I'll send you a pm with the zipped dry vocals either tonight or somewhere tomorrow.
Cool, man. An instrument would be nice too, so I can see how everything's fitting into the track.
I'll send you a pm with the zipped dry vocals either tonight or somewhere tomorrow.
Yes. Controversial opinion incoming but I don't think Bob Dylan would sell for shit today, atleast not in any number that is internationally significant. If you want to make something that sounds poppy pitch perfection is virtually an unspoken expectation. That being said the pitch correction plugin that could fix my shit hasn't been made yet so I don't think you need to be worried about me managing to polish my voice to a mirror sheen. That being said, I essentially want to sound like a "studio" singer so I can attract actual studio singers to sing on my productions for me, I have no intention of actually becoming a performing artist.
That being said, I don't think that sound is ever in the cards for me no matter how many tuning plugins I use so don't worry.
I'll just send you most the stems since it's not a giant clusterfuck yet, because I'm barely an hour deep on that track in terms of production excluding the hours spent messing around with the vocals before giving up. I'll send you the midi for the chords as well so you can pick a sound to reference your tuning with. Thanks for doing this man, really cool of you. I'll give you co-producer props /DCool, man. An instrument would be nice too, so I can see how everything's fitting into the track.
Thanks. That being said I don't think I come close to Cee-Lo green in actual singing ability. I could listen to him sing the phone book and I'd probably be captivated. I was a huge fan of Goodie Mob in the 90's regardless of them being sub-par rappers, I always thought Cee-Lo had an amazing tone even when he was singing rap verses and choruses. You're also allowed to have your opinion, it's what I post here for to get feedback and opinions. I will reply to your pm.Controversial opinion incoming...But i think your voice in this sort of track is what sets it apart and makes it interesting. The combo i mean. I mean, Gnarls Barkley sells, right?
Just my opinion ofcourse, i'm not going to force your armBTW, i'm gonna send you a PM.
Thanks. That being said I don't think I come close to Cee-Lo green in actual singing ability. I could listen to him sing the phone book and I'd probably be captivated. I was a huge fan of Goodie Mob in the 90's regardless of them being sub-par rappers, I always thought Cee-Lo had an amazing tone even when he was singing rap verses and choruses. You're also allowed to have your opinion, it's what I post here for to get feedback and opinions. I will reply to your pm.
Been in the hospital the last week and finally got the chance to make some new music today.
https://soundcloud.com/ayzon/blade-runner/s-74gEZ Always liked that Blade Runner ending monologue so I downloaded it at some point but hadnt used it yet.
Until now at least.
I´ll try to catch up with everything I missed and give some feedback to you guys.![]()
Rösti;197110361 said:.
Also, it's the last day of February, when will this contest wrap up?
Given the unknown status of the compo thing, I might as well just share what I did with the samples:
Given the unknown status of the compo thing, I might as well just share what I did with the samples:
It's basically just a lot of Kontakt and a few instances of Guitar Rig. And Melodyne for the "oh what a feelin" sample. For reference, snippets of the samples used: samples.mp3
This sounds cool man. Reminds me a bit of Amon Tobin. Really cool!
Given the unknown status of the compo thing, I might as well just share what I did with the samples:
It's basically just a lot of Kontakt and a few instances of Guitar Rig. And Melodyne for the "oh what a feelin" sample. For reference, snippets of the samples used: samples.mp3
I am in need of some software that will let me create a song-length drum track from scratch.
Alternatively he can load any of the drum VSTs.Good news, I think you could find what you're looking for in just about any DAW with a sampler. Just load each drum sound as a seperate sample. FL Studio doesn't use traditional notation, but it's very intuitive and you can absolutely use a keyboard and a mouse.
I am in need of some software that will let me create a song-length drum track from scratch.
Thank you all for the advice. I have been fooling around with the FL Studio demo and watching tutorials on adjusting the drum kits to sound more human and less machine-like. We'll see how it goes.
I think a midi device might really help you there. Something like the Beatstep;
I thought of SlideRoom reading this, though that's more for someone to review portfolios for applications. It's a good service, although a bit pricey. But you could look into, the portfolio design is very sleek.If you want to make an online portfolio for audio work, what's the best way to go about it? Build a website? Are there any suitable templates to work with?
