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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic

you can buy legacy reset kits on eBay.
Cool! I figured people would work out a way to do that.
This is sad.
Why? Is it better to be forced to pay another $50+ to go through it again?

Granted I doubt we ever will feel like playing the entire year through again, but it's nice to have the option.

I introduced the game to some family members and Christmas who liked it too, it'd be fun to give say my parents our board when we're done with a reset kit. They might play through a few months if we gave them out copy, there's no way in hell they'd pay $70 for a new copy of the game.
But if you reset how will you pick up your game for Season 2? *has no idea if it ends in such a way that that even makes sense*
Im sure you could just take a picture of the board you wanted to carry forward and of the characters and stuff.

It's basically like replaying a Telltale game, you can replay to see things play out a different way but still have a "true" file that you'll carry over into a sequel.


I feel like there are too many OT Community threads with NEW at the beginning of the title! I vote we ask for a new thread and dump NEW.

Board Gaming [OT3] We rolling
I usually search for it with "Boa" because it's shared with the other OT Community thread I post in. I think we should ride it out to 200 pages though, this current subtitle is too good.
Looking for advice on a table cover for playing board games on. Located in Toronto, Canada.

I recently bought this 6ft folding table: http://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/likewise-folding-resin-table-6-ft-0688000p.html

I have a feeling that the gap in the table will become problematic. Right now I’m thinking of buying some felt from Michaels and just seeing if that works, but I’d like for something that won’t slide around on the table. I’ve heard nylon-covered neoprene sheets work great, but I’m having a hard time finding something like that locally (and for less than I actually paid for the table itself).

I’m not terribly crafty but I am willing to put a little DIY effort into this if need be. Any recommendations are appreciated!

If you are planning to reuse it for future gaming, I saw a table runner gaming mat at my local gaming store recently. They are like Magic or Yugioh rubber mat but really big and run the size of the folding table. I am sure they are not cheap but they look nice and we played board game on them at the store and everything stay put.


The funny thing is here in Australia Root Beer isn't really a thing but Light Beer definitely is. I think the logic is that Germany have Oktoberfest.
light beer is a thing here, but I'd rather drink dirty dish water than any sort of beer thus aside from root beer not many things are associated with beer to me, and the only people in my game group that drink drink higher end stuff.

One of the most iconic scenes was a persian getting kicked(boot) into a well.

You really don't remember the "This is Sparta!" bit?

I know of the scene, but I wouldn't have remotely connected the things. only way I really would have is if it was a running joke in my group.
to be fair I don't watch many movies in general. Make a TV show reference there is a chance I will get it. outside of like the marvel and disney movies I likely won't get a movie reference though :p


If you are planning to reuse it for future gaming, I saw a table runner gaming mat at my local gaming store recently. They are like Magic or Yugioh rubber mat but really big and run the size of the folding table. I am sure they are not cheap but they look nice and we played board game on them at the store and everything stay put.

My local store has mats: http://store.401games.ca/catalog/95206C/Play Mats/

However, a lot of them have little to no description. Only a select few show the actual size. I guess I'll just have to go in tomorrow and see what they have.


Why? Is it better to be forced to pay another $50+ to go through it again?

Granted I doubt we ever will feel like playing the entire year through again, but it's nice to have the option.

It's a pretty linear experience, and I really doubt that most people would want to play it again (or enjoy it as much, if they did try) a second time. The game is, by design, about opening surprise boxes and adapting. If you know what's coming, you might as well just play regular Pandemic.

I introduced the game to some family members and Christmas who liked it too, it'd be fun to give say my parents our board when we're done with a reset kit. They might play through a few months if we gave them out copy, there's no way in hell they'd pay $70 for a new copy of the game.

It would make more sense to just give them a new copy of regular Pandemic. It would probably cost as much as one of these supposed reset kits, anyway (I've yet to see one on ebay).

The reason I think it's 'sad' is because, with any game that gets used up, some people in the hobby lose sight of the idea that the time you spent with people was more valuable than the game itself. Having a memento of those times is pretty special, IMO, and well worth the game being 'destroyed'.

I mean, I look back on score pads in games and just think it's nice to remember all the games I played with the names on the pad. I think about this one drawing game I have with a pad of paper, and how fantastic it will be once that pad of paper is 'used up', because it will be full of things from friends that I can look back on fondly.

