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New LOZ, will it be Nintendo's fastest & best-selling game?

Li Mu Bai

It's a very distinct possibility, despite debuting on the tailend of the GC's lifecycle, (like MM on the N64) this is easily next year's most anticipated & high profile title across all platforms arguably. The title will push some console growth, it will be arriving at the height of the GC's NA marketshare penetration, it is Nintendo's most marketable console IP IMO. As much as I love the LOZ:WW, myself or anyone else for that matter can see & realize that the cel-shading threw off many potential software & console buyers who were obviously wanting the SW2000 Link.

Remember when Miyamoto said Link was becoming a teen idol amongst girls in JPN? (regarding Link in SC) I know for a fact that in JPN that WW's 700k+ sales will be easily exceeded. (I expect a million+ sales minimally there) A much larger installed userbase, as well as a much more appealing "Link" & overall game design will have a tremendous effect ww. Here? By that time 2 million+ copies will not even be a far-fetched number, its anticipation level among gamers is akin to Halo 2's. (though not at the same fever-pitch) I had a similar thread at the old GAF, although I've made some additions to this one. This will also receive top-notch advertising, (as WW did) movie promos, etc. Do you feel that it's possible as well GAFers?
I think Super Smash will beat it out for overall sales. I'm personally looking forward to Jade Empire the most for the games I know about in 2005.


It has potential. But i've said that about almost every big GC game ever released by Nintendo, and heh, they haven't impressed that much. There's no way anyone can predict how much this game will sell yet, we have to wait and see, but yes, it has potential.
This iteration of the series will definitely capture a broader audience than it ever has before. It's just a matter of what the competitors have up their sleeves at that moment in time. Nintendo should make a "limited edition" gold GameCube and bundle it with Zelda 2005. Including some commemorative book or trinket and jack up the price a bit. I'm sure they could make a profitable venture out of such a campaign.

Li Mu Bai

SolidSnakex said:
Nintendo's fastest and best selling game ever? No. This generation? Probably.

My apologies for not specifying SSX, I meant this gen. only. Sorry CS, but Jade Empire doesn't have a tenth of the hype level riding behind it as the LOZ does currently generated off of a less than 2 minute video.
I don't think the general public will give as much of a shit as you think. Zelda has been over-exposed this gen. I'm not saying it'll be a sleeper, I just don't think it'll be hotly anticipated like say, GTA:SA, Halo 2, or even a new Mario game. I think Nintendo has milked that cow and all the lon-lon milk is gonna dry up if they milk it too much more.

Kon Tiki

Uno Ill Nino said:
I don't think the general public will give as much of a shit as you think. Zelda has been over-exposed this gen. I'm not saying it'll be a sleeper, I just don't think it'll be hotly anticipated like say, GTA:SA, Halo 2, or even a new Mario game. I think Nintendo has milked that cow and all the lon-lon milk is gonna dry up if they milk it too much more.

Zelda is overexposed?
Mario is not overexposed?

Maybe you have some rare Zelda Golf and Zelda Party games.


naz said:

It won't be released before E3 2005. Miyamoto said to the press that it'll be available to play on the next E3. Most likely it'll come out fall 2005. I can see it going head to head with xbox 2.
Going head to head with Xbox 2 now that is something... I'm not sure if I like that as a Nintendo fan...

But at least we will have lots on Revolution news by E3


I just have to say after your thread on MGS:TTS and MP2, you seem to come up with the most useless hypotheticals I've ever read.


Eric-GCA said:
I just have to say after your thread on MGS:TTS and MP2, you seem to come up with the most useless hypotheticals I've ever read.

I have not read a lot of his posts, but from what little I know he seems to think microsoft is the second coming. so i'm guessing those hypotheticals are his way of "fighting" videogame companies he doesnt like.. or something. Some teenagers just have too much time to kill lol. :)


Sucks at viral marketing
naz said:
Going head to head with Xbox 2 now that is something... I'm not sure if I like that as a Nintendo fan...

But at least we will have lots on Revolution news by E3
It should at least do better than Majora's Mask. ;)

Li Mu Bai

BeOnEdge said:
its like the only big title announced for 2005. we'll see what turns up by ths fall for 2005 releases. for all we know, mario 128 could come.

Final Fantasy XII? Kameo, CBFD, Splinter Cell III, KOTOR II, etc.

Li Mu Bai

Uno Ill Nino said:
I don't think the general public will give as much of a shit as you think. Zelda has been over-exposed this gen. I'm not saying it'll be a sleeper, I just don't think it'll be hotly anticipated like say, GTA:SA, Halo 2, or even a new Mario game. I think Nintendo has milked that cow and all the lon-lon milk is gonna dry up if they milk it too much more.

