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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic


minus modifying decks for seasons, the setup really isn't that bad at all for zombicide. I am used to playing some bigger games like mage knight and galaxy defenders so my viewpoint might be skiewed.


Picked up the 10th Anniversary edition of Ticket to Ride. So nice!!

Ha, I just cracked my copy the other day. Yeah, beautiful set (I was the coal cars, but next time I'm the barrels...my cities need their hooch!) Be aware that the instructions are incomplete. They've included the destination cards from 1910, but not the rules, so, yeah, if you need, check those out.

I will say that I was surprised by it. We've owned TtR:Europe for a long while and have played it a lot. Last year I picked up Nordic Countries and was struck by the difference in feel of the game (especially with wilds not being wilds). This was our group's first time playing the US Ticket to Ride...the lack of tunnels, ferries or stations really made the game feel very different. Our focus and strategies were very different from the normal Europe map...so much so that it made us consider other maps (specifically Africa which brings terrain into play and Marklin for the passengers/cargo mechanic).

Oh, and I think we'll do the 10-10 challenge, though not officially on the BGG boards. Right now, this is the list I'm considering:

1. MTG - ok, this is cheating as I play fairly regularly
2. Pathfinder - yeah, another cheating one...but have an ongoing campaign, so...
3. Mice and Mystics - my nieces and nephews got me this for Christmas, I've heard mixed reviews, but since I was forced to crack the box when I was with them, I'll get a group of four together to play through the campaign
4. Ticket to Ride - Going to include any map/version of this as counting towards the 10
5. Smash Up - Introduced this to a group of friends last year, and now they are constantly wanting to play. We do games of 6 or 7 players and it becomes a bit of a slog, but also remains fun
6. Dead of Winter - I actually don't own this yet...but putting it here to force me into buying it. Every time I start to, the $80 price tag makes me waver.
7. Marvel Dice Masters - I have a huge set of dice and cards, I'd better use them...
8. Matt Leacock Games - Ok, this is messing with the rules a bit, but I see Pandemic, Forbidden Desert, and Forbidden Island as being variations on the same game.
9. Ghost Stories - Just added this to my collection recently. The game has proven to be challenging, but a friend and I managed to develop a strategy that was fairly dominating last time we played, so I guess it's time to bump up the difficulty....maybe...
10. Catan Card Game - I guess now it's called Rivals of Catan...my wife loves this one, and I love playing with her, but if we're going to set out to play 10 times, we might as well get more cutthroat in our strategies.

Since I had a few cheaters on the list, here are the alternates:

11. The Resistance - Love the game, great experience every time, but sometimes hard to get a proper sized group together.
12. Something Else - Don't know what to name here yet, but at some point in the middle of the year I probably will

In addition, I'm pushing myself to play the following at least three times each:

Ex1. Power Grid - I've owned this game for years and have never played it. I have to rectify this at some point this year. For some reason it's intimidated me.
Ex2. Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective - I'm in love with the experience this game gives. Going to hold myself to play at least three cases this year.
Ex3. Arkham Horror - Have a group of friends who love every time this is pulled out (moreso than the more recent slimmer Cthulu games) I might break down this year and pick up Miskatonic.


I'm gonna do the 10x10 challenge again. I tried in 2014, set up my list in late October or early November with a lost that was halfway complete but I couldn't find time at the end of the year here to play. Not sure what I'll do yet but I'll probably do the hardcore challenge, so no changing my games and no previous plays are counted.


Saint Nic
Oh man, Ghost Stories is so good. Some board setups are absolutely infuriating in how difficult they can be. The expansion makes the game borderline impossible on the hardest difficulty, haha.
All this talk of Ghost Stories made me check my Amazon wish list, and it's currently $26. It's been there for a long time so I think that price point is perfect. Maybe I'll use that on my 10x10 challenge instead.


All this talk of Ghost Stories made me check my Amazon wish list, and it's currently $26. It's been there for a long time so I think that price point is perfect. Maybe I'll use that on my 10x10 challenge instead.
Yeah, that is only $3 more than I paid on the 9th and that was a lightning deal. The game used to hover around $33-$35 for the majority of the year, I would say jump all over it at $26 ($25.84 ATM).


Unconfirmed Member
Ha, I just cracked my copy the other day. Yeah, beautiful set (I was the coal cars, but next time I'm the barrels...my cities need their hooch!) Be aware that the instructions are incomplete. They've included the destination cards from 1910, but not the rules, so, yeah, if you need, check those out.

