Onitama is also a wonferful game that generally moves pretty quickly and takes about 10 seconds to learn. I had a lot of fun playing it last weekend.
Got my first game of Inis in last night. It was towards the end of the night so we only managed to play one game, but man it was fun. Obviously at first everyone wasn't quite sure what to do, so it was a bit of a rough start, but after a few rounds I think we all started to catch on. I'm looking forward to playing it again now that we know the rules and the basic strategies of the game.
Another game I'm very much interested in, Blood Rage, seems to play pretty similar to Inis. Now I'm a little on the fence about buying the game. Firstly because I still have Pandemic Legacy which we've yet to play, and secondly because it might be redundant with Inis around. Can anyone whose played both offer some input there?
Any fans of War of the Ring in here?
I just ordered it and it will be here on Friday. I also got the expansions (LoME for a slightly higher price since it's out of print currently).
If anyone has any tips, or things they wish they knew before they started playing, I'd take any advice!
I think I would like it, if I ever got to try it. I own it, LoME, and Treebeard. The guy who just moved to town and wants to set up game nights said he would play it though, so I might be able to try it soon.Any fans of War of the Ring in here?
I just ordered it and it will be here on Friday. I also got the expansions (LoME for a slightly higher price since it's out of print currently).
If anyone has any tips, or things they wish they knew before they started playing, I'd take any advice!
I just donated Fuse to our local game group. I got it on sale and we played it a few times but no one in my family enjoy it. I though it was alright but there are other solo games I would rather play. I just found out about local game convention coming up at the end of March call Gamestorm. I went to their preview day and meet up with several people in my old Meet Up group and it was a lot of fun playing games all day. We got in Scythe, Orleans with the new expansion ,Sushi Go and end the day with Great Western Trail. I don't know if I want to teach that again though, that game is a.bear to teach.I think I would like it, if I ever got to try it. I own it, LoME, and Treebeard. The guy who just moved to town and wants to set up game nights said he would play it though, so I might be able to try it soon.
I mentioned (I think) that I bought Fuse last Wednesday but it only just shipped this evening, so I won't be playing it for game night this week, I guess. Another thing I picked up is the first edition of Ca$h n Gun$. I plan on buying the second edition in a couple days from a guy selling it and both expansions, but I know the Undercover Cop variant of the first edition is supposed to be great. And it gets me more guns and an OOP game too, so I figured why not if it's cheap?
I can't imagine that I would want to play the game solo at all or want to play it over something like Space Hulk Death Angel. It seems like something that might be fun in the local groups I have played with. At the very least my wife and daughter should enjoy it, so I could play it with them.I just donated Fuse to our local game group. I got it on sale and we played it a few times but no one in my family enjoy it. I though it was alright but there are other solo games I would rather play.
I'm 99% sure you do not. Which seems good since if it's the weakness I'm thinking of, starting with 3 resources isn't that bad of a set back.Also a quick rules question. I ended up with a basic weakness that was a permanent. So I take it this bummer of an effect is just a part of my character from now on. That said, in my next game do I draw ANOTHER random weakness? These things could really stack up and start to get brutal.
I'm 99% sure you do not. Which seems good since if it's the weakness I'm thinking of, starting with 3 resources isn't that bad of a set back.
That is good to hear. Yeah it is not too bad, but it can hurt and early set-up for sure. It was more that these things can start to stack up and get completely out of control.
I just played Dunwich also and got completely destroyed and have to resign. I have to rethink my Zoey deck it was not at all effective though Daisy was pretty great at getting clues.
Has Spirit of Rebellion Gravity Feed gone up for pre-order on CSI? Did they post it and it is all gone or have they not started?
I know MM has it but I am burned from them and don't want to use them.
Tried organizing my chaotic shelf. Pretty happy with my current lineup. Somewhat heavy and lacking of easier lighter games but that's to be expected.
Next purchase: a new bookcase.
Took a sec to realize that "Menolippu" is Ticket to Ride and not some derpy Monopoly satire.
