This times a million. The Lawman's Badge (I'm guessing you have just Swamps of Dread?) is a one time buff, but it's nice for that final fight. If you're going just two, a Redemptionist Preacher/Nun (so they get a shotgun) is a great boost since you get gun + Sermons.
Remember too that your '6's to hit are critical hits, and therefore ignore defense. A Hungry Dead has high defense, but only 1 wound. So if you crit a zombie, it dies.
In somewhat related news, played my first two campaigns of Imperial Assault today. My party was Mak, Diala, Fenn and Jyn. We did the tutorial mission (destroy the terminals) and Fenn's personal mission. I have to say, I'm not sure how big a fan I am of the game. Firstly, the attack action almost feels like a wasted turn for Rebels unless you're attacking a story item (such as the terminals in the tutorial mission). Standing around fighting is a guaranteed loss and you basically HAVE to move every turn. I ended up losing the tutorial mission pretty badly. During Fenn's personal mission (disarm the bombs) I ignored attacking almost entirely. I literally just moved around and through enemies to get to the bombs and disarm them. Even then, I only managed a win on the VERY LAST round. If I had spent ANY time trying to fight enemies, I would have lost. At one point, I had 3 bombs in hand right next to the AT-ST. I could have one-shot it with bombs at the end of the round. Didn't bother, it would have cost me a disarm and I would have lost. I'm sure that may change as I power/gear up, but frankly it really disappoints me. It completely hurts the feel of the game. Granted, I'm saying this after all of two missions, but in both missions fighting anything, even Stormtroopers is just a waste of a turn. I'd regret taking Mak at all if it wasn't for his 1xp ability that lets me cycle the Supply deck.