I will say that I was surprised by it. We've owned TtR:Europe for a long while and have played it a lot. Last year I picked up Nordic Countries and was struck by the difference in feel of the game (especially with wilds not being wilds). This was our group's first time playing the US Ticket to Ride...the lack of tunnels, ferries or stations really made the game feel very different. Our focus and strategies were very different from the normal Europe map...so much so that it made us consider other maps (specifically Africa which brings terrain into play and Marklin for the passengers/cargo mechanic).


Yeah, I never played 1910 so I was a little confused. The rule book is a little on the disappointing side. Beautiful game though. I was all the coal cars.


I'm pretty sure I'll play these games 10 times this year, if I were doing the 10x10 challenge it would probably look something like this:

1. Android Netrunner
2. Suburbia
3. Arkham Horror
4. Pathfinder ACG
5. The Resistance
6. Marvel Dice Masters
7. Star Realms
8. Dead of Winter
9. Ticket to Ride Europe
10. King of Tokyo


All this talk of Ghost Stories made me check my Amazon wish list, and it's currently $26. It's been there for a long time so I think that price point is perfect. Maybe I'll use that on my 10x10 challenge instead.

It'll take at least 10 plays to beat the damn game. That sucker is TOUGH. Either that or I'm just not that good at it. Hopefully it's tough. :)

Ex1. Power Grid - I've owned this game for years and have never played it. I have to rectify this at some point this year. For some reason it's intimidated me.

Just played this one tonight! It's one of my group's favorites. It looks intimidating, but it's actually pretty intuitively designed so things click pretty quickly once you get going. Be aware that the rulebook is not great. Read it to learn the ins and out, then use this chart from BGG to actually play through the game.

We also played my Christmas game The Walled City tonight. It's a very interesting and very tough area control game. I really like it though. There's a lot to keep track of but it's very rewarding when you figure out a way to steal points from someone or prevent theft from someone else.


All this talk of Ghost Stories made me check my Amazon wish list, and it's currently $26. It's been there for a long time so I think that price point is perfect. Maybe I'll use that on my 10x10 challenge instead.

Damn, I wish we had deals like that in Europe. I've been after Ghost Stories for a while but getting it below 40 euros shipped seems like an impossible task. Obviously it's out of stock in most stores like every game is, but the few that have it are asking 40-45€ + shipping, ie. around 60 euros total. No thank you.


Coming down off a 2 day binge with my friends. The game that stole the weekend for me was Imperial Settlers. Couldn't get enough of my 2 play throughs. Trying to get it on the table one more time before it's time to head home. Dead of Winter continues to be quicker than BSG even when you are trying to rush BSG. Dig Down Dwarf was a big big hit. Best small box at the event. So many games, going to need a few days of brain recovery.


Coming down off a 2 day binge with my friends. The game that stole the weekend for me was Imperial Settlers. Couldn't get enough of my 2 play throughs. Trying to get it on the table one more time before it's time to head home. Dead of Winter continues to be quicker than BSG even when you are trying to rush BSG. Dig Down Dwarf was a big big hit. Best small box at the event. So many games, going to need a few days of brain recovery.

I thought I would love Imperial Settlers. It just didn't work with our group at all. A couple of guys really hate when cards have tiny text that you have to read out and ask everyone's cards to remember their abilities. It's a shame.

We finally got around to Sheriff of Nottingham this weekend though and that was well received. I think it's a nice trim game with a good length and one of those games that just concentrates on one activity, in this case, bluffing. It was a hit.


I thought I would love Imperial Settlers. It just didn't work with our group at all. A couple of guys really hate when cards have tiny text that you have to read out and ask everyone's cards to remember their abilities. It's a shame.

We finally got around to Sheriff of Nottingham this weekend though and that was well received. I think it's a nice trim game with a good length and one of those games that just concentrates on one activity, in this case, bluffing. It was a hit.

I'm probably going to get some Sheriff games in tonight. I like that the bluffing is confined to a specific set of rules. When I first heard about the game, I was thinking it might be harder for some people to enjoy it.


I've finally gotten a chance to play Robinson Crusoe twice now.

Great game, tons of fun. We managed to win both times on the first scenario. The first time was kinda rough, but the second time ended up being pretty breezy for us after the first few rounds. I think we got really lucky. Also we were able to make the pit, which made getting food much easier. Basically you have a 2/3 chance of getting 2 food. So after you build a snare and have your camp in a spot with food, if you manage to succeed in using your pit you have your food taken care of for that round for 4 people. We also had a basket, so if we didn't, it just took one person foraging for food to feed everyone.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Just had a tabletop simulator session of Quantum:

So good.


