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New MMORPG Open Beta (A tale in the desert 2).


So time consuming! So what are we eventually working towards Ferrio? Where are the hours of my life going, are we going to be able to build anything interesting?


GAF's Bob Woodward
Well I LOVE Civ, and do prefer trading to fighting..only problem is the signup page won't work for me :( I think it's a problem with the DNS servers in work though. I'll try again when I get home.


Fjord said:
So time consuming! So what are we eventually working towards Ferrio? Where are the hours of my life going, are we going to be able to build anything interesting?

Well, if you look at the pyramid icon there's several paths of life you can go down. That is the ultimate goal of the game.

I think I might try leadership.

But if you do something like...... art you have to make a sculpture (kinda like burning man) and have a certain number of people to vote favorably on it to be intiated into the art path.

I remember making a sculpture in the first one called "nile monster" and it was this weird dragon headed thing with big ass teeth eating a sheep.


gofreak said:
Well I LOVE Civ, and do prefer trading to fighting..only problem is the signup page won't work for me :( I think it's a problem with the DNS servers in work though. I'll try again when I get home.

Well then you're in luck, as far as I can tell you do'nt need to enter your beta promo code. It never prompts you for it, but you can enter it if you want... not sure what it does.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Ferrio said:
Well then you're in luck, as far as I can tell you do'nt need to enter your beta promo code. It never prompts you for it, but you can enter it if you want... not sure what it does.

So I can just download? I won't be able to play here in work anyway, so I guess I may aswell wait till I get home to try and register again.

Also, is there's player-owned stuff in this game? Like can I work towards having the biggest house in the town? :p


gofreak said:
So I can just download? I won't be able to play here in work anyway, so I guess I may aswell wait till I get home to try and register again.

Also, is there's player-owned stuff in this game? Like can I work towards having the biggest house in the town? :p

Everything is player owned unless you designate otherwise. Right now everyone in the guild has things set to guild share.

Making the biggest house alone is going to be REALLY hard right now. It took the guild awhile just to get a single house up.

here's some (uninteresting screens) of the GAF settlement.





Not sure what I want to build next. Things on my list:

-Mines. We need mines. But i'm not sure if dowsing is available yet (some skills don't open up unless the world had a certain amount of knowledge)
-Charcoal oven. Very hard to get, and really hard use.
-Sheep/Camel pens.
-Need ot start my leadership path.


We're getting quite bit of members, and the 10 limit on our current guild house isn't going to fly. We need more boards and bricks as much as possible. (something like 2000 bricks, and 1000 boards just to upgrade to 15 limit).

Also it seems no one in the beta knows how to get metal ore (they changed the system from the first one), so we're not going to be able to make anything super fancy. Which is I guess OK since the game can be reset at anytime.

Here's what's known on metallugy at this point in time. Seemed they changed the system for the better (the first one's mining system SUCKED)


Here's the main wiki page with all the latest beta info

I added you to my friend's list Ferrio...I'm just starting though...Learned Compound Construction, and something else...I have a question, how do I get bricks and boards?


Kalren said:
Guess I need to be thrown in the guild since all the tools are guild only

I'm at work now, won't be able to add you for another 5 hours or so. I gave some people of the guild (Skater and Jonny i think?) a high rank status so maybe they can add you. Oh make sure to apply at the guild building, or we can't add you.

But fear not, I suggest reading that wiki and hitting some universities to learn some cool stuff. Or starting down a path. That should be plenty to do until I get home.

I have a question, how do I get bricks and boards?

There's some faqs linked to on the first page of this thread that'll help. Or you can wait till I add you to the guild and you can use all our machines.

Ya we'll definatly need that guild add on, so anyone please try and pump out as many bricks and boards as possible. Also note the leftmost chest (the chest with everything in it) is the main guild chest from now on.
I just made 600 bricks, logged off, and now I'm back on and someone has been stealing from our chest =(

all of our bricks, gone =(
I put them in the chest that belongs to GA, HMM


we should all make another character and become citizens for the ~250 wood : >


there is 3 spots left in the guild. it sucks it initially only lets you have 10 people in it. I know 2 of the spots will be taken by Kalren and Kiriku so that leaves 1 spot open. Who is Deek on the forum? I know he helped a lot to get the camp started.


Jonny said:
there is 3 spots left in the guild. it sucks it initially only lets you have 10 people in it. I know 2 of the spots will be taken by Kalren and Kiriku so that leaves 1 spot open. Who is Deek on the forum? I know he helped a lot to get the camp started.

I could of set the intial value to anything, but the higher the value the WAY more resources you need to build it. We can upgrade at anytime as long as we have enough bricks and boards.


Oh and the rest of you nutjobs that haven't signed up. DO SO... though I'm not sure how much mroe our guild will be able to hold.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Let us know when the guild can take more members. I meant to register tonight for this and start playing, but I got caught up in EVE. I'll join when the guild expands again, i promise!


Ok accepted a bunch new people.


Whoever is Deek please speak up. I'm starting to get people applying who aren't in GAF so I need to make sure I'm inviting the right people.


Okay ill give it a shot. Cant hurt. Im waitingin line now at FP, 34 minutes. Then probably an hour to download.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Bah, I've registered, and am downloading now. My id should just be gofreak. Hopefully I can join the GA guild tonight. I'll teleport to you ferrio when i get in.


GAF's Bob Woodward
I wonder if this will run alongside EVE for me? Is it a small resource user? If I could play both simultaneously, it'd be great, as EVE has a lot of stuff that can be "unattended" (i.e. mining).


Grandma's Chippy
I am Stug in game, I'll try to join later when I get home from work. I was building bricks and stuff last night learning the ropes...I think you were fixin to flesh out some flax or something Ferrio...hehe


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
Count me in when I go back to university and have access to my own computer. Anyways, be sure to accept NetMapel when that name pops up !


As a former flax master, wondrous explorer and traveller of many miles, I hope I got a matching rank status. I'm at work now, but will be home in a few hours. Oh BTW, I made a lot of rotten flax today. Like 100 or so.


Guild is upgraded to 15 max, and already have 14 members.... so if you're not gonig to play tell me so I can kick you out.

Also what we need now is some SHEEP. So travel to the univ of worship to get animal husbandry and have the large scale construction skill or whatever. and then you can make sheep pens.

Crap by the looks of it, we're not going to have enough room. And upgrading the guild again is going to cost A LOT


Ferrio said:
Guild is upgraded to 15 max, and already have 14 members.... so if you're not gonig to play tell me so I can kick you out.

Also what we need now is some SHEEP. So travel to the univ of worship to get animal husbandry and have the large scale construction skill or whatever. and then you can make sheep pens.

I know I'm going to play, hell...I played all night and went to bed at 10 AM. :(

And I'll look into the sheep issue later on.


Newbie said:
Allright, i just started under the name of Newbie. What do I do?

Well... not much really we're full now. Until we can gather a fucking ton of wood (1200 boards) and 2500 bricks we'll have to stick to 15 members.

But that doesn't mean you can't go run around and learn the game.
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