I haven't posted anything on Intellivania in some time. But it has been slowly coming together. I recorded a little of stage 5 while playing through and looking for bugs and issues to work out.
Pretty much everything is finished. There have been some compromises. The secret treasures found by kneeling or waiting are unlikely to get added, and no form of weapon multipliers exist either. Enemies also don't randomly drop items as they do in the NES game. Besides that, all the levels are there, as well as the bosses, and I also managed to squeeze in the ending.
Besides the racing game mentioned above, I haven't seen anything lately.Any new Dreamcast games?
The Demons of Asteborg for the Sega Mega Drive and Sega Genesis is a brand new game coming out in 2020. In today’s show, we take a look at then next big game to come to the Mega Drive and cover all the information we have on it so far.
Xeno Crises' development was funded through KickstarterI wonder how many copies they sell(?) of these games. Personally I Love it (though I haven’t bought one)
Old Tower (Commodore 64) by RetroSouls
You play as a little explorers in a towers full of deadly trapsretrosouls.itch.io
Sam's Journey has sold over 2000 copies on the C64.I wonder how many copies they sell(?) of these games. Personally I Love it (though I haven’t bought one)
Scourge of the Underkind Amiga Teaser
It does look good. Here's a bit more footage:Getting very Bitmap Brothers vibes from that. Consider me interested.
Could a "Doom" clone run on a 7MHz Amiga 500 with 1MB of RAM?
Here's a little "making of" episode for my secret project aiming for the above.
The game looks pretty cool but as you mentioned, those characters in the cutscenes are laughable.
Great voices for a MD game.
How does the rotation work?
It's a lot of sprites. It's much faster to move around sprites than to try rendering a rotated field in the background. The downside is that the sprite limits get in the way, which is why the visible area is restricted and scenery is so sparse.
Sprites usually come in steps of 11.25°, but large objects (including walls) are made out of multiple sprites that move independently and hence it looks much smoother.
What's the sprite limit?
Old consoles didn't draw everything to a framebuffer (because that required too much memory), instead they generated the graphics on the fly as they scanned the screen. This is great for framerate and memory usage, but it meant that if they didn't have time to process all sprites they would drop the excess instead of slowing down.
In our case, there are three sprites limits: 80 sprites on screen, 20 sprites per scanline, and 320px per scanline (including transparent pixels). These limits prevent Arkagis Revolution from lining up too many sprites horizontally, which is why the viewport is restricted.
How much space does voice acting take up?
Around 800KB. There's around 76 seconds worth of voice acting, however the game uses a system where cutscenes are built out of multiple sub-phrases that are strung together, so the total scenes add up to much longer.
Voices are stored uncompressed (raw 8-bit) at 10650Hz. They could have been compressed, but there's a lot of free ROM space and it wasn't worth risking to break the sound driver.
A thread for new games that are being made and released for ancient hardware.
There are still a fair few new, interesting looking games coming out on older systems, so I thought it would be a good idea to have a thread to keep track of them and to also look at some of the games that have come out in recent years that might have been missed by people.
Here's something that was posted recently that fits into this subject:
Farming Simulator is coming to the Commodore 64
System: Commodore 64
Developer: Jamie Fuller, Del Seymour, Roy Widding
Release Date: Out Now
Price: Free
Website: https://www.jamiefuller.com/portal/
A 2D version of Portal.
Review: Portal (C64)
Micro Mages
System: NES
Developer: Morphcat Games
Release Date: 2019
Price: Digital - €8 EUR + Shipping/Cartridge + Digital - €42 EUR + Shipping
Website: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/micro-mages-a-new-game-for-the-nes#/
A nice looking 40kb vertical platformer with funky music.
Sam's Journey
System: Commodore 64
Developer: Knights of Bytes
Release Date: Out Now
Price: Digital - $23.99 USD/Boxed Disk - €45/Boxed Cart - €65
Website: https://www.knightsofbytes.games/samsjourney
A colourful and cute platformer with lots of levels.
The Shadows of Sergoth
System: Amiga, Amstrad CPC 6128
Developer: AgedCode
Release Date: Amstrad version Out Now/Amiga ???
Price: ???
Website: https://doublesidedgames.com/the-shadows-of-sergoth-for-the-commodore-amiga-coming-2019/
A cool looking dungeon crawler in the style of Dungeon Master, Eye Of The Beholder etc. The Amstrad version has gotten good reviews.
Planet X3
System: MS-DOS
Developer: David Murray
Release Date: May 2019
Price: DIgita; - US$10/Floppy - US$20/Boxed - US$35
A real-time strategy game for DOS by David Murray AKA The 8-Bit Guy on Youtube. The sequel to Project X2, which came out on the C64.
More to come.
If you see any errors in this post, let me know and I'll fix them up.
- 5 more games posted
- Another 5 games posted
- 5 more!
GG Aleste 3 announced for Sega GameGear (or Sega GameGear mini of incoming release), TGS2020 announcement ...
[SEGA Partners Title Stage] The secret ball of the shooting game "Arresta Collection" released on December 24th was the new game "GG Arresta 3" for the first time in 24 years. We have delivered the charm and new information with President M2 Horii!