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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic


So is international tabletop day a thing this year?
At the beginning of the month someone asked such a thing in the General forums on BGG. He then posted the following:
Here is my original G&S Forum post and a response:
CapnYB Member
January 4 in Geek & Sundry

For the 1st 3 years. G&S had a spotty record announcing ITTD dates which made planning difficult. Last year they announced the date in October and put on a marketing campaign for it about 6 weeks prior to the day of the event.

So each year we've grown our ITTD events until last year we broke 100 attendees. We are largest independently run fan event in the Carolinas and we are unaffiliated with any retail game store. http://www.journalnow.com/news/local/tabletop-game-enthusias...

Our events have been successful because our team has done advance planning. I need to secure an event space, line up food service, organize some scheduled games, etc.

So what's up with secrecy of the 2017 ITTD? When is the event date? Inquiring minds reall need to know. ASAP please!!!

Molokov Member, Moderator
2:15AM PMFlag
Given that a) Tabletop S4 was delayed for a long time and b) is currently only on Alpha, at least until "some time in January", and that c) Wil Wheaton has felt a little bit disillusioned by all the messing about done by Legendary and that d) Felicia Day's about to have a baby (she announced it on social media yesterday, with 3 weeks to her due date!) I suspect that Tabletop Day isn't really at the forefront of anyone's mind this year.

Geek & Sundry themselves haven't really got that much in the way of employees any more either, a lot of their staff have left, been absorbed by Legendary or made redundant. These forums have pretty much been abandonded by G&S for about a year now.

I suspect the best thing you could do is ask Ivan van Norman on Twitter (@hydra_lord) as he seems to be the main remaining board game proponent from the current lot of hosts.


Bought 2 random boosters today and snagged a Poe and a Vader.
So excited, finally getting to work on a Dark deck today, might do Vader and 2 troopers.

Getting my box tomorrow, debating if I should save some for a bit instead of just ripping through all of them right away.

Gamers need to just take this upon their selves and do their own things. Just pick the last Saturday of April and be done with it.
Finally managed to play one of the games I ordered from a week or so back. Me and a buddy went through the first and second scenarios for Arkham Horror card game and man that was fun. We just barely won the first scenario, literally the last turn possible or my investigator (Roland) would have been killed and my buddy would have had to just resign since he was playing Wendy and just wasn't going to be able to beat the boss by himself. The second started off promising but everything quickly turned to shit and just wouldn't stop. We both had to resign with nothing to show for our efforts but some mental trauma from a cover up gone wrong. Went and bought sleeves for everything immediately afterwards and I just ordered one of the boxes that can hold it all together from Broken Token posted earlier in this thread. I'm debating if I should go ahead and just buy the Dunwich expansion now or wait for a bit.


It's bad because so much of the enthusiasm for board gaming here has come from their efforts. Though I don't personally like or care for the hoarder 'promo culture' that they've cultivated over the years; we have (had?) an International Table Top Day that even mainstream retailers like B&N and Amazon were doing things for. Things going to chaos because a handful of people dropped out shows some unsettling volatility in this hobby/industry/etc.



grimslingers update (originally they had an extra pack of a set of cards and missing a different pack of cards I need)

they got back to me quickly when I originally said I was missing something.

it took two and a half weeks to get back to me after i got back with the info they needed only to tell me they don't have any replacement cards for the 1st edition I have, but to make up for it they are willing to give me a half off coupon for the game from their store... a coupon that when you add in shipping will cost me $3 more than the total I paid for the original game (not even including the csi discount)

I am obviously not going to agree to this and I think I am going to just request they send me a pack of the second edition... different card stock, different size... at least I can then see if I even like the game since I bought it on a whim.

not happy with this company at all at this point.


It's very doubtful that the Mythos Pack will be released at the same time. FFG still has it listed as "On the Boat." Once it moves from that to "In Stores," it's usually about a week or so, if I remember correctly.

I was talking about Curse of the Rougarou. I think we'll have to wait a few more months before the Dunwich Legacy Mythos Packs release in europe.


Saint Nic
Anyone try the new Road to Legend content?? I see they updated it with Nerekhal. I need to bust out Descent to play some of the trials or whatever, too.


Hail to the KING baby
Wil Wheaton happened?
Genuinely curious what it was. A lot of shows that aren't nearly as popular are still running, but maybe the financials didn't work out for them? Or Wheaton just lost interest? Definitely a massive market that I think someone could fill here. Tabletop had a lot of flaws too, and I don't just mean "not hardcore enough," so I bet someone could do it even better.
Genuinely curious what it was. A lot of shows that aren't nearly as popular are still running, but maybe the financials didn't work out for them? Or Wheaton just lost interest? Definitely a massive market that I think someone could fill here. Tabletop had a lot of flaws too, and I don't just mean "not hardcore enough," so I bet someone could do it even better.

