New Themes, Paypal Payments, and A Gold-Exclusive Surprise


When I opened the page and light theme was turned back on

My Eyes Pain GIF


I'm running the new dark theme. I like it.

Is there anyway to see how many times you have replied to a thread like you could a few years ago?


Gold Member
Just one minor issue, when I load the site the top banner is slightly cut. The thread width is fine, just the banner like this:


So I have to pinch out to zoom slightly to see the full banner


But then it has a weird cutoff and the thread width is slightly smaller than the screen


Round avatars don't seem to be working anymore. And I can't find the PayPal option. Have I turned blind or is that implemented later today?


Gold Member
Love the new look.

Just encountered one issue: I couldn't highlight a quote in a previously posted post (I just wanted to italicize it).
Some of the upper ads(at least the large ones) seem to have the thread title text clipping into them. With the specific ad image below it's fine, but when I first loaded the page it was an ad that matched the color of the text which essentially cut off the top of the letters.



Said this elsewhere, but: When I loaded the site, I thought my browser cookies got randomly deleted for the second time in as many days.

Both dark themes seem pretty good. Might stick with classic though just because it feels a bit more readable on desktop for me. Site is very wide for sure. Will also take some getting used to.


It looks cool, good job guys. I was too lazy to visit non-gaming forums(plus hot/new etc.), now they are much more accessible(at least for me :messenger_grinning_sweat: ).


New dark theme is definitely a great addition but I'm gonna be honest, I'm not a fan that everything is aligned on the left.
It feels very unnatural to read on my monitor with so much empty space in the middle.


Maybe I need to get used to it but an option to stick back the navigation menu on the left and recenter the threads would be great.
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