----- ----- +
|  1| MaverickHunterX [18,855]|       Papu_kweh [ 8,595]|
|  2|          haadim [14,070]|          neohwa [ 7,890]|
|  3|Dragonslayer_023 [13,155]|         DarkLs1 [ 6,495]|
|  4|           JoniP [ 8,340]|        libregkd [ 6,390]|
|  5|          lancem [ 7,800]| MaverickHunterX [ 6,330]|
|  6| PapasitoPenguin [ 7,590]|        Vagabone [ 6,225]|
|  7| almighty-slayer [ 7,500]|          ckleow [ 5,970]|
|  8|haveabloodmuffin [ 7,080]|Dragonslayer_023 [ 5,940]|
|  9|          ckleow [ 6,525]|          haadim [ 5,865]|
| 10|       Papu_kweh [ 6,465]|          coisou [ 5,805]|
+ - + ----- ----- ----- ----- + ----- ----- ----- ----- +

EDIT - 2016 Data Updated...


I just updated then... I can see the 628 Trophies, as that is what I have now also, but the point total is wrong on your side.

Date (B, S, G, P)
1/01/2015 (1,427, 303, 91, 15)
1/01/2016 (1,868, 445, 129, 22)

B = 441 * 15 = 6615
S = 142 * 30 = 4260
G = 38 * 60 = 2280
P = 7 * 90 = 630
Tot = 628 @ = 13785

I think you've got your numbers wrong. Gold should be worth 90 and Platinum 180.

So 38 *90 = 3420, 7 * 180 = 1260

Total = 15 555


I just updated then... I can see the 628 Trophies, as that is what I have now also, but the point total is wrong on your side.

Date (B, S, G, P)
1/01/2015 (1,427, 303, 91, 15)
1/01/2016 (1,868, 445, 129, 22)

B = 441 * 15 = 6615
S = 142 * 30 = 4260
G = 38 * 60 = 2280
P = 7 * 90 = 630
Tot = 628 @ = 13785
i actually just re-looked and i have 440 bronze but i think that's just a timezone thing

thought golds were 90 and plats 180?


lol, to think I should...
a) know that...
b) probably did, but for whatever reason when with the other numbers...

alright... another easy fix...


lol, to think I should...
a) know that...
b) probably did, but for whatever reason when with the other numbers...

alright... another easy fix...

Don't let us discourage you with significant calculation details. You're doing a fantastic job by updating and seem to have the system down for pulling in data. I very much appreciate your effort.


lol, not at all discouraged... working in a bubble can lead to silly errors, 2 of them are solved because of a fresh set of eyes on the data...

Alright... so 2015 and 2016 tables have been updated... Should all be good (for now)... :p

That might do me for tonight, seeing as it's 244am here...

EDIT - Actually forgot...

2016 : Everything (A-K)