What do you mean by massive market though?

There are lots of people who would watch it, but I couldn't imagine anyone who would actually pay money for it and that is where they went wrong. It was just never going to work as a paid service (well I assume it didn't work) and all the people involved can probably make a lot more money doing other things.

I can't say I'm the biggest fan. It was fine but it always felt a bit awkward like you were watching a party you would never, ever get invited to. Even if I did get invited, I'd probably ask if Whil was going and decide after that...


Hail to the KING baby
What do you mean by massive market though?

There are lots of people who would watch it, but I couldn't imagine anyone who would actually pay money for it and that is where they went wrong. It was just never going to work as a paid service (well I assume it didn't work) and all the people involved can probably make a lot more money doing other things.

I can't say I'm the biggest fan. It was fine but it always felt a bit awkward like you were watching a party you would never, ever get invited to. Even if I did get invited, I'd probably ask if Whil was going and decide after that...

Yeah sorry, I mean get a big audience and make money off ads. It's seemingly worked for lots of folks but again not familiar with the economics. Basically I selfishly would love to see a quality casual/midrange-BG playthrough show with interesting guests, but done better than Tabletop not in terms of production values but just in terms of getting rules right, and just general game presentation.
I'm waiting for RC, Odin, and Santorini. All 3 games I'm interested in are out of stock. Boo.

Well, is RC new printing available in the states yet??

I'm very happy to see so many people excited about Santorini. It's a fantastic game.

I made an homemade version 2 years ago and I cannot wait to get my hands on a retail copy.
I'm very happy to see so many people excited about Santorini. It's a fantastic game.

I made an homemade version 2 years ago and I cannot wait to get my hands on a retail copy.

Still waiting on my kickstarter to ship :|

Yeah sorry, I mean get a big audience and make money off ads. It's seemingly worked for lots of folks but again not familiar with the economics. Basically I selfishly would love to see a quality casual/midrange-BG playthrough show with interesting guests, but done better than Tabletop not in terms of production values but just in terms of getting rules right, and just general game presentation.

Yeah I guess it can work, but I doubt the critical mass is there for boardgames. If it were, you would probably see the shut up and sit down guys doing a whole lot more (I think they do tabletop stuff a lot better than tabletop).


Genuinely curious what it was. A lot of shows that aren't nearly as popular are still running, but maybe the financials didn't work out for them? Or Wheaton just lost interest? Definitely a massive market that I think someone could fill here. Tabletop had a lot of flaws too, and I don't just mean "not hardcore enough," so I bet someone could do it even better.

Various things happened, not in chronological order, I think:

- Bad publicity after getting rules quite clearly wrong in a few videos. Wheaton blamed a producer on the show for not doing their job.
- Bad publicity after calling out another staff member/friend who was using Tabletop for financial gain by doing deals with publishers behind the back of Wheaton.
- Geek & Sundry "sold out" to a bigger network, causing the latest series to be behind a paywall initially, causing its viewing audience to change dramatically.
- Wheaton's gaming has plummeted as a result of valid professional/personal reasons, meaning he has less interest day to day in doing Tabletop.

Anything I've forgotten?


I'm very happy to see so many people excited about Santorini. It's a fantastic game.

I made an homemade version 2 years ago and I cannot wait to get my hands on a retail copy.

I finally got to play my Ks copy yesterday, didn't feel like a good play of it since I was distracted by a lot of commotion going on and we didn't use any god powers. But it was super easy to teach and grasp and easy to see how someone can slip away to victory.

Various things happened, not in chronological order, I think:

- Bad publicity after getting rules quite clearly wrong in a few videos. Wheaton blamed a producer on the show for not doing their job.
- Bad publicity after calling out another staff member/friend who was using Tabletop for financial gain by doing deals with publishers behind the back of Wheaton.
- Geek & Sundry "sold out" to a bigger network, causing the latest series to be behind a paywall initially, causing its viewing audience to change dramatically.
- Wheaton's gaming has plummeted as a result of valid professional/personal reasons, meaning he has less interest day to day in doing Tabletop.

Anything I've forgotten?

That really rubbed me wrong and made me dislike Wheaton even more. You are hosting a game event, you know the rules. You wouldn't show off how to melt steel and not know how to do it yourself.


Saint Nic
I never liked Tabletop; like, not even a little bit. Will Wheaton has always come off to me as a smug brat. Now he may be a perfectly fine person, but reading that he blamed producers for him getting rules wrong is insane. Fucking learn the rules to the games you're "hosting".

I don't enjoy watching people play boardgames. I'll watch a rules and learn to play, but Tabletop always just came off as a video of a bunch of celebs playing games for profit on camera. Because that's what it was.


