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New GTA Feature -- Outdoors, Graphical Improvements, New Targeting, And more!


Banstick Emeritus
Gerber said:
Are there any screens with more than 3 people in them?



Tag of Excellence
Remember kids the only way you can troll is to use the excuse of messing with the fanboys. If you've already done that then the sky's the limit!
Will there be random weather patterns added to the game as well? Like rain or thunderstorms? That was one of the most enjoyable parts in TWW... the night/day pattern as well as the various weather conditions.


Yes, they improved the graphics im glad they did.

am i the only one that remembers that when GTA:VC was coming around they said that they maxed out ps2 completly

now this game looks 2x as better!!

I like all the gameplay improvements as well more so than the graphics

that will be cool if you can have your own house or farm or both and you have to keep it maintained like cutting the grass and the crops ( you do have to maintain yourself as well too)


being watched
Why didnt they go the whole hog and make GTA:THE MMPORG?

This one sounds like it has far too much micro management.
"Why didnt they go the whole hog and make GTA:THE MMPORG?"

That's what GTA4 is going to be...Well it's going to be online anyway.


Will all these graphical "upgrades" be as dramatic as the upgrades we saw from GTAIII to Vice City??? Because if so, they could shove it straight up their asses.

edit: fixed

evil ways

open_mouth_ said:
Will all these "upgrades" be as dramatic as the upgrades we saw from GTAIII to Vice City??? Because if so, they could shove it straight up their asses.

You gotta ask yourself........

Could you swim and deep sea dive in Vice City?
Could you strafe and aim freely with a crosshair and target specific body parts?
Could you customize cars?
Could you customize your physical appearance?
Could you wield dual weapons?
Could you learn 3 different fighting styles?
Could you customize your stats like strength, speed, stamina, aim etc.?

Then you'll have your answer.

In my opinion, it's pretty clear that the gameplay upgrades and additions by far exceed by a large margin anything that was included in the jump from GTAIII to Vice City.

Ranger X

open_mouth_ said:
Will all these graphical "upgrades" be as dramatic as the upgrades we saw from GTAIII to Vice City??? Because if so, they could shove it straight up their asses.

edit: fixed

Just in graphic department i can clearly see that characters have more polygons and stuff around too. Look at many screen shot and you'll notice the lightning have been redone completely too (ex; that beam from the helicopter was impossible in previous installement). They said in some in terview that there will be random temperature and the return of the fog effect (that was removed from Vice City because of too much slowdown).
Remember also that San Andreas will be COMPLETELY streaming with you NEVER hitting a loading screen even with all those graphic additions and improvements.
There's also fucking GRASS on the ground now. (ok not Jak2 level but it is fucking impressive for a game like GTA with 10 0000 things going on and calculated at the same time).

With Vice City we felt like "GTA3 engine pushed to me max" but this time around i guess we will really feel "wow, new version of the engine indeed".


Die Squirrel Die said:
Actually I think I've figured it out. There's meant to be rivers, well they'll close the bridges over the rivers. Which by my calculations leaves an area larger than either Liberty or Vice City open from the start.

But..you can swim..


Tag of Excellence
evil ways said:
Could you swim and deep sea dive in Vice City?
Could you wield dual weapons?
Could you learn 3 different fighting styles?

If you don't mind can you elaborate on those three points? I never knew you could do that and that is really awesome.

EDIT: Oh sorry, I knew about the swimming but I didn't know about the deep sea diving!


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
TekunoRobby said:
If you don't mind can you elaborate on those three points? I never knew you could do that and that is really awesome.

Various previews have mentioned that you can swim in SA.
Along with building up your strength you also build up familiarity with weapons, this allows you to reload a weapon faster, a few other stats and eventually dual wield. The more you use a particular weapon the better you get with it.
I can't remember any details about the fighting system.

evil ways

There are places where you can learn different fighting styles. There's a martial arts dojo, a boxing training facility and a place where you can learn dirtier fighting techniques.


Seriously, this series has been a breath of fresh air for me. Its created a genre in it self, and will be remebered for many years to come.

Like the mario 64 of this gen, Rockstar deserve all the success GTA gets!


AssMan said:
Open_Mouth_ just got PWN

what are you talking about? I think most people remember all the hyping Rockstar was doing of the supposed graphical updates from GTAIII to Vice City and once we all played the latter, it was evident that everything they said was pretty much bullocks (or so minor as to be unnoticable).


"You know the old saying... fool me once..."


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
open_mouth_ said:
what are you talking about? I think most people remember all the hyping Rockstar was doing of the supposed graphical updates from GTAIII to Vice City and once we all played the latter, it was evident that everything they said was pretty much bullocks (or so minor as to be unnoticable).

With all the additions to gameplay we've seen and heard, with the huge amount of new areas available and items to interact with... you're fixed on how much of a graphical update this game got from the previous version?

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