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Netherlands stops Turkish foreign minister's plane from landing

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Seems almost intentional. Like, she's only here to get arrested on purpose and get the Turkish people riled up.


Man, I want the days back when not every idiot was on the internet. And it's not even been that many years either...


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
I think after this day, its set that Wilders is the new prime minister of the netherlands.
He won't be. He needs a coalition. No party major party is going to work with him. Especially if he is undermining the government's work, as he intends to do today by inserting himself everywhere like the fucking rat he is.

He is also slipping in polls.


I think after this day, its set that Wilders is the new prime minister of the netherlands.

Nope not going to happen, we need a coalition of 75 seats,negation between party's to have the almost same values and ideas to work out and that won't happen with him.


He won't be. He needs a coalition. No party major party is going to work with him. Especially if he is undermining the government's work, as he intends to do today by inserting himself everywhere like the fucking rat he is.

He is also slipping in polls.

Nope not going to happen, we need a coalition of 75 seats,negation between party's to have the almost same values and ideas to work out and that won't happen with him.

Trump will never be the president of the united states. He is a maniac!


Wilders isn't wrong, why are these people still in the Netherlands? There is no reason for these people to stay in a country they don't like or want to be a part of. Turkey is so much better and Erdogan is the toughest leader of the world, why are they still in the shithole called Netherlands?


The election is in less than 4 days. Lets hope nothing happens. If they riot, it wont automatically mean votes for PVV either.

You are more positive than I am, I these days tend to overestimate rather than underestimate the populist.


Ehm you don't know how it works in the netherlands do you? We don't have a two way system, we have a system of party's.

Uh, we have had him here for many years, we know what to expect. Even it he may be the biggest party in the Netherlands it is very very unlikely that would be enough for a majority.

I know, it was a stupid post. I am just hopeless when it comes to stuff like this... I heared a radio report today on the dutch election and the involved right wing parties and it really scared me.


Neo Member
Nope not going to happen, we need a coalition of 75 seats,negation between party's to have the almost same values and ideas to work out and that won't happen with him.

I guess we have to wait and see. If a large majority will vote for PVV it also becomes more difficult for the other parties to ignore those millions of peoples.

I don't agree (on most points) with Wilders but you have to take those concern of a big part of the nation seriously.


I guess we have to wait and see. If a large majority will vote for PVV it also becomes more difficult for the other parties to ignore those millions of peoples.

I don't agree (on most points) with Wilders but you have to take those concern of a big part of the nation seriously.

Wilders is a fascist,racist,xenophobic. He wraps his words in a nice sheet and makes you believe in what he says but it isn;t true..for years the same damn thing.

When a coalition is not going to work or in other words party's that won't agree with each other to get a majority, there will be a new election that's how our system works.

Fascism comes fast and furious and wilders like erdogan really uses it to it's advantage.


Neo Member
Wilders is a fascist,racist,xenophobic. He wraps his words in a nice sheet and makes you believe in what he says but it isn;t true..for years the same damn thing.

When a coalition is not going to work or in other words party's that won't agree with each other to get a majority, there will be a new election that's how our system works.

Fascism comes fast and furious and wilders like erdogan really uses it to it's advantage.

I dont agree with you on that. He is not spreading lies (like other fascist and dictators), but real concerns of a part of the population.
On the other hand, his solutions are really radical and are in conflict with the dutch Constitution.

Of course everyone is free to agree or disagree with him but comparing him to a dictator like Erdogan is nonsense.


I dont agree with you on that. He is not spreading lies (like other fascist and dictators), but real concerns of a part of the population.

Of course everyone is free to agree or disagree with him but comparing him to a dictator like Erdogan is nonsense.
He is spreading lies. He has recently shared a photoshoped picture that showed a left wing politician promoting sharia on a rally.
In reallity, it was some random dude.


I dont agree with you on that. He is not spreading lies (like other fascist and dictators), but real concerns of a part of the population.
On the other hand, his solutions are really radical and are in conflict with the dutch Constitution.

Of course everyone is free to agree or disagree with him but comparing him to a dictator like Erdogan is nonsense.

He is spreading lies..he always did you just don't see it.

Also he doesn;t have solutions, he has a written one lousy A4..give me something he can work on, one thing that will improve our life. Don't mention muslim ban,border closing,eu exit or anything the same damn thing over and over those are not solutions i want to hear solutions.


Good on my government for holdings its ground. Go campaign somewhere else. Unbelievable that a NATO ally is forcing us to do this.

Unbelievable that you think this is unbelievable. Turkey is no ally of Europe, and has not been for a long time - if ever. Writing stuff down on a piece of paper does not change that.

