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New Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Media


Does anyone know if there will be re-spawning enemies? Or will it be like once you clear a cave its empty forever.

They respawn with the exception of special mobs, and bosses, but it will take awhile. They tried to make it alittle realistic in how long it would take an area to repopulate.

From the Reckoning forums:

Pawno(forum member):
With EA trying to establish Origin as an alternative to Steam, I wouldn't put too much hope of seeing KoAR on Steam before release day. If it does happen it will most likely be well after launch (Battlefield 3 is still MIA)

Curt Shilling:
That would be incorrect With some hand wrangling, we were able to semi-negotiate our own Steam deal, I say semi because obviously we didn't have free reign to do it, not yet....


They respawn with the exception of special mobs, and bosses, but it will take awhile. They tried to make it alittle realistic in how long it would take an area to repopulate.

Sounds good, I wouldn't expect repawn to be instant or even close to that, but the game would become pretty dull if later endgame stuff had you traveling across old areas only to have them empty.


Those loading times seem horrendous.
I wonder if that's what we'll be seeing in the retail release, or if they'll have it optimized a bit more, and cut the loading times back.

Not really a deal breaker by any means, but I know it'll have me avoiding loading screens whenever I can. Like in Skyrim, if I happened to forget something in a shop, or my house, I'd say fuck it and go on without it because I didn't want to deal with two more loading screens.

It just sort of kills my own freedom of exploration, as I'd not want to enter too many houses, for example, and deal with all those load times. (Hopefully load times going into a house won't be so insanely long, like it is in Skyrim.)

Edit: Wow, in the IG Extended video, he goes into an Inn and it takes 27 seconds to load, and 51 seconds when he returned to the outside.
Those loading times seem horrendous.
I wonder if that's what we'll be seeing in the retail release, or if they'll have it optimized a bit more, and cut the loading times back.

Not really a deal breaker by any means, but I know it'll have me avoiding loading screens whenever I can. Like in Skyrim, if I happened to forget something in a shop, or my house, I'd say fuck it and go on without it because I didn't want to deal with two more loading screens.

It just sort of kills my own freedom of exploration, as I'd not want to enter too many houses, for example, and deal with all those load times. (Hopefully load times going into a house won't be so insanely long, like it is in Skyrim.)

Edit: Wow, in the IG Extended video, he goes into an Inn and it takes 27 seconds to load, and 51 seconds when he returned to the outside.

Unoptimized devkit builds are not the same as retail versions. Trust me on this.


Dear god, let that be true.

Yeah the full version doesn't require Origin, it was added to the Steam registry a week or two ago. I might not even try the demo since it's very likely I'll be buying it anyway and I don't even want something as small as 45 minutes spoiled.


In my mind, I love the idea of Curt Schilling negotiating to get an EA published game on Steam. Dude is mad cool (and a great baseball player!)

Seriously, I'm not the biggest baseball fan, but I can respect his accomplisments in the sport. I've been following the reckoning forums for since around june last year when they opened them, and he's done almost nothing but impress me to no end.

I'll give an example, and this may not mean alot to some, but here it is anway.

a guy named "Polar" posted a thread in which he was talking about some of his "fears" for the game. It was not the best worded OP i've ever seen, but either way some people started jumping on him, and this was Curts response in the thread:

Please remember...

One thing guys.

I think most people are here because they are fans of the game, or us, or both. That's awesome and you hopefully understand how cool that is for us.

We've also made it very clear our mission is 'World Domination through gaming" and that our mindset is to do it better than its ever been done before. That pertains to EVERYTHING, including our forums.

We will NOT be forum nazi's, and we don't want our fans to be either.

If you love us, and our games kick ass, don't post yourself and the forums into the same place every other fan forum goes. Our games, and our fans/players, will speak for themselves. In quality and conduct.

Yes you can bash trolls, we'll try to remove the inappropriate stuff, but we absolutely MUST have the detractors and dislikes here. We as a company HAVE to hear things we are missing, or possibly missing, and there are times when that will join up with a post by someone who hates us/me/our game(s).

