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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic


Same, and if it were up to me I would get Fury of Dracula over Specter Ops, but I have a feeling I will have a tougher time getting FoD to the table, especially given its length.

Maybe go for the original Scotland Yard? It's the cloth all these other games are cut from.

The problem with Spectre Ops for me is that the miniatures game contrivances (with dice rolls and all) really bloat the hide and seek game. Also, the map just makes for many frustrating situations for the seekers.


So I have probably played about 20+ games of Seasons (with the first expansion) with my friends and I'm starting to wonder if there are any recommended card games with a drafting/hand management component that any of you would recommend?

Seasons definitely has unique mechanics, but are there fans of Seasons in here that had another similar, but different game to recommend? I'm more interested in games where you build the deck as part of the game itself instead of coming in with preset decks (a la Magic or Pokemon)


Random war game thought spewing out of my brain. I certainly have not played all tactical systems, but from the few I have (and more I have looked into) it seems like Conflict of Heroes is one of the only games that addresses the weird disconnect between the time a turn is supposed to represent and unit movement.

In most of these games when you activate a unit during your turn you can move it using its movement value (simple example. my infantry has 6 MV and I move it 6 hexes on a clear field.) Basically your dudes are hauling ass the whole turn, and you have 2 points of interaction you are determining, the start and the ending hex. Most games have opportunity fire rules so if you do run out in a field the enemy can decide to shoot at your dumb ass and stop you in the field or kill you. All well and good, but it creates weird situations like running a guy across a field to make a unit spent by op firing at you, then running another unit (maybe in a way that would be much more vulnerable) across with no worries. It also creates situations where you can in a shaken state and then just haul ass across what seems like a stupid amount of terrain and eliminate it. Lock N Load seems particularly bad about this.

In CoH you are spending action points to move one hex at a time (with the exception of vehicles which have bonus moves on some terrain that may get them up to 3 hexes.) at that point the enemy gets a turn to react and if you want you can continue moving. This shorter back and forth makes it so op fire rules aren't really necessary and you really cannot run decoy units out with absolute certainty that the other player cant shift fire to the more vulnerable unit or maybe even hit both.

For games whose players seem to get nuts about the armor value on tanks, range of weapons and such this seems like a very common oversight that to my knowledge only CoH seems to try to solve.

Complex games complex problems I suppose.

I think you run into this issue whenever you try and model linear time with simultaneous events happening via a turn-based system. I've experimented with pseudo real-time design for movement in random prototype wargame things I've been working on, but there really isn't a good way to solve the problem. CoH's system is a really great attempt to tackle it and does a pretty good job.

I've just come to accept that strategic tabletop games that seek to simulate conflict will always have this "problem" and roll with it. I think it may also be why I prefer operational scale wargames where those kinds of details with the time scale are sort of abstracted and fudged.


I think you run into this issue whenever you try and model linear time with simultaneous events happening via a turn-based system. I've experimented with pseudo real-time design for movement in random prototype wargame things I've been working on, but there really isn't a good way to solve the problem. CoH's system is a really great attempt to tackle it and does a pretty good job.

I've just come to accept that strategic tabletop games that seek to simulate conflict will always have this "problem" and roll with it. I think it may also be why I prefer operational scale wargames where those kinds of details with the time scale are sort of abstracted and fudged.

Yeah, does not seem to be an issue in large scale stuff.


So I have probably played about 20+ games of Seasons (with the first expansion) with my friends and I'm starting to wonder if there are any recommended card games with a drafting/hand management component that any of you would recommend?

Seasons definitely has unique mechanics, but are there fans of Seasons in here that had another similar, but different game to recommend? I'm more interested in games where you build the deck as part of the game itself instead of coming in with preset decks (a la Magic or Pokemon)

Magic: The Gathering CUBE

The best draft experience, period. Biggest drawback being someone will have to have access to Mtg cards and depending on what type of cube is curated it could be extremely expensive. On the other hand you can make a cube for mere pennies and still have a grand time. At any rate, once the cube is created you never have to spend another dime.


So I have probably played about 20+ games of Seasons (with the first expansion) with my friends and I'm starting to wonder if there are any recommended card games with a drafting/hand management component that any of you would recommend?

Blood Rage and Agricola largely revolve around drafting even though at first glance the cards might seem to be a minor element. Might be worth considering.


I cannot recommend choosing any "similar" game over Fury of Dracula. FoD is absolutely fantastic.