+ ----- ----- ----- +               -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +
|PSN ID             |   Total {Ave} [Rank] | Jan [Rank] | Feb [Rank] | Mar [Rank] | Apr [Rank] | May [Rank] | Jun [Rank] | Jul [Rank] | Aug [Rank] | Sep [Rank] | Oct [Rank] | Nov [Rank] | Dec [Rank] |
+ ----- ----- ----- +               -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +
|Aerocrane          |     45 {    23} [205]|     0 [207]|    45 [194]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|AkuMifune          |  1,350 {   675} [158]| 1,260 [116]|    90 [187]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Alexein88          |  4,815 { 2,408} [062]| 2,685 [052]| 2,130 [061]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|almighty-slayer    |  7,815 { 3,908} [027]| 7,500 [007]|   315 [168]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Alo0oy_Alo0oy      |  2,550 { 1,275} [116]| 2,130 [073]|   420 [154]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|AlphaTwo           |  1,020 {   510} [169]|   945 [137]|    75 [191]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Amazingu           |  3,135 { 1,568} [094]|   690 [150]| 2,445 [056]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Amazins3354        |  2,595 { 1,298} [114]| 1,245 [117]| 1,350 [095]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|AmnesiacWanderer   |    555 {   278} [184]|   315 [180]|   240 [175]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Andrefpvs          |  3,540 { 1,770} [086]| 1,920 [081]| 1,620 [085]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|AST2008            |  5,880 { 2,940} [041]| 1,935 [080]| 3,945 [025]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|atomiksuperinsan   |  2,385 { 1,193} [119]| 2,130 [073]|   255 [173]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|awesomeness5821    |    675 {   338} [177]|   495 [164]|   180 [182]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Balphon            |  5,700 { 2,850} [043]| 2,130 [073]| 3,570 [029]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|BaraSailey         |  3,735 { 1,868} [079]| 2,835 [051]|   900 [124]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|BerserkPT          |    180 {    90} [198]|   180 [188]|     0 [201]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|BHK3               |    660 {   330} [179]|    90 [197]|   570 [144]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|big-_-_-_-boss69   | 12,150 { 6,075} [008]| 6,360 [011]| 5,790 [011]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|bigdaddygamebot    |  1,590 {   795} [146]| 1,080 [123]|   510 [148]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|BoxManLocke        |  5,685 { 2,843} [045]| 2,475 [062]| 3,210 [036]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|brickarts295       |  4,590 { 2,295} [064]| 2,535 [058]| 2,055 [065]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Broadbandit        |  1,380 {   690} [155]|   960 [134]|   420 [154]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Bromic_LaMonte     |  1,845 {   923} [133]|   795 [145]| 1,050 [118]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|bucyou55           |  1,380 {   690} [155]|   750 [148]|   630 [136]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|cammy84            |  2,985 { 1,493} [098]| 1,950 [079]| 1,035 [120]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|cappie88           |  3,615 { 1,808} [084]| 1,785 [087]| 1,830 [076]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|CaptQasiel         |  1,605 {   803} [145]|   330 [176]| 1,275 [100]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|cbTang             |                      |     0 [207]|     0 [201]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|CedricKnave        |     30 {    15} [206]|    15 [204]|    15 [198]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Cilllah            |  1,425 {   713} [153]|   765 [147]|   660 [134]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|ckleow             | 12,495 { 6,248} [006]| 6,525 [009]| 5,970 [007]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|CoffeeKillquest    |  5,295 { 2,648} [052]| 1,920 [081]| 3,375 [031]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|coisou             | 10,815 { 5,408} [012]| 5,010 [019]| 5,805 [010]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|consor8            |     75 {    38} [203]|    75 [199]|     0 [201]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|cool_trainer       |  1,065 {   533} [168]|   675 [151]|   390 [157]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|crblahblah         |  2,100 { 1,050} [128]| 1,035 [128]| 1,065 [115]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Creamium           |  2,955 { 1,478} [102]| 1,065 [125]| 1,890 [075]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Crotin             |  1,740 {   870} [135]|   960 [134]|   780 [127]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|crp108             |  3,540 { 1,770} [086]| 1,410 [109]| 2,130 [061]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Da_Sloane_Ranger   |  4,590 { 2,295} [064]| 3,195 [043]| 1,395 [091]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Dangerblade        |     30 {    15} [206]|    30 [203]|     0 [201]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Daniel_Gonzz       |  3,060 { 1,530} [095]| 2,580 [055]|   480 [150]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|DarkLs1            | 12,105 { 6,053} [009]| 5,610 [012]| 6,495 [003]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|DarkParodius       |  9,375 { 4,688} [018]| 4,965 [020]| 4,410 [020]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|deathrowinmate66   |  5,880 { 2,940} [041]| 3,495 [036]| 2,385 [058]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Delusi             |  1,800 {   900} [134]|   885 [141]|   915 [123]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|DeMacabre          |  3,795 { 1,898} [077]| 1,575 [098]| 2,220 [060]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|DeMarco_1975       |  3,840 { 1,920} [076]| 3,075 [046]|   765 [128]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|DesmaBR            |  6,000 { 3,000} [038]| 1,965 [078]| 4,035 [023]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Dingotech-US       |  2,760 { 1,380} [109]| 2,235 [070]|   525 [147]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|DisturbedPT        | 10,350 { 5,175} [015]| 5,070 [018]| 5,280 [014]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Doomburrito7       |  6,225 { 3,113} [037]| 3,015 [049]| 3,210 [036]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Dragonslayer_023   | 19,095 { 9,548} [003]|13,155 [003]| 5,940 [008]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Drayco90           |  2,850 { 1,425} [105]| 1,710 [090]| 1,140 [107]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|DryvBy             |  4,245 { 2,123} [072]| 2,265 [069]| 1,980 [070]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Dthomp             |  2,940 { 1,470} [104]| 1,440 [107]| 1,500 [088]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|EggBok             |    480 {   240} [186]|   345 [175]|   135 [183]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|eloxx              |  6,795 { 3,398} [033]| 4,770 [024]| 2,025 [067]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|F1nal              |  3,990 { 1,995} [073]| 2,550 [056]| 1,440 [089]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|falconxcrunner09   |  6,315 { 3,158} [036]| 3,060 [047]| 3,255 [035]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|FallenGrace        |  7,170 { 3,585} [030]| 3,480 [038]| 3,690 [028]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Filip-I            |  2,625 { 1,313} [113]| 1,530 [102]| 1,095 [110]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Firestorm_ZERO     |  1,440 {   720} [152]|   825 [144]|   615 [138]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|foolishoptimist    |    555 {   278} [184]|   180 [188]|   375 [160]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Footos22           |  9,480 { 4,740} [017]| 3,855 [032]| 5,625 [013]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|free7palestine     |  5,505 { 2,753} [049]|   570 [156]| 4,935 [015]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|freman8183         |  2,580 { 1,290} [115]| 1,410 [109]| 1,170 [104]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Galtian            |                      |     0 [207]|     0 [201]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|genbatzu           |  1,635 {   818} [141]| 1,635 [093]|     0 [201]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|gillettjoe         |  5,085 { 2,543} [056]| 3,255 [041]| 1,830 [076]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Gizmo_Monkey       |  8,115 { 4,058} [025]| 3,495 [036]| 4,620 [018]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Goonboy            |  8,640 { 4,320} [021]| 4,575 [029]| 4,065 [022]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Gorger             |  3,420 { 1,710} [090]| 2,145 [072]| 1,275 [100]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|GothPunk           |  1,875 {   938} [131]| 1,185 [119]|   690 [130]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|gotstrangepowers   |  9,630 { 4,815} [016]| 4,815 [023]| 4,815 [016]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|graffiX_13         |  4,740 { 2,370} [063]| 3,450 [039]| 1,290 [098]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Grandben           |  3,375 { 1,688} [092]| 1,290 [114]| 2,085 [063]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Grieves1           |  1,245 {   623} [163]|   570 [156]|   675 [132]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Gskyace            |  8,010 { 4,005} [026]| 5,430 [015]| 2,580 [051]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|GuerrillaDawg      |    900 {   450} [173]|   225 [185]|   675 [132]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|haadim             | 19,935 { 9,968} [002]|14,070 [002]| 5,865 [009]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|hanmik             |  2,685 { 1,343} [112]| 1,470 [105]| 1,215 [103]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|haveabloodmuffin   | 11,865 { 5,933} [010]| 7,080 [008]| 4,785 [017]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|hersheyfan         |  3,045 { 1,523} [096]| 2,430 [065]|   615 [138]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|humbleboy13        |  2,775 { 1,388} [108]| 1,620 [095]| 1,155 [105]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|I3rand0            |  2,985 { 1,493} [098]|   360 [172]| 2,625 [050]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|IceDoesntHelp      |  3,195 { 1,598} [093]|   330 [176]| 2,865 [045]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|IkonMeKnivet       |    390 {   195} [190]|   135 [194]|   255 [173]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Inoa_Kai           |    645 {   323} [181]|   285 [184]|   360 [162]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|JellySoupForever   |  2,370 { 1,185} [121]| 1,005 [131]| 1,365 [094]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|JFDoom             |  6,675 { 3,338} [034]| 3,750 [033]| 2,925 [044]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|jimflox            |  2,385 { 1,193} [119]| 1,845 [084]|   540 [146]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|JoniP              | 12,210 { 6,105} [007]| 8,340 [004]| 3,870 [027]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|jonno394           |    585 {   293} [183]|   495 [164]|    90 [187]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|k0wb0y-b33b0p      |  1,080 {   540} [167]|   870 [142]|   210 [177]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Kaji_AU            |    465 {   233} [187]|   465 [167]|     0 [201]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|kamineko_kitteh    |    720 {   360} [176]|   390 [170]|   330 [166]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|KelticNight        |                      |     0 [207]|     0 [201]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|kevinlever         |  3,855 { 1,928} [075]| 2,100 [076]| 1,755 [081]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|kgtrep             |     90 {    45} [202]|    15 [204]|    75 [191]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Khaos_Knight       |  1,305 {   653} [160]|   870 [142]|   435 [152]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Killer__EgO        |  1,680 {   840} [138]|   630 [154]| 1,050 [118]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Kingwingin         |  1,455 {   728} [151]| 1,350 [111]|   105 [186]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Klart              |  3,585 { 1,793} [085]| 2,460 [064]| 1,125 [108]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|KylieDog           |  6,450 { 3,225} [035]| 4,665 [027]| 1,785 [080]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |


