He wants to make Goku and Vegeta suffer, probably Trunks too.What excuse does Frieza have not to instantly destroy earth the second he gets there? Hasn't he learned anything over the course of his many lives/chances?
What excuse does Frieza have not to instantly destroy earth the second he gets there? Hasn't he learned anything over the course of his many lives/chances?
What excuse does Frieza have not to instantly destroy earth the second he gets there? Hasn't he learned anything over the course of his many lives/chances?
He wants to make Goku and Vegeta suffer, probably Trunks too.
Bra is not canon right? Hopefully she stays an absolutely awful memory resigned to DB GT, just like Vegetas porn mustache and haircut. SSJ4 needs to come back though, God form looks terrible and at the end of the day, it's all about how they look at each transformation which makes them stand out. Making god form a skinner version of Goku was plain old lazy, something needs to be done about that.
Bra is not canon right? Hopefully she stays an absolutely awful memory resigned to DB GT, just like Vegetas porn mustache and haircut. SSJ4 needs to come back though, God form looks terrible and at the end of the day, it's all about how they look at each transformation which makes them stand out. Making god form a skinner version of Goku was plain old lazy, something needs to be done about that.
He wants to make Goku and Vegeta suffer, probably Trunks too.
I would love for Trunks (present) to kill him again.Now I'm interested to see if there will at least be some acknowledgement of Future Trunks killing Frieza.
It was in the trailer as a flashback but I would love for Freiza to see trunks and trunks being very confused as to why Freiza hates him so much.
He has a rough transition from spoiled prince to second fiddle. And it's made even worse because he is still stronger than 99% of everyone. If it weren't for Bulma he probably would have tried to kill Goku because of how shitty he made his life.Vegeta sure crys a lot for a supposed badass.
Young Trunks won't be in the filmNow I'm interested to see if there will at least be some acknowledgement of Future Trunks killing Frieza.
It was in the trailer as a flashback but I would love for Freiza to see trunks and trunks being very confused as to why Freiza hates him so much.
Young Trunks won't be in the film
I saw an older gotenks in the trailer (who looked so badass) so Trunks has to be in it.
The teaser from Dragonball Heroes suggests that God form will be redesigned now that Goku will presumably achieve it by himself. It doesn't look like we're getting anything similar to SSJ4 though, his arms still seem clean, although they're hiding his face and hair so we likely will see some differences there.
Bra appears in the Z epilogue, although she doesn't do anything and doesn't fight, unlike Pan. Her age also was unclear there.
The Super Saiyan bargain sale began with Vegeta
Vegeta sure crys a lot for a supposed badass.
Goku has fewer moments where he's beaten down on a psychological level. He shows much more positive emotion towards others than Vegeta when Krillin dies (causing him to go Super Saiyan) and when Piccolo scolds him and makes him realize Gohan doesn't like fighting like he does during the fight with Cell (where he starts to show genuine concern for his decision to leave the fight to Gohan).So what you're saying is that Goku is a psychopath and Vegeta is not because the latter conveys emotion? This is an interesting take.
Purple Gohan.
Goku has fewer moments where he's beaten down on a psychological level. He shows much more positive emotion towards others than Vegeta when Krillin dies (causing him to go Super Saiyan) and when Piccolo scolds him and makes him realize Gohan doesn't like fighting like he does during the fight with Cell (where he starts to show genuine concern for his decision to leave the fight to Gohan).
Vegeta is crying (literally or metaphorically) because he isn't "the best". The only time this isn't true is when he dies on Namek and wants Goku to avenge the Saiyan race. Even when he lost to 18, he pulls a silent treatment to everyone else not because he failed to save the earth or his family, which he doesn't give two fucks about, but because he thought he was the best (again) and he realized he wasn't.
Seen at a display for the movie.
Seen at a display for the movie.
Probably for a flashback, but still. Good to see the best character in the series return.
I'm glad the best character is back![]()
Seen at a display for the movie.
As much as I actually like the Goten and Trunks dynamic, Goten is probably a big part of why present Trunks is such a goofy character. You are who you hang out with.Normal Trunks would've been better if Goten didn't exist and they paired him up with Gohan as a callback.
Normal Trunks would've been better if Goten didn't exist and they paired him up with Gohan as a callback.
Part of me wishes the entire post Cell canon would just be retconned at this point.
Part of me wishes the entire post Cell canon would just be retconned at this point.
Part of me wishes the entire post Cell canon would just be retconned at this point.
I'd totally be down with this.
I'd be happy with this.
I can't support getting rid of anything that has Majin Vegeta in it.
Seen at a display for the movie.
He's appearing in Frieza's flashback to when Trunks chopped him up. He's probably not in the movie proper.
I enjoy the tournament part of Buu and the early fights with Gohan and Majin Vegeta vs Goku. I like the Supreme Kai lore. It's neat and while "we're unleashing the ultimate evil here on your planet for some reason" doesn't work for me, it's cool seeing them all back together.
It really just turns around when Goku goes SSJ3, to me. The flippancy Toriyama writes that new transformation and how Goku just knows how to do fusion and all that stuff just feels too quick and like he's literally making it all up on the fly. There's no sense of arc to that saga at all to me.
Was the Buu saga any better in the manga?
Buu saga was filled with bad decisions and discarded character motivations. It wasn't fun! I was flipping through some of it the other day and it's pretty obvious Toriyama did not care at that point.