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New Forza screen (new build?) holy shxt!


Redbeard said:

Like that 60fps that really helped Rallisport 2 and TOCA2 burn up the charts?

And I guess it was that 30fps that kept NFS:U from being such a hit. God EA, why even bother?

Except my sales comparions were from PGR to PGR2.


Korranator said:
Except my sales comparions were from PGR to PGR2.

Except PGR2 being 30FPS meant nothing when talking about it's decrease in sales.

What racing games where available when PGR came out? What racing games were available for the Sequel? If people who bought and own PGR1 didn't like it, would you expect them to buy 2?
there are many more questions, all representing real reasons why PGR1 outsold part2...the difference in FPS is a bullshit reason when argueing sales...most people can't even tell the difference



Digital Foundry pixel pusher
DCX said:
.....why bother...i'm done with this debate....


If you are going to once again suggest that there is little difference between 60 and 30, don't bother. Just accept that some people can easily tell the difference while others can not. For those that can, it can make a world of difference...


Not bitter, just unsweetened
dark10x said:
If you are going to once again suggest that there is little difference between 60 and 30, don't bother. Just accept that some people can easily tell the difference while others can not. For those that can, it can make a world of difference...

i can easily tell the difference, i can tell the difference from even higher refresh rates... but yet it still won't effect how the game plays, it's just a bloody complex people have.


DopeyFish said:
yet it still won't effect how the game plays, it's just a bloody complex people have.


edit: The main reason i feel 60FPS is ever being used is to enhance the gameplay


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
DopeyFish said:
i can easily tell the difference, i can tell the difference from even higher refresh rates... but yet it still won't effect how the game plays, it's just a bloody complex people have.

It is a complex, you're right. That's the problem...

A lower framerate can affect your enjoyment of a game. In my case, 60 fps simply enhances my experience to the point where I become more interested in the game and enjoy playing it more. Yes, it's very strange...but it is the truth. I do not shun lower framerate games, of course, but a high framerate has a big impact on me.

By saying "just" a complex...you ignore the power it can have over people.


Gattsu25 said:
...most people can't even tell the difference

Actually, I think most people CAN tell the difference. It's just that they can't put it into words, they can't explain it. But they can still tell, or feel, the difference.

Ranger X

Hey guys it took you 2 posts to get on the frame rate question!! I thought you would be faster... i'm really deceived.

In a more serious matter i think they start to figure how to do lightning on graphics. But heck i thing they still should give a call at Polyphony to get some expertise imo.


And even i am moderately surprised
aye, i won't be bothering with VF2 now it's confirmed to be sub-60fps.

"If PGR2 is anything to go by I dont see how anyone can be pleased with the decision they have choosen. "

... what the hell was wrong with PGR2? it's a fantastic game.

As long as the frame rate is smooth, i have no issues with 30fps/60fps.


oi... I really shouldn't get into this PGR2 thing... but the framerate is the least of it's problems, they need to fix the model and materials textured onto thm, the track layouts are a shadow of what they used to be in MSR and PGR, the AI still is a violent biotch, only now our car is mostly easier to spin out, grapical glitches and most importany, completely flawed structure.

30 fps is far from helping it either.

but hey, that's just me.

But for those who can tell framerates, and who are annoyed by lower ones, hearing that xxxxxxx high profie racer is 30 fps is far from joy-inducing.


DCharlie said:
aye, i won't be bothering with VF2 now it's confirmed to be sub-60fps.

Tell me your sarcasm meter is running high..either that or you didn't read that whole topic on how VF2 is running exactly the same as the arcade version.


And even i am moderately surprised
"Tell me your sarcasm meter is running high..either that or you didn't read that whole topic on how VF2 is running exactly the same as the arcade version."

my sarcasm meter is running high, and i was tilting my hat towards the other thread :)


DCharlie said:
"Tell me your sarcasm meter is running high..either that or you didn't read that whole topic on how VF2 is running exactly the same as the arcade version."

my sarcasm meter is running high, and i was tilting my hat towards the other thread :)

just checking :p
I imagine what they may do for that is simply drop a frame here or there and try to average out the difference across an entire second for speed sake. Either that or there talking out of their asses. You can't change the refresh rate of a tv. It's locked. The only way to get 22fps would be a mix of 20 and 30. If you're intentionally shooting for a mix, I don't see why you couldn't hit a constant 30, since frames are (so far as i know) treated entirely independently, due to changes from input and the like.

And for the record, I'm almost positive gt2 ran below 30fps. I distinctly remember it being quite choppy.


I dont think it'd bee too hard to run at odd refresh rates:

either you dont wait for the screen refresh, OR you just shedule when you can publish your frames say on a 60 hz scale, you just render as you like and wait for the next screen refresh to pump it out.

If you're expecting to be able to draw sub 30 frames per scond, doing that on a 60 Hz time scale means there would be little lag in the time you have a frame ready and have to wait for the next output slot. Say for 22 fps, you have over 2 chances to output your frame should you miss a refresh, and with such a low rate, people wouldn't be inclined to notice a frame or two popping up on an odd numbered refresh here and there.

At least that's how my more mechanically inclined mind wraps around the issue...
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