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New Batmobile pics from Batman Begins

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Butt plug? :(


Hollywood Square
Seth C said:
I assume the butt plug won't ever be seen in the movie. It will be replaced with digital fire.

Actually, it will be real fire. The thing actually runs on jet fuel and that does work. It's been stated that the thing can jump about 30 feet.


Seth C said:
I assume the butt plug won't ever be seen in the movie. It will be replaced with digital fire.

Will the ugly Batmobile get replaced by a digital Batman TAS Batmobile? :(

Doth Togo

I kinda like it. Though, I'm waiting to see the twin .50 caliber cannons pop out or something...

I also like the vibes I'm getting on the project as it tries to make Batman seem more realistic and less fantasy. It's a deviation from the other films but I appreciate this track that the new film is taking.
lol butt plug

Those pics make it like some redneck made themselves a "cool" car to take to some other rednecks at some redneck carshow...... for rednecks

Bob White

It's been stated that the thing can jump about 30 feet.

You're making this up right? If this is true, fuck the fact that it doesn't look like any type of car batman would drive. It can jump, in real life!

Oh, I agree. The whole thing looks like shite, and it doesn't give much confidence in the project as a whole.

Nah, everything else thats involved with this movie looks to be killer.
I think it looks cool.

People just can't get over the fact that it doesn't look like the Burton Bat Mobile.

I guess you are all afraid of change.
Idle Will Kill said:
I think it looks cool.

People just can't get over the fact that it doesn't look like the Burton Bat Mobile.

I guess you are all afraid of change.

It looks like an armored dune buggy/lambo hybrid... In other words, gay.


Kills Photobucket
This is batman begins, batman hasn't created the Bat-Body Shop yet.

I don't really like the design, but I agree with the reasoning behind it being designed like that. It make sense for the time of Batman's history.
I understand Nolan wanted it to look very Rough and military style... but good god it's ugly.

I'd rather drive this baby.


Man it's sexy.

Small q: How could I give a car a "stealth" paintjob. I mean a very carbon black look? (exemple: Burton's Batmobile, and Nolan's batmobile)


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Man I could use one of those to drive around NYC,no cabbies would fuck with me.


Willco said:
Actually, it will be real fire. The thing actually runs on jet fuel and that does work. It's been stated that the thing can jump about 30 feet.

That's pretty sick...heh, I'd love to be the stunt driver that gets to work with this machine. All indications are that this machine fits the script perfectly (still haven't had the guts to read that yet), and that's the important thing to me. Form follows function.

Kuroyume said:
Both are ugly... I like the one from the animated series...

Yeah, the Burton one isn't all that great either...and I've seen it in person several times. I love the one that's used by Batman in the WB episodes of the series, as well a couple of Justice League episodes.


First tragedy, then farce.
because the best thing you can do to try and sneak into an area is having blue glowing shit all over the outside of your car.


Kills Photobucket
Out of curiosity, was the 1995 Batmobile based on any existing car? Or was it built from scratch

1966 was a challenger
1989 was a corvette (I think)


From a spoiler filled script review...it seems they based the design of the batmobile on logic, and availability of resources to Wayne rather than on creating a sleek batmobile. As an origin story, one has to assume that the thing will be revamped.


I'm not familiar with the comics but maybe it's just being faithful from the Batman Begins? If that comic exists at least. Oh well... I think the vehicle is preety cool actually but that is something that I can't see Batman would ride.


I think there's a similiar design in the much praised Dark Knights Returns.

I guess the assumption people are making is that Bats will be driving this thing around Gotham for like half the movie. For all we know it won't show up until some pivotal scene late in the flick. Until then he might just travel via the rooftops on foot.


Driving around in something like that makes the whole custom car to match the name thing seem cheesy. He may as well be driving a cop car or an SUV of some sort. I don't care if it's an origin story or not, that design screams let's go back to the drawing board. Looks like what you'd find in the incredible Hulks toilet after a burrito dinner. If you were just starting out, in an urban enviroment mind you, why in the fish would you want a car that jumps? Just bulletproof your blasted civic or something. It Jumps far and is powered by Jet Fuel? Pahhhh realistic my ass.


I really like this new batmobile, I must be the only one. People are too hung up on Burton's penismobile.


Mugen said:
I'm not familiar with the comics but maybe it's just being faithful from the Batman Begins? If that comic exists at least. Oh well... I think the vehicle is preety cool actually but that is something that I can't see Batman would ride.

That's because he isn't Batman yet...the vehicle is based off of a military design doc that Wayne's company worked on, but rigged up to serve his crime-fighting needs. Sheesh.


Hollywood Square
No, I'm not making anything up about the Batman Begins tank of destruction.

The fact is, the thing functional, it runs on jet fuel and it's practical considering it's supposed to be a military vehicle that Bruce Wayne mods slightly to become the first iteration of the Batmobile.

I think you people who want a Batcave full of gizmos and computers and special effects are going to be disappointed by this movie. I mean, he gets all his stuff from Wayne Enterprises in the form of military contract prototypes.

This is supposed to be the beginning after all.


Hollywood Square
karasu said:
it's still fugly. Like they're giving him a car just for the sake of giving him a car.

It's not a car, though. It's a military vehicle. And he does need transportation. Really, is Batman going to get around on Gotham only on foot and grapplin' hook? Crime would never be fought.


I don't think any of us expected anything high tech but that thing looks more high tech than anything yet not including the 95 one which is ridiculous. If this was supposed to be low tech, the batsmobile would be looking like the car from the punisher or blade's car and not some really f'd up Mad Max vehicle.


Works for a million other heroes who don't have cars or the ability to fly. Anyhow, I mean to say that it looks like they're giving him a specialized "vehicle" just to give him a specialized "vehicle". Just because it looks like a tank, and can jump 30 feet(omfg that's retarded) doesn't mean it's practical or the only form of practical that the military could come up with. Especially considering military vehicles usually look pretty damn sweet in some way or another. They should give this thing to Bat Manuel.
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