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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic


He just found the idea interesting of buying a 'random' board game that has awesome, high quality miniatures that he can then use to incorporate into our D&D group.

I'll look into those games, thanks for the recommendation! Any favorites - or are they all of similar quality?

Descent (second edition) is a great dungeon crawler and comes with plenty of minis that could be used in DND. Cool Mini or Not is a company that does their games on kickstarter and are notorious for the ridiculous amount of minis that they include in their stretch goals. Their most recent one just launched: The World of SMOG: The Rise of Moloch


Been looking at this off and on. I want it to be good, but there are a lot of question marks here, notably no posted rules yet.

How do Kickstarters get started these days and the rules not be available for review? It astounds me. "Oh shit, they're asking for the rules.. what do we do?"

I was looking into Mediveo Universalis as well but many things have turned me off.. the EB pricing.. lack of rules.. add-on price to get extended players.. and the unprofessional looking map. I think this really looks like a labor of love here, just not sure that there is really a good game there.

I still haven't played Fief yet either. I should probably get that to the table first.
How do Kickstarters get started these days and the rules not be available for review? It astounds me. "Oh shit, they're asking for the rules.. what do we do?"

I was looking into Mediveo Universalis as well but many things have turned me off.. the EB pricing.. lack of rules.. add-on price to get extended players.. and the unprofessional looking map. I think this really looks like a labor of love here, just not sure that there is really a good game there.

I still haven't played Fief yet either. I should probably get that to the table first.

I can help.


1. Roll dice
2. Did you win? If you are not sure, roll more dice
3. Play some cards, they'll probably tell you to roll some dice
4. Repeat for a few more hours until you agree someone wins
5. If nobody wins roll some dice to see who wins. Advanced rule: flip a coin

You owe me $1600


He just found the idea interesting of buying a 'random' board game that has awesome, high quality miniatures that he can then use to incorporate into our D&D group.

I'll look into those games, thanks for the recommendation! Any favorites - or are they all of similar quality?

My gf loves "cannibalizing" my Myth figures for her D&D games. I KSed the first Myth so I have more than enough and they are general fantasy but really cool looking. I don't know if I have any other fantasy based games with minis. The rest are Star Wars (Imperial Assault) and Western Cthulhu (Shadows of Brimstone, though you have to glue these together).

Golem Arcana is out the door so you can get those cheap and they could serve as Titan-esque.

Lastly, Fantasy Flight Games make great minis and they are about to release a new mini combat game, Runewars Miniatures. These don't come painted though (I don't think).

Well there's 6 Legendaries, so if you find 6 and you still got half a box to go, just rip into it :)

Finally got my Gravity booster for SW:Destiny. Only opened 5 packs and got one Legendary, the Falcon. Felt like I got a lot of dupes from the starter sets.


I went to the game night tonight in the same place as last time, at the hotel where the guy who is hosting is staying while waiting to close on his house. I played Scythe and I have to say: Damn that is a good game. I haven't played too many heavier games and certainly no heavy Euros, so I was a bit intimidated. the three other people getting the rules explained to them all play stuff like Terra Mystica, which I've never played, and they were able to relate different rules in Scythe to other heavy Euros to help make sense of them; I didn't have that luxury. So I didn't fully understand everything for several turns but I eventually got the hang of it.

It was four of us who had never played and the owner. The game lasted about four hours or so (that includes setup and rules explanation though). I was Crimea, the yellow pieces. I didn't hardly build but one pieces and only gained two meeples (I wasn't use the Produce option at all, only twice I think). I think all of us had four or more stars down when one player played their sixth to end the game. After counting it up, I was the winner with 86 points, the next best player having 83. Two of the players said a few times while playing though that they weren't really going all-out and we're trying to get a feel for things, so they may have been going easy. I was playing to win once it 'clicked' for me.

So I really liked the game. We were only playing the retail version and I've decided I want it, but a new printing is currently a few weeks from coming out I guess. And I need to buy all of the extras (since Collector's Editions will never be made again), but some of that stuff is in stock at different places now, so I might buy the realistic resource tokens and metal coins now while I wait to get the base game and expansion. I've gotta figure out where to buy from though, since I read a BGG post a moment ago saying that CSI and MM have never gotten more stock since the initial first printing. I could pre-order from BoardGameBliss (never bought anything from a Canadian retailer though) and that is currently $71-ish shipped. I would prefer getting it at CSI or MM so as to make the complete total for everything as close to the cost of the collector's edition as possible.
Just a fantastic game...