Eldritch Horror and Dead of Winter are both mechanically uninteresting, although not as bad as Zombicide.

Puerto Rico is mechanically interesting, but has a dry theme and presentation. It's still a solid game, though I feel that Race for the Galaxy has largely supplanted it by removing the player order problem, reducing fiddliness, and adding variability.

That said, your interests may or may not line up with any of the above games. What are you looking for in a board game? Social interaction? Complexity? Cooperation? Competition? Big, random battles? Zero-luck? Predicting/incenting opponents' moves? A fleshed-out story? An abstract game of pure logic?

Thanks for the feedback! I'm actually looking to buy all those games... although... I guess they dropped in my priority list.

What I'm looking for is a bigger, more complex Catan. I liked it a lot and it was an instant hit for me, but I really felt it lacked more complexity, maybe more ways to win.

The best two games that I found were Terra Mystica and Game of Thrones (the Boardgame). The first one has almost evrything I want: classy board, complexity, strategy and tactic. The second one has all the interactivity, wargame feel that I want.

So, I guess... I'm looking for: social interaction, complexity, competition... maybe war/battles, and theme should not be... boring, like "building a farm".

Race for the Galaxy might be the one I'm searching for, although a lot of people said Twilight Imperium and Battlestar Galatica but, unfortunately, these two games do not have in my native language, and I'm afraid my gaming group will not like it much.

Also to note, as I just started in this hobby, a lot of people said to go buy at least Puerto Rico and Agricola because they're classics and everyone should own, and Eldritch and Dead of Winter because they're the two best new games. Well, I'm still building a list of experiences that I should have to really know what I like and dislike.

What I truly dislike is cooperative games.

Another question: Will it be a good start if I follow something like boardgamegeek ranking and Dice tower rankings? They're very different!


I like Race for the Galaxy, but there's definitely something good about playing Puerto Rico and interacting with that game in a clearer and more tangible way. I think its a better followup to Catan than anything else mentioned.

Also, there's San Juan.


Sam Healey proposed Stone Age in Dice Tower's "games that murdered other games" video when discussing Catan. Might be worth looking into.


Archipelago might be what your are looking for if you want a more complex Catan. There is a cooperative element, but it is also also very passive aggressive as everyone had their own scoring goal and a possible betrayer to the group. There is also a lot of other different mechanics in the game as well, like worker placement and negotiation.


Magic: The Gathering CUBE

The best draft experience, period. Biggest drawback being someone will have to have access to Mtg cards and depending on what type of cube is curated it could be extremely expensive. On the other hand you can make a cube for mere pennies and still have a grand time. At any rate, once the cube is created you never have to spend another dime.

Hell yes. I don't recall if it's come up in this thread but a MTG cube is a fantastic experience if your group knows how to play Magic (even if your group USED to play and hasn't in a while, that's usually fine).

It's not quite like a modern deckbuilder because it's two distinct phases: You draft the cards first, then build decks with those cards and play matches. The draft ends up being a game in it's own right.

It takes great aspects of both "preconstucted" magic and limited (draft) magic, since you are drafting from a pool of cards that you've already curated. Other reasons it's great:
  • Getting to play high quality MTG – You can get some great games out of cube drafted decks, and if you don't, you can see what went wrong and make adjustments to the card pool for next time. I know my cube started out pretty wonky but you work at it over time (and that's part of the fun, actually).
  • No one has to bring/buy any cards (except the owner of course, but in many cases the person building it has a collection to draw from) – this one is huge IMO. I have a few friends who know and like playing the game, but have zero interest in buying any cards. This slots in perfectly.
  • Lots of variation inherent to drafting, boosted by the fact that many cubes are built with only one of each card.

Curating the cube itself is a skill that you can refine over time. I remember mine started years ago as "all the best cards thrown together" without a huge amount of attention paid to deck archetypes. It was unbalanced "dragon cubing" at it's finest but still fun to play (basically a cube where cards skew towards the high end with little to no support for aggressive decks). Once you start looking at successful cubes online and building deck strategy options into the cube it gets soooooo good.

I haven't updated mine in a few sets but it still plays fantastically. As for cost, I haven't done it, but I know many people don't mind proxy cards for the unobtainables. I usually just build around those limits though.

It's not exactly an easy thing to get into but like I said previously, if you have a group of friends who play or even used to play the game it is a great way to have fun with it WITHOUT having the build/buy decks beforehand. Can't recommend it enough, honestly.


