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New Return of the King EE Info from Comic-Con!

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President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Extended Edition SPOILERS below, obviously. Check out these reports... they all really describe the same scenes, but there are a few different details in each:


http://www.comingsoon.net/forums/showthread.php?threadid=22083&perpage=25&pagenumber=194 (last three pages of this thread have scattered info)



My thoughts? December... is much much MUCH too far away. *sob sob* But almost all of this information sounds great, especially the bit
about the Witch King's sword lighting on fire! :D The only thing I'm a little concerned about is the fact that apparently Saruman shoots a firebolt which engulfs Gandalf?... Sounds far too cheesy. I'm really looking forward to this scene but am a bit worried at the same time. Not sure how much I'll enjoy the "avalanche of skulls" either. Ah well, no big.

Excited stuff! Going to watch the EE like 15 million times when I finally get my hands on it. =)


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Well yeah, the whole thread is a spoiler as I warned in my first sentence. =/ My apologies tho, I'll cover my text.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
By the way, all of the info so far is from a 4 minute teaser of the Extended Edition, not the full thing.

As we've known for quite awhile, the EE will have 50 minutes of extra footage. A few months back PJ also confirmed that
The Voice of Saruman
scene is 7 minutes long. (Though we don't necessarily know if the entire scene was put back in).
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