Yooka-Laylee ; A new collectathon by the gods that created Banjo-Kazooie? This will be glorious
Zelda U ; Still sceptic about the overworld, but Zelda is consistently incredible, so still a most wanted game.
Fire Emblem Fates ; as a huge Fire Emblem fan this certainly is a must buy. Limited edition with all three stories, of course
Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma ; VLR has the best story I have ever read in a video game and therefore I'm pumped to play this. On Vita by the way, because it is a freaking DL-only afair here in Europe, so I need to import. Would prefer to play on 3DS, but I don't want to buy a new handheld just for one game
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney 6 ; Huge fan of the Ace Attorney series, so naturally looking forward to this.
Danganronpa V3 ; I hope it also releases on Vita in Europe, because I prefer to play visual novels on handhelds. I enjoyes DR1 and especially DR2 a lot, so this seems like a guaranteed winner. Though it might suffer a bit from Zero Time Dilemma going against it
Sonic Boom Fire & Ice ; the first Sonic Boom on 3DS was already fun, it just had too long levels, was too short and not fast enough. The developers seem to be aware of these three points, so I'm really positive it will end up being a nice game.
Star Fox Zero ; it played really well at Gamescom and I enjoyed Lylat Wars a lot, so certainly going to pick this up
Metroid Prime Federation Force ; I don't like the direction this game is taking but I still have hope that the missions will give a good Metroid feeling. NLG made a fantastic Luigi's Mansion 2, so they get the benefit of a doubt.
The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess HD ; Well, it's the only other announced 2016 game I even plan to play, so, obviously this one gets the tenth spot, even though I'm not happy about this port happening.
Note that there are two games I'm looking forward to that certainly would have made the list, if they were just announced: Sonic 2016 (it's birthday time, this will come) and Assassin's Creed 2016 (we all know it's coming).
And to have a look at last year's anticipated games, my top ten with comments:
Yoshi's Woolly World; My GotY 2015
The Legend of Zelda U; Delayed...
Rodea the Sky Knight; Good (Wii version), but not as good as I had hoped for. Still happy to have had the chance to play it.
Fire Emblem X Shin Megami Tensei; Delayed. Also it is a fucking waifu game...
Mario Maker; Great game, certainly high up on my GotY list.
Kirby and the Rainbow Course; Not as good as Power Paintbrush, but still a great experience.
Batman Arkham Knight; Haven't played it yet due to waiting for a low price / version including DLC.
Star Fox; Delayed...
Assassin's Creed Victory; Really good AC!
Zelda Majora's Mask 3D; Nothing new, but still the best version of the game overall.
EDIT: And finally, some statistics: 4* Wii U, 4* 3DS, 2* PSV. I'm really not happy with my Bone