So the idea preserving this game to its mint condition and erasing the marks your friends made on it...I mean, it's basically like you value your board games more than your friendships, lol.
I agree with the above sentiment in regard to the one time game like Pandemic Legacy and TIME Stories. I don't know if we cry this much back when video games made the leap from keep playing forever game like Pac-Man, Galaxian to narrative story driven game.

I will always look back on both game and remember thing that happened. My daughter still talk about how she figured out the crucial clue in TIME Stories, and we played that game months ago. I am sure she will talk about the fact that she almost save all her K-pop idols in Pandemic by saving Soul from falling months or year from now.


Any opinions on Draco Magi? I saw some of the card art posted in a thread on BGG, checked the game's page and thought it sounded good, looked around and saw that MinMar and CSI were OOS and that it was $20 on Amazon, then saw a NIS copy with sealed KS add-on cards for $15 on eBay and bought it.
It seems like the combat is pretty luck-driven, not that I have a problem with that. The dragon art looks pretty good though. It seemed like a good buy at $15, twice the price of R/BraveRats or Love Letter with more actual "game" to it. Any favorable impressions.
Games Empire is usually the cheapest and they have good service. But honestly just bookmark boardgamesearch.com.au and go from there.

What BGG's rankings are supposed to mean is laid up very clearly (how much you want to play the game instead of any other measure of quality). Pity people don't often use it like that...

Still it's a useful system provided you know the basics of how its calculated and the tastes of the audience that are feeding it.

Thanks guy, it looks like staticice for board games. Good tip.
Any opinions on Draco Magi? I saw some of the card art posted in a thread on BGG, checked the game's page and thought it sounded good, looked around and saw that MinMar and CSI were OOS and that it was $20 on Amazon, then saw a NIS copy with sealed KS add-on cards for $15 on eBay and bought it.
It seems like the combat is pretty luck-driven, not that I have a problem with that. The dragon art looks pretty good though. It seemed like a good buy at $15, twice the price of R/BraveRats or Love Letter with more actual "game" to it. Any favorable impressions.

My in-law gave me for my birthday last year, arts in the game are beautiful, but the game is just alright. My son calls it Rock-Paper-Scissors dragon game. I didn't care for it too much there so many other better card games. (I think Love Letter is a better "game" than Draco Magi).


Cool! I figured people would work out a way to do that.

I'm pretty sure they were joking. The first couple of months don't change drastically, just restack the Legacy deck and do the month over if you are concerned.

I would just roll with the punches. The game has great mechanic for evening out plays. You will lose games. You will win games!


Meeplemart here in Canada has Merchant of Venus for $35 so I ordered a copy. Always been interested in the game but the price has always been too high for an impulse buy. After The reprints of Twilight Struggle this month and Cuba Libre in Feb/Mar I don't see me buying much more this year. In fact it's time for another sell off now that I tracked all my board game plays in 2015. I played 105 different games a total of 336 times in 2015. :)

Edit: Also excited about the reprint of Cold War: CIA vs KGB from FFG. It's shows as "On the Boat". My avatar (minus the hats) is from the box cover.


One of the most iconic scenes was a persian getting kicked(boot) into a well.

You really don't remember the "This is Sparta!" bit?

It's interesting how much the teams skew the effectiveness of the hints.

We were playing this a few weeks ago and it one round I gave "Ritchie, 3" as a clue (our team was fine with proper names). iirc the three words were Lock, Stock, and Diamond (or Gem? I don't remember). My team had no clue what I was talking about, but the other team instantly got it (they asked me if those were my three words after the game). In a subsequent round, I used "Spaceballs, 6" to get Star, Wars, Death (as a stretch), Van, Jelly, and Laser - my team didn't get it (only one guy had even seen Spaceballs, even though we were a group of huge fantasy/space opera + sci-fi nerds), while the other team did.

You really need to 'know your audience' as a spymaster.


My copy of BattleCON Devastation finally arrived today and good lord that's a lot of material. After sorting everything I could only stare at the miserable insert in sheer disbelieve, not only are the spaces for the cards not wide enough to use the character envelopes, there is only one, ONE, tiny space for all the different tokens, markers and counters... Don't even get me started on missing spaces for boss standups, arena cards, round and damage counters...

