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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic


Yeah, 100 is only like 3 meaty games. Hell, Battle of the Five Armies is soon approaching at 60 bucks via CSI, that's over half just for that lone game. The hardest part is not hitting like $99.40. Dice!

This is how people's collections spiral out of control! Adding to my collection 2-3 games at a time (and let's face it, lots of us buy things on a frequent basis) is scary.

I have been on the fence with the Pathfinder card game. It looks simple enough and pretty light. One of my best friends and his wife seem kind of interested in playing some of the games with me and that seems kinda nice to try with them. Not a lot of setup/teardown. I was thinking that and the first "block" or whatever they are called of adventure packs for LotR. Maybe the Krang xpac for Mage Knight.

Ehh...we've probably said enough negative about Pathfinder ACG around here lately. I haven't played LOTR, but my friend is a big fan of the game (and LOTR), and that game sounds more interesting.


This is how people's collections spiral out of control! Adding to my collection 2-3 games at a time (and let's face it, lots of us buy things on a frequent basis) is scary.

Paying an additional third of the total (in shipping or by full MSRP) via piecemealing a collection is way scarier.


Well, maybe I just don't know that side of it (having to order games online a lot), since I have local options that are good. It's gonna suck when I move :( Most of the online dealings I've done have been trades.


-tetsuo-, have you tried 8th Dimension? You're on the Northwest side of Houston right? 8th Dimension isn't too terrible a drive from where your shop was and they might have whatever games you're looking for.


Unlimited Capacity
-tetsuo-, have you tried 8th Dimension? You're on the Northwest side of Houston right? 8th Dimension isn't too terrible a drive from where your shop was and they might have whatever games you're looking for.

Yea I go there every other week or so :p

Prices online are just so much better though!

Ehh...we've probably said enough negative about Pathfinder ACG around here lately. I haven't played LOTR, but my friend is a big fan of the game (and LOTR), and that game sounds more interesting.

Yea I read it. They have a passing interest in PnP stuff and have mentioned trying to play something with us but I don't think they would really go for the crazy stuff we usually play. At least not at first. I was interested in it just because it was an ongoing campaign and was relatively simple to play. Is it that bad? lol
Wow. This game is surprisingly well made Plat. I truly almost did not push purchase because of the art but man if you like roguelikes+deckbuilding it's amazing.

Yeah, the art is a real bummer. I bet if he forked over some money for an artist it would pay off big time for him.


Edit: About to play Impulse.

[Chudyking Intensifies]

I watched about half of Joel Eddy's video explaining that game before I couldn't handle it anymore. It looked really crazy.
I don't know any of Chudyk's other games other than GtR, but the "Impulse" thing seemed like a cool spin on the same sorts of mechanics in that.

Let us know how it goes!


Any thoughts on Letters from Whitechapel or Mice and Mystics? Might pick one up tonight.

Mice & Mystics is incredibly simple (and not very deep mechanically) with a rulebook that is an absolute abomination. I really wanted to love it, but every time I play, it just feels stupid and frustrating.


Any thoughts on Letters from Whitechapel or Mice and Mystics? Might pick one up tonight.

Mice and Mystics is a really fun little story telling / dungeon crawl game. The story is suprisingly well told, and the game is quiet fun with a good level of strategy involved. It is a game a tad on the lighter side, but I have still enjoyed it alot.
Also the components and artwork in MaM is through the roof.


Impulse is great guys.

The Chudyking DID intensify as in typical fashion of his games you explain the rules and watch the eyes glaze over like Krispy Kremes. Then as soon as you've played a turn around the table it all makes glorious sense. At this point I'm solidifying Chudyk as Top-Tier Neverfade Approved Designer. He's the Anti-Chvaatil. The Nega-Trzewiczek.

The fact that he stumbled when he made the turd-esque Flowerfall only cements his mad genius status.

So, yeah. Buy Impulse.


Fail out bailed
Dead of Winter
King of New York

There are a ton of new expansions that will be there as well depending on what you have.
As crazy as it might sound, I was lucky enough to get a way early copy of DoW.

Sounds interesting!

TBH it's my first GenCon and I am pretty confused about what I am gonna do!


Sounds interesting!

TBH it's my first GenCon and I am pretty confused about what I am gonna do!

Yeah, game looks hot. Ricky Royal did a tutorial on it recently. That's what sealed the deal for me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRjf87a6vIo

Re: GenCon - Jealous :|

Had passes and a great hotel reservation ready to go and then found out I had to go to Gamescom for work. EVERY FUCKING YEAR. If GenCon knew what was good for them they would move it off the same week. So many people I know that would go that can't because of Germany. Fuck.


As crazy as it might sound, I was lucky enough to get a way early copy of DoW.

Ooooh, lucky! I'm so looking forward to playing...