Just a reminder about the discussion, some of these results for 2016 might not be correct, if the profile hasn't been updated for a while...

2016 : Everything (L-Z)

+ ----- ----- ----- +               -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +
|PSN ID             |   Total {Ave} [Rank] | Jan [Rank] | Feb [Rank] | Mar [Rank] | Apr [Rank] | May [Rank] | Jun [Rank] | Jul [Rank] | Aug [Rank] | Sep [Rank] | Oct [Rank] | Nov [Rank] | Dec [Rank] |
+ ----- ----- ----- +               -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +     -----  +
|lancem             | 10,440 { 5,220} [013]| 7,800 [005]| 2,640 [049]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|lateralus1082      |    420 {   210} [189]|   225 [185]|   195 [180]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|LaughingBanana     |  1,320 {   660} [159]|    15 [204]| 1,305 [097]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|le7Samurai         |     75 {    38} [203]|    45 [202]|    30 [195]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|libregkd           |  8,895 { 4,448} [020]| 2,505 [060]| 6,390 [004]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|licbone73          |  5,490 { 2,745} [051]| 1,515 [103]| 3,975 [024]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|LiquidDom          |  8,460 { 4,230} [022]| 4,920 [021]| 3,540 [030]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|LiquidSolid        |  4,335 { 2,168} [070]| 1,140 [122]| 3,195 [039]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|llll-Dan-llll      |  5,520 { 2,760} [048]| 2,520 [059]| 3,000 [042]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|LordCastamere      |  5,550 { 2,775} [047]| 3,930 [030]| 1,620 [085]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|LordofPwn          |  5,505 { 2,753} [049]| 2,685 [052]| 2,820 [046]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|LSB123             |  1,635 {   818} [141]|   555 [159]| 1,080 [113]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|LtLedhead          |    375 {   188} [191]|   165 [191]|   210 [177]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Lucianman101       |  4,350 { 2,175} [069]| 3,090 [045]| 1,260 [102]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|m1tch91            |  3,735 { 1,868} [079]| 2,160 [071]| 1,575 [087]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Makikou72          |                      |     0 [207]|     0 [201]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Makoto-Hikami      |  1,635 {   818} [141]|   780 [146]|   855 [126]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Mangamaniac71      |  2,235 { 1,118} [124]| 1,575 [098]|   660 [134]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|manzoman96         |  1,185 {   593} [165]| 1,050 [126]|   135 [183]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Marcin             |  1,950 {   975} [129]| 1,605 [096]|   345 [164]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Markitron          |  2,955 { 1,478} [102]| 1,560 [100]| 1,395 [091]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|MaverickHunterX    | 25,185 {12,593} [001]|18,855 [001]| 6,330 [005]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|MaxSanson          |  4,365 { 2,183} [068]| 1,680 [092]| 2,685 [047]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Mchardy23          |  2,235 { 1,118} [124]|   315 [180]| 1,920 [074]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|mcstevens88        |  5,190 { 2,595} [053]| 1,920 [081]| 3,270 [033]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|meistaheinz        |  3,885 { 1,943} [074]| 2,505 [060]| 1,380 [093]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|meltsi             |    645 {   323} [181]|   510 [162]|   135 [183]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|MiracleTrail       |  3,495 { 1,748} [088]|   405 [169]| 3,090 [040]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|mob_skater         |                      |     0 [207]|     0 [201]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|MrNelson92         |  1,680 {   840} [138]| 1,050 [126]|   630 [136]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Mr-Stephen         |  2,280 { 1,140} [123]| 2,055 [077]|   225 [176]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Mullet2000         |  1,515 {   758} [149]| 1,080 [123]|   435 [152]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|neohwa             | 13,020 { 6,510} [005]| 5,130 [017]| 7,890 [002]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|NeonDelta          |    375 {   188} [191]|    60 [201]|   315 [168]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|NeoRausch          |  1,725 {   863} [137]|   645 [153]| 1,080 [113]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Netguy503          |  7,290 { 3,645} [029]| 5,220 [016]| 2,070 [064]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|NewDust            |  7,710 { 3,855} [028]| 5,445 [014]| 2,265 [059]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|newrome            |  1,860 {   930} [132]| 1,275 [115]|   585 [140]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|ocesc68            |    210 {   105} [197]|   210 [187]|     0 [201]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|oggob              |  4,380 { 2,190} [067]| 2,550 [056]| 1,830 [076]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|oldyella           |  4,830 { 2,415} [061]| 1,815 [085]| 3,015 [041]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|ortiz344           |    945 {   473} [172]|   375 [171]|   570 [144]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Osahi_be           |  1,425 {   713} [153]|   330 [176]| 1,095 [110]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Palette_Swap       |  6,000 { 3,000} [038]| 3,030 [048]| 2,970 [043]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|PapasitoPenguin    |  8,925 { 4,463} [019]| 7,590 [006]| 1,335 [096]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Papu_kweh          | 15,060 { 7,530} [004]| 6,465 [010]| 8,595 [001]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|peanut0423         |  5,070 { 2,535} [057]|   675 [151]| 4,395 [021]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Pestilence11       |    330 {   165} [195]|   330 [176]|     0 [201]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|phoenix9447        |  5,175 { 2,588} [055]| 4,725 [025]|   450 [151]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|POEman553          |  5,685 { 2,843} [045]| 3,930 [030]| 1,755 [081]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|poodude            |  3,750 { 1,875} [078]| 3,165 [044]|   585 [140]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|PrimeRib           |  1,650 {   825} [140]| 1,320 [112]|   330 [166]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|quicksilverd1      |  1,020 {   510} [169]|   315 [180]|   705 [129]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|RAD27-D            |  2,970 { 1,485} [100]| 1,560 [100]| 1,410 [090]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|radekn             |    180 {    90} [198]|   105 [196]|    75 [191]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|ragnorak251        |  8,220 { 4,110} [023]| 5,550 [013]| 2,670 [048]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|RedshirtRig        |  1,515 {   758} [149]|   930 [138]|   585 [140]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Reign_Of_Rain      |  3,390 { 1,695} [091]|   975 [132]| 2,415 [057]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|ReNeGaDe124        |  1,305 {   653} [160]| 1,035 [128]|   270 [172]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|replicant-uk       |  3,735 { 1,868} [079]| 1,725 [089]| 2,010 [069]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Returners          |  6,825 { 3,413} [032]| 3,615 [035]| 3,210 [036]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|RIOGA6             |  5,700 { 2,850} [043]| 3,675 [034]| 2,025 [067]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Rosur              |    255 {   128} [196]|   165 [191]|    90 [187]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Rtbeoh             |  1,275 {   638} [162]|   960 [134]|   315 [168]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|RyJonJinn          |    150 {    75} [200]|   150 [193]|     0 [201]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|S1_Winged_Angel    |    660 {   330} [179]|   300 [183]|   360 [162]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Saivania           |  2,730 { 1,365} [111]| 1,440 [107]| 1,290 [098]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|ScarletMyst        |  8,130 { 4,065} [024]| 4,860 [022]| 3,270 [033]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Sez_06             |                      |     0 [207]|     0 [201]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Shinjiru           |  1,950 {   975} [129]|   930 [138]| 1,020 [121]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|SirSmokesAlot69    |                      |     0 [207]|     0 [201]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|SirUltimos         |    675 {   338} [177]|    90 [197]|   585 [140]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|SJay1994           |  4,515 { 2,258} [066]| 2,475 [062]| 2,040 [066]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Ski-Skate          |                      |     0 [207]|     0 [201]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Slashkice          |  1,530 {   765} [148]|   465 [167]| 1,065 [115]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|smalltroubl        |  2,970 { 1,485} [100]| 1,020 [130]| 1,950 [071]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Smokey_Nice        |     30 {    15} [206]|     0 [207]|    30 [195]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|snow_hawk_88       |  6,900 { 3,450} [031]| 2,430 [065]| 4,470 [019]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|sohail4321         |  2,745 { 1,373} [110]| 1,590 [097]| 1,155 [105]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|SomaXD             |  2,535 { 1,268} [117]| 1,635 [093]|   900 [124]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|somethingatt       |    870 {   435} [174]|   360 [172]|   510 [148]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Spedfrom           |    375 {   188} [191]|   180 [188]|   195 [180]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Spycarnegy         |    975 {   488} [171]|   630 [154]|   345 [164]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Stanng             |  3,030 { 1,515} [097]|   570 [156]| 2,460 [054]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Starky27           |  4,935 { 2,468} [059]| 3,000 [050]| 1,935 [072]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Steroyd            |  1,230 {   615} [164]|   540 [160]|   690 [130]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|StevePharma        |  4,875 { 2,438} [060]| 1,500 [104]| 3,375 [031]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|StingX2            |  3,630 { 1,815} [083]| 1,155 [121]| 2,475 [053]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Storm-Iz-SiK       |  3,435 { 1,718} [089]| 2,370 [067]| 1,065 [115]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|superjona97        |  5,895 { 2,948} [040]| 3,405 [040]| 2,490 [052]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|tahsin_sutcuoglu   |    135 {    68} [201]|   135 [194]|     0 [201]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Telminator-2       |  5,055 { 2,528} [058]| 2,595 [054]| 2,460 [054]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|TheBkMogul         |  1,140 {   570} [166]|   930 [138]|   210 [177]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|TheWrenchNinja     |  2,850 { 1,425} [105]| 1,200 [118]| 1,650 [084]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|TimodusSnake       | 10,410 { 5,205} [014]| 4,680 [026]| 5,730 [012]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|timothyonfire      |  4,305 { 2,153} [071]| 2,370 [067]| 1,935 [072]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|TMC2k1             |  2,175 { 1,088} [127]| 1,800 [086]|   375 [160]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|TNH47              |  2,340 { 1,170} [122]|   510 [162]| 1,830 [076]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Tobinishi          |  1,740 {   870} [135]| 1,710 [090]|    30 [195]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|UnlovedJew         |  5,190 { 2,595} [053]| 1,305 [113]| 3,885 [026]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|VaDe-_-            |                      |     0 [207]|     0 [201]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Vagabone           | 10,860 { 5,430} [011]| 4,635 [028]| 6,225 [006]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|WeTeHa             |  3,645 { 1,823} [082]| 3,255 [041]|   390 [157]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|WindDancerReborn   |    465 {   233} [187]|    75 [199]|   390 [157]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Wo33er             |      15 {    8} [209]|     0 [207]|    15 [198]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|xarab4lyfex        |  1,620 {   810} [144]|   495 [164]| 1,125 [108]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|XFreaktionX        |    855 {   428} [175]|   540 [160]|   315 [168]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|xLiKx              |  2,205 { 1,103} [126]| 1,185 [119]| 1,020 [121]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|xMETATRONx         |  2,430 { 1,215} [118]|   705 [149]| 1,725 [083]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|zebaz08            |                      |     0 [207]|     0 [201]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Zerokoolpsx        |    375 {   188} [191]|   360 [172]|    15 [198]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|zeroskater18       |  1,380 {   690} [155]|   975 [132]|   405 [156]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|Zieghardt          |  2,850 { 1,425} [105]| 1,755 [088]| 1,095 [110]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
|zoyosjd            |  1,545 {   773} [147]| 1,455 [106]|    90 [187]|            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |


Gold Member
I only lost slight interest in this because I was stuck playing just one game and I've been watching a lot more TV than usual. Always liked seeing these charts though.


2016 : Overall Top 10

+ - + ----- ----- ----- ----- +
|Pos|                   Total |
+ - + ----- ----- ----- ----- +
|  1| MaverickHunterX [25,185]|
|  2|          haadim [19,935]|
|  3|Dragonslayer_023 [19,095]|
[B]|  4|       Papu_kweh [15,060]|[/B]
|  5|          neohwa [13,020]|
|  6|          ckleow [12,495]|
|  7|           JoniP [12,210]|
|  8|big-_-_-_-boss69 [12,150]|
|  9|         DarkLs1 [12,105]|
| 10|haveabloodmuffin [11,865]|
+ - + ----- ----- ----- ----- +

2016 : Monthly Top 10
+ - + ----- ----- ----- ----- + ----- ----- ----- ----- +
|Pos|                     Jan |                     Feb |
+ - + ----- ----- ----- ----- + ----- ----- ----- ----- +
|  1| MaverickHunterX [18,855[B]]|       Papu_kweh [ 8,595]|[/B]
|  2|          haadim [14,070]|          neohwa [ 7,890]|
|  3|Dragonslayer_023 [13,155]|         DarkLs1 [ 6,495]|
|  4|           JoniP [ 8,340]|        libregkd [ 6,390]|
|  5|          lancem [ 7,800]| MaverickHunterX [ 6,330]|
|  6| PapasitoPenguin [ 7,590]|        Vagabone [ 6,225]|
|  7| almighty-slayer [ 7,500]|          ckleow [ 5,970]|
|  8|haveabloodmuffin [ 7,080]|Dragonslayer_023 [ 5,940]|
|  9|          ckleow [ 6,525]|          haadim [ 5,865]|
[B]| 10|       Papu_kweh [ 6,465]|[/B]          coisou [ 5,805]|
+ - + ----- ----- ----- ----- + ----- ----- ----- ----- +

Oh shit, unbelievable!! lol

You guys are doing an awesome job tracking all of this


Looks like we've found ourselves a solution -- great work gents. Are we gonna make a new thread every month as per usual?

Also, I never ended up being added to the OP.

I suppose you didn't add those who asked to sign up a little while ago. :(

Sorry guys not going to lie, I just grabbed the pre-existing lists in the first couple I posts without trawling the threads for additions...

Additions can be Phase 2... ;) might look to comb the threads over Easter.

Just reiterating my thoughts on a thread, this thread is 5 pages long over 3-4 months, a thread per month doesn't seem sustainable, we can just refresh the tables periodically as every subscribes...
First, thanks to all that helped to revive this thread.


2016 : Overall Top 10

+ - + ----- ----- ----- ----- +
|Pos|                   Total |
+ - + ----- ----- ----- ----- +
|  1| MaverickHunterX [25,185]|
|  2|          haadim [19,935]|
|  3|Dragonslayer_023 [19,095]|
|  4|       Papu_kweh [15,060]|
|  5|          neohwa [13,020]|
|  6|          ckleow [12,495]|
|  7|           JoniP [12,210]|
|  8|big-_-_-_-boss69 [12,150]|
|  9|         DarkLs1 [12,105]|
| 10|haveabloodmuffin [11,865]|
+ - + ----- ----- ----- ----- +