Just want to second all the Valley of the Kings love. That game is excellent (at all player counts), and it's all wrapped up in a small, easy to carry box.


I finally received my first Kickstarter-backed game, Dream Heist -- themed on Inception. I unpacked it but will probably not have anyone to play it with for a good while. I plan to post some pictures at some point.

I got a tier that had the metal briefcase, but unfortunately there seems to have been some damage, apparently during shipping. I got a quick email response when I asked about it though, and they are taking care of sending me another one, so that's neat. It won't have the laser engraving but I imagine I could theoretically find a way to get it done myself if I wanted to.

One of the player tokens is a wedding band, and it is a little bit light and flimsy compared to the others. However, this is balanced by another player token being the classic Inception top. It's pretty solid and it spins FOREVER. I mean, fortunately not quite forever, since that would mean I was in a dream, but it spins for a very long time.
Sorry to just jump in at random, but I had a chance to play some new games (to me) the past two weeks.

The first one I played was Agricola. The first game was played with 5 people, and it was pretty fun. However, between setting it up and going over the directions, I think it took us about 4 hours to finally finish the game. It was fun though. I played it two more times (once with 3 players, and once with just 2 players) after that.

The next game we played for the first time was a Target exclusive called What The Face. It was surprisingly fun with a large group of people. We played on teams since there were ten of us, and it plays a lot like Cards Against Humanity.

Saturday I played Marvel Legendary, which was probably my favorite out of the three. I had so much fun playing that I ended up picking up a copy of the game yesterday.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
man, that game of thrones boardgame "insert" is some of the worst I've ever seen. So many pieces and there's NOTHING except bags and a shitty row. fine I'll just store bags in an empty box then.


man, that game of thrones boardgame "insert" is some of the worst I've ever seen. So many pieces and there's NOTHING except bags and a shitty row. fine I'll just store bags in an empty box then.

Fantasy Flight doesn't do inserts for storage at all. Foamcore or buy one of the third party retailers storage solutions for any FFG game.


Played some Lords of Xidit and Sheriff of Nottingham last night...lots of fun. Everyone liked them both.

I think I prefer Xidit more because I see some little hiccups that could cause Sheriff not to be as fun (mainly depending on how people act).


man, that game of thrones boardgame "insert" is some of the worst I've ever seen. So many pieces and there's NOTHING except bags and a shitty row. fine I'll just store bags in an empty box then.

The trench style FFG inserts can be inverted to double the space. That is for the LCG game. YMMV.


Two possibly dumb questions regarding Imperial Assault:

1. During the "activation" phase, the rules mention going back and forth Rebel/Imperial until every hero and deployment card has been played. I assume that means if the rebels manage to wipe out a few bad guys, the rebels will have consecutive turns after the imperial has used his last unit, right? Meaning the imperial played wouldn't get to play someone again to keep the rebel/imp/rebel/imp pattern going?

2. When imperial units are revealed do to an event in the game, are they available for the imperial player to use right away? Say for example, the rebel player has wiped out all enemy units, then opens a door with their last hero's turn. If that door opening reveals three imperial units, does the imperial player immediately get the next three moves until they are all exhausted?

Thanks in advance. Going to try to get this beast to the table soon and want to make sure I've got it all straight first so it goes smoothly. ;)


At least there is typically enough stuff in the FFG boxes to justify the size of the box, it's just that the insert is quite useless.

Also, anarckitty, there's no shame in talking about random games here


Did anyone score an extra copy of Why Can't We Be Friends at BGGC?

What are the chances we could have a Neogaf badge created on BGG?

What is everyone looking forward to most this first quarter?


Two possibly dumb questions regarding Imperial Assault:

1. During the "activation" phase, the rules mention going back and forth Rebel/Imperial until every hero and deployment card has been played. I assume that means if the rebels manage to wipe out a few bad guys, the rebels will have consecutive turns after the imperial has used his last unit, right? Meaning the imperial played wouldn't get to play someone again to keep the rebel/imp/rebel/imp pattern going?

2. When imperial units are revealed do to an event in the game, are they available for the imperial player to use right away? Say for example, the rebel player has wiped out all enemy units, then opens a door with their last hero's turn. If that door opening reveals three imperial units, does the imperial player immediately get the next three moves until they are all exhausted?