What I'm looking for is a bigger, more complex Catan. I liked it a lot and it was an instant hit for me, but I really felt it lacked more complexity, maybe more ways to win.

The best two games that I found were Terra Mystica and Game of Thrones (the Boardgame). The first one has almost evrything I want: classy board, complexity, strategy and tactic. The second one has all the interactivity, wargame feel that I want.

So, I guess... I'm looking for: social interaction, complexity, competition... maybe war/battles, and theme should not be... boring, like "building a farm".

Social interaction and complexity/competition are largely disjoint in the board gaming world. Game of Thrones (or Diplomacy) probably comes closest to offering both, but it's lengthy and heavy.

I think you would enjoy Lords of Waterdeep. It's a reasonable step up from Catan, between Stone Age and Agricola in complexity, plays smoothly, and has an appealing theme. There's some player interaction in both blocking behavior (as in other worker placement games), but also in the use of opponents' buildings and the play of intrigue cards.

Eldritch and Dead of Winter because they're the two best new games. Well, I'm still building a list of experiences that I should have to really know what I like and dislike.

What I truly dislike is cooperative games.

Eldritch and Dead of Winter don't seem like good fits at all with that in mind. Likewise avoid Pandemic [Legacy] and Archipelago, which may also be recommended to you.

Another question: Will it be a good start if I follow something like boardgamegeek ranking and Dice tower rankings? They're very different!

I don't think I'd argue that anything in the top 50, 100, or maybe even 500 BGG ranked games is a bad game, but even the majority of the top 10 is not appealing to me. One quick benchmark for me is the activity on a particular's strategy forum on BGG. And there are a few BGGers whose opinions carry a lot of weight with me (Alexfrog, clearclaw, clydeiii), much moreso than overall BGG rankings.

Dice Tower (Tom or Miami Dice) and Starlit Citadel Reviews are the only two video review series that I find useful. I tend to like the kinds of games that the "Miami Dice" segments cover. Tom and Sam individually like games I don't care for, but games that both view positively are often ones I find interesting.

As you become more familiar with board games, you'll figure out who (designers, reviewers) and what (mechanics, elements) you really like.

FWIW, my ideal core library of games, in alphabetical order would be: Age of Steam, Dixit, Hanabi, Imperial, Lords of Waterdeep, Kingdoms, One Night Ultimate Werewolf, The Princes of Florence, Race for the Galaxy, and Terra Mystica. That's not to say that those are my ten favorite games (e.g., I love Battlestar Galactica), but ones that I respect greatly and provide excellent coverage of audiences and mechanics.


I've gotten some coworkers into Ascension and Carcassonne. We've also done Pandemic a few times, but they really like Carcassonne for how well it fits our lunch break time slot and being competitive without being too stressful.

Recently had one of them attend an all-day boardgame thing we did where we had a lot of stuff to chose from that for various reasons (don't own it, too long, inappropriate theme, not something they'd like, etc.) aren't on the table at the office.

We were setting up a game of Barbarossa when he arrived, so we dealt him in. After that we did several other games throughout the day.

The game with the mafia cigar box with hidden roles and diamonds, forgot the name of it, Roll for the Galaxy, Istanbul, one or two others I can't remember, but they were all new to him.

Anyway, the next week I asked him which of the ones he enjoyed the most.

"That Barbarossa game."

And speaking of deckbuilders, I just got my copy of Tanto Cuore Oktoberfest in. Haven't had a chance to play it yet but I reviewed and sleeved all the cards last night. Looks fun, except I'm not thrilled to see even more "other players discard" cards be added that there are really no good counters for. Can really bog the game down if you play with those in the pool.


sentinals of the multiverse is getting one last expansion and then it will be done.
i'd link to the announcement but the announcement broke the site so....


Oh the joys of organizing a new copy of Legendary. Good buddies Alien copy got destroyed so we are replacing it with a new copy signed by all us buddies and organized with a broken token set. I'm the lucky SOB that gets to put these 600+ cards in piles of 14! I'm pretty sure Upper Deck is trolling us with their sheet orders.


Oh the joys of organizing a new copy of Legendary. Good buddies Alien copy got destroyed so we are replacing it with a new copy signed by all us buddies and organized with a broken token set. I'm the lucky SOB that gets to put these 600+ cards in piles of 14! I'm pretty sure Upper Deck is trolling us with their sheet orders.