TBH it's my first GenCon and I am pretty confused about what I am gonna do!

Have a nice time! Make sure to block out a bit of time in the open gaming room.

Also try to get in on a game of Two Rooms and a Boom while you're there... I'm pretty sure Tuesday Knight Games will be running sessions. I think it's the most fun with 20 or so strangers.


Any people here that used to play Arkham Horror but have 'moved on' to Eldritch Horror? I see people raving about EH on BGG but I was wondering if it's worth getting EH if I can get AH with Dunwich and Innsmouth to the table easily; my group has no problems with the complexity of the rules.


As a lurker who enjoys reading all of your posts, I thought I'd drop my 2p's worth in. I spent a lot of my youth playing a variety of boardgames (the usual family friendly ones - Totopoly, Game Of Life, Risk etc) - but one of the main ones was the original Talisman. We had every single expansion - shuffling the adventure deck was a 10 minute exercise!

Time passes by, and our friend group has played Warhammer, 40k and D&D for a fair few years. But we all grow older, and people have moved house so they're no longer "round the corner", making it difficult to maintain campaigns and the like. So games of Risk and Bloodbowl have been making an appearance recently, and I've just dived back in and purchased:

Well, it was a lot cheaper than Talisman - as I know I'd have to get every expansion if I went back to it!
Impulse is great guys.

The Chudyking DID intensify as in typical fashion of his games you explain the rules and watch the eyes glaze over like Krispy Kremes. Then as soon as you've played a turn around the table it all makes glorious sense. At this point I'm solidifying Chudyk as Top-Tier Neverfade Approved Designer. He's the Anti-Chvaatil. The Nega-Trzewiczek.

The fact that he stumbled when he made the turd-esque Flowerfall only cements his mad genius status.

So, yeah. Buy Impulse.
I watched the video last night. Looks like it's something I'll need to pick up.


TBH it's my first GenCon and I am pretty confused about what I am gonna do!

The first time will be insane, go with an open heart and let the games guide you!

This will be my fifth year, if you have any questions feel free to ask.

420 friendly, we will be at the big Marriott.
The first time will be insane, go with an open heart and let the games guide you!

This will be my fifth year, if you have any questions feel free to ask.

420 friendly, we will be at the big Marriott.

I think this will be my fifth year too (it's insane how I've lost count)! There's tons to do.

You can spend your entire time just on the dealer floor. Between things to buy, games to demo, etc., it's overwhelming. There are tournaments and play events. A lot of them are sold out, but people tend to forget to go and/or there might be some other unexpected opening and you can sneak in. There are side diversions in the outer rooms, upstairs, etc. There's a huge game library room, auction house, video games, etc.

Really, it's Christmas in August. Just go do what you like and you'll leave there wanting to go back next year.
First Gencon, we went and just hanged around and enjoyed all the good food Indy has. We didn't do any events even. Walk around and would take in game demos when available.

Any people here that used to play Arkham Horror but have 'moved on' to Eldritch Horror? I see people raving about EH on BGG but I was wondering if it's worth getting EH if I can get AH with Dunwich and Innsmouth to the table easily; my group has no problems with the complexity of the rules.

We prefer to play EH now. It's just a faster version of AH. We love AH but it can drag on way too long sometimes and way too many components


Any people here that used to play Arkham Horror but have 'moved on' to Eldritch Horror? I see people raving about EH on BGG but I was wondering if it's worth getting EH if I can get AH with Dunwich and Innsmouth to the table easily; my group has no problems with the complexity of the rules.

I've never played AH but I got EH and played it twice. Both times it was about a 5 hour game but it fills a nice void in my collection. It is fun and i like the flavor of it but I kind of get annoyed when people don't seem to know how to read the flavor cards. Maybe it is just me but you should only read what your are supposed to (ie: don't read the good stuff and bad stuff). Heck, I had one person flip over his amnesia card randomly to read it and later said, "can I choose to fail this? I get a card if i do." grrr
I just bought EH and the expansion but haven't played AH before. I decided to skip it based on what people have said, basically it has been replaced by Eldritch. Can't wait to play it, I love the theme.

Hopefully they have more in the works for the series.


Hahaha, well, here's my rationale! We have enjoyed silly dexterity games like HABA's Rhino Hero, and flicking games like Catacombs or Pitchcar (and those aren't thaaat much more serious). I think games like that are a nice break from the usual thinky card and board games.


LGS is getting a copy of doomtown:reloaded premium set and I have it reserved. Pretty psyched about the relaunch.


Talisman set up with all the expansions is my favorite ridiculous board game thing I want nothing to do with ever. THE BOARD IS SO BIG.
Talisman set up with all the expansions is my favorite ridiculous board game thing I want nothing to do with ever. THE BOARD IS SO BIG.

