Finally able to catch up again
-Couldn't Morel just have made a clone to check what's happening outside the smoke wall?
-I feel like butterfly is going to betray the other guards
-Red guy transforms into some Pegasus knight thing? lol okay. Seems he evolved mentally as well...somehow
-Oh god Knov
-Cell just no selling Netero's attacks
-This Gyro biz better amount to something because last I recall there was a lengthy flashback on this dude only for him to just die unceremoniously. Now wolfie apparently has some relation to him
-Palm no

At least she still has her sanity. Are those abilities she displayed new or did she have that already?
-Role reversal. Gon is 'calm' and in charge, and Pitou is shitting her pants. I'm liking this
-I liked how Cell vs Netes was essentially a battle of strategy, but the fight itself was just Cell getting slapped around repeatedly. At least Netero went out like a boss