8DIO's yearly contest is in progress: https://8dio.com/2016/09/26/8dio-stand-contest-2016/ - the only real criteria being that you need to use at least one of their libraries, which includes the freebies.
I was trying to describe you. Did I nail it? j/k lol.
I tried making the drums wider/wetter but the synth is essentially swallowing all of the wideness, there's already a pretty big valhallaroom reverb most of the drums are getting bussed to but I can't get it to pop out of the rest of the mix so I gave up lmao. Good catch though.
Thanks for the advice, I'll definitely try to use it if I ever return to mix that song better (I prolly won't lmao, it'll be private on sc for life).
I'll return the favour if you've got something you want an opinion on, I'm okay with listening to everything except for hard screamo metal.
8DIO's yearly contest is in progress: https://8dio.com/2016/09/26/8dio-stand-contest-2016/ - the only real criteria being that you need to use at least one of their libraries, which includes the freebies.
Late, but congrats on winning that contest!
part of a thing ive been slowly working on
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/40086894/Last Night Clipp.mp3
took it another way:
Can anyone suggest a good usb soundcard with an optical fiber input in the 150-200 range?
I've got my pc and ps4 connected via HDMI to the Tv, and an optical cable running from the tv to a Logitech 5.1 device.
So i'd like to have a sound card to run the same optical cable information to the studio monitors. in this way whenever i want to go from stereo monitors to 5.1 for games and movies i just need to switch the optical cable from the Logitech controller to the soundcard.
Is this a good idea?
Quoting because last post of the last page and i'd really like to have an opinion on this, i did some searches and can't find nothing useful, maybe there's some technical problem i'm not aware of
How could i not think at this simple solution an looked instead for the most complicated way possible? damnThat's not the most musical of questions but I'll take a stab at it lol.
I don't think you'll find many soundcards, if any, with toslink in. I mean they might exist but they'll probably be pretty rare. I do know the focusrite 18i8 has a toslink in but I think that's mostly meant for connecting extra mic pres, so you might have to monitor that specific input for it to work. I also doubt it'd output a 5.1 signal to a 2.1 system correctly.
I think what you're looking for is essentially an A/V receiver with a stereo output and an optical passthrough. You could keep the optical plugged into your logitech speakers and could feed the stereo output to whatever you've got your monitors hooked up to. You'd also be able to switch between outputs using a remote which seems like it'd be easier to do. The A/V receiver would also take care of decoding the 5.1 into 2.1 so you're not just listening to the side channels or whatever. Can't tell you which one to buy though, you can probably find one that'd do that though.
As a final ghetto ass possible solution, I think most logitech speakers sets come with 3.5mm headphone ports. You could just use that since every pc and soundcard under the sun will accept a 3.5mm input. I'm fairly sure they automute the output of the speakers too. So if you're willing to get up and plug a cable in that'd be the cheapest solution?
If all of this is wrong, I'm sorry but it's a bit outside of my wheelhouse lmao.
Thanks! Hopefully a good idea will click in my brain soon so I can participate in this 8DIO one, haha. Emphasis on good, not the garbage I've come up with so far.
This thread died but with Black Friday coming soon, anyone have any VST/sample pack recommendations/things to look out for?
It's pretty much the time to pick up whatever you've been desiring, almost every company will have sales! Last year I picked up Waves Gold for $199 and Soundtoys for $299, amazing. I was lusting after soundtoys for years.
This year I have my eye on the Izotope Neutron + Ozone bundle... debating whether I actually need them or not. Neutron looks amazing though, with its EQ masking feature.
I recommend buying plugins from audiodeluxe, since they give you extra discount after you add your items to the cart. Sometimes they might take a day or two to send you your licenses, especially around Black Friday season.
Any other BF deals people have been getting in on?
Black Friday/Cyber Monday destroys me every time.
It's worse than Steam sales at this point.
I use the stock Kontakt guitar libraries and they're pretty good, but I don't think the sample library matters as much as the sound design and processing. If you've got Guitar Rig and know how to pitch bend, you can do a lot. I worry less about guitars sounding real and more about sounding cool and unique.
- sampled myself playing guitars pretty much note by note and splicing it together (lol)
- sequenced guitars
- gotten someone in my list of contacts to record
Generally that's been in chronological order and nowadays it's just faster for me to get someone to track than it is to slave away at CC for 8 hours. Even if that leaves the same sense of accomplishment as putting a jigsaw or model aircraft together.