Unlimited Capacity
I backed Medioevo Universalis



In this age of religious wars and struggle for survival, you have the opportunity to lead one of the great Kingdoms of the time while taking control over many aspects, such as trade, diplomacy, infrastructure development, technological progress and military strategy.

You can build forts and fortifications, expand cultivable lands, discover new technologies, protect your caravan and your convoy, fill your treasury with gold from the major cities on the continent, repel the barbarians who are pressing on the frontiers, search shelter from bad events and disasters, recruit armies and fleets, forge alliances, use your spies to infiltrate other kingdoms, prepare to expand your kingdom, declare war as you deem opportune, exploit the land, defeat your enemies in battle ... and most of all ... plant your banner in new territories.

Rulebook is coming in a few days. Can't wait to see it lmao


Unconfirmed Member
Recently started watching Shut Up & Sit Down. Really late to the party but they are great. Just watched the Caverna review. Pretty funny


Unlimited Capacity
First time designer? Massive amount of units? Non-English speaker? I love big dudes on a map games, like Mare Nostrum, but a few alarm bells are ringing about this one.

That is why I made that comment about the rulebook lol. I am sure it will be a catastrophe. Dat December 2017 delivery date.


That is why I made that comment about the rulebook lol. I am sure it will be a catastrophe. Dat December 2017 delivery date.

Also looks like this has multiple 10 ratings on BGG, all from new Italian accounts that have no game in their collections. Someone put up a thread about it over there.


Recently started watching Shut Up & Sit Down. Really late to the party but they are great. Just watched the Caverna review. Pretty funny

It was actually Critical Role (another G&S show) that got me into board games. I liked the idea of dnd and started exploring other shows on the network and found tabletop.

I didn't like Wheaton much, nor the majority of the guests, but the stuff they played was cool and introduced me to a bunch I wouldn't have otherwise seen.

THEN I found SU&SD and it is leagues better than Tabletop in almost every department (production values aside but... then it is pretty much just Paul and Quinns in their own homes with a camera)

They're both clever and funny and I'm pretty sure Quinns could sell me absolutely anything he wanted to.


It was actually Critical Role (another G&S show) that got me into board games. I liked the idea of dnd and started exploring other shows on the network and found tabletop.

I didn't like Wheaton much, nor the majority of the guests, but the stuff they played was cool and introduced me to a bunch I wouldn't have otherwise seen.

THEN I found SU&SD and it is leagues better than Tabletop in almost every department (production values aside but... then it is pretty much just Paul and Quinns in their own homes with a camera)

They're both clever and funny and I'm pretty sure Quinns could sell me absolutely anything he wanted to.

I look at SUSD for reviews (though their balance between enthusiasm and critique swings around), but their playthrough videos have seemed pretty dull. I like watching BGG's Game Night series to watch people play games.


So I did end up with an extra copy of Dunwich Legacy. If you are in the lower 48 of the US and want it let me know and I will send it out to you. Please only ask if it is something you will actually use :D


I look at SUSD for reviews (though their balance between enthusiasm and critique swings around), but their playthrough videos have seemed pretty dull. I like watching BGG's Game Night series to watch people play games.

Agreed - the let's plays and how tos are less interesting - but often I'll only watch those if I have the game already and need a little help visualising all the rules.


Unlimited Capacity
and you still backed it? lol

I meant the rulebook in particular. It may or may not end up being something I back but I just pledged early to lock in the lower price if I decide to keep it. All depends on how it shapes up during the campaign.


Unconfirmed Member
It was actually Critical Role (another G&S show) that got me into board games. I liked the idea of dnd and started exploring other shows on the network and found tabletop.

I didn't like Wheaton much, nor the majority of the guests, but the stuff they played was cool and introduced me to a bunch I wouldn't have otherwise seen.

THEN I found SU&SD and it is leagues better than Tabletop in almost every department (production values aside but... then it is pretty much just Paul and Quinns in their own homes with a camera)

They're both clever and funny and I'm pretty sure Quinns could sell me absolutely anything he wanted to.

Really enjoy the reviews and you're right they are clever and funny. Just watched the Captain Sonar and Witness reviews. I need those games! Would be great for my one gaming group.
So I did end up with an extra copy of Dunwich Legacy. If you are in the lower 48 of the US and want it let me know and I will send it out to you. Please only ask if it is something you will actually use :D

Sent a PM.

On the topic of SU&SD, they have pretty much single handedly sold me on all the board games I've picked up over the last couple weeks (which is basically the start of my board game collection. I've got a few from years back, but I'm just getting back into things in the new year). Only one that I've been thinking of that I didn't read/watch a review from them is Blood Rage, and I haven't jumped on that yet. I've also enjoyed watching their how to plays. Hell, Quinns convinced me to pick up Arkham Horror LCG by talking about it for like 8 mins on their best of the year podcast. They just get so enthusiastic and excited about things, it's hard to not also get excited about them. However, at least from what I've viewed, they do seem to point out inadequacies as well. So basically I trust their opinions.