Oh god this was a night of insanity for me.
sentinals of the multiverse is getting one last expansion and then it will be done.
i'd link to the announcement but the announcement broke the site so....

Game is great, but yea I think they kinda hit a wall with what they can do and have put out more than enough expansions out for it


Hail to the KING baby
Oh the joys of organizing a new copy of Legendary. Good buddies Alien copy got destroyed so we are replacing it with a new copy signed by all us buddies and organized with a broken token set. I'm the lucky SOB that gets to put these 600+ cards in piles of 14! I'm pretty sure Upper Deck is trolling us with their sheet orders.

That was the worst. Beyond the sorting I even had to consult BGG a few times just to make sure I was putting cards in the right place. At least I didn't make the same mistake I made with original Legendary -- no sleeving here.


Game is great, but yea I think they kinda hit a wall with what they can do and have put out more than enough expansions out for it

it sounds like it's always been a 5 year plan and this is just the conclusion of the story.

either way foil promos and big box to store everything sounds sexy.
That was the worst. Beyond the sorting I even had to consult BGG a few times just to make sure I was putting cards in the right place. At least I didn't make the same mistake I made with original Legendary -- no sleeving here.

The worst part of legendary is all the cards that have the same back and front artwork. To know where it goes, you have to look for the tiny text at bottom of a card. Why do I have 30 of the same card? Oh, they go in different piles? wtf Most cames you can tell where they go at a glance


Funny how this week's game happened to be... Legendary Encounters: An Alien Deck Building Game, and that I read your posts just as I was about to go and unpack it for the first time :D
Wasn't as bad as I feared it would be based on the comments. Didn't really have a problem reading the tiny text and such. I still agree with most of the stuff you guys said tho. It's a mess to unpack this game :D

But it was fun. And hard.
Played the recommended Alien set. We died horribly. Set it back up again so it's easy to start after breakfast tomorrow. Going with the suggestion in the rulebook to make it easier with three more drone cards.


Funny how this week's game happened to be... Legendary Encounters: An Alien Deck Building Game, and that I read your posts just as I was about to go and unpack it for the first time :D
Wasn't as bad as I feared it would be based on the comments. Didn't really have a problem reading the tiny text and such. I still agree with most of the stuff you guys said tho. It's a mess to unpack this game :D

But it was fun. And hard.
Played the recommended Alien set. We died horribly. Set it back up again so it's easy to start after breakfast tomorrow. Going with the suggestion in the rulebook to make it easier with three more drone cards.

not only is upper deck stuff a mess to unpack, but it's not super rare that there are cards missing so you have to double check all that too :/
totally was missing 3 cards in my new sealed first expansion to the marvel game.

their customer support was pretty good though.
Oh the joys of organizing a new copy of Legendary.

Last year I bought and received all of the currently Marvel Legendary series.

Base Marvel Legendary
Dark City
Fantastic Four
Fear Itself
Paint the Town Red
Guardians of the Galaxy

It was pretty overwhelming to organize all that at once, but it was also surprisingly fun. I need the new Captain America and both Secret Wars and I'll be caught up again. I haven't played it that often though, so I can wait.

Anyone have thoughts on the Secret Wars expansions?


Th first Cacao expansion looks fucking great. Definitely need to get that immediately.

I also need to know more about the Camel Up Card game. Apparently it is less luck dependent.


sentinals of the multiverse is getting one last expansion and then it will be done.
i'd link to the announcement but the announcement broke the site so....
Woohoo! This means that the wait for all of the promos to be released is almost over!!! Or at least I am pretty sure that I have read multiple times in multiple places that GTG will release all of the promos and con-exclusives from the past after they have finished the Sentinals line. I actually can't say that I even really like SotM; it is my least-liked tabletop game so far and lowest-rated. I don't like how fiddly it is. But if I am going to keep a copy sitting in my shelf, I want all of the cool promos to go with it (and I do plan on keeping it, I have sworn to give it another chance in the future).

I ordered Ubongo and Dead of Winter today. Both were impulse buys; I bought Ubongo because after seeing it posted in Hot Deals on BGG and seeing people talk about how it was OOP for a while. That got me interested enough to look and see what the game was about and it looks like something fun to play with the family. I didn't have any intention of buying Dead of Winter anytime soon and actually obstained from purchasing it last week while it was on discounted on Amazon. I saw it today for $34.99 shipped and said "Fuck it, I can't pass it up at that price." Not sure when it will get played but I was following the talk about intro scenarios and stuff from the last page or two. Looking forward to trying it eventually. I'm pretty sure that in a month I will be home for good, so hopefully I can take it into a small store near home. I stopped in there the night before I left last month to buy the TFA X-Wing minis and saw that there was a group playi Betrayal at the House on the Hill. Maybe Dead of Winter is something they could get down on.

