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New PA (11/3/04)




Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
That has to be the best Penny Arcade I've ever seen, so funny. :lol


Neo Member
novery said:
Wow. A funny Penny Arcade. They should just stick to making fun of fanboys.

I also dig this one:


Sadly, many inarticulate forum nimrods are probably well over the age of 15.
The confused period looking at "gay douche" made me actually laugh out loud, which is something I don't do often with THE INTERNET


GameFan Alumnus
Wow, I'm not normally a fan of PA, but the grammar material is hilarious... maybe it's the copyeditor in me.


I was banned from the PA forums for saying that the sucky comics suck. You're obligated to fellate them constantly there.

Anyway, this comic actually made me lol for reals, which is a pretty rare thing for a comic to do.

Yeah, it was the Gayzor Mountains bit.


:lol :lol :lol @ "Gayzor Mountains" and "chocolate thief."

The confused period looking at "gay douche" is also priceless.


PA commentary now up:

Reading the fallout from their Killzone review, though, I felt like we were kindred spirits. I heard in those strangled mails the same ululation echoed in my own inbox, that howling assembly I must pretend to tolerate in order to play the gentle host. I'm right there with you, Ivan. The nicest thing you can say about Killzone is that flies real good when you throw it. You were way more polite than we would have been. Indeed, I'm about to show just how impolite we are with a comic sodomizing your detractors. Don't say I never did anything for you.

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