Check Gamestats & essentially every gaming media source that attended Nintendo's conference. Similar to say how the LOZ:WW wasn't hotly anticipated either, huh? (insert rolleyes here)

Li Mu Bai

naz said:
Going head to head with Xbox 2 now that is something... I'm not sure if I like that as a Nintendo fan...

But at least we will have lots on Revolution news by E3

$50 vs. $300. Hmmm..... I know that two potentially technically more powerful systems are coming in '06 in the forms of Revolution & the PS3. Tough choice for me.


I'm not too excited about the new Zelda. I dunno, it looks like OoT with better graphics, and I hated OoT. It's also lacking...*something* that I expected a realistic Zelda to have.

Maybe when I see more it'll excite me, but for now, nothing.

Kon Tiki

SolidSnakex said:
That's not really a good measuring stick for how well something is going to sell. Because i'd say as far as games announced for next year, there's nothing that's going to top FFXII right now.

Except Zelda.


Prince of Space said:
Depends on whether or not they decide to, you know, market it.

I expect Nintendo to market the hell out of the new Zelda. If anything Zelda should have the biggest marketing campaign Nintendo ever pulled.


Insertia said:
Did Wind Waker outsale FFX?

Wind Waker wasn't what a lot of fans wanted Zelda to be. The new one, with it's realistic look and epic feel, will be right there on top with FF 12.

Manders said:
No, and I don't know why. I mean, did you play FFX?

There's too much FFX hate. I loved the game. :(

Li Mu Bai

SolidSnakex said:
That's not really a good measuring stick for how well something is going to sell. Because i'd say as far as games announced for next year, there's nothing that's going to top FFXII right now.

In NA? I'd have to disagree here. Btw, what are the FFX-2, & FFX NA respective sales LTD?

Li Mu Bai

SolidSnakex said:
FFX is over 2 million, FFX-2 is just over a million.

FFX debuted in Dec. of '01, quite a long time to accumulate those numbers. (like SSBM) FFX-2's numbers will not likely match it, although it is difficult to tell if it was received better or simply was sold to a much larger consumer base. (Nov.'03, 20 million PS2's in NA were established by that time) And FFX-1's sales?

Li Mu Bai

Btw SSX, I'm not critisizing FF's sales numbers or the quality of the series by any means. Just that they are easily within the LOZ's attainable numbers. MKDD is at 1.5 million in what, six months? Without even half the PS2's userbase.

Li Mu Bai

Society said:
Is LOZ Wind Waker?

Ya, thought so. This title will outsell OOT.

Society, that is a very bold proclamation. OOT sold between 7-8 million copies in NA. By the time the new LOZ is released, I expect the GC NA userbase to be at 9 million maximum. I simply cannot see this happening, as badly as I would like it too.


I don't think the Zelda series is that popular, but it'll probably sell fast due to a lot of Nintendo fans already pre-ordering one or two copies. And well, yeah...it could become Nintendo's best-selling game this gen...but that's partly because the competition isn't exactly amazing so far.

Kon Tiki

Li Mu Bai said:
Society, that is a very bold proclamation. OOT sold between 7-8 million copies in NA. By the time the new LOZ is released, I expect the GC NA userbase to be at 9 million maximum. I simply cannot see this happening, as badly as I would like it too.

I know a lot of people who will be buying a Gamecube for this game.

Edit: http://www5e.biglobe.ne.jp/~hokora/english/n64chart.html

4 The Legend of Zelda:
Ocarina of Time Nintendo RPG 6,800 11/21/98 386,234(1st Week) 1,147,068(JPN) 3,543,388 (US).

Li Mu Bai

Kiriku said:
I don't think the Zelda series is that popular, but it'll probably sell fast due to a lot of Nintendo fans already pre-ordering one or two copies. And well, yeah...it could become Nintendo's best-selling game this gen...but that's partly because the competition isn't exactly amazing so far.

You're kidding right?

Super Smash Bros. Melee: 2,267,340
Mario Kart: Double Dash!!: 1,575,792
Super Mario Sunshine: 1,505,255
The Wind Waker: 1,466,385
Luigi's Mansion: 1,379,752
Metroid Prime: 1,131,336
Mario Party 4: 936,268
Star Wars Rogue Squadron II Rogue Leader: 844,983
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle: 884,143
Star Fox Adventures: 748,946
Animal Crossing: 715,597
Mario Party 5: 683,831
Pikmin: 636,316
Pokemon Colosseum: 554,934
Soul Calibur (GC): 548,641
Resident Evil: 461,691
Resident Evil Zero: 404,280

To name a few, & shall we disregard all stellar cross-platform titles like PoP? Or were you disregarding sales for personal preference?