The game is awesome though, just finished our first duell and I'm already in love. Can't wait to test out all the different characters.


Unconfirmed Member
Picked up regular Pandemic the other day. So far so good, my wife loves it even though it can be quite a challenge. Eventually I will grab Legacy.

Wish I could get my friends into the Arkham games. My favorite series, but I have a hard time getting it to the table.
Im fine with regular Pandemic. Legacy's once through and done thing really irks me, and preventing me from getting it. I don't play Pandemic enough in a row to enjoy it likely, I like to toss down Pandemic once in a while.


Hail to the KING baby
You can actually pretty easily use a game of Legacy, even completed, as a regular Pandemic game so that's nice. I think it's been so successful both because Pandemic is a legitimately huge brand that's transcending the niche hobby and because it gives casual and eurogamers that nice campaign/RPG feel in a really digestible way.
Already got pandemic and the cure version, so it would be pointless for me.

Would be great if they came up with a Legacy like game campaign as it does sound great, but include randomization elements to allow for repeat campaigns that mix it up and can't be totally predictable.


The "one and done" thing is really not an issue. You play so much Pandemic before it ends, I can't think of more than a couple of games I've played 12-24 times. I'm sure most of us have paid $50-60 for things that, whether they were intended this way or not, became "one and done". Lots of videogames are like that for me.

The long-term decision making really sets this apart from the other Pandemic games, and the strength of Pandemic's design sets this game apart from other campaign games.

If you're going to drop some cash on a new game anyway (and I know most of you will!), why not go for one of the best games to come out in years? I think the experience is well worth the price.


Is it possible to permanently screw up Pandemic Legacy? Because you misread a rule and threw away / wrote over something, or more importantly because you made a certain set of failures and ended in a situation with diseases etc. you couldn't win?


(This is all in the rules of the game when you open it, so no spoilers.)

I suppose if you played spectacularly badly you could end up in a position where a majority of the cities are difficult to move into due to repeated outbreaks. But since you can only have 8 outbreaks a game before you lose, and the real bad movement restrictions don't happen till a city has had 4 outbreaks and there are 48 cities in the game it can't get out of control super fast. Even by halfway through with losing every single game to outbreaks in cities not already maxed out you'd be at a point where only half the cities are at Level 4.

There's also a box you're supposed to open if you lose 4 in a row, so that might bail you out too. We haven't gotten to such a low point yet so I don't know what is in there.


Is it possible to permanently screw up Pandemic Legacy? Because you misread a rule and threw away / wrote over something, or more importantly because you made a certain set of failures and ended in a situation with diseases etc. you couldn't win?

Not that I have found. There are ways to really dig yourself into a hole but it feels like Rob and Matt thought of all these cases and designed recovery mechanisms for just the right times.

I have been playing two games concurrently. 1 am in looking at the start of October, in the other one we are in July. It has come to the point where the knowledge I have in my October game will mean I should restrict myself from giving input in my July game because I know where the game is headed.

That is the consumable part for me.

Unlike TIME Stories I think this won't stop you from going into the same season with people that have already experienced it. If everyone knows what's going to happen it's still neat to optimize in the other direction or run head long into the same path.


Hail to the KING baby
Funny Pandemic Legacy spoiler up until September:

I have played Quarantine Specialist since Feb. Named her Michelle O., had her kitted out with Rivals and Coworker perks relationships and Local Pressure and Paramilitary as her upgrades. Loved this character to death. Clutch saves month in and month out. This was the key character of the entire story! Well as the story goes you know where this is headed.. I am left pondering what character to start for the final three months. Thankfully the table agreed to let me keep the player card. I will keep you forever Michelle O.

This is hilarious btw because we had pretty much the exact same thing happen to us. Endgame spoilers:
They really knew what they were doing in terms of getting a lot of excitement into the latter half of the game. My only nit would be making the early games just a touch tougher. Weeks 2-8 were crazy easy for us. We did just make it in at Legendary level -- 803 -- though, so it got pretty nasty by the end.
Had an easy win during February in Pandemic Legacy. I suspect March will be a lot tougher. >_> I goofed up and
opened package 9 instead of dossier door 9. Quickly realized that wasn't correct but I've been spoiled a little.
It's a pretty linear experience, and I really doubt that most people would want to play it again (or enjoy it as much, if they did try) a second time. The game is, by design, about opening surprise boxes and adapting. If you know what's coming, you might as well just play regular Pandemic.