2016 : Monthly Top 10
+ - + ----- ----- ----- ----- + ----- ----- ----- ----- +
|Pos|                     Jan |                     Feb |
+ - + ----- ----- ----- ----- + ----- ----- ----- ----- +
|  1| MaverickHunterX [18,855]|       Papu_kweh [ 8,595]|
|  2|          haadim [14,070]|          neohwa [ 7,890]|
|  3|Dragonslayer_023 [13,155]|         DarkLs1 [ 6,495]|
|  4|           JoniP [ 8,340]|        libregkd [ 6,390]|
|  5|          lancem [ 7,800]| MaverickHunterX [ 6,330]|
|  6| PapasitoPenguin [ 7,590]|        Vagabone [ 6,225]|
|  7| almighty-slayer [ 7,500]|          ckleow [ 5,970]|
|  8|haveabloodmuffin [ 7,080]|Dragonslayer_023 [ 5,940]|
|  9|          ckleow [ 6,525]|          haadim [ 5,865]|
| 10|       Papu_kweh [ 6,465]|          coisou [ 5,805]|
+ - + ----- ----- ----- ----- + ----- ----- ----- ----- +

EDIT - 2016 Data Updated...


I mean, I know I've been busy, but damn!

No way I'll top that for March...


Just reiterating my thoughts on a thread, this thread is 5 pages long over 3-4 months, a thread per month doesn't seem sustainable, we can just refresh the tables periodically as every subscribes...

The threads get less popular because there are no monthly versions, making them on a longer basis might risk us moving to community.


Sorry guys not going to lie, I just grabbed the pre-existing lists in the first couple I posts without trawling the threads for additions...

Additions can be Phase 2... ;) might look to comb the threads over Easter.

Just reiterating my thoughts on a thread, this thread is 5 pages long over 3-4 months, a thread per month doesn't seem sustainable, we can just refresh the tables periodically as every subscribes...

Personally ive been reluctant to bump this thread much, dont know about other people. Obviously this is your gig so do what you want/can, but i for one loved a monthly update with trophy discussion


The threads get less popular because there are no monthly versions, making them on a longer basis might risk us moving to community.

Are there really any down sides to having a master community thread? The OP can be updated as needed and people won't have to hunt down the next months thread.
I see no massive benefit to having monthly threads. Even at the most popular, I doubt we'll have a need for that in terms of post numbers.

The only downside is having a monthly update for the OP. That's the main attraction to having monthly threads.
Yes, Community threads don't get used.
That's a patently ridiculous and stupid claim. Plenty of them get heavy use.
Oh wow, never noticed these threads before.. I've been wanting to just farm trophys in the millions of games I own and haven't played instead of wasting money on new games that I'll never play or finish..


Monthly is nice because there's a quick way to see how everyone did for the previous month. It's like Trophy NPD. Atleast that's how I see it.
Thanks everyone for being so active still in this thread.

Back from a loooong hiatus, life got in the way, but I'm willing to help out on stuff again if still needed. (maybe XBox stuff?)

To celebrate I got plat #167 yesterday for The Division. Make sure to pick up every collectible (especially ECHOES) in that game TOGETHER when playing co-op, because it might otherwise glitch on you and you have to do an alt-instance switch trick or join someone who hasn't completed that collectible.


I'm indifferent whether the thread's monthly or yearly; it may seem a little tedious to find/subscribe to the new iteration each month, but it's really not that difficult/annoying. It's kinda nice seeing a fresh thread full of new content each month.

Oh wow, never noticed these threads before.. I've been wanting to just farm trophys in the millions of games I own and haven't played instead of wasting money on new games that I'll never play or finish..

Yup, trophies help act as a restraint for me so I don't ditch games too quickly. I try to plat a game before deleting it from my HDD and moving onwards through the backlog.


As long as everyone is committed to cultivating an active, helpful community, we can do the monthly threads.

I would like this as well.

Also, if you look at the last few monthly thread's history, they were always posted on, near, or later than the 15th of that month. So of course that month's thread isn't going to be that long if there's only half a month (or less) to comment between the next thread starts. If the new OP can launch the thread around the 1st of each month I'm sure they will see a more active community and that it's worth the time.
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