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New videogame series on Spike


Spotted this program blurb in the tv book. Starts this Thursday at 11:30PM eastern/10:30PM Central.


"That's "V" as in "video"; Whenever a computer game seems to be the industry's state-of-the-art offering, another one inevitably comes along to raise the bar even higher. Premiering here, this series keeps tabs on the latest developments in the business---and also features reviews of other games on the market,as well as "classics" that got many consumers and marketers involved in the first place."
Considering how aweful their VG awards show was I don't have much hope in this new show. Oh and I bet what they mean by "Classics" refer to the PS1 era for the most part where gaming became "cool".


dont they know taking a rather nerdy hobby and adding stupid sexual connotations behind it only makes it more nerdy... who the fuck thinks thats cool...ooo look video games and sex!!!!111


go eat paint
I wish Spike would just show non-stop episodes of Most Extreme Challenge. I can't get enough of Kenny Blankenship's painful eliminations of the day.
Mr_Furious said:
Considering how aweful their VG awards show was I don't have much hope in this new show. Oh and I bet what they mean by "Classics" refer to the PS1 era for the most part where gaming became "cool".


evil ways said:
The show will probably be entirely based around EA games, WWE games, and Tony Hawk, just wait.

Also true.

evil ways

Megat0n said:

You know, the idea of a video game reality show where fanboys from different consoles and companies get stuck together in a house, taped 24/7 while trying to keep it real, wouldn't be so bad.

Disputes over sales numbers, review scores, man I can already imagine the drama and hilarity that would ensue....

"Hi my name's Gary, I'm 20 years old and I'm from Seattle, Nintendo capital of the world, that's right ya'll. I've been in a serious Nintendo relationship for as far as I can remember holding a D-pad in my hands and it's a relationship based on loyalty and commitment"

Then 2 weeks into the show we get this video on the confessional of him crying cause he fucked up and while he was drunk he picked up a PS2 controller, played GTA and loved it.


The Motorcycle That Wouldn't Slow Down
evil ways said:
The show will probably be entirely based around EA games, WWE games, and Tony Hawk, just wait.

considering the too-many uses of the words 'industry,' 'business' and 'market' in that description, that sounds like a fair assertion.
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