Can anyone tell me what software I can use to make long dark basslines? I want to make something with a bassline like this:
You could pretty much use any popular/native VST synth to achieve that sound (I would help, but I am absolutely terrible at sound design/synthesis). It sounds like a saw/supersaw bass with some detune and maybe a low-pass filter on top of it.
If you could share what VSTs you currently have, it would be easier.
Edit: I was unaware that Falk was apart of Video Game Orchestra. Explains his vast knowledge.
Sorry I took so long to reply to this. I've tried everything and still can't get the sound. I have FL Studio with the basic vsts and recently downloaded Live but I'm still learning it. If anyone can give me some basic instructions how to do it I'd be really grateful.
Sorry I took so long to reply to this. I've tried everything and still can't get the sound. I have FL Studio with the basic vsts and recently downloaded Live but I'm still learning it. If anyone can give me some basic instructions how to do it I'd be really grateful.
something new from gaf's local trap producer (me)
feedback is appreciated![]()
Can anyone tell me what software I can use to make long dark basslines? I want to make something with a bassline like this:
One thing that I think is a bit missing are some hard hitting snares, IIRC they use them quite often in trap. Or I suppose that differs from song to song.
How "long" a bassline (or any synth sound) gets, depends on how you manage your envelopes (and hold your notes obviously). You need to understand what they mean and how they work. Attack and release are easy to get a hang of, but decay and sustain play an important part when holding a note for a long time. Many synths have envelopes for both volume and filter. It takes practice.
I think you want to use legato in this instance. See if your softsynth has an option to turn it on. If you use legato, every new note that follows instantly upon a previous note, will not re-attack the sound. So it will not do "bam-boem-bim" but rather "ba-oe-im" if you understand what i mean.
Then it comes down to "shaping" the actual sound itself with the oscillators, filters and LFO's. Don't use the lowpass filter too heavily or you will lose the gritty quality of your sound. The basic sound is created with the VCO's (oscillators). I would suggest you start from a basic setting, with as little as possible filters/effects and basic envelope settings etc. Then start with the oscillators, so you can clearly hear the differences in tweaking the VCO's. Then move on to the filters and try to get the lowpass filter frequency right. As you do this, you might have to go back and tweak your VCO's somewhat as the sound will obviously change a lot when the filters kick in. Finally, move on to the envelopes.
I don't know how your particular synths in FL work, but here's how I'd do it in general terms.
1. Activate two or three saw wave oscillators and detune the second and third ones by five to ten cents. Maybe tune the second and third ones up and down and octave respectively, but lower them in volume so that the volume of the first oscillator is heard foremost. This will create a thicker, wider sound. Alternately, some synths allow you to trigger and detune multiple voices from a single oscillator - if yours allows that, do that.
2. Then, throw a low pass/high cut filter on it at about 5000hz-10000hz or so. This is how you get it to sound dark, by removing some of those upper frequencies.
3. If you wanna add some variation to the overall texture, modulate a band-reject filter with a very narrow bandwidth at a slow rate. When I say band-reject with narrow bandwidth, I mean this - the band is the middle of the frequency spectrum, and to reject it means to remove it, and the bandwidth is the range of frequencies surrounding the center frequency. To modulate that, you would just be sweeping the center frequency from like 500hz to 5000hz. You can automate the modulation with manual envelopes or LFOs set to whatever rate you desire.
4. For added texture, I might add a phaser or chorus effect at the end.
Once you do those third and fourth steps, you're gonna create phasing issues that cause you to lose some of your low end, at which point you're going to need to add a sub-bass underneath it, which can be achieved simply by creating a duplicate midi track with a sine wave oscillator at an octave lower than your original bassline (usually - sometimes the same octave works). Boost the lows and add some distortion if you want.
I´m not big into Trap but that sounds like some solid Trap to me.
One thing that I think is a bit missing are some hard hitting snares, IIRC they use them quite often in trap. Or I suppose that differs from song to song.
I believe it should be fairly easy to recreate that with the 3osc vst from FL Studio, a friend of mine once told me how he did some stuff with it and I think if you dont have a lot of other vst´s, this might be a good one to start of with.
Just watch some tutorials and you should pretty quickly be able to recreate it.
This song started out as a mixing practice thing but there are particular things in it that I like so I ended up making a full song out of it. Though its rather short.