Sent a PM.

On the topic of SU&SD, they have pretty much single handedly sold me on all the board games I've picked up over the last couple weeks (which is basically the start of my board game collection. I've got a few from years back, but I'm just getting back into things in the new year). Only one that I've been thinking of that I didn't read/watch a review from them is Blood Rage, and I haven't jumped on that yet. I've also enjoyed watching their how to plays. Hell, Quinns convinced me to pick up Arkham Horror LCG by talking about it for like 8 mins on their best of the year podcast. They just get so enthusiastic and excited about things, it's hard to not also get excited about them. However, at least from what I've viewed, they do seem to point out inadequacies as well. So basically I trust their opinions.

Sent a PM back, enjoy!


Hail to the KING baby
Agreed - the let's plays and how tos are less interesting - but often I'll only watch those if I have the game already and need a little help visualising all the rules.

Yeah I actually love their reviews but skip their playthroughs mostly (although the recent Arkham LCG one was quite good). For a playthrough to be really good (which it definitely can be), you do have to make some effort to give impose some structure onto it and to communicate to the viewer what's happening (including the rules in many cases) beyond just showing. I do think it can be a great format though, and for the trickier games I'll often try to find at least one playthrough before teaching it. I hope the Arkham LCG one is a positive sign that they're getting better at playthroughs (it definitely helped that there were just two of them, and not their random friends) because I love their other stuff. Definitely my top BG-media source.


Yeah I actually love their reviews but skip their playthroughs mostly (although the recent Arkham LCG one was quite good). For a playthrough to be really good (which it definitely can be), you do have to make some effort to give impose some structure onto it and to communicate to the viewer what's happening (including the rules in many cases) beyond just showing. I do think it can be a great format though, and for the trickier games I'll often try to find at least one playthrough before teaching it. I hope the Arkham LCG one is a positive sign that they're getting better at playthroughs (it definitely helped that there were just two of them, and not their random friends) because I love their other stuff. Definitely my top BG-media source.

I also liked the AHLCG play they did. It was pretty entertaining and they didn't bog it down with too much rules stuff.

Also I now officially have everything that is out for AHLCG. It is nice to have so much content for the game so quick.


Unconfirmed Member
Playing one of the new scenarios in Arkham LCG and a treachery caused me to discard a couple cards from the top if my deck and one of them was my main weakness, lol.

Also, question. With Zoe, does she gain a resource even when she draws a monster encounter card?


Playing one of the new scenarios in Arkham LCG and a treachery caused me to discard a couple cards from the top if my deck and one of them was my main weakness, lol.

Also, question. With Zoe, does she gain a resource even when she draws a monster encounter card?

As long as it goes after her yes.
My current favorite play through to watch is Ant Lab game. He used to do just solo game but recently he has a female partner Francis and they are entertaining and informative to watch.

Speaking of Dunwich, I picked up the expansion yesterday from local store and I was really miff that FFG put the expansion in cheap cardboard box.


Watch it Played is my go to for checking out new and unfamiliar board games. I like Shut Up and Sit Down, but their little skits grate on me.


Been looking at this off and on. I want it to be good, but there are a lot of question marks here, notably no posted rules yet.

I find it weird that there are 10 players on the table and it says: up to 9 players :p

Hello boardgame GAF. I'm in a small D&D group and our DM was pretty excited to learn, that modern board games can include lots and lots of miniatures. We played a few rounds of Zombicide: Black Plague lately and there were some pretty nice miniatures in there for a reasonable price.

Can you guys recommend some games that are fun to play and still have D&D compatible miniatures?


I find it weird that there are 10 players on the table and it says: up to 9 players :p

Hello boardgame GAF. I'm in a small D&D group and our DM was pretty excited to learn, that modern board games can include lots and lots of miniatures. We played a few rounds of Zombicide: Black Plague lately and there were some pretty nice miniatures in there for a reasonable price.

Can you guys recommend some games that are fun to play and still have D&D compatible miniatures?

D&D board games: Legends of Drizzzt/Castle Ravenloft/Wrath of Ashrdon/Elemental something

How compatible are you talking about? You could play Lords of Xidit and it doesn't really matter what your pawn looks like. Might want to look into Runebound (I think that's the name).


D&D board games: Legends of Drizzzt/Castle Ravenloft/Wrath of Ashrdon/Elemental something

How compatible are you talking about? You could play Lords of Xidit and it doesn't really matter what your pawn looks like. Might want to look into Runebound (I think that's the name).

He just found the idea interesting of buying a 'random' board game that has awesome, high quality miniatures that he can then use to incorporate into our D&D group.

I'll look into those games, thanks for the recommendation! Any favorites - or are they all of similar quality?
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