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New teasers for SCORN and inXile’s Next-Gen Unreal Engine 5 RPG


Tag, you're it.

Earlier today, Microsoft announced that it will hold an Xbox and Bethesda Games Showcase on June 12th. And, following that announcement, Ebb Software and inXile teased their upcoming games that will be featured in it.

Ebb Software shared a teaser video for its H.R. Giger-inspired game, SCORN. On the other hand, inXile Entertainment shared a screenshot from its next-gen Unreal Engine 5 RPG.

SCORN is an atmospheric first-person shooter. In SCORN, every location will contain its own theme (story), puzzles and characters that are integral in creating a cohesive world.
Throughout the game players will open up new areas. Players will also acquire different skill sets, weapons, various items and try to comprehend the sights presented to them.

Unfortunately, we don’t have any details to share about inXile’s RPG. We only know that it will be using Unreal Engine 5, and will target next-gen platforms. This RPG will not come out anytime soon though.

It's The Bard's Tale IV as confirmed by Inxile themselves
inXile Entertainment Next-Gen Unreal Engine 5 RPG

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Gold Member
Scorn seems to always be the same despite having been in development for 20 years. Does it have a release date yet?

And the screenshot of the other thing... Very bland and generic looking. DeS Remake looks better (being another next gen only game with similar environments).


Scorn will fill in for Metroid Prime like Tunic filled on for top down Zelda.
Say what now? Metroid Prime is one of the best games ever made, like of all time! Scorn on the other hand is a glorified art project (an uninspired one at that) which they turned into a 'game'. It appears about as fun to 'play' as watching paint dry and if it scores more than a 5 or 6 on Metacritic I'll eat my hat.
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Gold Member
At some point they're gonna show, like.. you know, actual interesting gameplay, right?


Yeah I remember finding out about it when they were sponsoring the EZA podcast and thinking it looked nice, but at this point I'm pretty sure it will suck.
It has been in development for like 8 years and they have never shown any interesting gameplay. Every single showing basically boils down to "boy, isn't our H.R Giger inspired art direction cool?"

Mister Wolf

Say what now? Metroid Prime is one of the best games ever made, like of all time! Scorn on the other hand is a glorified art project (an uninspired one at that) which they turned into a 'game'. It appears about as fun to 'play' as watching paint dry and if it scores more than a 5 or 6 on Metacritic I'll eat my hat.

Microsoft has a good eye for indies. See The Ascent and Tunic for example.
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This is the last time I click on a post with Scorn on the title.

Everytime there is absolutely nothing, like that video pissed me off.


Guaranteed it'll be all style and no substance.

Actually I'll go further than that, it'll probably end up being a complete and utter turd of a game.


Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
Originally, I was really excited for this game because the visuals and the atmosphere are amazing, but with every trailer I have seen since then it looks like there is very little game to go with the spectacular art. Hopefully it's good but I have a lot of doubt.


Yes. They wouldn't do it if they didn't see value. This game is in the same position as Tunic. A passion project thats taking longer than expected and Microsoft is not rushing them.
Yeah Microsoft gave them the money to finish the game and release the game as one complete game. The orig idea was they were going to release the game in 2 halfs, but Microsoft gave them the money to complete it as one game. Thats why its took so long to come.
They are like 10 devs or something. Still people can dismiss the game but its still high on my wishlist. As a Giger fanboy this is like gaming porn.

Mister Wolf

Yeah Microsoft gave them the money to finish the game and release the game as one complete game. The orig idea was they were going to release the game in 2 halfs, but Microsoft gave them the money to complete it as one game. Thats why its took so long to come.
They are like 10 devs or something. Still people can dismiss the game but its still high on my wishlist. As a Giger fanboy this is like gaming porn.

Has any other sci-fi games used this kind of artstyle/world before where the technological advancement of the civilization is biological based and not mechanical? Reminds me of the Yuuzhan Vong from Star Wars fiction or Species 8472 from Star Trek.
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Buggy Loop

I’m totally in for Scorn.

Peoples with short attention spans who are looking for the next COD will probably think the trailers have no gameplay, nothing « cinematic », but fuck that. To me it could play like Mist for all I care, I want to explore that creepy alien world.

Reminds me of Dark seed, I have no mouth and I must scream and Tormentum. Can’t a game be it’s own thing without needing to be the next « killer » thing?
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Tag, you're it.
If anyone needed confirmation, SCORN will most likely coming to PS5 at a later date. Note the wording:

Has any other sci-fi games used this kind of artstyle/world before where the technological advancement of the civilization is biological based and not mechanical? Reminds me of the Yuuzhan Vong from Star Wars fiction or Species 8472 from Star Trek.
I would say Prey (2006) is a good candidate if my memory is good. But other than that it's old games like Contra.
And Quake 4 was cool too

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The Cockatrice

Gold Member
At some point they're gonna show, like.. you know, actual interesting gameplay, right?


So true. Jesus it's been so many years and it's supposedly coming out later this year and they still have nothing to show for it. I'm more than certain this will be a huge flop.


Scorn isn't my cup of tea, I like fast paced games more, and I severely dislike horror games, but being on gamepass I'm going to download and give it a try

Anything inXile makes has my attention after wasteland tho
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