That's cool, because heated exchange = passion, and generally people aren't passionate about things they don't care about.

The analogy I always told young players was that you 'don't get booed in Yankee stadium if you suck because Yankee fans don't care about you. Getting booed there means you're good, and you've done something to make them dislike you in competition'.

Same thing here, as we become the best game company in the world we WILL get haters and people that don't like us, that's part of becoming #1, and we can live with that.

I'd ask a favor of you, the players as well, say and do what you want to here, but if at all possible keep it adult and with some integrity. You win dissenters through awesome games and kindness Or they'll just have to settle for missing out on the best games around!

Just about everything the guy says on their forums makes me believe that he really "gets it". The things that he has said about the collectors editions before they were announced)and how they turned out), his stance on DLC, his attitude in reguards to the fans, have all been spot on.

I don't know how much i'm going to like/love Reckoning, and I can't say for sure until I actually get to play it ( I think i'm going to really like it though), but if this is the kind of studio he is going to run, and his level of honesty, and dedication to the fanbase holds true, then I will be a fan of theirs for life.

At this point I probably sound like a fanboy for a game i've never even played, but really they make it hard not to root for them with the way they present themselves. I hope they find success so that they can be truly independent.


Schilling definitely seems like a cool guy. Ever since I heard him on The Instance (WoW podcast) a few years ago it was clear that he's genuinely enthusiastic about games.


The way it went was that BHG has a regular D&D group. Ian Frazier the lead designer is their DM, and they ended up creating a unique set of armor, where each piece of the set is named after each staff members character in their D&D game. They are supposed to be pretty well hidden though, highly special gear.

Custom armor sets are awesome. I'm glad Reckoning will give me something to do while we wait endlessly for Diablo 3.

I still say our rival Dark Sun D&D group is the superior group, but then Ian might smite me down. He's a truly evil DM. :p


What IS his stance on DLC? I've missed that chatter.

These are all posts Curt made on the subject of DLC on their forums, not everything but a few select quotes

On pre-order bonus DLC
We made, I mean they made (Ian and the gang) a concious decision NOT to have our pre-order items be items that were in game that we pulled. Same with DLC, it's not content we pulled, it's content made specifically to be DLC or bonus items. I don't ever want us to have to do that.
In this day and age I COMPLETELY hear the players arguments regarding bonuses and what not. Unfortunately until 38 is up and on it's feet, on it's own, we don't get to completely make those decisions by ourselves.

On DLC in reguards to Collectors editions:
I have no desire to make DLC content exclusive with CE's. CE's are about getting cool toys, physical items and some cool in game items that hard core fans would enjoy, but not content. Content is what we should be making for the game you paid for, or the DLC you paid for.

On DLC post launch:
I think you guys will really like some of the post launch things we do, beyond DLC.
I can say this much, barely, I was in Baltimore yesterday for a milestone and one of the later DLC packs was being shown, and I can comfortably tell you I've never played a game that had deeper or bigger content in every DLC pack planned. It's big, it's huge, and it's awesome. Their DLC plans are insane, and they're stunning.
To the point above I also think you guys will LOVE some of the post launch plans and how they get you to go out and around in the world, regardless of whether you've hit cap or not, there will be very cool reasons and ideas behind getting you around and in the content beyond the questlines at launch and DLC.....

It's possible I've missed it somewhere but have the Docters ever posted on the Bioware forums? Talked to the community? Has Todd from Beth?

I don't follow their forums as much as I used to so it's possible they have, and I just missed it.

Custom armor sets are awesome. I'm glad Reckoning will give me something to do while we wait endlessly for Diablo 3.
Yeah I agree. The Idea that you could go exploring and find genuinely unique awesome pieces of loot in the most hidden places is great

I also dig the fact that every Armor set featured in the destiny cards, is in the actual game, and can be worn by the character.