After Scythe, I learned Raptor and played two games of that, playing both times as the scientist and winning both times. I liked the "high card gets a number of actions, low card gets the power shown on the card" mechanic when revealing cards. It seems like a fun little game and I will get that at some point down the line.


I played Scythe and I have to say: Damn that is a good game. I haven't played too many heavier games and certainly no heavy Euros, so I was a bit intimidated.

Definitely would not consider Scythe a heavier game whatsoever, IMO. It's basically a really high-production version of Tiny Epic Kingdoms (which is not a knock against it, I love Scythe).


The Chuck Norris of Peace
I backed Medioevo Universalis



Rulebook is coming in a few days. Can't wait to see it lmao

This looks freaking amazing, I need to back it too!


Finally got my Gravity booster for SW:Destiny. Only opened 5 packs and got one Legendary, the Falcon. Felt like I got a lot of dupes from the starter sets.

If you get Force Throw you're golden man.

I got Han, Poe, Vader, Cunning, DL Heavy Blaster and Phasma 2x as my highest rated cards.
I went to the game night tonight in the same place as last time, at the hotel where the guy who is hosting is staying while waiting to close on his house. I played Scythe and I have to say: Damn that is a good game. I haven't played too many heavier games and certainly no heavy Euros, so I was a bit intimidated. the three other people getting the rules explained to them all play stuff like Terra Mystica, which I've never played, and they were able to relate different rules in Scythe to other heavy Euros to help make sense of them; I didn't have that luxury. So I didn't fully understand everything for several turns but I eventually got the hang of it.

It was four of us who had never played and the owner. The game lasted about four hours or so (that includes setup and rules explanation though). I was Crimea, the yellow pieces. I didn't hardly build but one pieces and only gained two meeples (I wasn't use the Produce option at all, only twice I think). I think all of us had four or more stars down when one player played their sixth to end the game. After counting it up, I was the winner with 86 points, the next best player having 83. Two of the players said a few times while playing though that they weren't really going all-out and we're trying to get a feel for things, so they may have been going easy. I was playing to win once it 'clicked' for me.

So I really liked the game. We were only playing the retail version and I've decided I want it, but a new printing is currently a few weeks from coming out I guess. And I need to buy all of the extras (since Collector's Editions will never be made again), but some of that stuff is in stock at different places now, so I might buy the realistic resource tokens and metal coins now while I wait to get the base game and expansion. I've gotta figure out where to buy from though, since I read a BGG post a moment ago saying that CSI and MM have never gotten more stock since the initial first printing. I could pre-order from BoardGameBliss (never bought anything from a Canadian retailer though) and that is currently $71-ish shipped. I would prefer getting it at CSI or MM so as to make the complete total for everything as close to the cost of the collector's edition as possible.
Just a fantastic game...

After Scythe, I learned Raptor and played two games of that, playing both times as the scientist and winning both times. I liked the "high card gets a number of actions, low card gets the power shown on the card" mechanic when revealing cards. It seems like a fun little game and I will get that at some point down the line.

I bought Scythe last week and made post a page or two ago. Happy to hear you enjoyed it, I did as well.

I found it so intuitive to play. The way so much happens on the player mat, and you directly see how efficient various things are becoming, seeing things snowball. It is just so satisfying and compelling. After the first turn or so, so did everyone else I was playing with. I really, really enjoy the game a lot and feel very excited to play it again and try things differently.

Everyone knows the artwork is amazing but still



Is Scythe decent solo?
In my opinion it's quite good. Compared to Viticulture with its Automa deck that blocked certain worker spaces, the Scythe Automa deck "chooses" different actions that result in the AI player spreading over the board sort of like an amoeba. It works surprisingly well once you understand the rules.

You can even do multiple AI players (if you print/buy more Automa decks) or human vs. AI.


I find it weird that there are 10 players on the table and it says: up to 9 players :p

Hello boardgame GAF. I'm in a small D&D group and our DM was pretty excited to learn, that modern board games can include lots and lots of miniatures. We played a few rounds of Zombicide: Black Plague lately and there were some pretty nice miniatures in there for a reasonable price.

Can you guys recommend some games that are fun to play and still have D&D compatible miniatures?

Mice and Mystics - It's co-op dungeon exploration. Miniatures include several anthropomorphized mice and Rats, as well as normal looking cockroaches, centipedes, spiders, and even more. Think Redwall, for the mice and rats, if that helps.

The Others - More post-apocalyptic than fantasy, but a lot of the enemies would work fine in D&D. The friendly characters, less so, since they're mostly wearing modern clothing and carrying modern weapons.