EDIT: Aha! re: What I said about the SotM promos, from FAQ page on the GTG site:
Can I purchase Sentinels of the Multiverse promo cards from your web store?

No. However, in a couple years, after the main story line of Sentinels of the Multiverse is concluded, we will be publishing an "unlimited edition" pack of all of the promo cards ever printed, which we will make available for sale.
Maybe I even saw that posted in this very thread before. I knew I had seen it though and the announcement that the last expansions is on the way means the "Unlimited Edition" of all promos ever can't be TOO far behind.


Saint Nic
I'm thinking of picking up SotM on Steam. Digital version seems like it would be easier to play and manage, especially since digital means I can play it solo more regularly.

Also, I'm just putting the finishing touches on the mechanics for the game I've been working on! Really excited to start getting messy in Excel to start balancing "stuff".


I'm thinking of picking up SotM on Steam. Digital version seems like it would be easier to play and manage, especially since digital means I can play it solo more regularly.

Also, I'm just putting the finishing touches on the mechanics for the game I've been working on! Really excited to start getting messy in Excel to start balancing "stuff".

Need a graphic designer? :)


I got to try The Prodigals Club tonight. It was a very fiddly worker placement / economy game, and we only used 2 out of 3 possible competitions.

The rather strange game concept is that you are all young, dumb gentlemen who want to become as poor and disrespected by society as possible. Your wealthy parents have bought you votes or something, so you have to start doing things to lose votes, offend different parties, lower your standing in society, and so forth.

I was not a huge fan. It seemed like it had too many simultaneous parts for its own good.


Update on some recent gaming:

We played Fury of Dracula (3rd edition). I own and have played the two previous editions and I pretty much liked the changes to the 3rd edition. I really like how all of the useless bandits have been taken out. The combat was so tedious before with it. Combat seems to be better now overall but I may need to play it more to flush that area out. Anyway, it's definitely still a fun deductive asymmetrical game with a good theme.

We also played our first game of Mombasa. It has a lot of potential. I can't wait to get this one back to the table. It's got a pretty solid design and I feel that it will reward smart play. I love the combination of stock management, deck building, area control, etc. If you're into medium euros, check it out.

Also last week, we played some more of the Voyages of Marco Polo. We really liked this and I still enjoy playing this game but I'm starting to have some games where I feel like I played the best I could given the layout of the tiles, my character, etc. and this one is starting to lose a little of its luster because of it.

Anyway, thought I would post these impressions.


Buddy got his kickstarter copy of BSieged(Box spells it B*Sieged), and we played a few games. Not a very good rule book, and the game seems extremely difficult and swingy. The minis are all really nice, but I'm kinda unhappy with it otherwise. Giving it a week or two before we try again to see if any use FAQs pop up on BGG.
Buddy got his kickstarter copy of BSieged(Box spells it B*Sieged), and we played a few games. Not a very good rule book, and the game seems extremely difficult and swingy. The minis are all really nice, but I'm kinda unhappy with it otherwise. Giving it a week or two before we try again to see if any use FAQs pop up on BGG.



Maybe I even saw that posted in this very thread before. I knew I had seen it though and the announcement that the last expansions is on the way means the "Unlimited Edition" of all promos ever can't be TOO far behind.

Just so you know, it looks like this is folded into the upcoming kickstarter for the final expansion. From the info page:
day, February 9th, we will be launching a Kickstarter for Sentinels of the Multiverse: OblivAeon. That Kickstarter will also include other amazing things, such as:

Ultimate Hero Variant Pack - all of the hero promo cards EVER with all new art!

Limited Edition 5th Anniversary Foil Variant Pack - all of the hero promo cards ever with all new art in FOIL!

The Ultimate Collector’s Case - a really slick storage solution that will hold ALL of the Sentinels of the Multiverse products!

So, yeah, if you were planning on getting the expansion, and your wanted all the hero variants, I'd say jump on that when the KS opens.