He's a truly evil DM. :p

I've Heard stories :p
Well, I really want to play as a Dwarf, Gnome or a Hobbity-thing. If they can make that as DLC, I'll pay a pretty penny even for that by itself.

And if Curt finally gets his wish of of playable Centuar race, I'll pay for that too. I know they had to cut it out but hopefully it shows up later. Since they plan on doing some big time DLC content, they may do it even though it is alot of work.


Thanks for the clarification, Reaper.

This is going to be your first hands-on tomorrow, right?

Yeah, Would not be surprised if someone suspected I work for 38 :p. The only reason I know as much as I do though, is because I've read pretty much everything there is to read on it, watched all the vids. Plus i've been trying to expose the game to others because I like the devs, and the game looks great to me so gotta know what to tell people. Really looking forward to the demo tomarrow. Can't put me finger on why exactly just have a good feeling about the game. If i'm wrong though, i'll be dining on a feast of crows.

You and Nista know alot more about how the game is and feels to play though some of the questions that people have the two of you are better equiped to answer then I would be.
Yeah, Would not be surprised if someone suspected I work for 38 :p. The only reason I know as much as I do though, is because I've read pretty much everything there is to read on it, watched all the vids. Plus i've been trying to expose the game to others because I like the devs, and the game looks great to me so gotta know what to tell people. Really looking forward to the demo tomarrow. Can't put me finger on why exactly just have a good feeling about the game. If i'm wrong though, i'll be dining on a feast of crows.

You and Nista know alot more about how the game is and feels to play though some of the questions that people have the two of you are better equiped to answer then I would be.

I find Facebook has been helping me to make others aware of the game. I'm posting vids and will continue to do so until launch. My younger brother has finally been swayed after about a year or more of me talking about this one.lol

I sure that mentioning R.A. Salvatore, Todd McFarlane , Ken Rolston (Bethesda) and Grant Kirkhope (music guy from Rare) were hired to work on this game helped to sway him.

For the record, Ken Rolston also worked on pen and paper RPG's like Dungeons and Dragons, Warhammer and RuneQuest.
Were those long loading times happening because he didnt do an install? Felt like 25% of that machinima video was of the loading screen. The game does look mighty interesting though.


Was those long loading times happening because he didnt do an install? Felt like 25% of that machinima video was of the loading screen. The game does look mighty interesting though.

I'm pretty sure they were just playing a beta version. Regardless, installing will probably help a good amount.


I keep searching PSN, hoping it shows up early in search like they like to do sometimes

yeah, i keep checking the live marketplace website too. sometimes they will show up on the website early and you can add them to your queue from there and download demos before they are actually up.


You and Nista know alot more about how the game is and feels to play though some of the questions that people have the two of you are better equiped to answer then I would be.

I'll chime in when I can. The reason I don't talk much about how the game feels, is that I've played it at various times in development, so I know how much it's progressed in look and feel versus someone who's only played the press demos or release build. I also cut them more slack on certain limitations of the game due to the development cycle. The end product is still the best RPG of 2012.

Seriously though, the load times are not going to be as bad as in that one video. Unless you have a half-broken launch xbox like I do. :p

Anybody know if EA is going to advertise this?

Or send it to die like Alice, Mirrors Edge, Shadows of Damned etc etc

Wonder if it's too late for me to rob a bank and buy a 30 second slot for Reckoning during the Super Bowl?


Has problems recognising girls
Aeana was gushing over this recently, and I recalled telling Stumpokapow that the game looked shit the other day, so I went back and saw that there was a heck of a lot more media for it compared to what I initially watched months and months ago.

Looks so much better from what I had remembered. I am actually excited to try it out and hope Salvatore wrote up some decent lore instead of a quick and weak narrative and world. I think the egg that finally hatched was when I saw Kirkhope's name. Showed off a quick 5 minute video to my better half and she seems more genuinely interested in it than me now.

