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New? Screens of Monolith's (NOLF devs) FEAR (watch out 56K)








works for Gamestop (lol)
Oh shit....this game looks bad ass

Kiriku said:
Who's that child walking around? Is this some kind of horror game?

Yeah, it's suppose to be a horror game, but the screenshots suggest that it's a bad ass action game at the same time :p


Hehe, the way the child is walking so calmly around all the bloody soldiers reminds me somewhat of Cyborg Ninja's scene in MGS:TTS.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Looks awesome, I need to see this game in motion.
Yeah guys, of all the FPSs, coming out...F.E.A.R. is seriously, my most anticipated. And I'm really excited about other FPSs too...But when you see F.E.A.R. in motion...You'll know why.


I'm excited for F.E.A.R just for the simple fact that its being made by Monolith which did the awesome NOLF of course. It's very nice to see a healthy array of FPS's in the future finally using new levels of graphics.

EDIT: http://pc.ign.com/articles/514/514425p1.html

Go back and read IGN's E3 impressions, and you'll see that the screens show off what they saw, basically the little red girl killing everything in her path, without touching anyone.


ToyMachine228 said:
Yeah guys, of all the FPSs, coming out...F.E.A.R. is seriously, my most anticipated. And I'm really excited about other FPSs too...But when you see F.E.A.R. in motion...You'll know why.

Very true...this is my most anticipated FPS as well (sorry Halo and Half Life :()

The footage from (just after?) E3 was intense....I watched that shit over 20 times...It might not be the leader in animation, but it's untouched particles, fast paced gun combat, and the countless bullet holes and other effects proppelled this game to the top of my list
When the player activates slow motion...Jumps through the air, kicks the guy in the chest, and then blasts him with the shotgun all before hitting the ground...My jaw dropped. And when they have the shoot out, and literally every object in the room is being thrown about and shot to shit by bullets...Just amazing.


F.E.A.R. tells Doom 3 to suck it.

Uh oh. Oh no I just didn't.

Doom 3 is cool, but I'd by lying if I didn't mention I think F.E.A.R. is gonna smack it around. Then again I'm a Monolith whore.

Monolith = best PC developer out there

I can't wait to get this game!

BTW these pics are from the E3 trailer. Badass nonetheless.


The E3 trailer got me sold when I first saw it.

It's FPS meets The Ring, with Matrix bullet time as icing.

This is the next game I am anticipating after Halo 2 is out.


Wow, finally finished watching the trailer, can't believe I missed that at E3. This definately is at the top of my most wanted list now.

So much FPS goodness this year.
looks great...now i hope its not just go in a room and kill stuff then go in a room and kill more stuff like DOOM 3.

but shit, this is monolith so there should be some interesting gameplay mechanics.

nolf 1 and nolf 2 own most fps out there.



Damn, I'm in awe of that trailer (late to the party for me I guess), it's one of those things that after you watch it you wish the game were coming out soon, but I bet its gonna be sometime in 2005 before it see's the light of day.

It is already doing the scare factor far and above what Doom 3 did. I hope more media will come out soon.


Those screens are nice.

It's kind of what I expected from DOOMIII.

Is it me, is this looking better then Half Life 2?

Mrbob said:
F.E.A.R. tells Doom 3 to suck it.

Doom 3 is cool, but I'd by lying if I didn't mention I think F.E.A.R. is gonna smack it around. Then again I'm a Monolith whore.

Monolith = best PC developer out there

I hate to use those stupid GAFcronyms, but IAWTP.


Tag of Excellence
Mrbob said:
F.E.A.R. tells Doom 3 to suck it.

Uh oh. Oh no I just didn't.

Doom 3 is cool, but I'd by lying if I didn't mention I think F.E.A.R. is gonna smack it around. Then again I'm a Monolith whore.

Monolith = best PC developer out there
No not at all. I saw the trailer and it definitely seemed like an extremely badass game but it wasn't scary in the least bit. It had a lot of cliché stuff (not saying that Doom didn't) and it had a few scares but the atmosphere wasn't really there. The Fear aspect will be a huge factor of the game (obviously) and they seem to have an extremely solid pretense for it but the preview didn't bother or make me feel uneasy. Of course I'm basing this solely off the GameSpot videos and nothing else so I don't expect the rest of the game to follow suit.

Monolith is FAR from being the best PC developer out there. Really this isn't opinion, they are a great dev house but it's laughable to call them the best. Yes I do like Monolith a lot, hell I own Tron 2.0 (I LOVES ME TRON).

I'm very glad this game is being made however, we need more FPS that dabble heavily with fear and also interesting action aside from the simple run & gun. This game is definitely on the top slots of my to-watch list. I'm telling you know for those of you who are on the fence, watch the videos then worship.


