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New(?) Unreal 3 Pics







Well yeah, it's just the Unreal 3.0 engine, not Unreal 3. No idea if they've started an actual Unreal game based off this or not, but my guess would be that they haven't since they stated they're working on a brand new IP.


That's one mother of an engine. Now they just need to fire all their character artists. Man, those look like stuff I drew in 5th grade (imagination-wise, not quality).


That looks INSANE. Like I've said it before, if the next-gen of consoles pump out this kind of visuals I'd be more than satisfied.


The trees look extremely good. I wonder if we'll get leaves that blow in the wind in the next generation. Small touches like that would go a looong way to adding graphical flair in a game.


Count of Concision
HOLY CRAP @ those pics! :O

Man, the foliage and subtle depth of field/lighting effect on the outdoor scenes look incredible, and the models are likewise awesome. Just...wow.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
-=::[Eagle-Vision]::=- said:
Just copy the URL and paste it on the address bar.

You try it and tell us if it works...go on, we'll wait.


I can only see the pic in newbies's post. :(

Newbie said:
here is a idea of what they should look like


This looks awesome. :)

I don't mean to be the pessimist though, but I'm not too sure if we'll see graphics with that quality next console generation. It just seems to be too big of a jump from the current state. Can the tech-savvy folks here shed light on what could we see next generation? I'm talking about Revolution, PS3, and Xenon. I mean those consoles could do those graphics perhaps, but will it be possible with physics, AI, etc.. ?
I don't mean to be the pessimist though, but I'm not too sure if we'll see graphics with that quality next console generation. It just seems to be too big of a jump from the current state. Can the tech-savvy folks here shed light on what could we see next generation? I'm talking about Revolution, PS3, and Xenon. I mean those consoles could do those graphics perhaps, but will it be possible with physics, AI, etc.. ?

I wouldn't worry about that. The next generation will be capable of even more impressive stuff.


Junior Member



I was so impressed with this Munch screen when they released it..
Munch wins, still looking fantastic, better art..
Looks ok. But the game could use some people with large eyes,spiked hair,along with a fruity color palette.

The games art is lacking.
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