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New Punisher preview (with pics)

Funky Papa

Beware, there are old ass beta shots mixed with the new captures.


In a series of running gun battles, with plot and dialogue provided by “Punisher” writer Garth Ennis and comic-book writer Jimmy Palmiotti, you’ll encounter several of the Punisher’s traditional villains, such as Jigsaw, Bushwhacker (…I’m still in shock), the Kingpin, and the Russian. (Yes, that Russian, the nearly-indestructible transsexual cyborg. Yes, the developers are bastards; no, I do not know how you’re supposed to beat him.)

Some of the more vicious deaths may fade to black and white right at the moment of impact, such as when Frank jams a lit blowtorch into a man’s open mouth, but many of them don’t. Hence the screaming, as mentioned above; every time I thought the game had hit some kind of zero point, beyond which the violence could not get any more graphic, it surpassed it within about a minute and a half. There are over a hundred points in the game where you can get a special environmental kill, and each one’s unique.
Hooray for brutal vigilante justice.


Here, come with me.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
The previews for this game have sounded so cool... Dead to Rights wha?
I'm just jazzed that Jigsaw will be in a game. I didn't really like Garth's Enis 9sp?) Punisher work, and he's doing the writing on this. I was more an old school Punisher fan, the War Journal and early War Zone were my favorites. But, I'll take what I can get.

"More importantly, the Punisher operates on an adrenaline meter rather than a health system, so viciously maiming a thug will get his blood pumping, thus restoring some of his lost life."

Shit, that's awesome.


Banstick Emeritus
The E3 build was AWESOME. I was in a running gun battle with some thugs, grabbed one and used him as a meatshield while exchanging shotgun blasts, then threw him over the side of the balcony directly into a pool of pirahnas. Cue the screaming and yelling - and looking down into the pool, all you could see was bone and blood-red froth. Sweetness. :D


I'm miffed that I missed this demo at E3. Punisher was a favorite of mine too as a comic-collecting youth. Definitely a must buy for me at some point unless it's a complete abomination.

So far it looks kickass!
Fading to black and white wasn't in the E3 demo, I wonder why they added that, the ESRB doesn't give a game a lower rating because of lack of color (*cough cough* MPAA Kill Bill Vol. 1 *cough cough*).


I know it's wrong to have high hopes for a licensed comic book game like this one but....

Man it just sounds hilarious in such a wrong way. I'm glad they're striving to keep the punisher badass though and not watering it down.

I hope Thomas Jane's voiceover comes across a lot better than that placeholder in many of those vids though.


Chili Con Carnage!
aww i was hoping to get to kill all the xmen like in that hilarious cross-over comic..:lol that was so great.

I dont know why its funny when the punisher butchers people in the most horrible ways immaginable, but it is.


Heh wow...


Gamespot implies you can shoot 2 different people in two different locations at the same time using that bullet time effect. The layout seems to be there's one trigger per gun in each hand instead of one button that's just a general fire.

It's a small thing, but it has always irked me that characters in games that dual wield two pistols can't shoot two different people in two locations at the same time.
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