No Burgle Bros tonight. It figures that the one night I forget to grab a two-player game (I took Burgle Bros, Street Fighter Deckbuilding Game, and King of Tokyo), only one other person shows up. He brought Ninja Burger again, which I really didn't want to play again and wouldn't have been good with two people anyway. So I talked to him for a bit, talked to the store owner for a bit, and then left. Tomorrow definitely has some games in store for me but we'll see if Burgle Bros is one of them.
What is it about two players that makes it best and what about more than that ruins it? Right off the bat it seems like the game is going to be easier/simpler with only two, since the guard is moving less before it gets back around to your turn (and that is even taking into account the cards removed from the guard deck that cause the guard to move further). This video here makes the game look very fun and it was played with four: https://boardgamegeek.com/video/86396/burgle-bros/burgle-bros-gamenight-se3-ep25Too late to help, but Burgle Bros is best at 2, with more it's just a mess imo.
I took Street Fighter Deckbuilding Game
I'm thinking about dipping my head into Netrunner but I really don't know if I should or not.
I can get Inis + Netrunner Core for about the same price as Blood Rage online.
I've yet to play it. A guy at the local store who owned all the DC Deckbuilding content really wanted to play it but I barely bump into him anymore. I saw him two weeks ago so I brought it in last week and this week only for him to not be there. The fact that it will never get an expansion is a bummer indeed. One of these days I'll print the custom Darkstalkers expansion that a BGG poster uploaded to the site.Man this is such a great game. Easily my favorite Cerberus engine game. It's a real bummer it never got expansions. I wish they at least could have finished out the 17 from SF2.
Fair enough. It looks perfectly fine to me with four people and I think that if there are only three of us tomorrow night, I probably won't play it in favor of waiting longer to get a proper four-player game going; I would rather play it first in its 'default' state before trying anything different with it. I was just curious what your reasoning was since I had never seen anyone say that a full amount of players was terrible. I was digging through the forums for the game earlier looking at every single Rules question that was asked (so I could be prepared for anything that might have popped up earlier, had I been able to play it) and didn't really see anyone address player count at all, outside of one person saying the game was too easy and another recommending that they add yet another player to the game to which would increase guard movement (or just increasing the guard speed).to be fair i've only played it with 4, 2 and 1, maybe 3 is the sweet spot.
at four the normal size maps you either spend all your time hiding from the guard vs doing heist stuff or dedicating someone to make sure the guard is busy which isn't very fun for them. Splitting the people between to floors (once that's possible) helps but then can get fiddly to do the upkeep work for each floor.
there are less cards in the two player patrol deck which i bet balances out the guard movements to be the same at 4, though you'll pull more patrol cards at 4 because it is harder to progress at because you'll mostly be hiding which feels like not a great way to make it "harder."
at 2 you can just do heist stuff and it's more of spacial puzzle vs a risk mitigation puzzle which feels more like a film and has more interesting tension.
I'm thinking about dipping my head into Netrunner but I really don't know if I should or not.
I can get Inis + Netrunner Core for about the same price as Blood Rage online.
Took a sec to realize that "Menolippu" is Ticket to Ride and not some derpy Monopoly satire.
I googled what it meant - "One-way ticket"? That's a pretty good name!
We have played Rebellion twice so far and I really like the game even if I'm not the most hc fan of SW. I've been the Rebel force both times and won both. It feels pretty balanced but the Imperial is probably a touch tougher to play. Great game.
Rebellion looks fantastic but the long play time is keeping me away.
I don't particularly have any tips for you, sorry. I've only just now found a game group that I can play games with after this one guy moved to town from Indy at the beginning of the month. He went into the local store once, was surprised to find out the store closes at 8pm on game nights, and said "From now on, I can host a weekly game night. That's rediculous that game night lasts two hours; I won't be able to play the majority of games I like playing in that short amount of time. I'm not coming back here." So after months and months of me complaining, I'll finally be able to play some of these games that are collecting dust.Just bought Colt Express, Concept, Lift'It, Takenoko, Pass the Pigs and PitchCar.