Hopefully the demo morphs my rising interest in to concrete anticipation.


Glad to see this game finally getting some recognition.

This is gearing up to be the game that I wanted after enjoying the first Fable: an open world game with a good battle system


I sure that mentioning R.A. Salvatore, Todd McFarlane , Ken Rolston (Bethesda) and Grant Kirkhope (music guy from Rare) were hired to work on this game helped to sway him.

For the record, Ken Rolston also worked on pen and paper RPG's like Dungeons and Dragons, Warhammer and RuneQuest.
Yeah, the collective resume of the studio is pretty crazy.

I also think I heard Rolston on the Bombcast last week say that one of their designers was the lead designer on Titan Quest.
I'll chime in when I can. The reason I don't talk much about how the game feels, is that I've played it at various times in development, so I know how much it's progressed in look and feel versus someone who's only played the press demos or release build. I also cut them more slack on certain limitations of the game due to the development cycle. The end product is still the best RPG of 2012.

Seriously though, the load times are not going to be as bad as in that one video. Unless you have a half-broken launch xbox like I do. :p

Wonder if it's too late for me to rob a bank and buy a 30 second slot for Reckoning during the Super Bowl?

The Super Bowl would be the ultimate shot in the arm to create demand. Overnight (literally) everyone would know of the game whereas currently, no one knows what we are talking about.
Yeah, the collective resume of the studio is pretty crazy.

I also think I heard Rolston on the Bombcast last week say that one of their designers was the lead designer on Titan Quest.


Fuck yeah!

I loves me some Titan Quest. TQ had to be the best Diablo clone ever made.


Game was completely off my radar till recently. It looks great. I love their approach to creating a character that can branch off into skillsets simultaneously and they don't force a class down your throat. Too many games these days focus far too much on a class-base linear system, and its become pretty stale and boring.

I haven't read into the world/lore and such at all yet. What is the world going to be like in terms of structure? Is this open world like Skyrim, or more linear? Exploration is always a huge plus for me, so I'm hoping the world is pretty large.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Game was completely off my radar till recently. It looks great. I love their approach to creating a character that can branch off into skillsets simultaneously and they don't force a class down your throat. Too many games these days focus far too much on a class-base linear system, and its become pretty stale and boring.

I haven't read into the world/lore and such at all yet. What is the world going to be like in terms of structure? Is this open world like Skyrim, or more linear? Exploration is always a huge plus for me, so I'm hoping the world is pretty large.

it's open world, but it's kind of like Sacred 2's open world if you played that. You can go wherever, though you'll get killed in certain areas, but you can't explore everything yo usee. There's a minimap that shows how much of that area is explorable like a traditional rpg


it's open world, but it's kind of like Sacred 2's open world if you played that. You can go wherever, though you'll get killed in certain areas, but you can't explore everything yo usee. There's a minimap that shows how much of that area is explorable like a traditional rpg

I'm okay with that. How open are 'areas' ? Any idea how large the world is all together?


Game was completely off my radar till recently. It looks great. I love their approach to creating a character that can branch off into skillsets simultaneously and they don't force a class down your throat. Too many games these days focus far too much on a class-base linear system, and its become pretty stale and boring.

I haven't read into the world/lore and such at all yet. What is the world going to be like in terms of structure? Is this open world like Skyrim, or more linear? Exploration is always a huge plus for me, so I'm hoping the world is pretty large.

If your interested in the lore you can read up on some of it here http://www.amalur.com/ They have alot of information on the different races, places of interest, etc. Lots of stuff to dive into early if you wish. This information does not all pertain exclusively to Reckoning though as Reckoning takes place in a small sliver of time in the history R.A created for it. The MMO thats coming later I think takes place at the end of this timeline.