And just a quick little 'what's made it to the table' update:

Ticket to Ride UK Map - If you've liked TTR, and want a little bump in strategy/complexity, definitely pick up this map. We've only done the UK sides, but the need to buy technologies before completing routes was a perfect addition to the game. Also, the person who got the 40 point route did NOT win the game (but became a pretty big target for the other players).
The Ohio side of the map adds the stock system. We haven't used it yet, but can already see that it'll bring another little layer of strategy, which we like.

Friday - Picked this up because I wanted a solo game (also, because I needed one more item to get Amazon's same-day delivery). Fun little deck-builder, but I'm finding it a bit easy. Have bumped up to medium difficulty, and will start on hard later. I find the point system a bit silly, but, overall, it's a very solid solitaire game.

Mage Knight - My friend and I are LOVING this game. Not even sure how I'd properly describe it. It's a little like playing a table-top version of Elder Scrolls together. Have already bought one expansion, and will certainly never turn down an offer to play. Love that every turn is all about the puzzle of figuring out how to do what you want with the cards/abilities you have. We haven't played too competitively, yet, and I'm not sure I'll really like PvP in it, but will give it a shot. I do wish there was some form of epic game, because it always feels a bit too truncated in the end...but I suppose leaving you wanting more is a good thing.

TIME Stories - We've played one round of the first story, and one round of The Marcy Case. Right now, I don't see myself skipping any expansions for this. The game system works so brilliantly, though I know I'm missing moments when I'm supposed to tick the track down, so I guess we played on 'easy mode.' Still failed, though. Calling this a group "Choose Your Own Adventure" book is the most perfect description it can be given.

Libertalia - I've only gotten this to the table once, but, damn, do I want to play more of it. Excellent system with everyone working from the same hands. Really didn't think it would work, but it becomes a game of figuring out what your opponent's strategies are, and how to counter them. If you have a good group of 4-6, I'd strongly recommend this.


Played in the X-Wing Store Championship at Fantasy Flight yesterday. Started at 10:30 AM, left at 8:30 PM (87 participants). Man, that was grueling, and was a lot of fun, but... I don't feel like playing X-Wing again any time soon. Went 3-3, though! Not bad for my first tournament.
Played in the X-Wing Store Championship at Fantasy Flight yesterday. Started at 10:30 AM, left at 8:30 PM (87 participants). Man, that was grueling, and was a lot of fun, but... I don't feel like playing X-Wing again any time soon. Went 3-3, though! Not bad for my first tournament.
Heh, this is pretty much how I felt after playing in the Netrunner Regionals, last year. Tournaments are grueling and by the end of it I don't even want to think about the game for like a week. They can be fun though, and I'm looking forward to this year's tournament season.
Buddy got his kickstarter copy of BSieged(Box spells it B*Sieged), and we played a few games. Not a very good rule book, and the game seems extremely difficult and swingy. The minis are all really nice, but I'm kinda unhappy with it otherwise. Giving it a week or two before we try again to see if any use FAQs pop up on BGG.

The DiceTower guys really hated it.
Buddy got his kickstarter copy of BSieged(Box spells it B*Sieged), and we played a few games. Not a very good rule book, and the game seems extremely difficult and swingy. The minis are all really nice, but I'm kinda unhappy with it otherwise. Giving it a week or two before we try again to see if any use FAQs pop up on BGG.

Tom and Zee of Dice Tower said it's really difficult like Ghost Stories which is fine, but everything seems to rely solely on dice rolls and there is no way to mitigate the luck factor or increase your odd. They also said the game run way to long. This and Zombicide BP were the two CMON games I back last year and now Zombicide is push back 6 months.

I really not going to back that many Kickstarter this year, especially one from CMON. I really hate all the exclusive stuffs they do and they seems to miss all the delivery target. B-Sieged is 4 months late (I still haven't got delivery notice) and Zombicide BP won't ship until June (so that meant July or August for delivery).


i feel like they will get money from me for some more zombie action at the very least :p
I made the mistake of promising the first game of Dead of Winter to a very specific group of people. We're very slowly working towards getting a session together.


I made the mistake of promising the first game of Dead of Winter to a very specific group of people. We're very slowly working towards getting a session together.

I personally dislike zombies, but yet I keep buying games based on them because they make for solid co op games @_@


Got one of our big annual gaming weekends coming up. I'm taking Friday off from work. I should be gaming from about 3pm on Friday afternoon until about 4am Sunday morning!

