I've not even played Catan :X
Compared to all the other games I've bought so far it needs it's own shelf my my book case lol.
I know there are a few others that make those look small as well lol.
Gloomhaven has a decent sized box but it is mostly tall. Mansions of madness second edition is the same way. Escape big box is also huge.
I loved that WoW game back in the day. I miss my old copy.
i love solo, but i *occasionally* manage to lure a few friends in
i already own
arkham lcg + everything
elder sign + everything
new potential stuff:
legendary marvel
mage knight
pathfinder adventure card game
lord of the rings card game
mansions of madness
i love solo, but i *occasionally* manage to lure a few friends in
i already own
arkham lcg + everything
elder sign + everything
new potential stuff:
legendary marvel
mage knight
pathfinder adventure card game
lord of the rings card game
mansions of madness
i love solo, but i *occasionally* manage to lure a few friends in
i already own
arkham lcg + everything
elder sign + everything
new potential stuff:
legendary marvel
mage knight
pathfinder adventure card game
lord of the rings card game
mansions of madness
i love solo, but i *occasionally* manage to lure a few friends in
i already own
arkham lcg + everything
elder sign + everything
new potential stuff:
legendary marvel
mage knight
pathfinder adventure card game
lord of the rings card game
mansions of madness
i love solo, but i *occasionally* manage to lure a few friends in
i already own
arkham lcg + everything
elder sign + everything
new potential stuff:
legendary marvel
mage knight
pathfinder adventure card game
lord of the rings card game
mansions of madness
I really want to get into an LCG or even another card game, as I am feeling kind of done with MTG for now, but I can't really decide between them.
I really want to get into an LCG or even another card game, as I am feeling kind of done with MTG for now, but I can't really decide between them.
I have enjoyed almost every competitive battle card game I have ever played to some extent
A giant stretch goal
Weve earlier written about how the game has grown since we initiated the Kickstarter. Today we have more news to share with you.
Weve added even more to the game. Weve been lucky and have landed a big exclusive retail contract. We didnt announce this before, as it has been uncertain for a while. But now we know for sure (we cant yet tell you who it is but its a huge retailer).
This contract allows us to make a larger initial print run, which translates to lower production cost per item. Instead of going for increased margins (and earn more), we've chosen to keep margins constant.
<followed by lots of upgrades>
New timeline
Besides quality of the game the question on everybodys mind is of course about delivery. Even though we worked as hard as we possibly could, we have again underestimated the effort needed make everything ready for print. So, our schedule has slipped once again.
All game production will be finalised and shipped from China in late August. This is 5-6 weeks later than we had anticipated in our last timeline in March. The shipment will be on boat for a month, before reaching the US and Europe. This means that estimated delivery time now is around mid-October.
We are immensely sorry for this added delay and will as we have said before offer you a full refund if you are unhappy. The window for full refunds will close end of July, as we then are moving towards organising the last things towards shipping the products.
The new drawer-style box should be interesting to see. I know there are some games out there with boxes like that, but I haven't come across one yet. The bumps to all component quality are nice though.so reading my fog of love kickstarter update and loving tons of things they are doing.
both are just great to see from a kickstarter.
Did any of you guys back the Hand of Fate board game on KS?
I'm super pumped for it, loved the Steam game and always thought it would be a cool board game. The stretch goals they hit look great and the communication has been spot on as well.
I'm on a Warhammer 40K kick. Any good solo board/card games aside from Space Hulk: Death Angel?
It's not great. We talked about it a couple pages ago.
I've played about 6 games so far and I enjoy it.I have a copy but I haven't played it yet. I've been waiting until some solid variants come out for the treasure deck. Seems like a few have surfaced, but I haven't been too itching to bust it out yet with all my other new games.
That's it as far as I know. All other WH40K games requires at least 2 players.
And sadly it's not like that is gonna be solved anytime soon with Games Workshop killing their license deal with Fantasy Flight so that they can produce overpriced board games with expensive miniatures themselves. While FF at least tried to make interesting and diverse board/card games with sometimes neat mechanics using the Warhammer License, all Games Workshop can do is try and sell a giant box of miniatures.
Unlikely. Another board game company has picked up GW license for making board games (Devil Pig Games), so GW is not trying to force people into buying their products by taking away the board game license. FFG for all we know, chose to not renew the license.
