Mango The Magician
Well I mean traveling to Mars, and Europa, and so on in a efficient manner is still cool, but man there's so much out there, it's a shame that even with this it's still cut off from us.In Star Trek terms this would be the Impulse Engine.
It's great for local transport but to get to another star system you still want some sort of warp drive.
Well this is true, and hopefully we will have bettered the technology, it's just daunting and a bit depressing how big space is.By the time we send manned missions to every corner of our solar system using this EM technology, we may very well have developed a better technology that could cut the trip time down.
Probably won't happen in our lifetimes, but still pretty exciting. We could theoretically send a probe out in the direction of Voyager and pass it in only a couple years.
Someone please invent immortality. X(This is forgetting the need to stop. Calculating that into the trajectory would be additional 32 years.