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New Maddox: Episode III

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While I cringe at the thought resurrecting the memory of Episode III, that was hilarious :)


:lol :lol :lol

In tears...


they call me "Man Gravy".
Oh really? It just so happens that this "children's movie" has a scene where a guy gets his hands chopped off, a graphic decapitation, the wanton slaughter of children (the highlight of any movie), and the coolest scene in any space action movie starring Ewan McGregor: Anakin getting his legs chopped off as his stumps catch fire while his face melts.
By the way, if you haven't seen this movie yet, don't read the previous sentence.


classic Maddox.


goddamit, Griese!
i think

Speaking of, that reminds me of the character "General Grievous" a bad guy so sinister, his very name stands for PAIN AND SUFFERING.

is the best part of the article outside of the pictures :lol :lol :lol :lol


being watched
Even worse are the idiots who scarf down these sub-childish morsels of comedic relief, playing into Lucas' shallow theatrics so easily that you could sell these people hookers in a vagina storm.



You know, I agree with him... he makes good points... but you also know what... I enjoyed the movie.


"I am Jack's lack of caring"



Oh shit. :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

That was a good read. However, I *DID* really enjoy Episode 3...
Speaking of, that reminds me of the character "General Grievous" a bad guy so sinister, his very name stands for PAIN AND SUFFERING. Nice job assholes. Tired of thinking up awesome names like "Lord Dooku" and "Nute Gunray" for your bad guys? Why not just call all your characters "Evil" and "Bad" next time? All Grievous needed was a monacle, and a large black moustache that he could twirl as he cackled "I'll get you, if it's the last thing I do!" Ditch this bullshit.

:lol so true.


I don't know shit about shit
Grievous was funny as hell to me... not sure if that was the intent, but I enjoyed a humorous villain as opposed to t3h @bsol00t ev1Lz like Palpatine.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Dreamfixx said:
Grievous was funny as hell to me... not sure if that was the intent, but I enjoyed a humorous villain as opposed to t3h @bsol00t ev1Lz like Palpatine.

I hated Episode III Grievous, he was such a pussy compared to the one in Clone Wars. Instead of being a Jedi killing machine, he ran away with his tail between his legs...


Unconfirmed Member
CrunchyB said:
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Anyway, I don't really see how Anakin choking Padme would be contradictory to the plot. How many men say how much they love their wives and then go and choke and beat them when they come home drunk from an all-night bender with their buddies? Exactly.

Otherwise, yeah there was plenty of dumb stuff, but the film was still at least entertaining to watch most of the time.

Regardless, Maddox's venom is just as entertaining as usual, as well. :D
Grizzlyjin said:
I hated Episode III Grievous, he was such a pussy compared to the one in Clone Wars. Instead of being a Jedi killing machine, he ran away with his tail between his legs...
well, he knew he couldnt hang with anakin and obi-wan, plus he still was feeling the effects of windu

and i loved the movie and i also though maddox's page was great


Kinda funny. Some good points, but some dumb ones too. I don't see Anakin force-choking Padme to be a contradiction/inconsistancy. He's hella messed up, confused, fully over to the Dark Side, and in a quick fit of anger begins to choke the one he loves because she's turning against him despite everything he's just gone through with the purpose of saving her.

I think it was necessary for her to turn against him in order to demonstrate how the dark side works. No matter your intentions, once you turn to the dark side, you will end up hurting the ones you love.

edit: yeah, I don't really mind Grievous being a pussy-villain. He shouldn't have been the main focus of the movie, and he wasn't. And him going out so "easily" against Obi-Wan helps to demonstrate how powerful a Jedi he is.


Grizzlyjin said:
I hated Episode III Grievous, he was such a pussy compared to the one in Clone Wars. Instead of being a Jedi killing machine, he ran away with his tail between his legs...

I agree, I would have preferred to see them just kill him in Clone Wars if they were going to do 'that' to him...

J2 Cool

Phoenix said:
I agree, I would have preferred to see them just kill him in Clone Wars if they were going to do 'that' to him...

it would have made more sense. What all of a sudden made him a coward?

MC Safety

I made all my friends promise that if I was legless and aflame they'd do me the great favor of nudging me into the lava.


Honorary Canadian.
You guys thought that was funny? I mean, it had some funny moments, sure. I just think Maddox is so anxious to be angry with the movie that he hatched up some half-baked review of why he hated it. "OMG I H8 EPISODE THREE BUT INSTEAD OF TALKIN BOUT WHY IT REALLY SUCKED I'LL MAKE FUN OF THE NAMES AND YODA LOLOL PPL WILL LUV IT!!!" Just seems like he's paying lipservice to the movie cuz its something pop-culturish that he can rip on in lieu of actual stupidity in reality a la Schiavo or a new final fantasy game.

And don't be like "Oh you just dont GET Maddox humor", cuz I do. I LOVE that kind of asshole humor. But this reminds me of a 20 year old virgin having his milk spilled and needing to find an easy outlet to express his rage before publishes his hit list.


whytemyke said:
You guys thought that was funny? I mean, it had some funny moments, sure. I just think Maddox is so anxious to be angry with the movie that he hatched up some half-baked review of why he hated it. "OMG I H8 EPISODE THREE BUT INSTEAD OF TALKIN BOUT WHY IT REALLY SUCKED I'LL MAKE FUN OF THE NAMES AND YODA LOLOL PPL WILL LUV IT!!!" Just seems like he's paying lipservice to the movie cuz its something pop-culturish that he can rip on in lieu of actual stupidity in reality a la Schiavo or a new final fantasy game.