Um, why is it laughable to call them the best PC developer? As far as I'm concerned no single player FPS has trumped NOLF yet. And NOLF 2 is almost as good. Shogo rocks, Blood is pretty cool, AvsP2 is awesome, and they actually figured out how to make Tron interesting.


Tag of Excellence
Mrbob said:
Um, why is it laughable to call them the best PC developer? As far as I'm concerned no single player FPS has turmped NOLF yet. And NOLF 2 is almost as good. Shogo rocks, Blood is pretty cool, AvsP2 is awesome, and they actually figured out how to make Tron interesting.
Oh I see, you mean based solely within the realm of FPS. I was kinda lumping all the PC genres together and also considering all the previous developers from the mid 90's and before.

I guess they're the best dev house in FPS..? I've never actually sat down and thought about that. I'm a huge Monolith fan though, and all the games you've mentioned were solid gold and definitely worthy of praise.


I'm kinda sad to see Monolith making a dark, gritty, realistic type of FPS. Don't we have enough of those? The quirky, lighthearted style and humor are probably the biggest reasons I love NOLF 1&2. We can all agree more FPS need mimes to shoot, right?


none of the shots show off the distortion effect from grenades which is freaking awesome!!

FEAR probably has some of the most amazing particle effects and post effects that I ever seen.

Stay tuned for more ass kickin from FEAR!

F.E.A.R. tells Doom 3 to suck it.
Doom 3 got really repetitive after the first 2 hours of the game. The FEAR team probably will identify that and spice up the game so it doesn't get so boring.

Also, FEAR Team = NOLF Team


Tag of Excellence
Sander said:
I'm kinda sad to see Monolith making a dark, gritty, realistic type of FPS. Don't we have enough of those? The quirky, lighthearted style and humor are probably the biggest reasons I love NOLF 1&2. We can all agree more FPS need mimes to shoot, right?
Well I don't know about gritty but this game isn't realistic at all so you can be happy. The main character has the ability to slow down time and pull off some awesome gunplay and limited hand-to-hand combat in order to spicen things up.

It isn't as lighthearted as NOLF but I think it's stylized enough and different enough to seperate itself from the rest of the FPS crowd.


Yeah realistic was a poor choice of words, it hope it was clear what I was trying to convey though. I expect it'll be a great game, I'm just a little disappointed in the style and direction they've chosen.


Mike Works said:
FEAR > Half Life 2

Yes. This man speaks the truth.

As much as I want a NOLF sequel, I'm glad the NOLF team is able to break away and try something different. Get a new franchise rolling for us to beg sequels for!


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
The game does look incredibly cool (especially the demonstration). It could be a truly amazing experience...

I AM worried about performance...but hopefully they can finally delivera good engine. The only thing that bothers me from a visual standpoint is the way the gun looks when moving. Reminds me of Deus Ex IW...

[quote\]I'm kinda sad to see Monolith making a dark, gritty, realistic type of FPS. Don't we have enough of those? The quirky, lighthearted style and humor are probably the biggest reasons I love NOLF 1&2. We can all agree more FPS need mimes to shoot, right?[/quote]

Yeah, but have you seen the demonstration? It doesn't look like a standard ol' FPS...


To me, I took this as a demo merely to show off some combat. It obviously didn't show how the character causes time to slow, and I'm sure there will be plenty of weapons/items in the final version which were nowhere to be seen here.

One has to remember that the game isn't planned for a release this year, so they have more time than most developers would after showing a long demo off. The engine looks to be almost complete (just needs some fine tuning for performance), and other than that, all thats left is adding content and the eventual testing.

I just hope that Monolith has learned from Valve and Id and doesn't get hit with the "leaky alpha/beta" to the internet.


Console Market Analyst
I'm stoked for this game as well. I love the slow motion kicking manuever you can pull off during the chaos. And I welcome the horror theme. I only hope they take a look at Doom 3, and see that it was ruined by the use of Monster Closets. There needs to be more variety, more logic to the encounters.

And can we please get off this disembodied voice of young girls crap? I did enjoy seeing her walk across a ceiling in the demo, but... enough's enough. Put a bullet into the head of this cliche and come up with something unique.


dark10x said:
Yeah, but have you seen the demonstration? It doesn't look like a standard ol' FPS...
That's great (not sarcastic), but does it have mimes? ;) Seriously, that wasn't what I was arguing. Seeing Monolith choosing a dark and serious tone while we have a ZILLION other FPS doing the same, yet none with the style and humor of NOLF...*sad face* Better replay the first one again, it's been a while.
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