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New Forza screen (new build?) holy shxt!





Now that's what I'm talkin'bout!

cred goes to Mozee @ txb.
Hmmm...seems that the lighting is being tweaked...or maybe it's just this course. In any case, it looks very realistic. Too bad I don't care for the gameplay of these types of racing games...
Deepthroat said:
20fps d00med

Um, it's 180, dumbass. That doesn't even take into account split screen racing. So if you have four players that's like a million frames per second. And then if you take system link into account well basically there's no power greater than X.


Mike Works said:
Um, it's 180, dumbass. That doesn't even take into account split screen racing. So if you have four players that's like a million frames per second. And then if you take system link into account well basically there's no power greater than X.
Woa, take it easy. Breathe.


Really I don't know where people get all the time from to take full advantage of these types of racers. It looks fantastic no doubts, but just give a racer were you load and play.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Mike Works said:
Um, it's 180, dumbass. That doesn't even take into account split screen racing. So if you have four players that's like a million frames per second. And then if you take system link into account well basically there's no power greater than X.

That there is pretty funny


Excepting the RX8 shot, the lighting still looks like ass. It just screams 'game'. I know its nitpicky, but the tires look like toys. At least slap a dull sheen on 'em if you can't get them to look realistic.


the game is at 30 fps. gamefeed fucked up on that 'interview'.

Excepting the RX8 shot, the lighting still looks like ass. It just screams 'game'. I know its nitpicky, but the tires look like toys. At least slap a dull sheen on 'em if you can't get them to look realistic.
I'd say they looks bad because they are from non-standard camera angles. An angle you wouldn't see from a race, which just screams 'FAKE!'. the lighting is actually awesome in all the shots.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Why do they even employ AA to XBOX games!?! It always ends up halving the damn frame rate and washes out the image.


Unconfirmed Member
element said:
I'd say they looks bad because they are from non-standard camera angles. An angle you wouldn't see from a race, which just screams 'FAKE!'. the lighting is actually awesome in all the shots.

So, can we officially disqualify the "it only looks good because those are replay screens--let me know when they show gameplay" excuse that everybody uses to pass off GT4?


well GT4 does a great job with camera placement.

I saw both at E3, Forza looked better but felt slower :\


Tag of Excellence
Wow, I'm thoroughly impressed with the quality of lighting in games lately. People are really mastering the use and know the appropriate amount these days.


XboxGamers said:
Now that's photo realistic! Wow!


Hmm, it's kinda funny how you, and I guess others, look at that and think photo-realistic whereas I look at it and think "ugh".

The RX8 shot does look great, but that pic you posted looks really bad IMO. The background is gorgeous but the car doesn't look life-like at all. It just looks like a bunch of polygons stacked together in a shape of a car :(


"The RX8 shot does look great, but that pic you posted looks really bad IMO. The background is gorgeous but the car doesn't look life-like at all. It just looks like a bunch of polygons stacked together in a shape of a car :("

I think the RX8 shot is the least impressive.
element said:
the game is at 30 fps. gamefeed fucked up on that 'interview'.

I'd say they looks bad because they are from non-standard camera angles. An angle you wouldn't see from a race, which just screams 'FAKE!'. the lighting is actually awesome in all the shots.
20 ... 30 .. does it matter when it's not even close to 60?


DaCocoBrova said:
Why do they even employ AA to XBOX games!?! It always ends up halving the damn frame rate and washes out the image.

I'd rather have no AA with 60fps, then 30fps with AA.

-1 sales for Forza.


it's not just about the AA, stuff like self shadowing, cubic reflections on each car and such

I'd give them al up for a solid 60fps.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Korranator said:

I'd rather have no AA with 60fps, then 30fps with AA.

-1 sales for Forza.

They have said time and time again that without AA the game would still be running ~30 fps, it's because of the sim engines like the AI and physics which really task the processor.


DopeyFish said:
They have said time and time again that without AA the game would still be running ~30 fps, it's because of the sim engines like the AI and physics which really task the processor.
Then they should take some of it out to get it back to 60fps. You'd think they would have learned their lesson when PGR2's sales were shit when compared to the original PGR that meet the 60fps standard.


I think there is simply zero excuse for not having all racing games this gen at 60 FPS. I remember playing some of the great DC racers and thinking, you know, the great thing about the new systems coming up is that the games will look this good and all be 60 FPS.


If the game is not going to have the sensation of speed that 60 FPS creates, why farking bother?


If they came out and said that this game was running at 60 fps whe it was really 30 you dorks couldnt tell the diff anyway. Go outside or something, you might find a life.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Cutley said:
If they came out and said that this game was running at 60 fps whe it was really 30 you dorks couldnt tell the diff anyway. Go outside or something, you might find a life.

yeah, for real. By the time the game comes out they'll still be justifying themselves to the world why they aren't buying the game while I'll be enjoying what could quite possibly be the best sim racer ever made. Why do these people whine? It's not like their brains can keep up with the framerate anyways.


Cutley said:
If they came out and said that this game was running at 60 fps whe it was really 30 you dorks couldnt tell the diff anyway. Go outside or something, you might find a life.

anyone can spot 30 from 60fps, and their is no need to start name calling and telling people "to get a life". If PGR2 is anything to go by I dont see how anyone can be pleased with the decision they have choosen.

infact PGR2 is faster then forza from what I played.


It`s such a travesty that this game is 30fps. Why did they choose that when they`re directly going after GT4? It doesn`t matter if it`s pushing more polygons and graphical effects, 30fps makes any racing game look like shit.

There`s a reason why GT3 and 4 isn`t 30fps like GT1 and 2 was.


Fight for Freeform said:
No, neither 1 nor 2 ran at 30 fps.

Uh, yes they were. GT2 was a little more unstable but the basis was 30fps.

Anyway, it doesn`t really matter. What matters is that they had the brains to make the sequels 60fps.


I'm pretty sure the basis for GT2 was a sloppy 22 fp or so. it felt a lot chippier than GT1, wich probably was 24, but dont quote me on that.


Drinky Crow said:
You don't have 22 fps games. You have 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, and 60 fps games, all factors of 60 (Hz, the refresh rate of a TV).

Yep. I remember when I worked on my first Playstation game and realized how hard it was to actually maintain 60 Hz. You miss the retrace and BAM, 30 FPS.


Korranator said:
Then they should take some of it out to get it back to 60fps. You'd think they would have learned their lesson when PGR2's sales were shit when compared to the original PGR that meet the 60fps standard.


Like that 60fps that really helped Rallisport 2 and TOCA2 burn up the charts?

And I guess it was that 30fps that kept NFS:U from being such a hit. God EA, why even bother?

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