No one knows why FFG and GW parted ways, so lets not point fingers. It also doesn't make sense for GW to kill off a license on purpose when licensed games was a huge factor in keeping the company a float and a ton of profit on their financials. Their board game agreements also did not let FFG compete with GW's miniature games, they were making the games that GW didn't. The more likely scenarios are that FFG felt the license was tapped out, or that the renewal was gonna cost too much money for them, so they simply let it end. The license was not "killed", the term had ended on the agreement.
That's it as far as I know. All other WH40K games requires at least 2 players.
And sadly it's not like that is gonna be solved anytime soon with Games Workshop killing their license deal with Fantasy Flight so that they can produce overpriced board games with expensive miniatures themselves. While FF at least tried to make interesting and diverse board/card games with sometimes neat mechanics using the Warhammer License, all Games Workshop can do is try and sell a giant box of miniatures.
True. Facts are still unknown. Just a bit pissy about it all. Had just started to love Warhammer The Adventure Card Game when it was all suddenly shut down. I wanted expansions for Forbidden Stars cause how great that game was. FFG did some really great board games with the license and I am sad it's all gone.
Looked up Devil Pig Games and remembered that they are the people of Heroes of Normandie that I saw on Kickstarter a long time ago. Also it seems they worked fast and reskinned that game into Heroes of Black Reach, which is the same but with Ultrasmurfs and Orks.
Which.....actually has me a bit curious, never got into Heroes of Normandie but heard it was quite a solid tactical game. Making it about WH40K instead of WW2 does pique my interest.
That's it as far as I know. All other WH40K games requires at least 2 players.
And sadly it's not like that is gonna be solved anytime soon with Games Workshop killing their license deal with Fantasy Flight so that they can produce overpriced board games with expensive miniatures themselves. While FF at least tried to make interesting and diverse board/card games with sometimes neat mechanics using the Warhammer License, all Games Workshop can do is try and sell a giant box of miniatures.
So I'm playing with the idea of putting together a card game after how much I've been enjoying the co-op/solo and deckbuilding aspects of LotR LCG so much.
It would be set in the same universe of a failed video game Kickstarter I entirely created named Wotan (contemporary Norse mythology).
I'm mostly an artist so I'm unsure if I can make the card mechanics work (trying to fit a card game into a 'beat-em-up' level progression system). I have some ideas for randomized scenarios but nothing sound yet.
Should I find a collaborator or does anyone have suggestions on a good board game design philosophy?
It would behoove you to reach out to people with game design experience but more importantly someone who knows about logistics and making deals with the factories in China.So I'm playing with the idea of putting together a card game after how much I've been enjoying the co-op/solo and deckbuilding aspects of LotR LCG so much.
It would be set in the same universe of a failed video game Kickstarter I entirely created named Wotan (contemporary Norse mythology).
I'm mostly an artist so I'm unsure if I can make the card mechanics work (trying to fit a card game into a 'beat-em-up' level progression system). I have some ideas for randomized scenarios but nothing sound yet.
Should I find a collaborator or does anyone have suggestions on a good board game design philosophy?
Well that would make me then extra pissy. Dropping a license and therefore the development of some really great games so they could push their boring-looking miniature game, true loss for them.As much as I love to blame GW, word on the street is pretty much it was actually FFG that kill the licensing deal because they want to move into making full fledge miniatures game like Runewars (which look like total garbage). After the merger with Asmodee they want to do more in house game like Arkham Horror and Runewars universe. Listening to several podcast and you can pick up on what people in the industry are saying that it was FFG that pretty much ended the licensing deal. After the merger with Asmodee, they stop work on many of the games that are in progress last year (like expansion for Forbiddden Stars - great game btw and Warhammer card game). If you pieces together posts and comments by designers that freelance for FFG, you sort of get the feel that FFG already knew they were not going to renew license with GW this year.
There are some legitimately amazing games in that link. Selling "a big box of miniatures" is disingenuous.
Will have to check them out then. I've only heard that the new Warhammer Quest is good (apart from that I dislike the Age of Sigmar reboot of the setting), but my experience overall with Games Workshop games is usually heavily-bloated rules for miniatures. Granted this has only been with WHFB, WH40K and Bloodbowl, so their strict miniature game lineup (though Blood Bowl acts more like a board game than the others). Will check the rest and see what people say of them.Game Workshop giant box full of miniatures is essentially miniature pack for their tabletop games. They are not board game company and I don't think they want to be. They just want to use board game as gateway for people to get into hobby miniature gaming. Also as Eskimo said, some of their boxed games especially recent one are actually really good.