As far as the world size goes, it's really, really big. It's not like TES though so I would not want to give you the wrong impression. Think more of a mix between something like The Elder Scrolls, mixed with Fable. They have huge open areas to explore that are connected through pathways that link each to each other, but the pathways also have branching points to explore aswell. So you can't glitch jump a mountian for instance like you would a TES game, you actually can't jump at all without being in specific "jump points". It's still huge though, and it has lots of little nooks and crannys to explore, and find, and I think the last number they gave was 129 unique handcrafted dungeons.

You can get and Idea of how big the world is from this thread on the Reckoning forums: http://forums.reckoning.amalur.com/showthread.php?2079-The-Ginormous-World-of-Amalur

And here is the world map for reference:



The Super Bowl would be the ultimate shot in the arm to create demand. Overnight (literally) everyone would know of the game whereas currently, no one knows what we are talking about.

I doubt EA is going to throw $2 million for a 30 second ad for this game. They have a history of not supporting their partner games very much. Maybe if Schilling feels like blowing 2 mil of his own money that could happen.


I doubt EA is going to throw $2 million for a 30 second ad for this game. They have a history of not supporting their partner games very much. Maybe if Schilling feels like blowing 2 mil of his own money that could happen.

They will do it for Mass Effect 3 (maybe) because they own it, and Bioware. Your right though in the fact that they would not do something like that for Reckoning. My guess is that the Mass Effect cross promo is the best we will see for EA doing any major marketing for the game.

Their stance has been that they would market the game more as it got more attention, but you need marketing to create the attention. So for 38 it's a double edged sword. However word of mouth seems to be spreading, and lots of different places are talking about the game. IGN of all places has been pushing quite a bit for Reckoning, and like them or not but in terms of gaming specific sites they probably get the most eyes on them.


38 is a smaller company and the president/CEO has the ability to be more one-on-one with the community. It's great, though.

Ehh, personally I don't hate Bioware they were one of my favorite RPG studios for a long time. I've been disappointed with some of their more recent releases, but overall they are still good/great games (Except DA2).

Beth I have larger issues with which would take too long to explain here so that is what it is. I have a PS3, and my PC is not what it needs to be, inorder to be a dedicated games machine like I would want.

The difference here though, is that from what Curt has shown me over the past year is that if something goes wrong, or if the studio slips up with something, etc. I can honestly have faith that Curt would make sure that it was addressed, and fixed, and he's at the top. Thats not even going into the rest of the Dev team that has actively been participating on their forums. He's addressed every single issue thats been raised, from the "stupid" questions, to the good ones. I could be wrong, but the way his personality comes across I don't think that will change.

When people had issues with Biowares games, it's been about deflection of blame onto the fans, and how we just dont "get" them anymore.

With Beth I don't think i've ever seen Todd or anyone else from beth ever actually apologize for releasing a broken product to it's consumers (PS3 version especially). Great it's getting a patch, but what about those without an internet connection? I understand these kinds of games will have bugs, I expect them to, but I would also expect the game to be playable as intended at the least. Which Skyrim was not for many and continues to be.


I don't know, they might give this a commercial. They gave Dante's Inferno one two years ago during the SB.


Thanks for mentioning the Bombcast podcast. I've never really listened to them before but so far (6 minutes in) it is great. These guys have some really great personalities and really open up for this one.

I could picture myself playing D&D with these guys on a weekend.

Yep, Bomcast is awesome. That was a cool interview.

And a little Googling tells me that Ian Frazier, now with Big Huge, was indeed the senior level designer on Titan Quest.


Oh also for anyone with a PC interested the game will also be available for D2D, so I think it's pretty clear at this point that it will not be Origin exclusive.


I don't know, they might give this a commercial. They gave Dante's Inferno one two years ago during the SB.
Again, it's the difference between a game developed in house by EA and from one of their partners. They've yet to give any partner published game a decent push.


Oh also for anyone with a PC interested the game will also be available for D2D, so I think it's pretty clear at this point that it will not be Origin exclusive.

Well there arn't really any "Origin Exclusives", Battlefield 3 is on D2D also.

Its not a matter of Origin only its a matter of "not on steam".
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