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New? Screens of Monolith's (NOLF devs) FEAR (watch out 56K)

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
hirokazu said:
gah, i'll have to download their download client again...i'll check it out tomorrow i guess.

? Are you a complete member? If so, you dont need DLX, you can change your setting to download directly from their ftp


Fafracer forever
Watched the big video, visually it looks great, and action is frantic (and confusing at times).
But it's also a perfect example of why fast paced action FPS is a terrible mix with so called horror.

The guy murdered at least 20people in first 10 seconds after he lands on the building...
And then he enters an elevator and sees a single slightly mutilated body and is all "oh my god, what happened here?"
I dunno, my actual reaction was "oh wow, here's one he DIDN't kill".

The only thing that's scary in that video is the super efficient killing machine the main character is. Frankly I'd be more scared if I was one of the monsters (or whatever they are). :p


Hahaha, good point Faf, I was smirking at that moment. I would think that Monolith will of course alter the pacing of the battles in the finished product. I would assume they put in more enemies in the demo so as to demonstrate the awesome combat abilities of the lead character (man, the grenade effects are truly nice).
Well, obviously someone is just at efficient at killing people as seen in that one room covered with gallons of blood. :p

The coolest thing I liked in the video are the Predator-type cloaking devices some of the enemies are using. Gives me shades of Perfect Dark. :)
This does look pretty kick ass. I don't care so much about being freaked out... I don't think that works unless a game is set up like System Shock 2, for example... but this looks engrossing and fun.


So, does anyone know if some kind of projected release date was given during E3? I know that it probably won't make it in 2004, but was there any "Winter/Spring 2005" stated?

I keep watching the demo and getting hyped, reminds me of how I watched the Half Life 2 video's way back in 2003 and getting hyped for it.


The Bookerman said:
I want my AVP 3 goddamnit.

It'll never happen now though. Didnt Monolith just get eaten up by WB or some crap like that? I feel your pain brother <goes back to playing AVP2>

I had seen the screens and was like meh ok another FPS, wait its got lots of blood..... Hymmm ok....Still kind of looks like breakdown...... <downloads 13 minute video>

<13:29 later> DUDE wtf that was so freaking awsome oh i cant wait finally a freaking FPS that can make me happy. MAN LOOK at that ai they come through the fucking windows man. OMG and the slow mo wow yeah awsome. DUDE little girl Freaky.... <chimpo scared>


<13:29 later> DUDE wtf that was so freaking awsome oh i cant wait finally a freaking FPS that can make me happy. MAN LOOK at that ai they come through the fucking windows man. OMG and the slow mo wow yeah awsome. DUDE little girl Freaky.... <chimpo scared>

Yep, that about sums up my thoughts after watching it too.

What I really love are the sound effects of the bullets hitting the walls and shattering the glass (and the effects of the glass shattering). If I had my way though I'd add some more environmental damage and maybe some fire effects as well, but I wouldn't want to swamp Monolith with so much "things to do".


If I had my way though I'd add some more environmental damage and maybe some fire effects as well, but I wouldn't want to swamp Monolith with so much "things to do".
It has more enviromental damage then most high profile FPS games out there already.


hehe, don't get me wrong, it definately has a ton of damage (though I think Half Life 2 is supposed to have more), but I aim high for unreasonable effects like grenades taking out huge holes in walls and starting fires on the carpets :p

You know, stuff the developers would go crazy trying to accomplish. :)


They need to work on the blood though. I mean maybe they should be using Elvaan blood or something. I love the blood squirting from the body though that was great. I would just hope that the game doesnt have that "i'm always indoors, why the hell cant i get any fresh air, kind of FPS" Sound was awsome and the use of smoke was great with the shotgun it actually makes it hard to find the enemies through the smoke.

But if they are going for "fear" with a semi horror story like plot then they might need to ramp it up a bit and not add in stupid creatures if this game has stupid monsters in it i will shoot someone. Give me a good phsycological thriller in a FPS and i will be happy.

When is this game coming out anyways?


Anyone else here happen to have seen the game in person at E3? If I'd had known this was on the floor I would have double timed it to Vivendi's booth.

Also, how does the buyout of Monolith by WB possibly affect this project? I hope its not gonna be canned.


Eric-GCA said:
Anyone else here happen to have seen the game in person at E3? If I'd had known this was on the floor I would have double timed it to Vivendi's booth.
I did. It was pretty sweet.

Also, how does the buyout of Monolith by WB possibly affect this project? I hope its not gonna be canned.
won't change anything about the game.


Aha, I found a Q&A that Gamespot conducted with Monolith's CEO Samantha Ryan discussing the aquisition of the developer by WB. There are some nice points that put my little concerns on F.E.A.R. to rest.

GS: Will Warner Bros.' property take precedence over Monolith's original ideas or vice versa?

SR: I wouldn’t say philosophically one takes precedence over the other. It purely depends on the individual product. Both options are exciting for very different reasons. I think it’s really satisfying when you can do both and enjoy the good side of both.

GS: And what about resources? Now that you’re owned by Warner Bros., do you have greater resources to tap? As a result, do you see Monolith growing and more development taking place?

SR: We currently have four projects in development, two of which are public knowledge and two of which have not yet been publicly announced. We have 150 employees, and our goal is to make great games. So in the future, as part of Warner Bros., that goal doesn’t change. Will we grow? It’s hard to say. We may. We will do whatever is best for the company, and we will make sure that we do whatever is best for us to continue to make great games.

GS: Do you already have publishing partners for those two unannounced properties?

SR: Yes. And it’s worth noting that Monolith plans to continue to work with other partners besides Warner Bros. There will be no change in the status of F.E.A.R., which is a project we currently have in development with Vivendi. And there should be no fears that that project is going away. We are superexcited about the game launching next year.


Eric-GCA said:
Wow, finally finished watching the trailer, can't believe I missed that at E3.

It was unfortunately behind closed doors at E3 from what I was told. The PC guy from the site I went with was raving about it but none of the other people had seen it. As much as I am looking forward to this, I'd be lying if I said I wouldnt rather have a NOLF3.
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