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New Dragon Quest VIII trailer! Kickass!!


Scan from yesterday.



The real time cutscene looks terrific. Battle FX looks great. Very beautiful(and LARGE) environments. Good monster animations. GOTY!


Yeah I saw a trailer running on TV at Sofmap today...
I'm no fan, but hot damn, they've animated Toriyama's art nicely.


So the world map is gonna be PS1 style with a little more detail...I guess that works.

It would be utterly amazing if they could make it so that when you landed somewhere it would seamlessly load the area as you descend.


Does anyone know if this game has any hard disk support? Because I get a bad feeling there are going to be a lot of "now loading" screens for this game.
Doom_Bringer said:
I wanna know too! I love the artstyle and stuff. I WANT THIS NOW!!!!

I hope they take out the FPS view from battles though. The rest looks good.

The first person view is for when you're selecting your attack, once you select it the attack is shown with you character going after the enemy.



The battle music kicks rocks.


I still don't see what's so impressive about this title, or any level 5 title for that matter.
Sure they do a great job making the models look like the art, but that's where I stop being impressed.
olimario said:
I still don't see what's so impressive about this title, or any level 5 title for that matter.
Sure they do a great job making the models look like the art, but that's where I stop being impressed.

I don't think you like rpgs. Also you should stop posting these pointless impressions of what you think of about a game. It just pisses people off.


olimario said:
I still don't see what's so impressive about this title, or any level 5 title for that matter.
Sure they do a great job making the models look like the art, but that's where I stop being impressed.

It's totally polished. From a Dragon Quest point of view, it doesn't get any better than this. So I guess you can ask yourself, does Dragon Quest itself impress you? I suppose not. It doesn't impress me, but I'm not a Dragon Quest fan. For those who love this kind of thing and obsess over every detail, I can understand that there are details in here that I'm not able to see and that they love.

Admittedly, the art direction impresses me. But I'd rather see a new Chrono game in this kind of skin than a Dragon Quest. That's just me though.
Looks fantastic from everything I've seen, gameplay seems to be more enjoyable over previous installments.

What gets me is the price on this sucker. At current exchange rates, that's around ~$87, not to mention the cost of importing. I would so like to play this when it comes out, but looks like it's going to have to wait. Does anyone out there know why this game is so damn expensive?
"Does anyone out there know why this game is so damn expensive?"

It's really because they can get away with it. Square does the samething with FF titles. They're more expensive than any other games in Japan but they sell better than basically every other title too.


I've got some incredibly shallow friends who stopped playing DW7 because the battle system didn't allow you to see your character.

That being said, I quickly bought the game from one of them.

How's the battle system looknig in DQ8? Is it similiar to that of previous DQs? I can't really tell from that video.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Meier said:
This could be the greatest game ever made. Looks incredible... <3 Level-5.

Oh yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if this ended up being my favorite PS2 RPG. Everything in that video looked amazing. I can't wait to get my dirty paws all over this. I just hope we don't have to wait the standard six months for a US version. May 2005 is so far away...


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Wow, I'm totally impressed.... GOTY 2005, easily. Let's just hope it's better paced than DQ7. But we at least know it'll be better than shitty battle system and more flamboyant asexual main character FF12.


Looks great! Funny how DQVII was one of the worst looking games, but DQVIII will be one of the best.

The ways DQVIII is implementing facial expressions, cinematics, and the bright, cartoonish style reminds me a little of Eternal Arcadia, only with Toriyama art. Looks like the camera is going to be full 3D too, with an optional first person view.


Ecrofirt said:
How's the battle system looknig in DQ8? Is it similiar to that of previous DQs? I can't really tell from that video.

Looks the same. Only now you get to see the action from your side of the team after inputing command. I think they added some limit-break like skills to each character also.

I wonder if the job system is still in. I remember reading somewhere that they learn skills in a different way in VIII.


Sorry guys, I just can't get excited about DQ8 until they announce it for the US and we get a firm release date.
I can't get my hopes up like I did with Slime Morimori.

If and when that happens, I'll gladly come back to these threads and be giddy with the rest of y'all.


My most anticipated titles:

Dragon Quest VIII(PS2)
New Legend of Zelda(GCN)
Resident Evil 4(GCN)
Dragon Quest V Remake(PS2)
Final Fantasy III(NDS)
Final Fantasy XII(PS2)


I don't like the characters very much, but the game does look fantastic. The animations in general are very well done, but those for attacks are especially good. Hope it gets here soon.

BTW, anyone else think that tiger mount looks hilariously stupid?


Holds a little red book
Like San Andreas, this game looks a lot worse in motion than it does in screens, which is somewhat odd. Cel-shading doesn't look any more impressive than Dark Cloud 2.


What the hell? I can see your point about GTA:SA, but with this I came away MUCH more impressed after seeing it in motion.


Holds a little red book
Zelda still bitchslaps every single cel-shaded game. DQVIII isn't breaking any new ground, and from the screens I expected better.


Stele said:
Zelda still bitchslaps every single cel-shaded game. DQVIII isn't breaking any new ground, and from the screens I expected better.
What do you want, the girl's boobs to flop out as she jumps out of the video to suck you off?


Hates quality gaming
Every time I say Zelda WW is cel-shaded, people correct me and say that it isn't. Every time I say WW isn't cel-shaded, people correct me and say that it is. Can we please come to some fucking consensus on this?

ps: Jet Set Radio >infinity> Zelda WW.


Holds a little red book
No, I don't own an Xbox. This can't even begin to touch Zelda, and the art is as generic as hell -- in case you're wondering, I abandoned my anime/Japanophile obsession back in middle school so this shit doesn't exactly knock my socks off.
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