Brimstone - This is more apocalyptic/western themed, so the friendly characters may not suit a fantasy D&D world, but the nearly all of the enemies would work fine.
Is Scythe decent solo?

Yes it is very good once you understand Automa movements. The rule book for the Automa deck, while pretty decent, could use a lot more examples. If you are familiar with Automa from Viticulture, it is sort of the same principal (and I think this is the best way to handle solitaire AI deck) is that the AI is not actually playing the game but more of putting out obstruction and force you to alter your plan. You can even put Automa in multiplayer games especially in 2 player setting and make the board tighter.


Hail to the KING baby
Getting DL and Han is a good start on a Han deck for sure. That's what I'm currently running. I know it's T1.5/2 but I really like it.


Sailor Stevenson
I may take eBala/Trooper/Jango to a tourney tonight.

Or eJabba/Vader

or eLuke / Ackbar

My first test against that Skybar made me think Skybar was the shit. But Luke rolled well.

eBala/Jango/Trooper steamrolled it the next several games though.

Bala is squishy though. Very squishy


Out of all the games we played over the weekend Clank! stole the hearts and the minds of the group. I only got to play 2 games and lost both but had a blast. First game I had no strategy in mind, escaped the dungeon and placed 3rd with the 2nd weakest artifact. 2nd game I wanted to try and get to the bottom of the dungeon with a backpack and get 2 high point artifacts. Well I was able to do that but unfortunately I died trying to escape the depths and scored zero! I was one move away from getting out with my 2 artifacts. Cannot wait to play again and try more strategies.


Couples questions for anyone who paints miniatures.

I recently purchased Testors brush-on glosscote and dullcote:


I got these at my local hobby store. They said I should use the glosscote first as it will protect the minis better than the dullcote, and then use the dullcote to take away the shine. They advised using the spray, but didn't have any in stock. I've searched online, but I cannot seem to find Testors spray glosscote or dullcote anywhere. Have they been discontinued or something?

Also looking for advice on brush cleaning. I'll mostly be using Reaper and Vallejo paints. Any advice on what to use, method, etc?


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Perfect 3-0 in a 22 player Destiny tournament tonight.

The Dice were with me

What deck?

I have a new Hero mill deck WITH Command Center.

I previously ran Command Center in my Sith/Jabba deck. and I found that I was getting milled from it more than my opponent. Then every strategy I read said "you use command center to scare your opponent to picking their BF for the shields".. so I'm like "What kind of strategy is it that you ALWAYS want shields?" I mean yeah shields are great.. but you get the shields as a consolation that you go second and your BF, built for your deck, isn't in play.

ok. hmm..

So I switched out Command Center. Then building hero mill, as I was running through turns in my head, it occurred to me against that this was going to be a slow deck. between mitigating to stay alive and fixing my dice to get mill.. taking the BF was going to be infrequent. Furthermore, GETTING solid mill meant leaving my opponents with fewer options, meaning they are going to claim quicker also.

so I am working on a solid FAST mill strategy now. Worrying very little about die mitigation and survivability. My target is 7 cards per turn, with maybe a goal of 5 cards the first turn.

Round - Milled/Played - hand/deck after upkeep
First - 5/3 - 5/17
Second - 7/3 - 5/7
Third - 7/3 - 2/0

So my goal is, going into the 4th round he should have 2 cards in his hand and no cards in his deck. If I can get second chance out on Padme, that means my opponent will have 4 rounds total to do a minimum of 29 points of damage.

Now if my opponent wins initiative, and Command Center doesn't get played, this changes then from Fast Mill to Control Mill. The entire point of fast mill is to prevent myself from being milled by Command Center. With Command Center gone, I can now play much more mitigation and work to get 4 cards milled per round. Because I can take longer per round... 4 cards seems pretty easy. I am running ePadme, 2xScout, 1xThermal Detonator (I only own 1), 2xJedi Council. I mean just getting both Jedi Councils out GUARANTEES 2 cards per round unavoidable. Getting at least 1 Padme is now my 4 card goal, A second Padme (special or discard) or Scout or Thermal Detonator.. The only thing I have to watch is that aside from Padme and Jedi Council, the rest are "from hand". Fortunately I can use Jedi Council to ensure my opponent draws cards that he doesn't have resources to play. Best case he can only discard to reroll. Next is that he has to replace an upgrade to play. Worst case is that I draw two cards that he can play both (but I still get a discard)

Anyway.. I am super excited.. This is the first time I've ever theorycrafted a deck and have been working on it. I have 2-1 with it so far and have done small tweaks to it each time.
Perfect 3-0 in a 22 player Destiny tournament tonight.

