New Pokémon Sun & Moon trailer revealing the final starter evolutions & more


Okay, I won't watch this, your comments are enough to hype me.

If someone could answer this for me : what's the typing of final Litten ?
ah man Decidueye is soo fuckin cool man

like every body was focusing on litten hoping it wouldn't be fighting, AND THEN THEY CHANGE ROWLET SECOND TYPE

played us like a god damn fiddle



This Pokémon is able to move about while completely masking its presence from others. Once an opponent has lost sight of it, Decidueye seizes the chance to attack it unawares. In a tenth of a second, Decidueye plucks an arrow quill from within its wing and sends its hurtling toward its target. Its speed is astonishing, but not more so than its precise aim, which enables the arrow quill to pierce a target through and through from half a mile or more away! Decidueye usually acts very cool, but it can become terribly flustered in unexpected situations like a surprise attack.

A skilled Decidueye can boast acrobatic curved shots. It seems some are also able to shoot arrows that reach up through the sky, only to come drilling down from above, piercing multiple targets one after another.

Spirit Shackle is a Ghost-type physical move that only Decidueye can learn. An opponent hit with this move will become unable to flee from battle or switch out for an ally.


As its fighting spirit increases, the flames that Incineroar produces within its body burst from its navel and waistline. Since the flames somewhat resemble a championship belt, they’re known as its “flame belt,” and the Pokémon unleashes moves that use flames from it. In the heat of battle, Incineroar shows no concern for its opponents—and sometimes even launches attacks that strike the opposing Trainer! As a result, many tend to dislike this Pokémon and keep it at a distance.

If a crowd watching it battle is pumped up, Incineroar’s fighting spirit will burn brighter. But a lackluster crowd can make it lose focus or fight shoddily. When it receives the admiration of young Pokémon and children, it may keep up its cold attitude on the outside, but in its heart of hearts, Incineroar is immensely happy. It loses the desire to fight when faced with a Pokémon that’s clearly weak or injured, and it sometimes gets taken advantage of as a result.

Darkest Lariat is a Dark-type physical move that only Incineroar can learn, and it allows Incineroar to deal damage while ignoring the effects of any stat changes that the target might otherwise be affected by.


As it dances, Primarina releases balloons of water into the area around itself, moving them using the sound waves from its voice. The sight of moonlight reflecting off its glittering balloons creates a magical scene. Since Primarina controls its balloons using its voice, any injury to its throat can become a grave problem. Its greatest enemies are arid environments and the overuse of its voice during back-to-back battles.

Among the balloons that Primarina releases, some explode when touched, while others do not. Primarina jump on the non-exploding balloons while they make sport of their opponents, and they use the exploding variety to trigger chained explosions!

Primarina’s songs have many variations, and each one changes the motions of the balloons. It has been observed that songs are shared among Primarina living together, so different colonies end up knowing different songs.

Sparkling Aria is a Water-type special move that only Primarina can learn, and it heals the burns of any target it strikes.


Tapu Bulu has the power to manipulate vegetation and cause it to grow. It can use this power on its own horns—which are made of wood—changing their shape or making them larger. This can come in handy in battle! This stolid Pokémon is not very active. People’s opinions differ on whether it’s as docile as it seems, or if the reason it doesn’t move much can be chalked up to simple laziness.

Tapu Bulu does not like unnecessary battles or frightening other Pokémon. Because of this, it makes a loud ringing noise with its tail to alert those nearby of its presence. Although Tapu Bulu may not like to start battles, it shows no mercy when dealing with evildoers. It’s said that when thieves once broke into its ruins, it punished them by swinging trees around like massive clubs.

Tapu Bulu can learn Nature’s Madness, an attack that slams a target with all of nature’s rage, which reduces the target’s HP by half.

Tapu Bulu’s Ability is Grassy Surge, an Ability that no Pokémon has previously had. With Grassy Surge, the field will be turned into Grassy Terrain when Tapu Bulu appears in battle, boosting the power of any Grass-type moves used by Pokémon on the ground and restoring a bit of HP to them each turn. It also halves the damage taken from the moves Earthquake, Magnitude, and Bulldoze.


There is a legend which says that long ago Tapu Lele once brought an end to war between the islands of Alola by scattering its scales and soothing the tired warriors.

Tapu Lele scatters glowing scales that physically affect others—providing stimulation to their bodies and healing their illnesses or injuries. But these scales can be dangerous as well, because a body can’t withstand the changes brought about by contact with too many scales at the same time. It will scatter its scales over humans and Pokémon for its own enjoyment; while it is innocent in one sense, there is also cruelty in the way it casually brings others to ruin.

If Tapu Lele doesn’t have much energy stored in its shell, it may lack the strength to seize victory in a head-on battle. With this in mind, it tends to prioritize not losing a battle over actually beating a foe, and it’s skilled at strategies such as inflicting status conditions on opponents.

