We played Mysterium, Escape the Curse of the Temple, Avalon, Codenames and Forbidden Desert for ITT. Was a blast. It was my first time played Forbidden Desert and it was quite fun. Not too different from Pandemic but a nice theme.
Mysterium was also a good game but not perfect. They have taken Dixit and added a theme to it and a splash of Cluedo. Unfortunately I think they've themed it too much and the overhead to set up and play isn't worth it. I'd play again but Dixit won't be replaced.
We played Mysterium, Escape the Curse of the Temple, Avalon, Codenames and Forbidden Desert for ITT. Was a blast. It was my first time played Forbidden Desert and it was quite fun. Not too different from Pandemic but a nice theme.
Mysterium was also a good game but not perfect. They have taken Dixit and added a theme to it and a splash of Cluedo. Unfortunately I think they've themed it too much and the overhead to set up and play isn't worth it. I'd play again but Dixit won't be replaced.
Wow, somehow I never paid attention to this. This game looks SUPER interesting, thanks.2) Battlecon: Devastation of Indines - Holy fuck THIS is my new favorite game. It does a great job of simulating a 2D fighting game. Devastation comes with 30 characters and each one plays so uniquely different that no game is the same if you are constantly changing characters. Some characters have strategies that completely change the way you play such as trying to play lower priority cards to get a stat called "Disparity" which is used to fuel your special abilities. Another character might have tokens that you place on the board that help you teleport around, diminish your opponents priority, or set up a shield so they cant hit you.
The game is super overwhelming if you open the box and have no idea how to play. However, the basics are very simple to learn and once you understand how turn orders operate, its really not complicated at all. The game does a fantastic job at separating each character into 5 separate difficulties, ranging from Novice to Master. This lets you get the basics down with some of the easier to learn characters, then when you are ready, move up into the next flight and play a character that takes a little more strategy/micro managing.
This game box is filled to the brim with goodies. It has all the stuff you need for a 2-4 player game, it has a single player/co-op dungeon craw, it has boss modes, it has a TON of variants including a tag team mode that somewhat simulates MVC's fighting system, and so much more.
For 50 bucks, the value here is insane.
My only complaint is that the box really doesnt give you a great storage ability. I had to separate all the tokens into 7 different ziplock baggies to organize things easily. And without creating separate dividers to put each character and their respective tokens in, the set up takes a little longer than you might want, however its nothing compared to a game like Descent or Imperial Assault.
I can not recommend these 2 games enough! Especially Battlecon if you are looking for a good 2 player game that has nearly endless replay-ability.
My brother came for a few days so we finaly got to play Battlecon together ( though we did a few game on tabletop simulator before that ), but nothing beat play on the same -real- table. This game make me go "wow" each time I open the box.. the amount of content is almost frightening. It's not for nothing that my first attempt at a tabletop game on Unreal engine 4 was with Battlecon.2) Battlecon: Devastation of Indines - Holy fuck THIS is my new favorite game.
I really want Escape, I think it's probably my most wanted right now.
I have the original version of Mysteries and I find the simplicity help with those that are not into hobby board games. I find the new version to be pretty clunky and added "gaming" when it's not really needed.
I was going to say earlier I haven't heard great things about Love Letter, but didn't want to curb your enthusiasm before you played it. :| I will take this time now to recommend Codenames though!I ordered Coup and Love Letter last week but I'm starting to think I should have skipped LL and get Codenames insteadOh well. Next time.
I was going to say earlier I haven't heard great things about Love Letter, but didn't want to curb your enthusiasm before you played it. :| I will take this time now to recommend Codenames though!
*record scratch*
'Cause everyone I know that has played it loves it. A former co-worker even bought a dozen copies to give away etc.
It's such a fantastic little game. So simple, quick, and fun.
I do like Love Letter but if you sometimes only play 2P games, I highly recommend getting R, or the rethemed version of R, BraveRats (I personally prefer the Kanai art of R to the retheme). I have played quite a few games of it, including some games I played long-distance with my wife over FaceTime. It is onlly a 2P game, so it is designed to be better at being played with 2P than Love Letter with two people. But the strategy and 'reading' your opponent is a defininlty a lot better than Love Letter.I ordered Coup and Love Letter last week but I'm starting to think I should have skipped LL and get Codenames insteadOh well. Next time.