Time for me to be completely sold: 1 minute in.so gloomhaven is getting a tile placement euro game like spin off
Time for me to be completely sold: 1 minute in.
The only downside to me is no solo mode, but with the auction mechanic and so forth I imagine that would be nearly impossible.It uses elements of The Great Zimbabwe and Glory to Rome (both that I love). I watched a several videos on it today. Looks like fun, best played with 4 and 4 who enjoy heavy logistics games. Rahdo had some good info on it when playing it with only 2 or 3 players. Looking forward to the live broadcast with Heavy Cardboard on youtube.
Hearthstone is really good but it's only digital and can be pricey to be competitive out of the gates. Switching from Mtg feels like a step down but the game is really rewarding if you stick with it.
Other, real, card games I recommend would be Race for the Galaxy, Innovation, Shadowrun Crossfire, Ascension
Have you tried Netrunner?
True. Facts are still unknown. Just a bit pissy about it all. Had just started to love Warhammer The Adventure Card Game when it was all suddenly shut down. I wanted expansions for Forbidden Stars cause how great that game was. FFG did some really great board games with the license and I am sad it's all gone.
Looked up Devil Pig Games and remembered that they are the people of Heroes of Normandie that I saw on Kickstarter a long time ago. Also it seems they worked fast and reskinned that game into Heroes of Black Reach, which is the same but with Ultrasmurfs and Orks.
Which.....actually has me a bit curious, never got into Heroes of Normandie but heard it was quite a solid tactical game. Making it about WH40K instead of WW2 does pique my interest.
Guess we got our answer too, they just announced another company is releasing Talisman board game. It appears that GW is not giving out an exclusive agreement to any publisher, and is dishing out licensing on a game by game basis possibly, like they do for their video game lines.
Guess we got our answer too, they just announced another company is releasing Talisman board game. It appears that GW is not giving out an exclusive agreement to any publisher, and is dishing out licensing on a game by game basis possibly, like they do for their video game lines.
Age of Sigmar themed Talisman no doubt.
Maybe with a teeny tiny bit of luck we might see another company be put on developing those expansions for games like Forbidden Stars or Warhammer ACG?
Warhammer ACG's system is owned by another company, who are trying to kickstart their own themed version of the game but so far failing. They are trying to do a comedic fantasy take using the game system, which hasn't gone over well. Perhaps they could attempt to negotiate for the GW license to get the game going again, but I doubt they have the money to do so.
They nixed the KS after its failure to launch well and have said they're going to try shopping the system around to publishers again for known IP, as it's clearer that's what folk want.
Will be tough sell I think to find a publisher who is willing to pick up their game as well as license Warhammer to make the game come back.
Played Spirit Island tonight, not sure how I felt about it. For a coop the game seems to have a weird difficulty curve where the first few turns overwhelm you but as you draft more powers and level up your character you eventually begin to steam roll. The game was really clunky and it took 2.5 hours between learning and playing the game though I imagine with experienced players the 90-120 minute box time is accurate. I like that it's a coop with some meat behind it, at the same time it could afford some element of stream lining to become truly special.
Also got my copies of arena of the planeswalkers, shadows over innistrad, and battle for zendikar. Game looks like a ton of fun I always wanted to play heroscape so a game that takes that mechanic and applies it to an ip my friends know is all good.
I got this war of mine today. can't wait to be depressed![]()
It's a well done game, I can't say I'm "enjoying" the stories & situations, but I dig it, if that makes sense. They've captured the videogame really well, and I'm glad I own it. But it's not a happy experience to play.
if you are going to be inspired by a game at least make sure to have an interesting grab.
Aeon's end - don't shuffle your deck
Clank - have a board to explore
xenodryft - waves of enemies to defend against
arkham horror card game - story campaign to play through
if you just make a game that is like the lord of the rings one without any extra draw it will likely be ignored as why would people want to play your game over lord of the rings? your art/theme might be solid, but it won't be a lord of the rings.
It would behoove you to reach out to people with game design experience but more importantly someone who knows about logistics and making deals with the factories in China.
Start going to game conventions with prototypes and meet other game designers and players who will help you develop and playtest your game. Kickstarter should be your second to last step, honestly.