abstract alien
I'm not sure if this is a joke, because the Bleach anime did end. Unless you're talking about the manga being on hiatus.
Yeah, I'm talking about the hiatus.
I'm not sure if this is a joke, because the Bleach anime did end. Unless you're talking about the manga being on hiatus.
Perhaps you know it and linked it as a joke, but that is a fake news website.
"Messy" is a euphemism in his case.Hopefully his wife, bless her soul, manages to not allow things to get that bad.
I think it's heavily implied that he did, and that Hisoka killed him:
I don't think Hisoka would just leave his target, unless Chrollo died some other way.
Edit: Woops, double post. My bad.
Is it really? I had no idea. Would've been hilarious if they were all going to play DQPerhaps you know it and linked it as a joke, but that is a fake news website.
I think it's heavily implied that he did, and that Hisoka killed him:
"Messy" is a euphemism in his case.Hopefully his wife, bless her soul, manages to not allow things to get that bad.
So, I've read the manga chapters..
Is there a dedicated HxH manga thread?
These things are most definitely not implied at all
No, it wasn't.
Not sure how else you can take the fact that Hisoka abandoned his target? Unless you just think he's waiting for some reason, even though they already found an exorcist. He was doing something during the entire Chimera Ant arc.
To Hisoka, everything he did the entire Yorkshin are was for the one purpose of being alone with Chrollo in order to fight him, and that's when he was a member of the troupe, and there was a reason for Chrollo to stay there (the auctions). It's not beyond reason that he's having difficulty accomplishing the same thing again, especially when the troupe's fully aware of him.Not sure how else you can take the fact that Hisoka abandoned his target? Unless you just think he's waiting for some reason, even though they already found an exorcist. He was doing something during the entire Chimera Ant arc.
1) the way I took it was to hide Gotohs death from KilluaI finally got to end. Really sad, cos I absolutely loved it. A few questions,
1) In the end credits, one of the shapeshifters came back as Ghotoh... Anyone know why?
2) will there ever be more episodes made?
3) what is pariston's deal? He kinda gave me the feeling that he was related to Hisoka in some way....
Isn't it to keep his death a secret so Killua and Alluka don't get upset?1) In the end credits, one of the shapeshifters came back as Ghotoh... Anyone know why?
So, I've read the manga chapters..
Is there a dedicated HxH manga thread?
I think it was around 338.What chapter did the anime finish at? I guess I should go ahead and read as well
I think it was around 338.
Awesome, thanks
Officially, from Viz (if you're lucky enough to not be from an IP blocked country). All other translations are way worse, and it's against the rules to discuss them on gaf.Where can I find the best scans/translations for HxH?
God that was so fucking stupid.
I actually think
Manga spoiler:Nanika is from the Dark Continent and Killua will try to take her "home". So I do think the whole crew will be involved in the next arc. It was heavily implied when Silva said she wasn't from "this world"
Hope Togashi made some New Year's resolutions.
Hope Togashi made some New Year's resolutions.
Manga Spoilers
I think Nanika is from the Dark Continent too. The way the "Ai" Calamitie leaves its victims is very similar to the way Nanika leaves its. Also, just the fact that even the likes of the Zodiacs had felt nothing like Nanika's power when it was surging implies it's clearly on different level altogether, at least as far as Nen goes, assuming it is Nen of course. We also know that the Zoldyck family have travelled to the DC at least once.
However, I don't think they'll be involved right after they were the main focus of the previous arc. Coupled with the fact that we haven't seen Leorio and Kurapika in forever leads me to believe that this will be mostly about them out of the main four. It's not like the arc needs them anyway, there's tons of interesting possibilities already. I don't think we'll even see Gon that much, I think we'll see occasional updates on him and by the end of the arc he'll have figured out what he wants to do.
They could very much be involved though, it's definitely not out of the question.
Here's a prediction of mine
The way I think Alluka and Killua will come back into the story is after the DC arc and word of mouth about Alluka will get around and the potential danger his power is to the world. People of all sorts are going to get involved. Hunters, Assassins, The Mafia, the underground itself - some people are going to want to control Alluka for power and some are going to want to kill him out of fear. This will make the Zoldycks but especially Killua and Illumi a lot more desperate and overall things will get a lot more crazy.
I definitely think the next major step in Killua's development is Alluka's death. He's the only one of the main four that has never experienced any real loss, after all... he doesn't know that Gotoh is dead. We've never really seen him just straight up pissed either, we've seen him annoyed and angry but nothing has never really sent him over that edge like we've seen with the others. He's always been more composed compared to the others. In the last arc, we saw some of that shell chipping away every time Alluka was threatened or brought up negatively in any-way, he even had the black aura that Gon had when he was going nuts. I definitely think Alluka is his soft-spot and Togashi is going to explore this.
Furthermore, I think Alluka kinda has to die... unless his power has a major limitation in what he can grant, otherwise it's just a more accessible version of the Dragon Balls. A walking plot-device to fix everything when shit goes south and that ain't good story-telling, knowing that despite all the damage everything will be okay in the end because Alluka is OP.
Wow, I never thought about that. LOL This could actually be it, holy shitYes, to play DQ:Heroes from Day 1.
Also yeah, Alluka's definitely from the DC, as well as Gon's mom maybe? Could explain why we've never seen her as well as why Ging insist so much on going (back?) there.
Wow, I never thought about that. LOL This could actually be it, holy shit
As much as the arc needed some editing, boy it stuck that landing hard.holy shit that ending to the chimera ants arc.
holy shit that ending to the chimera ants arc.
holy shit that ending to the chimera ants arc.
holy shit that ending to the chimera ants arc.
I just gotta say, there's a special place reserved in hell for people who bump HxH threads.
I just gotta say, there's a special place reserved in hell for people who bump HxH threads.
I don't mind. I like seeing new people experience the majesty of HxH