And don't be like "Oh you just dont GET Maddox humor", cuz I do. I LOVE that kind of asshole humor. But this reminds me of a 20 year old virgin having his milk spilled and needing to find an easy outlet to express his rage before publishes his hit list.

Can't he at least remind you of a 30 year old virgin? :( Sheesh.

J2 Cool

Some of this was funny, but he fails to explain to me why episode III isn't entertaining. It's got some weak plot points, and a lot of fuel to rip the movie apart. That's a given. At the same time, I like to enjoy my movies, and there's a lot to like with episode III. Much more than TPM or AOTC, and with less integral flaws than either of them. So it's all good for fans, critics, and comedians.
Isn't the first image with Yoda false? He did detect it which is why he kept feeling pain when all the Jedi were being slaughtered and how he was perpared to take out the clone troopers on his end before they killed him. There's a lot of stuff he could have pointed out in the movie as being lame, but the two cartoons he made out are not two of points that fit his argument. People have already pointed out how the choking isn't bad. It's as if he didn't pay attention to the movie and just went in hating it ignoring things that showed those parts made sense.
It's as if he didn't pay attention to the movie and just went in hating it ignoring things that showed those parts made sense.

That's what Maddox does. Of course, he's often pretty funny too. He didn't hit on a lot of what I found wrong with ROTS, though.
Marty Chinn said:
Isn't the first image with Yoda false? He did detect it which is why he kept feeling pain when all the Jedi were being slaughtered and how he was perpared to take out the clone troopers on his end before they killed him. There's a lot of stuff he could have pointed out in the movie as being lame, but the two cartoons he made out are not two of points that fit his argument. People have already pointed out how the choking isn't bad. It's as if he didn't pay attention to the movie and just went in hating it ignoring things that showed those parts made sense.

I don't think the Yoda pic is false. I think you missed what he was getting at. THere's a huge army of clone warriors ready to kill the Jedi at a moments notice why he can't feel this is beyond reason. Just like the other Jedi couldn't sense that they were about to be killed was bunk too. That whole scene made them look like jokes and nothing to be scared of/ revered.
I agree that most of the jedi went down like bitches but the clone troopers were created to turn on the jedi when the 66 order was given. It was like flicking a switch. Before then, the clone troopers were friends with the jedi and they fought together and trusted each other in battle. A lot of jedi died while fighting so it's not surprising that they didn't pick up the instant change in the troopers.


Mr. Rellik said:
So people that can sense a laser being fired at them can't sense it when it fired from an almost subconscious attack?

This really is the worst sort of nitpicking. The Jedi aren't invincible. Qui Gon said as much in Episode I. Get over it :p
Nobody said they were invincible, but if they were that easy to kill would anyone hold them in high regard? Ok then it just serves as a plot device. When they're not supposed to die they sense it moving throughout the force and can dodge/block accordingly. But when they're supposed to die they just fail to block them. Great Gotcha

J2 Cool

He has a point, considering these are the remaining jedi from the end of AOTC who deflected an onslaught of lazers for quite a long time. I really think the best way to kill off the jedi, would be a good portion of them die from order 66, and the rest are hunted down by an ever-strong growing Vader. It just could never fit in one of the saga's episodes sadly


Honorary Canadian.
Boogie said:
Can't he at least remind you of a 30 year old virgin? :( Sheesh.

Haha, sorry man. 30 is fine, too. I wasn't so much knocking virgins as knocking these virgins who get upset at it and take it out on everyone... the people who are so angry they're mean.


Hang out with Steve.
Mr. Rellik said:
So people that can sense a laser being fired at them can't sense it when it fired from an almost subconscious attack?

OK, which of the Jedi shown being killed didn't at least get an odd look on their faces before being shot?

Ki Adi Mundi fights back as long as he can.
The blue twilek gets a strange look on her face but is unable to react in time.
Plo Koon is in a Jedi Starfighter and can't deflect bolts anyway.
The Jedi on the speeder bike is the only one who seemed oblivious.
Obi Wan is completely blindsided, and lucky that the blast didn't hit him directly.
Yoda only has two clone troopers to contend with, AND he has sensed the others' deaths and is better prepared. He was 800 years old, after all.

The clone trooper units were ASSIGNED to each particular Jedi. They worked with them throughout the war. They knew each other fought beside each other, entrusted their lives to each other. Remember the banter between Obi Wan and Cody? As Obi Wan leaves the star destroyer, and again when Cody gives Obi Wan his dropped light saber, which incidentally is seconds before Cody gives the order to fire on him.

Is it really all that surprising that the Jedi might have been caught off-guard by a sudden betrayal by comrades in arms after 3 years of war?


Queen of Denmark
Eh, that wasn't great. I haven't liked many of his recent articles because they're so obvious -- it used to be that you couldn't tell for sure if he liked something or not because he was writing such outlandish descriptions and criticisms about it -- things that weren't even in the object of review in question. It seems like recently his style has been "Write an angry review by using simple reductio ad absurdum and pepper it with insults to people who like what I'm reviewing so that it'll seem funny".

I also have a problem with this:

There was no "conspiracy" with "200,000 storm troopers". They were following orders at all times -- it's not as if they had some secret plan to kill the Jedi all along.


That was a brilliant review done in a lighthearted comedic way. I enoyed reading that and laughed at alot of points he brought up that bothered me while I was watching the film. :lol
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