The Dice were with me


I got most of what I needed for my Jabba Jango deck I'm working on in the booster boxes I got this week, plus I finally got the 2 Holocrons. Gonna get to try the revised deck against my friend this weekend, though I'm still waiting on a second thermal detonator and speeder bike I ordered as singles.
Couples questions for anyone who paints miniatures.

I recently purchased Testors brush-on glosscote and dullcote:


I got these at my local hobby store. They said I should use the glosscote first as it will protect the minis better than the dullcote, and then use the dullcote to take away the shine. They advised using the spray, but didn't have any in stock. I've searched online, but I cannot seem to find Testors spray glosscote or dullcote anywhere. Have they been discontinued or something?

Also looking for advice on brush cleaning. I'll mostly be using Reaper and Vallejo paints. Any advice on what to use, method, etc?
Isn't flat over gloss for protection an urban myth? And that just flat is enough?
Couples questions for anyone who paints miniatures.

Come on over to the miniature painting thread.


To answer your question, the brush ons are fine in a pinch but sprays are superior for a number of reasons such as consistency and speed. However, your gloss will still come in handy later. You can spray with a dull coat and then puck out wet or glossy portions with the paint on gloss. It is essentially the opposite of what you're doing now.
Thanks for the tips! What spray do you personally use?

I struggled with conflicted opinions on what kind of coating I should put on my first real painting project.. After trying out Vallejo's acrylic varnishes, (they retained a tackiness when warm even weeks after drying), I ended up throwing a coat of Minwax Clear Varnish via a dip method.

They dried like a rock, like I had hoped.. I really wanted these things to be able to handled heavily.


Say, has anyone tried out Adrenaline?? The price is too high for an impulse purchase, but it looks awesome, and right up my alley!


Say, has anyone tried out Adrenaline?? The price is too high for an impulse purchase, but it looks awesome, and right up my alley!

It's a great quick game, which is a bundle of fun.


You need a minimum of 4 people to make the game work, with 3 you'll need a "bot" and it's no fun playing with an AI. If you've got a regular group I'd recommend it.


It's a great quick game, which is a bundle of fun.


You need a minimum of 4 people to make the game work, with 3 you'll need a "bot" and it's no fun playing with an AI. If you've got a regular group I'd recommend it.

That's the one reason I haven't picked it up.


Descent (second edition) is a great dungeon crawler and comes with plenty of minis that could be used in DND. Cool Mini or Not is a company that does their games on kickstarter and are notorious for the ridiculous amount of minis that they include in their stretch goals. Their most recent one just launched: The World of SMOG: The Rise of Moloch

My gf loves "cannibalizing" my Myth figures for her D&D games. I KSed the first Myth so I have more than enough and they are general fantasy but really cool looking. I don't know if I have any other fantasy based games with minis. The rest are Star Wars (Imperial Assault) and Western Cthulhu (Shadows of Brimstone, though you have to glue these together).

Golem Arcana is out the door so you can get those cheap and they could serve as Titan-esque.

Lastly, Fantasy Flight Games make great minis and they are about to release a new mini combat game, Runewars Miniatures. These don't come painted though (I don't think).

Finally got my Gravity booster for SW:Destiny. Only opened 5 packs and got one Legendary, the Falcon. Felt like I got a lot of dupes from the starter sets.

Mice and Mystics - It's co-op dungeon exploration. Miniatures include several anthropomorphized mice and Rats, as well as normal looking cockroaches, centipedes, spiders, and even more. Think Redwall, for the mice and rats, if that helps.

The Others - More post-apocalyptic than fantasy, but a lot of the enemies would work fine in D&D. The friendly characters, less so, since they're mostly wearing modern clothing and carrying modern weapons.

Brimstone - This is more apocalyptic/western themed, so the friendly characters may not suit a fantasy D&D world, but the nearly all of the enemies would work fine.

Thanks for the recommendations! Some of those figurines look amazing and the games look intriguing as well. Forwarded the links, now it's wait an see :p
I was going to pick up Dead of Winter this week but a mate of mine bought it yesterday so I dont really need to. We played a few games last night. It is a lot of fun.
the severe hangover I have today, not so much.

So now I am torn between grabbing Blood Rage or Robinson Crusoe.


So now I am torn between grabbing Blood Rage or Robinson Crusoe.

Blood Rage is a great game, though personally I prefer Kemet over it because I like the more variety it gives.

Speaking of CMON games I just bought a kickstarter copy of Masmorra: The Dungeons of Arcadia from ebay. AWW YISS SO FUCKING EXCITED. Now I just need the Arcadia Quest Expansion!