It would make more sense to just give them a new copy of regular Pandemic. It would probably cost as much as one of these supposed reset kits, anyway (I've yet to see one on ebay).

The reason I think it's 'sad' is because, with any game that gets used up, some people in the hobby lose sight of the idea that the time you spent with people was more valuable than the game itself. Having a memento of those times is pretty special, IMO, and well worth the game being 'destroyed'.

I mean, I look back on score pads in games and just think it's nice to remember all the games I played with the names on the pad. I think about this one drawing game I have with a pad of paper, and how fantastic it will be once that pad of paper is 'used up', because it will be full of things from friends that I can look back on fondly.

So the idea preserving this game to its mint condition and erasing the marks your friends made on it...I mean, it's basically like you value your board games more than your friendships, lol.

Still only played up until March so I haven't seen everything, but already there's mechanics that aren't in the base game. Even if you know what's coming up messing around with stuff like *mild spoiler*
relationships and quarantine tokens
is still fun and something that isn't present in the base game.

And as far as the memories, I don't really get where you're coming from since I still, you know, have those memories. If the game (or trip, or concert, or whatever) was memorable, I'll recall it whether or not I keep around a physical reminder. Just a personal difference though, I don't take a lot of pictures for the same reason which a lot of people find odd. But when we finish Legacy we'll likely just store it somewhere, give it away, or toss it, I can't see myself occasionally taking it out just to look it over and remember how all the stickers got where they are.

Had an easy win during February in Pandemic Legacy. I suspect March will be a lot tougher. >_> I goofed up and
opened package 9 instead of dossier door 9. Quickly realized that wasn't correct but I've been spoiled a little.

Same here, February felt suspiciously easy. Anxious to see what happens going forward.


My in-law gave me for my birthday last year, arts in the game are beautiful, but the game is just alright. My son calls it Rock-Paper-Scissors dragon game. I didn't care for it too much there so many other better card games. (I think Love Letter is a better "game" than Draco Magi).
Alright, thanks.
I'll do love the art but what made me decide to get it was in the reviews when I read that gameplay consists of laying out areas and commiting dragons to them. It sounded 'slightly' like commiting minions to bases in Smash Up and I love Smash Up, so I figured I would get it. I guess I'll see how I feel in a couple weeks when it gets here.
We went and checked out a local game store for the first time and ended up getting a few games.

Cacao we bought basically just based on the box, we had never heard of it but it just looked cool. Very colorful, interesting jungle theme, circular player boards, wooden pieces of cacao, it just looks really interesting on the shelf.


The game itself is pretty fun, you take turns playing tiles that have meeple on them which determine whether you can take advantage of adjacent tiles that give resources. It's extremely quick which is nice, and it's fun fighting over resources and screwing people over at the end when it's possible to play tiles on top of old ones to change the board. It's really light, really awesome filler games.

We got Lost Cities which is every bit as great as I had heard.

And we also picked up Castles of Burgundy which we haven't played yet. It's really highly rated on Board Game Geek, which is why we bought it (also it was pretty cheap at the store, about $10 less than the price on Amazon) but it looks pretty boring honestly, looks like you role dice and use resources to do stuff sort of like Catan without the trading. Looking forward to try it out though.
Alright, thanks.
I'll do love the art but what made me decide to get it was in the reviews when I read that gameplay consists of laying out areas and commiting dragons to them. It sounded 'slightly' like commiting minions to bases in Smash Up and I love Smash Up, so I figured I would get it. I guess I'll see how I feel in a couple weeks when it gets here.

Watch it Played Rodney did a how to play video (my copy was really early kickstarter copy before the video came out). The rule is not that hard but the rule book was not that great (block of text if I remember correctly).

I try to think what game it is similar to but now that you bring Smash Up, it is a bit like that. You deal out 3 locations which have gem symbol in the corner, then you put down your dragon each with its own power and counter to other dragon while your opponent do the same (taking in turn so you can see what the other person put down). If you see that certain area is not a winnable place then you can commit to other area or you can bluff. It does have strategic and tactical element. Again I think it was just a decent game and I have so many other cards game that I think are better. Cards are very pretty though.