That's how we played the first mission. Once we opened that first door, yeah, the imperial player got multiple activations in a row once we'd done the rebel->imp->rebel sequence & all of us rebels were done.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
The trench style FFG inserts can be inverted to double the space. That is for the LCG game. YMMV.

so there's 2 trenches instead of 1. great. still 0 organization :lol

(and I'm talking about the boardgame, not the LCG)


First post in this thread, I've received Betrayal at House on the Hill for Christmas.

I'm going to mod it for Scooby Doo, and wondering if anyone knew the best way to affix printed cut outs onto the pentagonal player cards.

I was just going to use clear packaging tape but figure someone here knows a better way.

for reference: http://www.boardgamegeek.com/thread/107540/scooby-doo-variant-pinch-dash

On topic, wife, daughter and I played Love Letter and King of Tokyo all holiday, now I want to Scoobify Betrayal badly.


From the January Pickups thread:


We played a 3 person Abyss last night, our first time playing, and it was a lot of fun! The others were pretty intimidated at first, as it seems so much more complex than it really ends up being. Once we grasped some of the finer points, and noticed a few things that are likely to happen every game (chance taking trying to increase Threat for keys, the likelihood that later in the game you are seeing a lot more Monsters due to Allies being thinned from the reshuffled Explore deck) it got a little more cutthroat. All in all it was a ton of fun!

None of us have ever played Munchkin before somehow, so we are excited about that as well. Parade also! Contagion was a gift, and I know that Smash Up! is generally the preferred game of the two but we will give it a fair shake. Finally able to actually bring some new games to our little game night so we are happy.
I think Contagion is a nice little filler game. You can get hosed by card draws, but for a 30 minute game it has some interesting mechanics.


What is everyone looking forward to most this first quarter?


Don't think anything else is even close. That cardplay looks custom made for me.

Designer is also co-designer on two of my faves, Troyes and Tournay. I don't think this one is possible to be a miss, personally.


That's how we played the first mission. Once we opened that first door, yeah, the imperial player got multiple activations in a row once we'd done the rebel->imp->rebel sequence & all of us rebels were done.

Thanks. Also is the intention for the rebels to pick a hero and use him/her for the duration of the campaign?


Opened my Christmas copy and played a 5 player game of Sheriff of Nottingham last night. Everyone loved it. My copy was missing the red player board and the 50 value gold coins but they were not really needed for the fifth player as it still came with the bag. Got a response within an hour of emailing customer service and the replacement parts were sent today. :)


I just use some plano boxes, and keep the decks separate. setup time takes me less than 5 mins.

Amazing game.

Yeah I need to do that. Would cut down the time considerable.

Also as a two player game its quiet quick to play so you can easily get in a few games on a regular night.


Picked up Pandemic:The Cure. Should play it this weekend (yay for easy set up soloable games!) Looks like a lot of fun though.



Don't think anything else is even close. That cardplay looks custom made for me.

Designer is also co-designer on two of my faves, Troyes and Tournay. I don't think this one is possible to be a miss, personally.

I own Deus now and its GOTY 2014. It's amazing.
Picked up Pandemic:The Cure. Should play it this weekend (yay for easy set up soloable games!) Looks like a lot of fun though.

I received a copy a few days early for my birthday and played it last night with my wife and parents. So good. I am a big Pandemic fan, and I'm shocked to admit that I prefer The Cure. The dice add an element of randomness and risk/reward that isn't in the original game.


I received a copy a few days early for my birthday and played it last night with my wife and parents. So good. I am a big Pandemic fan, and I'm shocked to admit that I prefer The Cure. The dice add an element of randomness and risk/reward that isn't in the original game.

Good to hear! Can't wait!


I just bought Imperial Assault and War of the Ring 2E and had them shipped to my APO address in advance of me leaving the country again tomorrow. It'll still be a couple weeks before they get there, but I have a copy of Pandemic: The Cure sitting in a locker at the APO office awaiting my arrival, so that will see at least a couple plays while waiting for those other two games to get delivered.

If I can fit them in my carry-on, I'll be taking with me: the recent Yomi Kickstarter, King of New York, and a MtG 2014 Holiday Box filled with cards. Space will be tight but I think I can manage it all in one backpack. If not, King of New York can go in my checked duffle bag, I think it will hold up to getting knocked around a bit if surrounded by clothes. Really wish I had more space so I could take Dungeon Twister with me too but I don't know if I could get my coworkers to play that one with me.
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