Nature’s Madness slams a target with all of nature’s rage, reducing the target’s HP by half. Psychic Terrain is a move that no Pokémon was previously able to learn, and using it will boost the power of any Psychic-type moves used by Pokémon on the ground and prevent them from being hit by priority moves.

Tapu Lele’s Ability is Psychic Surge, an Ability that no Pokémon has previously had. With Psychic Surge, the field will be turned into Psychic Terrain when Tapu Lele appears in battle, boosting the power of any Psychic-type moves used by Pokémon on the ground and preventing them from being hit by priority moves.


This Pokémon is able to create a special water that purifies both mind and body. But Tapu Fini requires that supplicants wishing to obtain the purifying water demonstrate the strength to withstand the tapu’s fog. Many humans have tried to withstand Tapu Fini’s fogs in pursuit of its purifying water. Among them were some with evil intentions, which may be the reason for Tapu Fini’s sense of disgust and lack of interest in appearing to people.

Tapu Fini is able to attack by manipulating water. Since it hates to risk harm to itself during battle, it prefers to create a thick fog that puts opponents in a trance and leads them to destroy themselves. Tapu Fini’s expression remains listless even when it’s unleashing moves. Some people say that it might look this way because using its moves is so exhausting. The Pokémon's Nature’s Madness attack slams a target with all of nature’s rage, reducing the target’s HP by half.

Tapu Fini’s Ability is Misty Surge, an Ability that no Pokémon has previously had. With Misty Surge, the field will be turned into Misty Terrain when Tapu Fini appears in battle, halving the damage taken by Pokémon on the ground from Dragon-type moves and preventing them from being afflicted with status conditions or confusion.


This extremely rare Pokémon is known to only a select few in Alola. At one time, it was known only by the kings of Alola and their heirs, and it was called “the child of the stars.” The Aether Foundation is researching this unusual Pokémon, and one of the professors at the foundation recently dubbed it Cosmog.

Cosmog is very curious and shows no fear of people or Pokémon. If you treat it with any consideration at all, it will take an immediate liking to you. This personality trait often leads it into danger.

Its gaseous body is so lightweight that it’s sent flying when the wind blows. When light falls on this Pokémon, Cosmog absorbs it and grows.


Guardian of Alola Z-Move
As guardian deities of Alola, the tapu can use the special Z-Move Guardian of Alola. When using this Z-Move, the tapu close their shells and a huge avatar appears from the ground to attack the opposing Pokémon, dealing damage equal to 75 percent of the target’s remaining HP.


The Battle Tree—Where Strong Opponents Await
Somewhere in the Alola region, you’ll find the Battle Tree: a place where those Trainers who have completed their island challenge—or who are strong enough to have done so—battle one another. All of the Trainers you can encounter at the Battle Tree are strong. It seems you might even encounter two battle prodigies from the Kanto region...


Scout Partners to Battle Alongside You
At the Battle Tree, you can scout an opponent you’ve won against so they can partner with you in future battles. You may even be able to scout some familiar faces...


The Pokémon League
In the regions that have served as the setting for your adventures in the Pokémon series so far, the ultimate stage for battle has always been a place called the Pokémon League.

The Pokémon League is where the Elite Four—four Pokémon Trainers with powerful Pokémon partners—and the Champion, who reigns as the top of all Trainers, await challengers. A challenger who defeats the Elite Four and the Champion will be hailed as the new Champion of the Pokémon League.

In the Alola region, the setting of Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon, there is no Pokémon League yet—but it seems that there are plans to construct one on the peak of a certain mountain.

After the growth you achieve through completing the island challenge, will the day come when you also take on the Pokémon League to become the strongest Pokémon Trainer?


Lariat!? My decision has been made!
I fucking love Red's new design, he looks older and more mature. Holy shit I wasn't expecting his appearance to hype me up this much.



Incineroar's looks so much better compared to the art we had earlier. They all look very expressive compared to the last gen starters.
Tapu Fini throws a wrench into the Guardians sharing Oricorio's typing. That also could mean that the last island is called Polu, not Poni.


Grass/Ghost is the biggest surprise. Thank god we didn't get another Fire/Fighting too! Yay!

Red and Blue look amazing


As in "Heathcliff"
I didn't really expect to see ghost as sub-type for Owl3. I'm really hyped for the game since everything in the trailers keep hitting right notes for Me. Looking forward for the game.


Junior Member
I won't lie, I didn't see Grass/Ghost coming for Decidueye. Still, gotta go with Green Arrow as my starter of choice (but Incineroar looks hype).
The Guardian types are really weird, like I guess they didn't want to make a Fiery Terrian or a Ghostly Terrain eh?

Also, FIRE/DARK!!!!! YES!!!!!


Rowlett confirmed for having the best final evo. I was wary because Grass/Flying kinda sucks, but Grass/Ghost kicks ass, and the unique move is crazy.


It might be stretch but I'm expecting Ash to make his official debut in the mainline games here, maybe an older looking Ash, just like Red.
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