Netflix shuts down 'AAA' Team Blue gaming studio only two years after creation


Have they even finished out the headhunting cases against them over this yet? lmao.

This is how you fail big, guys.

Headhunt talent away from studios you are working with for guaranteed money in exchange for GROSSLY overpaid "talent", millions spent on staff/studios/development, then get fucking sued by those companies and shutter said studios all before shipping a single game or court cases are even settled.


Should've just made that StarCraft show, guys.



They pay the best in the industry, which is why when other companies attempt to copy this they fail dramatically. When you don't pay top dollar, people don't put up with this kind of shit.
Indeed. Had an offer from them some time ago, didn't want to deal with the cutthroat culture. Went to Meta instead, at the time Facebook. There are baked-in reasons for why their comp is so high, but even then, their pay definitely still outclasses everyone else.

Still sometimes consider hitting them up, though.


Gold Member
Have they even finished out the headhunting cases against them over this yet? lmao.

This is how you fail big, guys.

Headhunt talent away from studios you are working with for guaranteed money in exchange for GROSSLY overpaid "talent", millions spent on staff/studios/development, then get fucking sued by those companies and shutter said studios all before shipping a single game or court cases are even settled.
No worries, just jack subscriptions up another dollar to two per month and that 500 million dollar hole will get filled up in no time!


Gold Member
I think it would be hilarious if he went back to Microsoft (again) and worked with Marcus Lehto (rumored to be back at Halo Studios) to work on the Halo remake in Unreal Engine 5.
That would be great, not hilarious.

Think I read a rumour to that very effect just earlier.


Gold Member
Aw man I was really hoping for a Masters of the Universe: Revelation game to compete against Flintlock, Unknown 9, and Forspoken.
You joke but a character based tactics game like x-com but set in the MOTU world would be AWESOME! No end to enemy variety and dozens of great heroes to pick from.


Gold Member
You read a rumor about Lehto or about Staten going back to Microsoft to work on the Halo remake?
Just a rumour about Staten. The creative lead position for the new Halo was open until just last week, it just got closed. Coincidence, probably nothing.
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