Plan on hosting a Raptor tournament. I also plan on winning best dressed, it's 80 themed!


Ended up buying Specter Ops this weekend. Played two games with my girlfriend, one as the agent and one as the hunters. I really, really like it. I likely had more fun playing as the agent. Gonna play three player this weekend, possibly five. Interested to see how the hunter dynamic will change once there's more than one person calling all the shots.

My girlfriend and I both agreed that being the agent was stressful as hell, but in a fun way. She came SO close to getting away. I think she would have escaped on her next turn but I ended up revealing her location standing right next to her with one health remaining.

The thing I like about the game is that both of us felt engaged the whole time. Even when she was plotting her move as the agent, I was studying the board to try to figure out where she could possibly be going. I feel like there will be a lot of communication going with more players. I'm interested to see how the traitor mechanic plays out too, but I've read it's not the ideal way to play. The game feels perfect with two hunters and one agent.

My only beef with the game is that some of the rules aren't explained well enough in the manual. I had to resort to an faq on Plaid Hat's website to get clarification on a lot of things, and even then I'm still not sure on everything. There aren't even that many rules to the game, so it's frustrating that everything couldn't have been explained more clearly.

Hoping the group enjoys the game so I can feel more confident in an investment of Fury of Dracula, whose theme I enjoy a great deal more but I am worried about the game's length.
Tom and Zee of Dice Tower said it's really difficult like Ghost Stories which is fine, but everything seems to rely solely on dice rolls and there is no way to mitigate the luck factor or increase your odd. They also said the game run way to long. This and Zombicide BP were the two CMON games I back last year and now Zombicide is push back 6 months.

The not changing odds thing is pretty off, it does rely on rolls but like most skill based games/cards/gear, you do have bonuses and such that alter odds in your favor.

I can't say the game looks great though, just got mine too and right away turned off by the giant rulebook


Got one of our big annual gaming weekends coming up. I'm taking Friday off from work. I should be gaming from about 3pm on Friday afternoon until about 4am Sunday morning!

Plan on hosting a Raptor tournament. I also plan on winning best dressed, it's 80 themed!
I'm looking to find a new job and move for it soon and have an area of the country in mind that would be a great place to live in but now I am starting to think that I should move near you. That sounds like a fantastic time.


The not changing odds thing is pretty off, it does rely on rolls but like most skill based games/cards/gear, you do have bonuses and such that alter odds in your favor.

I can't say the game looks great though, just got mine too and right away turned off by the giant rulebook

An example of something the game does that is super swingy is the avatar enemies. They're the special guys that can spawn.

Basically you roll a d3 for each area to decide what spawns. If you roll the same result 3 times in a row, you spawn the avatar. He's a 10 health beast that just auto kills you in 4 rounds if he's still alive. You don't get anything special for killing him, and you still spawn the normal enemies as usual. He just flat out makes the game more difficult, and has a 1 in 9 chance of spawning every round.

That's not a fun mechanic to me. I don't feel like I'm rolling dice to see how awesome my character is. I'm just rolling dice to see how badly the game is going to fuck me.
Hey guys, tangential question a little bit.

I've been sitting on a copy of Kingdom Death (kickstarter pledge) and all since it was delivered last year. I simply have not had the time to get to it with other life concerns and I'm interested in selling it. It pains me because the game is damn near universally praised, too. I've managed all of two game nights since October though, so it feels like a waste that I won't get to. :\

That said, eBay is a huge shithole, selling larger ticket items is basically asking for buyers to file falsified claims and rip you off or getting a surprise Paypal chargeback 6 weeks later.

Anyone got a good location to off this sort of thing without drowning in BS? The Marketplace at BGG is showing "0 sales" for KD as well, so maybe it's just really hard to offload?


Hey guys, tangential question a little bit.

I've been sitting on a copy of Kingdom Death (kickstarter pledge) and all since it was delivered last year. I simply have not had the time to get to it with other life concerns and I'm interested in selling it. It pains me because the game is damn near universally praised, too. I've managed all of two game nights since October though, so it feels like a waste that I won't get to. :\

Anyone got a good location to off this sort of thing without drowning in BS? The Marketplace at BGG is showing "0 sales" for KD as well, so maybe it's just really hard to offload?

Here's the sales history for the 'base' game listing on BGG. Depending on the size of your location, there might be a 'board game trading group' on FB - there's a good one here in Austin for example - as another alternative place to list it. BGG's likely your best bet online.
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