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new JPNs boxarts -- FFXI+Fire Emblem

king zell







Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Good lord, I like all of them (well Pokemon and Broken Sword are ok anyway). That's got to be a first.



This game owns, and I don't even know what the fuck it is.


Fucking awesome. Please, please keep with the Shinkawa art for the US release, Konami.


Unconfirmed Member
Andy787 said:
Don't deny that shit, it rocks. (I don't know wtf it is either, but it rocks)

Yeah, it does rock. Really, really hard. I wanna know what it is! That art is superfly.

The Mawaru Made in Wario box is fucking ace, too. GBAGOTY.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Tabris said:

What's that one all about? Chains of Promothia + Original? Rise of Zilart?

Looks like it. The Orange label only has one subtitle, while this one has 3 and a Playonline logo.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
jarrod said:
Wow, Broken Sword's gotten released everywhere but America. :/

Is it different than the Xbox version?



Seima no Kouseki's gameplay will focus more on character-building than previous installments in the Fire Emblem series, and players will be able to choose between two classes to upgrade each of their characters as they fight against teams of monsters. The game will also feature a new map system, which will allow players to go back to old maps to rack up additional experience.

Can't wait
Laurent said:
Because it will be made available in Japan on Winter 2004 (after USA)...

I think his point is why does a boxart have a games release date on it? It kinda looks more like a poster than boxart.


SolidSnakex said:
I think his point is why does a boxart have a games release date on it? It kinda looks more like a poster than boxart.
It's not written "A HIDEO KOJIMA GAME" either! Should we start panicking?


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
amrum said:
Seima no Kouseki's gameplay will focus more on character-building than previous installments in the Fire Emblem series, and players will be able to choose between two classes to upgrade each of their characters as they fight against teams of monsters. The game will also feature a new map system, which will allow players to go back to old maps to rack up additional experience.
Awesome. This game damned well better reach North America.
Laurent said:
It's not written "A HIDEO KOJIMA GAME" either! Should we start panicking?

I checked the boxart in the other thread, and it doesn't have that either. So either this isn't the real boxart, or they haven't completed it yet.


SolidSnakex said:
I checked the boxart in the other thread, and it doesn't have that either. So either this isn't the real boxart, or they haven't completed it yet.
Well I think they will simply replace "WINTER 2004" with "A HIDEO KOJIMA GAME" since it's right at the same spot...


dear god, is the japanese prince of persia cover like infinity times better than the US one.

the kappa game appears to be a kappa breeding simulation. hence 'how to breed kappas'. =P (a kappa a japanese mythological acquatic creature.)

the FFXI disc in question is an "all in one pack" with the main game, zilart, and promathia. it says "all in one pack" down the left side in that grey band. start learning katakana, people! it's just english in japanese. =)


Very nice covers. /me drools at Fire Emblem.

MGS3 looks nice, but way to similar to MGS2 (Which isnt really a bad thing)
I love the FFXI boxart, and I do hope they keep the style of the American version (when's it do out here anyways?). Meh, I'm going to have to get myself a second harddrive


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
DarthWufei said:
I love the FFXI boxart, and I do hope they keep the style of the American version (when's it do out here anyways?). Meh, I'm going to have to get myself a second harddrive

Don't worry, the American version is exactly the same as the orange rimmed one.


DarthWufei, it's a little different, mainly in color saturation and positioning:

Nothing major, though.


hyperbolically metafictive
man, what's up with the japanese getting much better boxart on western games? those prince of persia and broken sword covers are great.

i dig the new made in wario cover too - reminds me of that old tv commercial for super mario land 2. anyone remember that one? with the cartoon wario trying to hypnotize you?

oh, and i swear i've said this before, but the heroine of the new fire emblem looks exactly like yuko from valis. even more so in game.
drohne said:
reminds me of that old tv commercial for super mario land 2. anyone remember that one? with the cartoon wario trying to hypnotize you?
Yeeeeah, and he had all drool between his teeth. Funny stuff. They played it every morning for a while on the Channel One advertising bullshit TV they had in 7th grade.

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!

I'm sure this game sucks, but it is based on a very funny manga that I recommend anyone with Japanese knowledge go out and buy. It's set in the mid-1970s and based on the idea that scientists have succeeded in breeding kappas (mythical Japanese pond monsters) for captivity and they're now the hot new pet sensation of Japan.

There are around 3 volumes and, as mentioned, is very funny.
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