Here are the next lot of games. I'll put a link to this post in the OP.
Castlevania: Spectral Interlude
System: ZX Spectrum 128
Developer: SaNchez, darkman007, diver4d
Release Date: Out Now
Price: Free
Website: http://spectralinterlude.com/
This started off as a port/demake of Castlevania II: Simon's Quest but they ended up making a whole new game instead. I used to play it on the GP2X Caanoo, it's good fun.
Fork Parker's Crunch Out
System: SNES
Developer: Mega Cat Studios
Release Date: ???
Price: US49.99
Website: https://megacatstudios.com/products/fork-parkers-crunch-out
A game about video game developer crunch. Topical!
System: Amiga
Developer: AgedCode
Release Date: ???
Price: ???
Website: http://aquabyss.com/
This game was only just announced today. It's from the creators of The Shadows of Sergoth.
R0x Zero
System: Atari ST/STE
Developer: Retro Gamer CD
Release Date: Out Now
Price: Free
Website: https://demozoo.org/productions/195243/
A very nice looking and sounding SHMUP that's in a ST scene demo.
Tiger Claw
System: C64, Amiga, Amiga CD32
Developer: Lazycow and Saul Cross
Release Date: C64 Out Now/ Amiga Soon
Price: C64 - US2.99/Amiga ???
Website: https://rgcddev.itch.io/tiger-claw
A game inspired the C64 classic Bruce Lee. The Amiga version id supposed to be out around Xmas time.
that's cool!