The 4th corner is nigh with the Woodlands expansion. The game is goddamn ridiculous with every expansion in play. I don't mind the area at all. I have plenty of room.


I'm the guy that has Talisman and every one of it's expansions, lol.

I'd be interested to hear your opinion of the 40k version.

Fingers crossed I'll be catching up with people in the next week or two, so I'll make notes and report back!

Talisman set up with all the expansions is my favorite ridiculous board game thing I want nothing to do with ever. THE BOARD IS SO BIG.

Timescape, City, Dungeon are the three extra boards I can remember off the top of my head from 1st edition. So many options, so much space (although the Dungeon was average).


Maybe it would be easier to approach one of those games if the conflict is far removed from modern reality. I'm interested in trying one of them.


Maybe it would be easier to approach one of those games if the conflict is far removed from modern reality. I'm interested in trying one of them.

They are truly fantastic design. I know a lot of people are put off by the modern and realistic themes, but playing them has opened up a whole new world of gaming to me I never thought I would be interested in (and now can't get enough of). If you can put aside the aversion to the topic, the COIN series has a lot of intriguing mechanics I think would appeal to euro and ameritrash gamers (IMO).


Unlimited Capacity
I'm the guy that has Talisman and every one of it's expansions, lol.

I'd be interested to hear your opinion of the 40k version.

I watched the FFG video on it and it looks a little bit more involved than Tailisman. I'm sure I would enjoy it more because I love 40k.
Okay, so I'm skimming the thread here and trying to find a decent list of games for two players (maybe 3, but mainly 2) for beginners. Thinking about playing some of these with my wife so we can spend more time together doing geeky things like we used to but I'm having trouble really finding "two player" games easily.

So far all I can really note is Carcassonne and obivously there are thousands of games to play at all difficulty levels. I think games along these lines are probably a good starting point but absolutely would love help getting us started.

It's kind of a vague request, I'm sorry.
Okay, so I'm skimming the thread here and trying to find a decent list of games for two players (maybe 3, but mainly 2) for beginners. Thinking about playing some of these with my wife so we can spend more time together doing geeky things like we used to but I'm having trouble really finding "two player" games easily.

So far all I can really note is Carcassonne and obivously there are thousands of games to play at all difficulty levels. I think games along these lines are probably a good starting point but absolutely would love help getting us started.

It's kind of a vague request, I'm sorry.

I'll list the games me and my wife used to play mostly when we were beginning:

* Carcassonne is fun with 2 and scales up to 4 nicely
* Ticket to ride is fun with 2 but better with more
* Hey that's my fish is devilish simple and scales up to 4
* Elk fest is a fun dexterity game for 2
* Lost cities is usually recommended, but I found it to be extremely flavorless (dat Knizia dryness)
* Alhambra uses a dummy third player when playing with 2 but I found it to be okay, if you get the big box there are many expansions to make the game feel fresh

When you are finally ready:
* Agricola is a great meaty game for 2
I'll list the games me and my wife used to play mostly when we were beginning:

* Carcassonne is fun with 2 and scales up to 4 nicely
* Ticket to ride is fun with 2 but better with more
* Hey that's my fish is devilish simple and scales up to 4
* Elk fest is a fun dexterity game for 2
* Lost cities is usually recommended, but I found it to be extremely flavorless (dat Knizia dryness)
* Alhambra uses a dummy third player when playing with 2 but I found it to be okay, if you get the big box there are many expansions to make the game feel fresh

When you are finally ready:
* Agricola is a great meaty game for 2

Thank you so much, Bomber, this is perfect.


Unlimited Capacity
I just got it but Lord of the Rings LCG seems really nice for 2 players.

On another note, I got in my Claustrophobia and the quality of the components is outstanding! MY box has a split end tough ;_;

The packaging is also the best out of the box that I have with only Mage Knight coming close. There is a nice little place for everything, even all 17 of the minis.

I have gone through the rules and this one seems really easy to get into and play without having to go back to the rulebook constantly. Supposed to play out pretty fast as well so hopefully I can get some good playtime tonight!

Space Alert ...... is another story LOL
Thank you so much, Bomber, this is perfect.

I just remembered a few others beginner games for two off the top of my head:

* If you can't find elk fest since it seems to be pretty old by now, Caveman Curling and Tok Tok Woodman are also nice dexterity games
* Quoridor is nice and plays 2 or 4. Try to find the mini version
* Blokus duel has that tetris appeal that just clicks with most people
* Hive is a chess-like game for two with bugs
* Stone age is a little more complex and plays nicely too, amazing components
* Agricola: All creatures big and small is a 2P small, distilled version of agricola that plays quickly and has many animeeples. Not extremely complex, but not for beginners
* Haven't played these but are usually recommended: Jaipur, Battleline and Jambo/Asante
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