So far my feeling is that most of the Kickstater games really need more time in the oven. They are half-bake and while have good elements really suffer from the deadline impose on them. So far the only one that exceed my expectation was Thunderbirds game. I got Zombicide Blackplaque pledge and it is one of the better Kickstarter game that I received but it is essentially an improve version of the Zombicide game so it really doesn't count. I back this and B-Seiged (which looks to be a terrible game but back then I was too hype up on Kickstarter and miniatures) but CMON practice of piling on exclusive to the detrimental of general release really make me stop backing all their other projects. They seem to somewhat back down on this tactic a bit on their recent Kickstarter but I am still wary about backing their stuffs.
This is hilarious btw because we had pretty much the exact same thing happen to us. Endgame spoilers:
They really knew what they were doing in terms of getting a lot of excitement into the latter half of the game. My only nit would be making the early games just a touch tougher. Weeks 2-8 were crazy easy for us. We did just make it in at Legendary level -- 803 -- though, so it got pretty nasty by the end.

We were lucky because we goofed up a bit.
We forgot to put the military permanent building stickers in the upgrade pool and never made any of the base permanent. This made some of our games quite hard since one of the goal is to build military base but it turn out to be great benefit. We only had two permanent base when we got the objective to torch them. My in-law was Operation Expert "Bob the Builder" and grew quite fond of him. I told him to put paramilitary escort on another character but he really want it as it is quite a powerful upgrade. His face when the reveal came was just priceless and him having to play civilian pretty much screw us the rest of that game.


You can actually pretty easily use a game of Legacy, even completed, as a regular Pandemic game so that's nice.
Not if you use the nuclear option you can't
. Unless you specifically plan to not destroy components in advance of course.
Playing a game of Flash Point with the 2nd Story expansion for the first time. I don't think this is doing it for me, solo anyway. Game is a bit too fiddly and progress can be slow. Think a digital version would be better solo. Also I have to fight the dice to be more random.


This is hilarious btw because we had pretty much the exact same thing happen to us. Endgame spoilers:
They really knew what they were doing in terms of getting a lot of excitement into the latter half of the game. My only nit would be making the early games just a touch tougher. Weeks 2-8 were crazy easy for us. We did just make it in at Legendary level -- 803 -- though, so it got pretty nasty by the end.

Early game was pretty easy for us too. Ended up scraping by with only 2 losses in the end. The months of
September and December
had the biggest game changers and swung the board state hard towards losing.

Had an easy win during February in Pandemic Legacy. I suspect March will be a lot tougher. >_> I goofed up and
opened package 9 instead of dossier door 9. Quickly realized that wasn't correct but I've been spoiled a little.

Out of the Box spoiler:
I don't remember 9 packages? Thought it was just 8 lol

We were lucky because we goofed up a bit.
We forgot to put the military permanent building stickers in the upgrade pool and never made any of the base permanent. This made some of our games quite hard since one of the goal is to build military base but it turn out to be great benefit. We only had two permanent base when we got the objective to torch them. My in-law was Operation Expert "Bob the Builder" and grew quite fond of him. I told him to put paramilitary escort on another character but he really want it as it is quite a powerful upgrade. His face when the reveal came was just priceless and him having to play civilian pretty much screw us the rest of that game.

In case anyone's wondering these are September spoilers.

Not if you use the nuclear option you can't
. Unless you specifically plan to not destroy components in advance of course.

I don't remember when that gets opened but
missing one city
won't affect the regular gameplay much at all if that's what you wanted to do imo

Is it possible to permanently screw up Pandemic Legacy? Because you misread a rule and threw away / wrote over something, or more importantly because you made a certain set of failures and ended in a situation with diseases etc. you couldn't win?

Not particularly, mistakes happen and wins/losses are more for your story of the playthrough, as indicated by the rules of 2 losses in a month? then move on to the next month anyway.
Just ran into some trouble with Pandemic Legacy, hopefully someone can help out. Spoilers for March.

We got the rules about military bases and the objective for having one in each continent. But we can't find the bases themselves. On the rule stickers it looks like there should be green research centers somewhere, but we weren't instructed to open any of the boxes. On the March Legacy card it says to open X, 43, and 5. We opened the 5 gate, and thought that maybe we were supposed to also open the corresponding 5 box, but we have no clue what the tokens in the 5 box are for (at least we didn't spoil ourselves too badly).

