Something to do with the roster updates.Okay, I'll bite. Then what is the point of the tuner...
Something to do with the roster updates.Okay, I'll bite. Then what is the point of the tuner...
ACES - you're play has been solid since you came on. Nice back-to-back OT winners today. You gotta work on controlling your mouth tho. You aren't gonna make many friends and/or be around long by constantly calling out the D in the condescending manner that you have. You focus on your position and let the vets keep everything else in order.[IMG][/QUOTE]
I know it's a problem. I fully admit it. I unplugged my mic for the past couple games as I noticed myself.
I really don't mean to be condescending. I'm not even trying to express condescension or trying to do anything. I know I'm a talkative guy constantly talking in the mic and, I also happen to be ultra competitive. Not a good combination.
I'm just letting out my frustration on stupid things like the puck going off three guys and into our net or the game screwing us over when someone gets caught in an animation that the game forced them into. Also, it is an adjustment for me as I control all the players usually so when someone does something that isn't my specific play style.
In normal online, I play ultra-defense - I make the most defensive of traps look like run and gun offense. So it's like "why aren't you playing the way I normally play?" It's foreign to me to see someone my team playing a different style, since, well, Im not use to that at all.
I'll make a conscious effort to tone it down. I'm sorry if I offended anyone as I did not mean it or was trying to be insulting in anyway.
Broke my scoreless streak of like 30 games with a nice dish from Vis.
Now I'm up to a whopping 12 goals I think
This game was a lot of fun haha
i was channeling my inner bro for that post
and it flew right over you're* head
bros don't sweat grammar mistakes
I figured "I'm done for the night" meant you were going to bed. Guess it's a different meaning in old man world.
hey dudes off-topic
I have a couple extra keys for the Ghost Recon: Future Soldier open beta that started today, if anyone wants to check it out let me know.
I am definitely interested. really would love to see a good tactical MP game again.
We're in ur slot, doin recon.neoGAF Slot Recon team.
sure can we coop and kill some dudes?
I got first place on my team in the first game played with like 9k exp
But then I got stuck in a never ending loading screen
Don't look at me! I stayed on the boards so my man swim had options dawg!gg's
we grinded all night long, and won most of the games we played somehow
Swim, I don't even think its the passing back that's the problem, we aren't even getting in the zone anymore and then when we do, the forwards aren't going to open areas so whoever has the puck gets stuck and turned upside down most times
I tried to work it around and hit you guys up at the point more as the night went on, but we really struggled to find any rhythm for the most part
Wait, you actually played?
Anyone ever have an issue downloading rosters?
I've cleared cache, deleted everything, reset router and it's still unable to download them.
you try downloading them from the menu?
i forget the exact option, and I'm not home right now, I think its under Community somewhere
EA customer service is probably the most vile thing humans have ever created.Yup tried that, no dice. I'm online chatting with EA tech help right now and so far Vinnay here has made shit worse.
GG's Swim, we dominated that shit
Haha yeah I had a 17 kill streak that game. That was so fun though, you're an awesome teammate. You had like 20 some kills yourself. I don't think anyone else had over 10LOL
One of those games you had like 33 kills what the fuck