Yeah...the way he plays is not someone who is a big fan of 2d sonic games. Didnt seem to know the yellow spring has a max height and kept bouncing to try ans get higher lol.
new 2D sonic via cartridge on a portable console in 2016
what is happening
I wonder how the special stages works in this game
It's not a cancelled Sonic CD stage. It's a cancelled stage from Chris Whitehead's port of Sonic CD that he completely made up based on rumors that Sonic CD was planned to have a desert stage based entirely on the fact that this image has a couple of cacti in it:
There was a tiny bit of concept art that came out a few years ago and it wasn't a desert stage (as people theorised for years based on the loading screen map), this also looks virtually nothing like Dust Hill from Sonic 2.
If they can render everything, Sonic included, in 3D then I'll be mad hyped. Do a complete 180º flip on the retro visuals.
Because I always felt that's what the special stages were going for: total 3D, and completely different visuals to the rest of the game.
Yeah I hope they release the demo they have been showing. I would no joke play that demo pretty much non stop till the final release.I'm glad to see the concepts for scrapped stages have finally been reworked into something in a release. I'd love to see Wood Zone, Genocide City Zone, or even Sonic 2's Hidden Palace Zone get molded into something that will appear in Sonic Mania. The wait for this game is going to kill me. I need a demo NOW
I'm glad to see the concepts for scrapped stages have finally been reworked into something in a release. I'd love to see Wood Zone, Genocide City Zone, or even Sonic 2's Hidden Palace Zone get molded into something that will appear in Sonic Mania. The wait for this game is going to kill me. I need a demo NOW
Sonic 2's HPZ already showed up in the iOS/Android remaster. (And it owns.)
Why the hell the definitive edition of Sonic 2 is a mobile exclusive baffles me to this very day. Especially since in the past Sega has put Sonic 2 on anything that can possibly run the game.Sonic 2's HPZ already showed up in the iOS/Android remaster. (And it owns.)
Why the hell the definitive edition of Sonic 2 is a mobile exclusive baffles me to this very day. Especially since in the past Sega has put Sonic 2 on anything that can possibly run the game.
SEGA actually bothered to port the new version of SONIC CD to consoles. I always wondered what was the reason for not doing it with SONIC 1 and 2.
I'm so glad we finally gotDust Hill Desert Dazzlea desert level in some form.
I'm so glad we finally gotDust Hill Desert Dazzlea desert level in some form.
Burro-bot.Okay, badniks time!
Here we have a donkey with a bumper for a saddle. I would call this guy Burrowbot, but that's a Sonic 1 enemy. It rolls around and if it sees you it revs up and tries to charge you like the Rhinobots from Sonic 3 and the bumper reminds me of Crawl from Casino Night Zone.
It can be Sonic 4man if only this was Sonic 4 instead
new 2D sonic via cartridge on a portable console in 2016
what is happening
What's up with the screen door effect in this video?
Are they playing with some kind of video filter on or does the whole game look like this?
There are confirmed to be CRT filter options. This footage is using one.
They mention it in the video too.
Sonic CD levels confirmed.
Please for the love of God, no Wacky Workbench
Please, please,PLEASE
No hard copy release means I just can't get on board. Such a wasted opportunity with the physical collector's edition that includes a code.
I'd be fine with that. That was like, the only good level in CD.Yes, yes! Now bring it over to Switch.
I hope we get Stardust Speedway if we get a Sonic CD level.
A poor video in that respect. Scanlines don't play well on YouTube and they didn't even bother uploading at 60fps. Disappointing.There are confirmed to be CRT filter options. This footage is using one.
They mention it in the video too.
So she confirmed there's 7 remixed Zones. There's 14 levels right there since assuming all have 2 acts. Assuming there's 7 new zones that's 24 levels. Let's throw in that there's probably two smaller hidden zones when you get all the chaos emeralds, that's 26.
It just looks absolutely, unconditionally great! No Sonic game has looked this good since 1994, with the exception of the ace mobile ports of Sonic 1/2/CD and the sadly-abandoned PlaySega Sonic Maker from seven years ago.
My only regret, is that it isn't called Sonic The Hedgehog 4.
I absolutely cannot wait to play this!
A fun one, thoSandopolis?