What are we missing? I double-checked all of the cards to make sure we didn't miss an instruction and I don't want to incorrectly any more boxes.

Edit: Never mind, really dumb mistake, figured it out.

Second edit: Just beat April our first try. I'm disappointed with the difficulty. We actually lost the first game in January and I assumed that each month would follow the pattern of try a month, get overwhelmed by the new mechanics, try again with a better grasp of the situation and two new event cards, hopefully win. But we've won every game aside from that first one so far.

I'm not really surprised, we've played a LOT of Pandemic and we've been using a lot of end-up upgrades to make the diseases easier to cure, and I'm sure they didn't want to go too crazy since a lot of people buying this likely either haven't played the base game or haven't played a ton of it. Actually I was a little surprised that it starts you with five epidemic cards instead of 4. But hopefully we get thrown some curveballs soon. 24 games is a lot, I own games I love that I haven't played 24 times. 12 seems pretty short.

Based on the board layout I'm assuming at the very least that at some point we'll
be given the sixth Epidemic card and be forced to play with it.

I'm really interested to see what *April spoilers*
military bases are for. So far they seem totally worthless, they're research bases that only some characters can use. I'm assuming they'll somehow interact with the Faded going forward.

Im fine with regular Pandemic. Legacy's once through and done thing really irks me, and preventing me from getting it. I don't play Pandemic enough in a row to enjoy it likely, I like to toss down Pandemic once in a while.

Yeah, as fun as Legacy has been and as unique as it is buying the base game and an expansion or two is just ridiculously more value. I'd love to know what the profit margin is like on the game because it would be a lot easier to digest at $50 than $70.


I'm really interested to see what *April spoilers*
military bases are for. So far they seem totally worthless, they're research bases that only some characters can use. I'm assuming they'll somehow interact with the Faded going forward.
If your cities end up fucked up enough you'll be singing a different tune :p
We won most of the games in first half of the year but
thing ramp up a bit during second half also once some of your city start rioting you will have harder time traveling

As for value of the game it is really subjective. I am spoil being in the US and can pick up game at discount. I got Pandemic Legacy for 40% off from Barn and Noble using coupon and member discount so for me it was $45 well spend as we have tons of fun and this is most game play for us by far. There are game in my collection cost the same or more but we only played it once or twice.

I get that this on and done boardgame is not for everyone but really don't get all negativity and cash grab comments I see on BGG and Twitter. If it is not your type of game then just don't buy it, there are thousands of board games release each year it is not like one or two even 10 legacy games will destroy the industry.
I will say it doesn't feel like a cash grab to me. For all I know it costs them $20 to produce it but the number of unique components is really cool. The permanent stuff makes it so you can only play once which means the value of the game is iffy, but it's not like they can make the game cost less because of that.

On the other hand there's games like Caverna that are close in price but come with a ton more components. But Legacy is high quality enough that "cash grab" doesn't seem fair.


Obviously everyone is different and they're having success at their current price, but I personally don't like paying over $50 for board games OR videogames. I feel like $30-50 might get me into that sort of game if I had a group of people willing to repeatedly play.
Obviously everyone is different and they're having success at their current price, but I personally don't like paying over $50 for board games OR videogames. I feel like $30-50 might get me into that sort of game if I had a group of people willing to repeatedly play.
If you agreed to play Legacy in a group of three or four people and split the cost to ~$20 each it's a lot easier to swallow.

Makes sense too since there shouldn't be much argument over who gets to keep it at the end.
Obviously everyone is different and they're having success at their current price, but I personally don't like paying over $50 for board games OR videogames. I feel like $30-50 might get me into that sort of game if I had a group of people willing to repeatedly play.

Never move to Australia


Playing a game of Flash Point with the 2nd Story expansion for the first time. I don't think this is doing it for me, solo anyway. Game is a bit too fiddly and progress can be slow. Think a digital version would be better solo. Also I have to fight the dice to be more random.

I didn't like Flash Point at all. Too fiddly by far, and I never felt invested in it during a game, unlike, say, Pandemic.


