I wasnt a Sly Cooper kiddo. Team Blue
I went for Jak and Rachet. Team Green over Team Red.
I went for Jak and Rachet. Team Green over Team Red.
Ratchet and clank riff apart and psychonauts 2 werte two recent cartoony 3d platformers that were awesomsI kind of want a new sly cooper. Miss the cartoon mascot games.
Yes, thank you. Played Ratchet. Haven’t played Pscho2 yet.Ratchet and clank riff apart and psychonauts 2 werte two recent cartoony 3d platformers that were awesoms
A new Infamous would be a much better showcase than sushima 2. Second Son still holds up even compared to current gen stuff.Please, oh fairytale entity that watch all of us from above, let infamous being the main project with tsushima 2 deleyed to the end of the gen, fucking please.
Characters models looks a bit surpassed to me, but the effects of the powers still look good today.A new Infamous would be a much better showcase than sushima 2. Second Son still holds up even compared to current gen stuff.
His method is throwing shit at a wall and seeing what sticks,lets hope this sticks.....Saving this thread so I can come back to it later. On the related threads I see that it's a rehashed rumor from Shpeshal Nick so it's not looking too good.
Please, oh fairytale entity that watch all of us from far above, let infamous being the main project with tsushima 2 deleyed to the end of the gen, fucking please.
I'm guessing either Delsin continued or a new protagonist.The question is what storyline will they go with on a new Infamous game? Cole? Delsin?
Cole, delsin never existed.The question is what storyline will they go with on a new Infamous game? Cole? Delsin?
Cole, delsin never existed.
The second one, also cole is just a better character with a far better story arc.Huh? You mean they really said that? Or you just hate Delsin that much?
We have no idea how long it took them to develop the engine. Also assuming it's PS5 only, their will be far less limitations.There has to be a different dev involved. No way can SP go from taking 5 years to release one new game to having three in production