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New final Paper Mario box? Oh nos...


NEW, now with subtitle:

OLD, pre-subtitle:

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
I like the new one better, slightly less abundance of pastels.

BTW, the new Nintendo kiosk disks include a playable demo of this...(E3 demo that is). Limited to three areas, but each are pretty large to explore. I put ten minutes in the only section I never saw covered by E3.

Pikmin 2 also on demo, but seemingly only the challenge mode was playable. WHat is with the strange powerups attached to the d-pad? Were they powerups?

Mario Pinball Land is actually pretty dissapointing afterall. Very lifeless.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
I wasn't too big on the original one when it was first shown but after seeing the second one I'm starting to appreciate the original a whole heck of a lot more. The second one looks boring/lifeless.


It doesn't look that different. Really, all they did was use less color and made the design more focused on the characters. The original cover wasn't all that brilliant.


I like the new logo better, but that's it, other than that it's a big downgrade, imo.

The subtitle sucks, and the characters are all mashed together in the middle.
OLD: Very nicely composed piece of coherent artwork that is related to the content of the game (stage, curtains, etc.)

NEW: Random jumble of generic character art with an unappealing picture of Mario and a shitty new logo.



De-Sepia the background and make it the Jumping Mario instead of the ever exciting Map-Reading Mario, and it's infinitely better.

As it is, the old one is the superior boxart...still buying it, though.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Cover = fun game?

Y'all know the game is awesome... but yet people are saying they won't buy it now? please people please this is a good time to say "I ws kidding! I should have used a smile so you could see that!"


Heh, yea, the box could be a 50-point arial font saying Paper Mario and I'll still buy it the day it hits the shelves.

But it's disappointing that with such awesome art, that they don't pull off a really sweet cover.


Is there anything more overrated than rating box art? I've never bought a game based on its cover art. Furthermore, I couldn't tell you what's on the cover of most of the games I own.


Looking good. I kinna liked the other one better, but that wouldn't influence in my decision of buying it. Silly rabbits...


Sucks at viral marketing
Kobun Heat said:
OLD: Very nicely composed piece of coherent artwork that is related to the content of the game (stage, curtains, etc.)

NEW: Random jumble of generic character art with an unappealing picture of Mario and a shitty new logo.

Huh?? The new artwork is more relative to the the actual game, than the first one; the map is the basis of the whole story. The old one was just a bunch of Super Mario Bros. regulars standing around, looking at Mario jump. The new one shows more of the new characters in the game. I do like the old logo more, though.


Well, thing is that the new one actually looks more "papery", if that's even a word. The first one reminds me more of a cartoonish flair, and IS isn't really aiming for a cartoon look (like Wind Waker).


hmm they sorta adopted the Japanese style logo and scrapped the scrunched paper look, but not the way i expected...


Crazy. It looks better than the original. I'm willing to bet if this new one is credited to a Japanese designer, it'd be recognized as good art...


Hail to the KING baby
Eh, no biggie. What bothers me is that a game with a pretty damn original art style wouldn't carry over any of that originality (or even style, really) onto the cover.

See Also: ICO.
I have no real problem with it. It's not as exciting as the old one, but it's by no means bad. They could have at least tried with the subtitle though. Putting white "paper" boxes around it doesn't seem all that exciting.


Still Tagged Accordingly
The American boxart looks fine. It's just as good as the Japanese one and anyone who says otherwise is just a whiny little bitch. Japanese boxarts are often much better, but in this case the American one is just as good.
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