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New Devil May Cry 3 screens!

MUCH better than before!





more here


You call this blurred mess of pics 'much better'?

It does look better than before, but it still looks bad.


ToyMachine228 said:
DMC3 >>>>>>>> Ninja Gaiden


I love the terrible PoP catarcts style lighting effects. I always wanted to know what macular degeneration felt like. Thank you DMC. If someone could describe what these creatures you're supposed to be fighting look like, I'd be very appreciative. And it's not just bad screen grabs, when you're playing the game you can't really see or tell what they are either.

I don't know what was worse the crap lighting effect, the PSOne level texture quality, the insane jaggies, low poly characters, or the crap gameplay??? I haven't seen such a jaggy game since the PS2 launched in 2000.





Crapcom is really killing this series. What the hell are those things? Homeless zombie stick figures?
You do know he could be talking about how well the game turns out? DMC3's gameplay sounds really nice right now especially the 3 weapon switching you can do to create combos.

Plus it does have a really kickass artstyle.


Regarding DMC3's gameplay, I've read conflicting impressions. Some say it flat-out sucks, others say it rocks. So, who knows. It looks nice though, if you can get past TEH JAGGIEZ.


well one things for sure, DMC was never as boring or repetitive as Ninja Gaiden. Not sure about DMC2, never played it.
jett said:
Regarding DMC3's gameplay, I've read conflicting impressions. Some say it flat-out sucks, others say it rocks.

Most of the negative impressions i've read have come from fans of a certain competing system so i'm not taking their opinion on the game too seriously.


i dont think its gonna be as epic as NG. DMC's scope is much lower...it's an under 10 hour game. DMC3 looks stylish though.


RiZ III said:
well one things for sure, DMC was never as boring or repetitive as Ninja Gaiden. Not sure about DMC2, never played it.

The combat in NG is what puts it above any action game. We'll see how DMC3 compares to Itagaki's masterpiece
All I know is...I'll pick Devil May Cry over Ninja Gaiden. Devil May Cry is just more my style, and I don't like how Gaiden looks visually.


Queen of Denmark
I still don't like the super-angular, ten polygon look of some of the creatures.

For some of the other complaints though, like depth-of-field blurring, you kind of have to see it in motion (as I learned in the last thread about DMC3 screens).


DMC3 looks like crap sorry

Have you seen the movies? DMC1 looks awesome in gameplay movies even to this day, but DMC3 just looks like crap

This game will be lucky to outdo Prince of Persia 1 and 2, let alone Ninja Gaiden
Lukas said:
DMC3 looks like crap sorry

Have you seen the movies? DMC1 looks awesome in gameplay movies even to this day, but DMC3 just looks like crap

This game will be lucky to outdo Prince of Persia 1 and 2, let alone Ninja Gaiden

I've seen the movies and this looks much better then DMC ever did. Don't let nostalgia cloud your mind.


Chili Con Carnage!
I hope someone is getting fired for the state of these screenshots they keep releasing.

Ive seen the vids and its certainly not a big leap (if one at all) over the first game in terms of visuals


Im reluctant to get excited over DMC3 as DMC2 was probably my biggest disapointment this gen after the greatness of the first game, for me the flame has been passed over to team ninja, and i cant see capcom grabbing it back.


Bloom lighting is the new lens flare.

At least it is slightly less annoying and there actually are instances where the glow looks nice.


About the gameplay:

For anyone that's played Ninja Gaiden and knows how fun and challenging the AI can be (some even call it hard), DMC3 is absolutely nothing like that. The enemies in DMC3 are completely stupid and your attacks are extremely limited. The gameplay in DMC3 is more like the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles beatem up game, where you just have stupid ugly drones come at you in waves and you just mash on the buttons to defeat them. There's no requirement like Ninja Gaiden to constantly block and roll and time your attacks. You just shoot and slash mindlessly with Devil May Cry 3 and the enemies all just die like cannon fodder. In Ninja Gaiden if you just run straight into fights without blocking rolling and jumping you will get slaughtered. In DMC3 you just constantly use the same attack button and don't have to think at all because the AI is so dumb and easy. The combat in this game is very repetitive and requires no thinking or skill whatsoever. My immediate thought and what I told people who I spoke to about the game at E3 was that the game would be totally unacceptable for anyone who has played Ninja Gaiden now. Ninja Gaiden raised the bar for the genre in gameplay expectations. The mindless gameplay in DMC3 and other action games might be a little bit forgivable if the game at least had amazing graphics but this was the ugliest PS2 game at E3 that I saw.

