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new game zero clue at zoonami.com?

Remember Golden Eye on Nintendo 64? Well, we’re working on a new corporate site for Zoonami, the company behind the game. The new site has a 1950s spy theme and will feature all original 3D artwork from the Vohm studio. Expect lots of neat interactivity and subtle lighting animations when the site launches later this summer…

From the site developer's site.


Chili Con Carnage!
It could be relavent to the game, but then again it might not be, Lionheads website has a damn cool design but it doesn't relate to any of their games in the slightest.


I'm thinking Game Zero may be a Mystery Adventure game or something like that. I tink it's going to kinda like Grim Fandango with realistic graphics.

If the website is indeed any indication of that game.

Li Mu Bai

Saw this on IGN, I believe they are dropping subtle hints. I anticipate seeing what their next project will be on the Revolution.
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