In any case, Turkish minister is about to be escorted out, and Dutch diplomats in Turkey about to be arrested. I do wonder if this will have some further consequences.


I think this will end badly for us here in the Netherlands. EU and US will probably rally behind the Turkish gov. because we are less important strategically.


Neo Member
He is spreading lies. He has recently shared a photoshoped picture that showed a left wing politician promoting sharia on a rally.
In reallity, it was some random dude.

He shared a photoshoped picture with the comment:

Pechtold (left wing politician) demonstrates with HAMAS terrorist. (which was true).
Is this the next step? (photoshoped photo)

It was a disgusting photo but I wouldn't call that spreading lies.


Looks like its done. Seems the Minister is gone. People getting told my their "own people" to leave and some police is leaving.
If she has a sense of humor she should drive for 10 minutes and cross the border back into the Netherlands someplace else.

The automatic license plate detection, police chopper and/or the covert surveillance will flag that right away.

The authorities are done with this crap.
Unbelievable that you think this is unbelievable. Turkey is no ally of Europe, and has not been for a long time - if ever. Writing stuff down on a piece of paper does not change that.

In any case, Turkish minister is about to be escorted out, and Dutch diplomats in Turkey about to be arrested. I do wonder if this will have some further consequences.
Still, you'd think they'd be a bit more subtle instead of forcing us to remove a politician from our country.

I think this will end badly for us here in the Netherlands. EU and US will probably rally behind the Turkish gov. because we are less important strategically.
Germany also blocked a rally from the Turkish government in their country, so they'll probably be on our side, as they well should.


Germany also blocked a rally from the Turkish government in their country, so they'll probably be on our side, as they well should.
Maybe, maybe they'll fuck us over. Let's see how important Turkey really is to our allies. Any decision will have big consequences either way.

The Turkish gov blackmailing us into doing this is pretty disgusting. They put us in a situation where whatever we do, they win. I mean wtf


Still, you'd think they'd be a bit more subtle instead of forcing us to remove a politician from our country.

The whole point of this was to not be subtle, also in the running up. This was a power play to show dominance over Europe, which his supporters lap up.
In conflict you need a powerful leader and this is a referendum about making their leader more powerful.

What is not being said is that their leader is becoming more powerful only inwards, in being able to suppress Turkish citizens and that Europes dislike for Erdogan is not because he is somehow undermining European power, but because how he will treat the natives in his own country.

EDIT: Not being able to see the livestream that mention rioting, but the twitter videos mostly show a few dozens of Turks protesting a bit too aggressively.


Maybe, maybe they'll fuck us over. Let's see how important Turkey really is to our allies. Any decision will have big consequences either way.

The Turkish gov blackmailing us into doing this is pretty disgusting. They put us in a situation where whatever we do, they win. I mean wtf

You're over-dramatic, neither EU or US will do anything towards Germany or Netherlands over this.

Riots just started. People screamin allahoe akbar.
The police is trying to clear the streets.

(Source: NOS http://nos.nl/livestream/2162679-live-npo1-extra-lang-journaal-over-spanning-met-turkije.html)

This was just under an hour ago:


The live footage shows the crowd thinning (the road in front of the consulate has a lane free now.)


Riots just started. People screamin allahoe akbar.
The police is trying to clear the streets.

(Source: NOS http://nos.nl/livestream/2162679-live-npo1-extra-lang-journaal-over-spanning-met-turkije.html)

Talk about whipping sentiment. As if chanting Allahu Akbar is usually followed by rioting?? They've said Allahu Akbar since the beginning of the demonstration, which began peaceful. It wasn't until the minister woman (didn't catch her name) was forcefully removed that they began being less peaceful.

Look at what you've done, tskk tskk.
I was in Amsterdam today and there was a women's march. No sign of this incident. After I reached Berlin, the media reports about this incident and now after a small bar jumping session with a buddy I saw a small mob with turkish flags in the city. It could be in the vicinity of the dutch embassy, but I'm not sure.
Let's hope that nothing escalates.


Talk about whipping sentiment. As if chanting Allahu Akbar is usually followed by rioting?? They've said Allahu Akbar since the beginning of the demonstration, which began peaceful. It wasn't until the minister woman (didn't catch her name) was forcefully removed that they began being less peaceful.

New livestream: https://www.periscope.tv/maikelcoomans85/1lPJqZZbvDNxb?

Already 1500 protestors. (Protesting is not allowed in this area).
If they want to protest, they can certainly do that in Turkey.
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