Maybe I even saw that posted in this very thread before. I knew I had seen it though and the announcement that the last expansions is on the way means the "Unlimited Edition" of all promos ever can't be TOO far behind.
Just so you know, it looks like this is folded into the upcoming kickstarter for the final expansion. From the info page:
day, February 9th, we will be launching a Kickstarter for Sentinels of the Multiverse: OblivAeon. That Kickstarter will also include other amazing things, such as:
Ultimate Hero Variant Pack - all of the hero promo cards EVER with all new art!
Limited Edition 5th Anniversary Foil Variant Pack - all of the hero promo cards ever with all new art in FOIL!
The Ultimate Collector’s Case - a really slick storage solution that will hold ALL of the Sentinels of the Multiverse products!
So, yeah, if you were planning on getting the expansion, and your wanted all the hero variants, I'd say jump on that when the KS opens.
And just a quick little 'what's made it to the table' update:
Ticket to Ride UK Map - If you've liked TTR, and want a little bump in strategy/complexity, definitely pick up this map. We've only done the UK sides, but the need to buy technologies before completing routes was a perfect addition to the game. Also, the person who got the 40 point route did NOT win the game (but became a pretty big target for the other players).
The Ohio side of the map adds the stock system. We haven't used it yet, but can already see that it'll bring another little layer of strategy, which we like.
Friday - Picked this up because I wanted a solo game (also, because I needed one more item to get Amazon's same-day delivery). Fun little deck-builder, but I'm finding it a bit easy. Have bumped up to medium difficulty, and will start on hard later. I find the point system a bit silly, but, overall, it's a very solid solitaire game.
Mage Knight - My friend and I are LOVING this game. Not even sure how I'd properly describe it. It's a little like playing a table-top version of Elder Scrolls together. Have already bought one expansion, and will certainly never turn down an offer to play. Love that every turn is all about the puzzle of figuring out how to do what you want with the cards/abilities you have. We haven't played too competitively, yet, and I'm not sure I'll really like PvP in it, but will give it a shot. I do wish there was some form of epic game, because it always feels a bit too truncated in the end...but I suppose leaving you wanting more is a good thing.
TIME Stories - We've played one round of the first story, and one round of The Marcy Case. Right now, I don't see myself skipping any expansions for this. The game system works so brilliantly, though I know I'm missing moments when I'm supposed to tick the track down, so I guess we played on 'easy mode.' Still failed, though. Calling this a group "Choose Your Own Adventure" book is the most perfect description it can be given.
Libertalia - I've only gotten this to the table once, but, damn, do I want to play more of it. Excellent system with everyone working from the same hands. Really didn't think it would work, but it becomes a game of figuring out what your opponent's strategies are, and how to counter them. If you have a good group of 4-6, I'd strongly recommend this.