We were lucky because we goofed up a bit.
We forgot to put the military permanent building stickers in the upgrade pool and never made any of the base permanent. This made some of our games quite hard since one of the goal is to build military base but it turn out to be great benefit. We only had two permanent base when we got the objective to torch them. My in-law was Operation Expert "Bob the Builder" and grew quite fond of him. I told him to put paramilitary escort on another character but he really want it as it is quite a powerful upgrade. His face when the reveal came was just priceless and him having to play civilian pretty much screw us the rest of that game.

Regarding your spoiler in our game
we had 5 regions starting military bases, it was crazy how involved our team was in the twist


We went and checked out a local game store for the first time and ended up getting a few games.

Cacao we bought basically just based on the box, we had never heard of it but it just looked cool. Very colorful, interesting jungle theme, circular player boards, wooden pieces of cacao, it just looks really interesting on the shelf.


The game itself is pretty fun, you take turns playing tiles that have meeple on them which determine whether you can take advantage of adjacent tiles that give resources. It's extremely quick which is nice, and it's fun fighting over resources and screwing people over at the end when it's possible to play tiles on top of old ones to change the board. It's really light, really awesome filler games.

We got Lost Cities which is every bit as great as I had heard.

And we also picked up Castles of Burgundy which we haven't played yet. It's really highly rated on Board Game Geek, which is why we bought it (also it was pretty cheap at the store, about $10 less than the price on Amazon) but it looks pretty boring honestly, looks like you role dice and use resources to do stuff sort of like Catan without the trading. Looking forward to try it out though.

Yay another Cacao fan. I didn't expect too much when I got it and was surprised how everyone just really seems to like it. It's easy to learn, yet there is enough tactical thinking required to be of interest for everyone. And yes, that it plays so quickly is also a plus. I am already looking forward to the new modules Abaccusspiele has been teasing for a while now.


Hello all,
I've just recently been bit by the board game bug and decided to come visit the OT. I always enjoyed board games as a kid, and definitely got into Magic and D&D as a teen but fell out of all of that after college and moving out of state for a job. A few years back I bought Dominion and Munchkin but only played those a handful of times around holidays with my family.

I don't know why, but just in the past month I've really gotten the urge to get some more complicated games to play. Probably because of seeing Tabletop on Youtube, then watching a bunch more gaming videos from Dice Tower and such.

I don't really have people to play with, my wife isn't into it and my son is too young (only 2). But I did find a local group on BGG so I hope to meet up with them soon. But for now I'm treating it kind of like steam, where I've put a bunch of games on my wishlist and have started buying some, not knowing when I'll ever get around to actually playing them.

Here's some I've picked up in the past couple weeks:
Champions of Midgard
Ticket to Ride: Europe
Epic (Card Game)

From what I've read, others I would like to get are Roll for the Galaxy and Warhammer Quest: Adventure Card Game. For now I'm content just reading about them, and catching up with this thread and BGG will give me plenty of that to do.


I’m a bit new to the hobby (after years and years of playing only Settlers of Catan). Trying to build up a decent library that covers a variety of mechanisms/experiences, but shies away from games that require continuous investment. Will mostly be playing with 3-4 players, but sometimes with larger groups up to 8.

Here is what I have so far:

- Dead of Winter
- Ticket to Ride Europe
- King of Toyko (plus Power Up expansion)
- Pandemic
- Settlers of Catan (with Seafarers expansion)
- The Resistance: Avalon
- Coup
- Codenames

Plus my live-in girlfriend has a couple of the lighter/classic games:

- Scrabble
- Bananagrams
- Scattergories
- Connect 4

I think I have the “party” genre taken care of - there are several I’ve researched and intend to buy at some point - but I’m certainly up for recommendations. Not looking for anything extremely heavy, but I’m definitely open - just let me know if a suggestion you provide is a little more advanced.

Thanks in advance everyone!
Survive: Escape Atlantis should be in everyone's collection. It's a huge hit with every person I have introduced it to, young and old.

It will always be my first suggestion, even over modern classics like King of Tokyo, Ticket to Ride, Pandemic, ect. (All beloved games at my house, btw)

Check out some video reviews on youtube. Simple to play, difficult to master thanks to the ever shifting playfield. Fast turns and always engaging, even when it's not your turn.
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