Can't wait to play those with the kids.
Currently trying to revive my "countryside gaming group" because it's winter and having to drive 2 hours to play a board game is not something people gladly do. Any tips? The problem here is we have another group playing but they are more a "deckbuildings / ultra rpg / super long euro games" and don't play casual/party/family games at all.
Firstly, do I have to do that before I draw the token? I know I have to commit one-shot cards from my hand at this point, but is that the same?
Firstly, do I have to do that before I draw the token? I know I have to commit one-shot cards from my hand at this point, but is that the same?
Also, am I limited to 1 activation per combat?
First question, yes you do need to spend the ammo supply before you draw from the chaos bag. What spending that ammo is doing is effectively giving you the ability to preform that fight action in the first place, you can't even begin the fight process with the weapon if you can't spend the ammo.
Second question, I'm not 100% sure what you mean. Combat/fight is an activation by itself so you can't throw in other actions mid fight action. If you are asking can you duel wield, no you can't. You can equip multiple weapons at once (as long as you have the hands for them). But you have to use these weapons as separate fight actions.
The question was - I can spend 1 bullet to activate the pistol for +1 fight, but can I spend 2 bullets for +2 fight. The way you've just explained it (which makes a lot of sense) makes me assume not.
Oh, that would be good, but as of yet no sadly you can't spent more ammo to increase the fist rating of guns. That said, I wouldn't be surprised if we see a weapon like that in a future expansion (like a full auto Tommy Gun).
I wrestled with this as well when the core set was $20 last month. I love the LotR and SW LCGs and when I looked into Netrunner it too seemed pretty cool but I had to draw the line at two.
Netrunner is great! My god, me and my friends really got into that for a while. Tons of strategy, and every month was like Christmas of new strategy with the new data packs. I was also a big fan of the theme. Netrunner was one of those games which kept you on the edge of your seat.
To me, Netrunner was one of those things that practically turned to addiction for a while. Over the weekends, I would hang out with my friends and we would play tons of Netrunner. Any time we weren't together, I would be using sites like Jinteki to play the game online with random people.
One piece of advice I can offer for Netrunner is that at this point, I'd recommend staying away from the older data packs. Stick with just the core game, and if you like it only look at deluxe expansions to start. At a bare minimum, completely ignore the first two data packs. The reason being is that FFG is going to be rotating the first two data packs out of competitive play this year last I saw. It's fine if you just want to do friendly play, but there's not a whole lot of reason to purchase those if your intent is to compete since you can't use them!
I've never heard of Inis, and I have heard great things about Blood Rage, so it's your call. For Netrunner, I guess the real question is whether you are ready to start an addiction or not.![]()
Played through the first scenario in the Dunwich Legacy Arkham LCG expansion and damn did we have a good time. Love the theme so far, and I continue to be impressed at how tight these games are -- usually coming down to a handful of actions being the difference between good and bad resolutions. Art's awesome too. Think I want to restart and play with Jenny Barnes this time, taking out Agnes (paired with Roland and Daisy).
The designer of potion explosion posts here!?
Any chance you can tell me when you're doing a reprint for the UK? My gf has been trying to buy it for my birthday at the end of the month haha. She can't find it though!
Which resolution did you get? I got R3 in my play with solo Zoey. Also I suppose I should ask which one you started with.
Our games have lasted about 2h and 2,5h. Time goes by pretty fast though imo, you constantly try to think different tactics and moves you want to make.
When you get familiar with the planets/their position, it cuts the playing time.
Does anyone own the Deus expansion? Please tell me it comes with more than a deck of 96 cards. Going for 25 bucks at CSI. Yikes.
(speakeasy spoilers below)
R4. We actually pretty much stomped everything (I don't think any enemies hung around for more than a turn or two) but unfortunately Agnes cost us two doom tokens (one for her weakness, one for her native ability which pinged a criminal and woke up the mobsters), meaning two fewer rounds. So we saved the prof but were about five actions short of all getting out and resigning (and we lost 18 actions b/c of Agnes).