In terms of sample libraries, the most convincing I've come across for lead stuff would be Prominy V-Metal, although I've heard people say a lot of good things about Shreddage.
Honestly though with how complex performances with guitars can get and how malleable it is compared to, say, woodwind or string sample libraries, you're going to end up tweaking the shit out of everything for hours on end and still feel there's more you can do. Guitars are also one of the easiest instruments to track an actual players barring something like someone recording keyboard parts on a keyboard and sending you MIDI, so explore that option with collaborators if you can.
Addictive Drums on the first two, FP2 was an electric kit into (I believe, I got bounced audio) Steven Slate drums
Hey just wanted to let you guys know -- I started a podcast, and I'm looking to put a different song at the end of each episode. If anyone wants some free advertising, i'll show off whatever you guys got! I don't have any filters on what you submit, just PM me a lossless file and I'll put like a minute of the song at the end of my podcast.
Hey guys.
I´m a professional composer and used ProTools and Logic my entire life.
I´m about to drop 8K on an new Mac, but just realized that I´m sort of fed up with Apple.
I could build a PC for 2K that would blow an 8K mac out of the water.
Platform switch would also mean DAW switch - scary, especially when your job depends on it.
What are my options, and have any of you made this switch?
EDIT: Checking out the Demo of Studio One right now and I can´t get a part to loop.
You should try the VI-Control Forums as that site is specifically for composers and you'll probably get more mileage there than here.
I think I've seen a few people mention Cubase (Daniel James, Jason Graves?)
I´ve stepped away from the composer communities 10 years ago.
Just too annoying.![]()
Well, I hope you enjoy a semi-dead community!(hopefully you'll get useful input here).
I think most people here are amateur/hobbyist level (myself included) but there are a few professionals/people that work in audio for a living that post from time to time, so hopefully they can chime in.
I do, however, recommend you check out Cubase as I believe it has scoring tools/notation devices and I'm not sure the other popular DAWs (Ableton, FL Studio) have them. I think I've seen Alex Pfeiffer use Propellerhead's Reason on one of his older tracks too.
That´s cool. From my experience amateur/hobby musicians are way more into new tech/software/plug-ins and what not than old ass composers who are happy enough when their stuff works.
I´m still using Logic Pro 9 for example...
Ha, fair enough. My DAW of choice is Image-Line's FL Studio and from my extremely limited time with Logic (this was an hour or two of use back in 2012-2013), they felt similar in terms of workflow. The developers are very active on the Image-Line Forums too.
If you don't mind me asking, could you post a link to your works or a PM? I don't think there are any composers here (mostly electronic-focused stuff) and it'd be nice to hear.
I can deeply recommend Ableton Live for DAW. It's fast, easy to use, has a great interface and if you want to do some not too difficult programming there's Max for Live.Platform switch would also mean DAW switch - scary, especially when your job depends on it.
What are my options, and have any of you made this switch?
Rösti;225581468 said:I can deeply recommend Ableton Live for DAW. It's fast, easy to use, has a great interface and if you want to do some not too difficult programming there's Max for Live.
A trial is available: https://www.ableton.com/en/trial/
I work in Advertising, so most of my work is super, suuuuper boring.
However, here is some stuff I liked working on recently:
EDIT: Bonus https://vimeo.com/172872936
Your orchestral stuff would fit well with the hundreds of pharmaceutical commercials in the US. Thanks for sharing!
Platform switch would also mean DAW switch - scary, especially when your job depends on it.
What are my options, and have any of you made this switch?
Cubase, I would say it has the most similar workflow to Logic (I use both).
Having said that, Logic Pro X is massive leap over 9. I'm a big fan of X.
Thanks. Checked out Presonus Studio One yesterday and thought it was OKish...
Biggest plus was the integration of Melodyne.
Hope VariAudio is just as good.
Downloading the Cubase Demo right now.
Yeah, I'd love Melodyne to have native integration with all DAWs, I find myself just resorting to Logic or Cubase's built-in pitch correction because the workflow is faster. I would say VariAudio and Logic's Flex Pitch are about as good as each other, but don't quite sound as 'natural' as Melodyne.
Pro X is excellent and very stable now. Every DAW on the market has changed workflow at some point in time in order to improve things. We all have to embrace change. You should take the time to learn it.Never made the switch from 9 to PRO X, so I never used Flex Pitch.
PRO X was just different enough to ruin my workflow. Used it for once 2min Car Commercial and regretted it deeply.