I was going to pick up Dead of Winter this week but a mate of mine bought it yesterday so I dont really need to. We played a few games last night. It is a lot of fun.
the severe hangover I have today, not so much.

So now I am torn between grabbing Blood Rage or Robinson Crusoe.

Blood Rage all day baby, haven't played the newest Robinson Crusoe yet but I've played the old one several times. Blood Rage is much quicker but still has that depth to keep you coming back.


Finally played my first game of Destiny! Both starter decks to learn how it is done.

Is it standard to not roll a lot of attacks? Felt that was the impression when playing until the end when I got wiped out and shot down hard. His Kylo was at 3 but Stormtrooper full. We each had 1 deck card left.

Overall, positive impressions. Not sure if I'll try to get another starter game under my belt before putting deck building into the mix.


Finally played my first game of Destiny! Both starter decks to learn how it is done.

Is it standard to not roll a lot of attacks? Felt that was the impression when playing until the end when I got wiped out and shot down hard. His Kylo was at 3 but Stormtrooper full. We each had 1 deck card left.

Overall, positive impressions. Not sure if I'll try to get another starter game under my belt before putting deck building into the mix.

All depends on comboing and getting those much needed early resources.
If I'm Unlucky I'll get maybe one-two attacks a round.


Sailor Stevenson
First round or two we forgot to get 2 resources. I explained it but forgot to mention it. of course that did mess some things up.

Not having resources to add upgrades to your characters would slow the game down for sure.

Built decks? They can hit hard very fast.

I did 14 damage in the second round of a tournament game I played on Thursday (three different attacks)
I've been playing a lot of classic rogue-likes lately, which is why I like Unknown, but...

What other board games out there really feel like a board game rogue-like? I mean REALLY get the feeling of a tough adventure that is randomly generated each game?


Hail to the KING baby
Finished 2nd/15 at our local Destiny tournament today running my Han/Rey (which I really like the build of right now). Just barely lost out by 2 points of damage on tiebreakers to a Jango+other stuff deck at the end but prizes for top two were the same anyway so yay. :) Back to my Netrunner always-the-bridesmaid ways. :p Really cool to see the variety of decks and players there.

Hmmm...lifestyle game indeed
I've been playing a lot of classic rogue-likes lately, which is why I like Unknown, but...

What other board games out there really feel like a board game rogue-like? I mean REALLY get the feeling of a tough adventure that is randomly generated each game?

Have you looked at DungeonQuest? It feels like a dungeon crawling roguelike, IMO. Very brutal and unfair but still very fun.
Damn, my local store sold both Blood Rage and Robinson Crusoe over the weekend.

They have Inis though. I am just worried how it will go over with the majority of my group.
Have you looked at DungeonQuest? It feels like a dungeon crawling roguelike, IMO. Very brutal and unfair but still very fun.

I really like the modular tile style of it, makes me want something similar that's a bit more cooperative and a bit more traditionally rogue-ish.

Makes me want to try designing one! Could even handle the randomized potions/scrolls by having colored tokens that are assigned cards if you drink or analyze one. (You find a blue potion, you drink it, draw a potion card, and for the rest of the game the blue potion is assigned... whoops, poison!).
I really like the modular tile style of it, makes me want something similar that's a bit more cooperative and a bit more traditionally rogue-ish.

Makes me want to try designing one! Could even handle the randomized potions/scrolls by having colored tokens that are assigned cards if you drink or analyze one. (You find a blue potion, you drink it, draw a potion card, and for the rest of the game the blue potion is assigned... whoops, poison!).

That could work.

Speaking of board game roguelikes, after reading your post I thought "I wish there was a Nethack-like board game", searched the net and lo and behold Nethack, there really is one. LOL.
Guys. If any of you enjoy small, filler-ish, two-player card games, try out Hanamikoji. It's one of the simplest cards games I've played. Like, teach it in under 3-5 minutes simple. Love Letter simple. But it's so much better. Again, it's only for two, but there's a lot of depth and tension for a game like this. It feels kinda like Battle Line, but you're fighting for majority over 7 Geisha cards in the middle by having more cards played to that Geisha than your opponent. There's a set number a turns (4 each) so each game is pretty quick. And the art is gorgeous. I usually don't gush like this over a small card game, as I prefer bigger games, but I just had to talk about this one.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Played more Santorini yesterday and tried the team play variant. Really good stuff, hope it gets more affordable down the line for others. There is no other game that packs so much tricky tactical thinking into a 15 minutes time frame.
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