Yeah it's a love it or hate it game mostly. I think initially even gamers went gaga for it because of the simplicity, but as gamers do they probably overplayed the shit out of it to where it was kind of exposed for being overly simplistic and often having zero decisions. Those that stuck with it probably moved on to Lost Legacy and its expansions. I think you take it for what it is -- a really nice game for total non-gamers that still has occasionally interesting decisions and the fun of a guessing game. To me it's too light for a palate cleanser at a game night, but is certainly a good opener for a non-gamer/family game night if that makes sense.
It has a few issues that usually keep it from coming out at game night for me:It's my go-to for waiting on the last person to arrive at game night.
I love it because it's so simple to introduce to people, and while it's chance heavy... there IS some deduction. And it's so short, it's not like investing an hour into a game of Catan that is so dice heavy.
I like that the BattleCON box literally has a piece of paper on top that says "Don't panic, there's a ton of stuff in here but you can open it in this order to slowly learn..."
Anyone play Imperial Settlers? I've played it with my wife a couple times and it breaks my brain how building gives you a positive net (usually even in the same resource you spent to build) immediately. Such a steamroller of an economic design in that game.
The only initial negative I'm seeing against the amount of BattleCON content is that they only include 6 EX bases and 6 Almighty bases, saying that you need two sets to do EX duels and Almighty duels.
With so many cards and a premium product, surely they could have added 12 more cards?
Honestly there is way too much shit in that box. I'm never gonna use most of that extra stuff. I've got it but it is hard for me to bring it out. It's a really cool design but I think the learning curve is a little too high. There are 30 characters that you can play, and on each turn there are a lot of choices for you to make, and you have to think about what your opponent is going to do too. This is a game that would reward a lot of repeated plays but could take a while to get there, a lot like a real fighting game.
And everyone should at least try Keyflower. It's a blast.
Have my next board game day on the 22. with my friends. Really looking forward to that. Gonna introduce them to Potion Explosion.
Introducing new games to my friends and family is one of my favorites aspects of this hobby. That energy in the room when everything clicks and you can tell that everyone is really into it is so satisfying.
Nice. The release date on CSI still says it comes out on the 14th, so my copy should be here by then (along with Warhammer Quest card game and PitchCar: Long Straights). I'm still super-excited to play it.Have my next board game day on the 22. with my friends. Really looking forward to that. Gonna introduce them to Potion Explosion.
They are. You can find info on the progress in the Kickstarter updates here: BattleCON Online KickstarterOh it looks like they are going to be remaking the Battlecon Iphone version at some point. Maybe better to wait for that.
Nice. The release date on CSI still says it comes out on the 14th, so my copy should be here by then (along with Warhammer Quest card game and PitchCar: Long Straights). I'm still super-excited to play it.
How much table space does the WHQ card game take up?
The only initial negative I'm seeing against the amount of BattleCON content is that they only include 6 EX bases and 6 Almighty bases, saying that you need two sets to do EX duels and Almighty duels.
With so many cards and a premium product, surely they could have added 12 more cards?
I need to also give a big thumbs up to the expansion for Zombicide Black Plague. My main critique with the original is that much like regular Zombicide it can be too easy a lot of the time. Fun dice roller but pretty easy. Just adding in the new wolf zombies makes the game way more challenging. They are ungodly fast. Also the new equipment cards ad a lot more variety when pulling equipment. Haven't run the scenarios in the new book but sticking the new stuff in the old standby ones I have been playing was really great.
A tray out of wood? I too would have paid for a deluxe edition. I wonder how much something like that would cost to commision someone to build.It's a really fun game. Simple, but the gimmick of having a match 3 game in board game form works really well. I just wish there was an option to get the tray out of wood. I would have paid extra for that.
Like BattleCON, I own everything for Yomi but have yet to play it. One of these days.... I did want the iOS version but $10 is too rich for my blood. I think the game can actually be played for free in-browser but with me without a computer, it isn't an option.I did pick up YOMI on IOS. I wanted to try that in real world form but the price was way too high. So far it is really fun. Battlecon looks like it has its pros for sure, but this will serve as my toilet game till then.
A tray out of wood? I too would have paid for a deluxe edition. I wonder how much something like that would cost to commision someone to build.
Like BattleCON, I own everything for Yomi but have yet to play it. One of these days.... I did want the iOS version but $10 is too rich for my blood. I think the game can actually be played for free in-browser but with me without a computer, it isn't an option.
Great to hear. I intend on grabbing this new version + expansion at a later date. I'm still painting the original + expansions!
A tray out of wood? I too would have paid for a deluxe edition. I wonder how much something like that would cost to commision someone to build.