"For some of the other complaints though, like depth-of-field blurring, you kind of have to see it in motion (as I learned in the last thread about DMC3 screens)"

I did see it in motion and I laughed out loud because it was so pathetically obvious that they were doing all that ugly bluring to cover up the horrible jaggies in the game. The jaggies are unbelievable, no PS2 games look like this anymore.

"Bloom lighting is the new lens flare."

Well they need to stop using it in low poly/low res textured games in order to hide graphical shortcomings. I like to see clearly the details on the screen, not have everything blinded and blurred out of focus. I'm sure bloom lighting used sparingly and when appropriate can create a dramatic effect. When used constantly as a shortcut to hide flaws, it creates a very unappealing game.

Looking at Capcom's record over the last year DMC3 will be par for the course. Although Resident Evil 4 was one of the best looking and playing games at E3, it is the rare exception. I warned people here about how bad the TMNT game was going to be and many people here did not want to listen to me.


I will like this more then Ninja Gaiden I bet.

besides the graphics nothing stood out in NG, camera was one the worst ive ever seen.


Chili Con Carnage!
Did you not play DMC then? Because it was just as bad, and it didnt give you and it was totally fixed.

It'll be a long time before you get a game as fast as DMC and NG with a perfect camera, just because its seemingly impossible to give you the perfect fighting angle at all times.
One thing DMC did is that most of the time is that it put the camera in a distance from you so you could see the entire room. NG used a behind the back cam alot of the time or one that was close ot Ryu.


One of the things it also did is give you a cinematic angle, which didn't show you the ennemies until you stepped into a certain point in the room. Same shit, different pile.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
---- said:
For anyone that's played Ninja Gaiden and knows how fun and challenging the AI can be (some even call it hard), DMC3 is absolutely nothing like that. The enemies in DMC3 are completely stupid and your attacks are extremely limited. The gameplay in DMC3 is more like the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles beatem up game, where you just have stupid ugly drones come at you in waves and you just mash on the buttons to defeat them. There's no requirement like Ninja Gaiden to constantly block and roll and time your attacks. You just shoot and slash mindlessly with Devil May Cry 3 and the enemies all just die like cannon fodder. In Ninja Gaiden if you just run straight into fights without blocking rolling and jumping you will get slaughtered. In DMC3 you just constantly use the same attack button and don't have to think at all because the AI is so dumb and easy. The combat in this game is very repetitive and requires no thinking or skill whatsoever. My immediate thought and what I told people who I spoke to about the game at E3 was that the game would be totally unacceptable for anyone who has played Ninja Gaiden now. Ninja Gaiden raised the bar for the genre in gameplay expectations. The mindless gameplay in DMC3 and other action games might be a little bit forgivable if the game at least had amazing graphics but this was the ugliest PS2 game at E3 that I saw.
Did you play the first DMC? The E3 demo was probably set on an easy difficulty level. With DMC all the fighting strategy comes in at higher difficulty levels. Thats why you can keep the stuff you earned from the first play through, you can't get it all in one go and you'll need the moves you unlocked for proper strategy.


ToyMachine228 said:
All I know is...I'll pick Devil May Cry over Ninja Gaiden. Devil May Cry is just more my style, and I don't like how Gaiden looks visually.

both are tremendous action games. only shooting yourself on the foot by limiting yourself, that is, if you are an action gamer.


Junior Member
psycho_snake said:
It's obvious that this game will be better than Ninja Gaiden, there is no competition.

Meh, Ninja Gaiden is just a good Ninja gane - nothin more, nothing less...
The first game still looks awesome today, both technically and artistically, and it looked even worse in the official screenshots before it came out. So if that's any indication, this one should look even better than the first one.
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