Nintendo's also done quite well on the GBA in terms of software (full list here:

SUPER MARIO ADVANCE 2 	$64,971,455 	2,176,977
POKEMON RUBY	        $62,803,899 	1,996,309
SUPER MARIO ADVANCE	$60,386,804 	2,014,374
POKEMON SAPPHIRE 	$57,007,605 	1,805,187
MARIO KART: CIRCUIT 	$54,891,660 	1,830,975
ZELDA: LINK TO PAST 	$34,536,741	1,188,475	
MARIO BROS 3: MARIO 4 	$33,690,490 	1,144,575
YOSHI'S ISLAND:MARIO3	$30,744,579 	1,070,507	
METROID FUSION	        $25,681,729 	882,182	
KIRBY: NIGHTMARE	$25,184,834 	840,336	
MARIO & LUIGI SAGA      $22,147,496 	745,236
DONKEY KONG COUNTRY 	$22,087,784 	762,451
GOLDEN SUN 	        $21,320,310 	742,385	
WARIO LAND 4	        $20,437,358 	717,424
Li Mu Bai said:
Btw SSX, I'm not critisizing FF's sales numbers or the quality of the series by any means. Just that they are easily within the LOZ's attainable numbers. MKDD is at 1.5 million in what, six months? Without even half the PS2's userbase.

I'm talking about worldwide. FFXII will be the best selling game worldwide next year, atleast of the games announced so far. The only thing that could really top it is a new Pokemon or if DQ8 gets delayed till then. Zelda definetly has a chance of beating it with its US total, but worldwide FFXII will come out top.


Li Mu Bai said:
Btw SSX, I'm not critisizing FF's sales numbers or the quality of the series by any means. Just that they are easily within the LOZ's attainable numbers. MKDD is at 1.5 million in what, six months? Without even half the PS2's userbase.

MKDD is at 3.5 million. Mario Party 5 is at 1.5 million.


Li Mu Bai said:
You're kidding right?

Super Smash Bros. Melee: 2,267,340
Mario Kart: Double Dash!!: 1,575,792
Super Mario Sunshine: 1,505,255
The Wind Waker: 1,466,385
Luigi's Mansion: 1,379,752
Metroid Prime: 1,131,336
Mario Party 4: 936,268
Star Wars Rogue Squadron II Rogue Leader: 844,983
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle: 884,143
Star Fox Adventures: 748,946
Animal Crossing: 715,597
Mario Party 5: 683,831
Pikmin: 636,316
Pokemon Colosseum: 554,934
Soul Calibur (GC): 548,641
Resident Evil: 461,691
Resident Evil Zero: 404,280

To name a few, & shall we disregard all stellar cross-platform titles like PoP? Or were you disregarding sales for personal preference?

I thought this was about worldwide sales. And what I meant was, there hasn't really been any BIG hit (like Super Mario 64 or Goldeneye last gen). Yes, the games have sold well, but not amazing IMO. Maybe I'm just expecting too much. ;)


mj1108 said:
We really need a rolling eyes face.

Maybe you misunderstand me. The topic was whether or not the new Zelda will be the best-selling Nintendo game this gen. Looking at the sales so far this gen, the already released Zelda game isn't very close to being no 1. And isn't it true that the Zelda titles have always been behind the Mario titles, sales-wise? Maybe Nintendo will manage to squeeze out another Mario title too for GC, before this gen is over?
Li Mu Bai said:
$50 vs. $300. Hmmm..... I know that two potentially technically more powerful systems are coming in '06 in the forms of Revolution & the PS3. Tough choice for me.

So, with this statement, it sounds like you're saying that you'd decide to buy one game-console over another based on its relative power?


I doubt it has the ability to surpass Ocarina of Time's success, but anything's possible depending upon how they choose to market it. Since this will be Zelda's 3rd 3D title, it won't be as easy to push as OoT was with it being the first to escape from 2D. I think if they expand on the 'adult' aspect however, keeping slogans similar to 'blades will bleed' or 'shield will shatter', they could win back quite a lot of people who felt like they were betrayed by the release of Wind Waker...for whatever reason. :p
Well no shit all the gamesites will have it at the top of their most wanted lists. I was talking about "general public" when I made my post. I'm not talking about you dorks who have a full set of Zelda action figures and actually have so much free time in a day to sit and vote for Zelda at some site so you can smile and nod in approval when it reaches the top of the most wanted list. I'm saying I don't think Joe 6-pack will give as much of a shit as you guys think. That's all I'm saying. I'm sure the game will sell just fine, but I predict it'll take a backseat to a whole bunch of other games. Some lameass PS2 game that comes out around the same time will prolly outsell it. Killzone for example. I dunno.
Now unless this game is the single biggest gameplay evolution of the Zelda series, which would really be difficult to accomplish after OoT and its new-fangled 3D gameplay, I'd say that this game will end up being the 2nd best-selling GC title ever...with SSB: M ahead of it and RE4 being right behind it.
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