It actually wasn't that smart, It was electoral. And it backfired, as the way the Turkish Minority is responding to this is fueling the votes for the PVV rather than the VVD. On top of that it also backfired in Turkey. Erdogan could abuse this to no end to act like the victim and to get more people to vote for his referendum rather then against. It was basically handing him it on a silver platter, just to please a few voters, not the smartest.
Third way it wend wrong? NATO. Turkey is a Nato partner until the others can get rid of it, this makes NATO as a whole look bad and is right up the alley of rasPutin. It would have been better to just let the man speak, rather than make it into this spectacle and do EXACTLY what Erdogan wants. Soon Putin, to truly rub salt in the wounds, will offer a membership to the "Eurasian Confederation" to Erdogan, just for the LULZ.
Your Prime Minister did not get what he wanted, the electoral votes of the PVV, as really the next following days will make sure of that. Bastard Erdogan got what he wanted, and NATO looks like an ass. Diplomacy wise, this is a major fuck up, especially for Turkish people in cities that don't like Erdogan one bit. Prepare for the next flight of refugees as Erdogan institutes a ruthless dictatorship that is closer to a Ottoman Empire than a Secular Turkish Republic.